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Rebuilding Falcons piece by piece

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Rebuilding Falcons piece by piece Empty Rebuilding Falcons piece by piece

Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 10:16 am

Rebuilding Falcons piece by piece
QB tops list of needs


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 12/31/07


This will be the most important forthcoming personnel decision, by far. Will Atlanta try and trade for Donovan McNabb or J.P. Losman? Will it draft and build around Brian Brohm or Matt Ryan? Veteran Chris Redman proved worthy of getting re-signed, at worst as a backup. Joey Harrington and Byron Leftwich are capable backups, although Leftwich could get a shot to start elsewhere

Running back

Warrick Dunn wants to play again. Whether a new staff wants to go another round with him or build around a younger player could be determined if Atlanta gets the third pick in the draft and has a shot at Arkansas' Darren McFadden. Jerious Norwood is signed through 2009.


If tight end Alge Crumpler's problematic knees can heal in the offseason, he is still one of the top players at his position in the NFC. If the problems are chronic, his future in Atlanta could become cloudy. Wide receiver Roddy White emerged as the team's No. 1. Rookie Laurent Robinson could blossom into another standout at wide receiver. Both players were coups for the embattled personnel department, led by McKay and Billy Devaney. More help is needed, though, but it is not the highest priority.

Offensive line

Center Todd McClure just finished his 10th season but he's solid. Right tackle Tyson Clabo, at worst, is a vital backup. Left tackle Wayne Gandy, 34, had a season-ending knee injury and he could be done. Right tackle Todd Weiner also had season-ending knee surgery. His recovery could help the Falcons address other needs along the line. If his knee is problematic, building the offensive line could be a major project. Right guard Kynan Forney had a sub-par year and is entering the final year of his contract. Rookie left guard Justin Blalock struggled but he should be better for it.


Michael Koenen was solid as the punter and kickoff specialist. The Falcons need to get their placekicking situation right after two years of blowing it early in the season and calling on Morten Andersen to salvage mistakes. Andersen has shown he's still accurate and reliable. He wants to play until he's 50. Unless he shows otherwise, why not bring him back?

Defensive line

Right end John Abraham showed how good he could be when healthy. Rookie left end Jamaal Anderson needs work this offseason. Anderson went 16 games without a sack, even when Abraham repeatedly chased quarterbacks in his direction. Tackles Rod Coleman and Trey Lewis are coming off major injuries. Lewis has tremendous potential and Coleman is a stud when — and that's a big when — he's healthy.


Strongside linebacker Michael Boley should be signed to a contract extension soon after blossoming into the most versatile player on the team. Weaksider Demorrio Williams could be allowed to walk via free agency. If the Falcons can find a solid middle linebacker, Keith Brooking could be moved to his natural spot on the weakside. Rookie Stephen Nicholas also is a promising weaksider. Brooking's situation could be interesting. He's owed nearly $5 million next season and could be asked to take a pay cut.


Cornerback DeAngelo Hall is entering a contract year and he has already said he wants to sign an extension before next season. Atlanta could survey trade options for Hall. Though Hall has alienated a lot of fans, he's still a young, high caliber corner, which is hard to come by. Strong safety Lawyer Milloy has a year left on his contract and is still effective on the field and in the locker room. Free safety Chris Crocker is a free agent. The Falcons could let him walk and address the position in free agency or the draft. Maybe Jimmy Williams could finally prove that he's an NFL player and take over the vacant free safety spot.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:28 am

Raiders, Falcons, Chiefs to decide draft order with coin flip

Associated Press

Updated: December 31, 2007, 5:21 PM ET


NEW YORK -- Atlanta, Kansas City and Oakland are involved in a complicated coin flip scenario to decide the third, fourth and fifth picks in the NFL draft in April.

The first pick will go to Miami (1-15) and the second to St. Louis (3-13).

Then come the Falcons, Raiders and Chiefs, teams that finished 4-12 and tied in the strength of schedule factor. The New York Jets, who also had a 4-12 record, will pick sixth because they played a stronger schedule, one of the determining factors in the draft order.

The Falcons, Chiefs and Raiders all had the same strength of schedule -- they played teams that finished with a winning percentage of .516 compared to .523 for Jets' opponents.

Because the Chiefs finished third in the AFC West with a better record in common games over the Raiders, Oakland will draft ahead of them.

So the Falcons and Raiders will flip a coin for the third spot. If Atlanta wins, it will pick third followed by Oakland and Kansas City. If Oakland wins the toss, then the Chiefs and Falcons will flip for the fourth spot.

New England, which finished the regular season 16-0, will pick seventh, having obtained the pick from San Francisco during last April's draft. The Patriots, however, will not have their own pick toward the end of the first because it was taken away by commissioner Roger Goodell after they were caught taping the Jets' signals in the opening game of the season.

