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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:36 am

The Santana situation has nothing to do with the Twins' ability to pay him. The Yankees are paying for their new stadium and Pohlad is having one provided to him by the Minnesota tax payers. CBS used to run the Yankees like Pohlad but Steinbrenner came in and with a $10M investment turned the team back into what it should have always been. For the record Carl Pohlad is valued at $2.6B and George is half that at $1.3B. Remember that Pohlad is the guy that asked a once fellow owner and commissioner (that he loaned $300M) to contract his successful franchise and compensate him at about $100M more than market value with money from the other owners. When this failed he refused to sell the franchise to anyone that didn't wnat to elliminate it. To Pohlad baseball is just one of many investments and to Steinbrenner it is high stakes gambling for rich people (this is how owners should view their franchises). George could have failed and lost his investment but he plays the game different than most. Most owners should be ashamed of themselves.


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:41 am

sn L_b0e272355cef4e8769b99d92af2aafab


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sn Empty Twins Back Down On Santana Demand

Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 7:51 am

Twins Back Down On Santana Demand


Murray Chass reports this morning that the Twins have scaled back their demands for Johan Santana, at least with the Yankees. He says they are now willing to substitute Jeff Marquez for Ian Kennedy. So the Yankees would have to give up Phil Hughes, Melky Cabrera, and Marquez (not sure if any others would be involved). Marquez is a 23 year-old Double A righty who probably does not fall within the Yankees' top ten prospects. He seems a more reasonable demand than Kennedy.

Chass adds that the Yanks would be hit by luxury tax if they acquired and extended Santana. For example, a five-year, $100MM deal would result in a constant $7.5MM annually in luxury tax. This does not seem to bother the Yankees.

Nick Cafardo wrote a few days ago that the Red Sox are standing pat with an offer of Coco Crisp, Jon Lester, Justin Masterson, and Jed Lowrie for Santana


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:28 am

isn't this old news, Tim? I recall reading an article you linked here a couple weeks ago that Twins were willing to take Hughes, Marquez, Melky, and Hilligoss, but Cashman didn't want to do it.

Posted by: zs190 | December 26, 2007 at 09:03 AM

That is a good point, I added that to the post. Not sure what the deal is, really.

Posted by: Tim Dierkes | December 26, 2007 at 09:25 AM


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:40 am

From an Idiot Redsox Fan

Bottom line-
Sox end up with Santana. I think the Twins front office can see the better package here...

referring to Coco Crisp, Jon Lester, Justin Masterson, and Jed Lowrie for Santana.

The Boston package is better than The Yankees? Is this a Joke?

Hughes, Cabrera, Marquez, and Mitch Hilligoss


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:47 am

From an Idiot Redsox Fan


Bottom line-
Sox end up with Santana. I think the Twins front office can see the better package here...

referring to Coco Crisp, Jon Lester, Justin Masterson, and Jed Lowrie for Santana.

The Boston package is better than The Yankees? Is this a Joke?

Hughes, Cabrera, Marquez, and Mitch Hilligoss

This was written by Obnoxious and Arrogant Redsox Fan?


No, You Should Be A Yankees Fan

In order to explain this story, I'll have to first provide a small bit of background information. I come from a very large family which is about 90% Red Sox fans. My grandfather raised his five children to be Red Sox fans, and in turn those children have raised almost all of their thirty or so children to be Red Sox fans. There is one exception.

One of my uncles has never been a large baseball fan so he didn't really instill Red Sox allegiance in any of his kids. And so only one of his sons has grown up to become a Red Sox fan while the other son roots for the Yankees. Most of us live in New York so that's nothing out of the ordinary.

The two sons, on opposite sides of the rivalry are around the ages of sixteen and seven. The older is a Red Sox fan while the younger prefers the Yankees. At our Christmas gathering earlier today, the elder son was picking on his younger brother. He was telling him how the Yankees are slowly falling apart year by year, and how if he wants to enjoy a team he should switch over to the Red Sox.

So what did I do? I told the younger kid, "no, you should be a Yankees fan." I explained how the Yankees have an incredible history and no one should be ashamed to root for them. Then I said how the team you grow up rooting for is sacred. Once you pick a team, you should stick with them because one of the greatest things in baseball is the loyalty their fans typically display towards their teams.

And I truly believe that. I'm not sure how much my younger cousin understood of what I said, given his age. But I've never been one to try to "convert" people to being Red Sox fans. Have I influenced a few formal girlfriends to root for the "good guys"? Sure, but I let them choose on their own whether or not to follow baseball and most of them have chosen to support my love of the Red Sox, often becoming involved in the team themselves.

