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Post  RedMagma Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:04 pm



February 21, 2008 -- TAMPA - Derek Jeter arrived at his 16th Yankees New York Yankees spring training yesterday labeled the worst shortstop in the majors by some statistical braniacs over at Penn.

"Maybe it was a computer glitch," the three-time Gold Glove winner said of the report. But Jeter just didn't laugh this one off. He defended himself, saying, "Every [shortstop] doesn't stay in the same spot, everyone doesn't have the same pitching. Everyone doesn't have the same hitters running, it's impossible to do that."

Jeter, 33, pointed out you can get the exact same ground ball off the exact same pitcher and there could be an average runner or there could be Ichiro running. "How can you compute that?" he asked.

You can't. That's one reason Yankees senior advisor Gene Michael was infuriated by the University of Pennsylvania report.

"Something like that is a disgrace," the scout said. "It made me ill when I read that article. First of all, what pitching staff was out there? Each team has a different staff. Derek doesn't really have a sinkerball pitching staff whereas other shortstops, you sit behind certain pitchers, you're going to get a lot of ground balls.

"You simply can't do that by those charts, that's a bunch of baloney," Michael added. "It's disgraceful. You have to use a scout's eye to determine range."

What about Jeter's range now in his 13th major league season?

"It's not as good as it was, but it's not bad," Michael said. "You might put some people ahead of him range-wise, but that doesn't mean they are better shortstops. Look how sure-handed he is, look how clutch he is. That makes up for a lot."

Baseball is not a game of just numbers, and though it could be a transitional year with the young pitchers, Jeter said he is excited the direction the Yankees have taken. He was young once in 1996, and it worked out pretty well.

Call this edition of the Yankees "The Captain & the Kids."

"I'm excited about this team, I'm excited about the kids," Jeter said. "This reminds me of 1996 a little bit with me and Mo [Rivera] and [Jorge] Posada was in and out. I can relate to the kids. We'll see how it plays out. It's going to be interesting."

Jeter said he isn't too worried about the value of experience.

"We've lost to some inexperienced people in the playoffs and we've been experienced, so I really think sometimes that experience is overrated.

"The best teams make the playoffs, the hottest team wins."

Jeter said he is happy Alex Rodriguez is back and admitted he did not think Rodriguez would return after he opted out.

"Alex is as good as they come," Jeter said. "Without him, you'd have to have four or five guys replace him in the lineup."

On the first day the Yankees did a lot more running and Jeter pointed out there probably will be more small ball under Joe Girardi. He remains close to Joe Torre, his manager the last 12 seasons.

"I missed him when we were running," Jeter said with a smile.

It's a good thing Jeter jazzed up his offseason regimen.

"Workout-wise I switched up a little bit," Jeter said. "I focused on agility, legs, first step and lateral movement. I really made some adjustments. I feel a lot quicker. I'm moving around a lot better."

Jeter said it is hard for him to gain weight and that in the past, he would try to come to camp as heavy as possible because he would lose so much weight during the season.

"This year I just said, 'You know what, this is what I am and I might as well just work with what I got and try to get stronger,'" said Jeter, who was listed at 195 pounds last season. "I came in 3 pounds less than last year, but I have a lot more tone and I'm leaner. I worked on all kinds of stuff - jumps, first step and a lot of explosive stuff. Hopefully it will all pay off."

Come October, the Captain is hoping it's 1996 all over again


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