The draft will run from April 26-27.

Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:31 am

BC Beneke says:

January 1st, 2008 at 1:08 am

This is dangerous for Clemens.

If he is somehow found guilty after this it will 100% destroy his entire career.

If he did do the HGH, take steroids of anything else… if he were to admit it and talk about how much he loved pitching, and wanted to be the best pitcher ever, and after seeing the batters taking it he did what he felt he had to in order to combat that… I think the world would forgive him. We’d not think of him as the greatest pitcher ever anymore, but we’d forgive him, and he’d have his legacy.

Now if he is caught, or found out to be lying… he’s done 22 years of magnificence wasted. A whole generation of baseball tarnished… his would be worse than Bonds because the Bonds witch hunt was on long before the steroids… he was the most hated player in baseball for a long time at that point already…

Clemens is setting himself up and would bring baseball down even further if he’s guilty.

And if he’s innocent… he will destroy the Mitchell report, and give the players’ union so much more strength… we will see the 70 homer seasons, and the relievers with 85-100 appearances a season again…

BC Beneke says:

January 1st, 2008 at 1:21 am

The Red Sox have 2 offers on the table.

Ellsbury, Lowrie, Masterson and a 4th prospect

Lester, Crisp, Masterson, and a prospect

That prospect has believed to be Bowden or Moss.

Ellsbury deal is the best deal that has been offered by anyone so far.

Hughes is a stud. Don’t get me wrong, but the Twins have 21 starting pitchers right now, and while Hughes is an ACE… I think the Twins have a few really top flight pitchers in the minors and we aren’t going to be ready until 2010.

And I would take Crisp over Cabrera, but I don’t like Crisp.

The Twins need a leadoff hitter that can play CF. Ellsbury is that guy, or we trade with the Yankees

How about you keep Hughes and do this one?

Kennedy, Igawa, Jackson, and Wordekemper

roundabout says:

January 1st, 2008 at 1:23 am

Roger Clemens already has categorically denied ever taking HGH, steroids or any performance enhancing drugs. He has not left himself any wiggle room. So he’s stuck. I am not sure one can prove he did or he didn’t. As far as I know, it’s his word against Brian McNamee.
Clemens, as the poet once wrote, has not gone quietly into the night.

BC Beneke says:

January 1st, 2008 at 1:35 am

Nor do I want him to if he’s innocent.

I just have a hard time believing anyone’s innocent. If players like Brian Roberts and Fernando Vina were juicing… then I wonder about the Brady Anderson, Luis Gonzalez, Adrian Beltre’s, and when I see how many pitchers in the 90’s were throwing in 75-90 games consistantly… I wonder…

so I personally say he’s a hall of famer even if he was having 12 year olds inject him on the mound before games… he threw the ball better than anyone… period.

But the lie if he gets caught in a lie… he’s F’d like an Altar Boy at a monistary.

TK(2) says:

January 1st, 2008 at 4:53 am

This thread is getting crazy. We really need an update from LENIII…

BC Beneke says:

January 1st, 2008 at 8:14 am

I think we are underestimating this Masterson guy. As a reliever in 06 he threw 32 IP and his so/w was 33/2 with an ERA of 0.85. I think this gut is a stud. I also think Coco will rebound with his ang on the carpet as his game is based on speed instead of grass. The Boston deal is the one to take. Smith DO this deal.

Dan says:

January 1st, 2008 at 8:48 am

Hey I got an idea we could trade for both Hughes and Ellsbury and have the Yankees and Boston share Johan. Boston gets for the first part of the season yankees the second part. That would be the day. Well its a better idea then Craig ever came up with.

Manram08 says:

January 1st, 2008 at 10:12 am

The Twins want Ellsbury trust me…the Sox know that and they are plaing off that strength. Until someone else comesup with a better offer i think the Twins will eventually take it. Why else wouldnt the Sox just trade Crisp for a reliever already? He is dead in Boston and the Sox havent done a thing so far. Its because IMO the Twins and the Sox have a date. If a better offer doesnt come soon the Twins will take the Ellsbury offer. The covet him more than Hughes and its not close. The Sox players (Lester and Ellsbury) proved themselves on the biggest stage in baseball and the Yankees havent. The Yankees havent won a thing in 7 years with a payroll 60 million larger than the Sox. If the Twins GM is smart hell do the Ellsbury deal…..he is a Grady Sizemore cloan with more speed.

sane says:

January 1st, 2008 at 10:27 am

He is an unranked reliever who pitched in Class A Florida State League.
How did he get into a trade package for Santana?
He must be your son-in-law or you owe his father a favor.

roundabout says:

January 1st, 2008 at 10:39 am

You think there is a specific date to readch a deal between the Red Sox and Twins? And why would the deal all of a sudden include Ellsbury? You think the Red Sox will just change their mind on that date - sounds like the magic bullet theory? Coco for bullpen help?