It's a love of the game that matters most, before allegiances to any team. At least that's what I've always believed.

According to Boston Redsox Fans that The reason why They're root for Sox because They're good guys and Yankees are Bad guys. Are you kidding me? Larry "Lucifer" Lucchinno is the devil himself. The Redsox payroll are second in baseball . Redsox Fans are stupid by pointing fingers at Yankees, The Redsox are Also a Bad Guys in Baseball. Welcome to Darkside Redsox Fans. New Evil Empire and Yankees Wannabees.Bunch of copycats.


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:06 am

If anything they're scaling back simply to drive the price back up later. They want the Yankees to either get committed to getting Santana again or they want them to get involved enough to put some pressure on the Sox. The BoSox have just been sitting pretty for the last couple weeks.

Anyways, my prediction is that the Sox get him for the Lester package or MAYBE if the twins are successful in putting enough pressure on the Sox, a fifth player will be added in. The fifth player won't be anything in the farm's top 10 though. He'd probably be some kind of decent A/AA position player.

Just my 2 cents anyways.

Posted by: gfulla | December 26, 2007 at 10:56 AM


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:08 am

good old reliable murray chass


The Yankees’ go-slow approach stems from their ambivalence over whether they want to keep Phil Hughes and a younger pitching prospect, Jeffrey Marquez, or have Santana pitch at the head of their rotation.

At one point, the Twins were said to be holding out for Hughes and Ian Kennedy, another of the Yankees’ attractive triumvirate of major league-ready young pitchers (the untouchable Joba Chamberlain being the third), but the Yankees wouldn’t give up both, so the Twins asked instead for Marquez, a 23-year-old right-hander.

Last season, his fourth in the minors, Marquez had a 15-9 record and 3.65 earned run average for Class AA Trenton.
A little background on Marquez: http://www.thebaseballcube.com/players/M/J...Marquez-1.shtml

A first round pick out of JC in 2004, he's made slow progress in developing command of his four pitches. In terms of raw stuff, he is extremely similar to Brandon Webb. From my own observations, his biggest issue is command of his curveball. At times when he is on he can rack up the Ks as well as groundballs (with a very good changeup and 90-95 sinker), but more often than not his curveball command is spotty. His strikeout rate dropped in AA, but his walk rate continues to improve. He has the upside to be a front-line type starter if he makes the correct adjustments, but its far from a sure thing. Kennedy is clearly a better prospect but his upside is not the same.

If the report is true, its going to come down to giving up Hughes. I'd rather play my cards with the youth rather than making another trade for a merc and throwing down another ridiculous contract....even if it means Boston getting Santana. I dont think Johan is as sure of a thing as some make him out to be going forward

From the BA article back in June: Here's scouting report on Jeff Marquez and Alan Horne

Jeff Marquez, rhp, Trenton

Marquez and Alan Horne both have the best pure stuff in the Trenton rotation, and no scout would go out on a limb to give either one an edge at this point. Marquez, a supplemental first-rounder in 2004, has a live arm that consistently produces 94-95 mph four-seamers. His sinker is even better, though both his curveball and changeup lag behind the other two offerings right now.

"He's got a real quick arm and works very fast, good rhythm," a scout from an American League club said. "His curveball is a little too soft, too loopy at times. He can really get around it and doesn't have the consistency you might think. But he's a power arm with an awful lot of upside. He could really be a groundball machine."

Through 65 innings for the Thunder, Marquez was 7-3, 2.62.

Alan Horne, rhp, Trenton

An 11th-round pick out of Florida, Horne has come into his own this season, dominating EL hitters and going 5-3, 2.67 with 75 strikeouts in 64 innings. The 24-year-old righthander can throw strikes with two plus pitches: a 92-96 mph fastball with excellent late life and a hard curveball. Horne's changeup has been his most improved pitch this season, and is a major reason why he was second in the EL in strikeouts.

"He can sometimes get a little too long in the back with his arm action--he'll fly open on the front side and the arm will drag behind," another scout from an AL club said. "But he's a very good arm with explosive life on the fastball and his changeup was one of the best ones I saw in that league this season."

Last edited by on Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:25 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:09 am

At one point, the Twins were said to be holding out for Hughes and Ian Kennedy, another of the Yankees’ attractive triumvirate of major league-ready young pitchers (the untouchable Joba Chamberlain being the third), but the Yankees wouldn’t give up both, so the Twins asked instead for Marquez, a 23-year-old right-hander.

Source: NY Times


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:11 am

.5 MM annually in luxury tax doesn't seem so bad when you consider the Yankees won't be paying approx 32 mil to guys like Giambi,Pavano and Mussina anymore.
sa1177 Post #3: 11:50 am Quote | Report Violation
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Book it Cashman....if this is true bring us a belated X-mas present in the Bronx.

blg4167 Post #4: 12:00 pm Quote | Report Violation
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Redsox' prospect Justin Masterson- 54 games started, 12-8, 153 inn,152 H, ERA 4.33.

Along with Jon Lester, Lowrie and Crisp- I can't see how the Twins would prefer this package over the Yankees' Hughes and Horne / Marquez, Melky and another prospect. I guess the Twins don't believe they need to improve their pitching after they give up Santana. lol


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:53 am

Typical Mets Fans complaining and whining about Yankees and Redsox are only have to deal three- four prospects in return for Johan.


mlbtraderumors.com has a link that says the twins have lowered their price in regards to the yankees. they are willing to substitute Jeff Marquez for Ian Kennedy. so the trade is looking like Hughes, Cabrera, and Marquez(whoever that is), and maybe one more prospect for Santana. And the mets still need about 11 prospects, aaron heilman,and reyes for santana. i dont get it

Well, what’s not to get? Phil Hughes is a proven 20-game winner with 300 win potential. He is a solid ace that goes 200 innings every year. He is a lock for the Hall of Fame and any team would trade anyone, short of Alex Rodriguez for this guy.

He is the best pitcher to come through the Yankees ranks since Brien Taylor did. In fact, they are from the same state, Georgia. Judging by Taylor’s success, one could see why the Twins are so enamored with this guy. His pedigree speaks for itself and he is a “can’t miss” prospect in the true sense of the word.

Unless he pulls a hammy.

I know our prospects are not highly touted by seemingly anyone but why does it seem like the Fanks and Red Sox can offer 3 guys for Santana while the Mets would need to offer 7 prospects plus naming rights for Citi Field? Is Ellsbury that much better than Gomez? Is Lester all that good in the first place? I do agree with the gentleman about Phil Hughes. Obviously the guy is a Hall of Famer. Him and Joba, they are the modern equivalent of Tom Seaver and Sandy Koufax. The Fankee propaganda machine has all its parts whirring and people just eat it up.

Listen, there is no denying that Phil Hughes looks like he is going to be a very good pitcher. All time great like Santana? No.

By designating these guys as untouchable, the Yanks “propoganda machine” increases their value. When a trade oppurtunity like this comes along, they can move him. I love the fact that they are going to spend $500MM this offseason. It’s great. Because when they fall on their faces in October, they will go out and add Texeira (6yrs, $110MM) and whatever other big ticket free agents there are.

Let them get Santana. Sox are still the better team as long as A-Rod wears his Jack Parkman sunglasses.


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:54 am

Typical Mets Fans are whining that Yankees and Redsox only have to deal 3-4 prospects in return for Santana..

Mets pitching prospects stinks such Pelfrey and Humber. Their value went down.....


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:02 am

Mets aren’t getting a front line starter anyways. This entire offseason is a snoozer. It comes down to not having the chips, and/or no one available.

The Mets will be heading into 2008 a worse team than they were in 2007. The problem with the Mets is that they are way too concerned with image, whats proper, whats PC for the kiddies. Unfortunately that doesn’t win ball games. Go head and tell me Manny being Manny upsets fans in Boston while hes smoking the ball into New Hampshire. The Wilpons will never wise up and learn. You go after the guys that win for you…not that they make rap albums on the side. Winning cures everything. Period.

And Omar can go ahead and “clean up” the team all he wants…but its not a great team at all. Right now they are an 80 win team, in a subpar league and division. I see no reason to be any more optimistic about 2008. The rotation is still a disaster and if it stays the same….will continue to be a disaster throughout the 2008 season.

But hey, what does Wilpon care….he’s got a new stadium coming. Who needs to win championships.


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Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:08 am

If you were Jets would you draft Darren Mcfadden at pick #3 or Chris Long? I'm afraid that Pats might draft Mcfadden if Jets don't draft him. What are your thoughts Mel?


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sn Empty Payroll coming off the books after 2008

Post  RedMagma Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:10 am

Payroll coming off the books after 2008

Giambi-23.5 million

Abreu- 15.6 million

Pettitte- 16 Million

Mussina- 11 Million

Pavano- 10 Million

Farnsworth 5.6 Million

Hawkins 3.6 Million

That is 85.3 Million coming off the books after this season...


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