Dan says:

January 1st, 2008 at 10:46 am

The Twins don’t want Crisp they want Ellsbury and they don’t need Lester but they would like.

sane says:

January 1st, 2008 at 10:47 am

Where did you read that Ellsbury was taken off the table by Epstein?
I hope you aren’t giving factual status to the blogs.

Midwest Sox Guy says:

January 1st, 2008 at 10:58 am

You guys don’t get it.

First, Ellsbury and Hughes aren’t on the table.

Fair market value is only determined by a willing seller and a willing buyer. In Santana’s case you don’t have a willing seller so it is doubtful the Twins will ever get what he’s worth.

There are spending limits even with the Yankees and Red Sox and they value those young players and respective contracts as much as anyone.

It is tough for teams to trade the premier players and get value in return - the Red Sox couldn’t trade Manny Ramirez.

I hope the Twins revisit their offer and sign Santana to a long-term deal. He has more value to the Twins than anyone else.

Good Luck.

liondragon says:

January 1st, 2008 at 11:04 am

hey wanna know what we could get our of santanas 2 draft picks? lets look in june when we get 2 1st rounders from the angels…. Razz

roundabout says:

January 1st, 2008 at 11:24 am

Only this blog gets factual status. No, I read newspaper reports in Boston and New York. At this point Ellsbury is staying a Red Sox and Boston is offering, Crisp, Lester, Masterson and Lowrie.. The Red Sox have no incentive to add Ellsbury or Buchholz cause they got no competition, unless you consider the Mets.
And the Yanks official position is keep Hughes, unless the Twins get reasonable, in their eyes.
Hey, things can change. If you no differently, let us know

sane says:

January 1st, 2008 at 11:31 am

Yeah, we can get Matt Moses and Denard Span. (or Ryan Mills and Kyle Waldrop)

sane says:

January 1st, 2008 at 11:36 am

Did the newspaper reports say “Theo Epstein said today…”
Or did they say “Sources close to the Red Sox said today…”
Bottom line is:
I don’t believe it until someone with a badge says it.

Manram08 says:

January 1st, 2008 at 12:06 pm

Ellsbury is not off the table….he is in a package with Msterson, Lowrie and a fourth player, orobably a pitcher. The other offer is Crisp, Lowries, Materson and Lester. That is probably a better value but as I said before, the Twins want Ellsbury. He sat out three weeks and came up huge in Cleveland series and the WS……tis is the guy they want. If I were the sox I would give Ellsbury and Lester together and call it good. Either way you look at it…..unless the Spankees throw in Kennedy or Cano……then Sox deal is the best deal. Even if the Yankees throw in Cano….he is more expensive as well. My reference o Crisp for bullpen help is the Sox contingency plan if the Santana talks fall through. Ellsbury is starting and there has been allot of interest in Crisp for a LOOGY or a power bullpen arm.

Dan says:

January 1st, 2008 at 12:06 pm

How much you want to bet that after we have speculated for weeks about where Santana is going and who’s avaible and who’s not. Then he gets traded to a team that no-one has memention, will come through and get Santana. Possibly the Cardinals.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:33 am

Redsox players prove themselves?

Lester pitch one game in the world series..

I don't want Lester, Give me Buccholtz


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Rebuilding Falcons piece by piece Empty Yankees After Darvish For 2009?

Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:37 am

Yankees After Darvish For 2009?


I’m surprised it took this long, but the Yu Darvish to MLB rumors may have just officially kicked off right along with the new year. A Sports Hankook (Korea) report, relying on a Japanese source (Sports Nikkan), says that the Yankees plan to nab Darvish following the 2008 season.

The report goes on to say that the Dodgers, Mets and Cubs have also made “love calls” (러브콜) to Darvish and that the floor of negotiations is something along the lines of what Daisuke Matsuzaka was able to command during his posting extravaganza in 2006.

Analysis: Well, why the heck would Darvish want to sign with the Yankees when he can make nearly $2 million big ones playing in Japan? If the Dice K signing is the “floor,” I shudder to think what the ceiling might be. Dice K’s signing could be made to look like peanut shells. Given Darvish’s dominance of the NPB at such an early age (21) would $12-$15 million per year be out of the question?

Not to be a killjoy, but it should be noted that this is a Korean newspaper reporting something posted (blogged) on a Japanese newspaper’s Web site. While I’m of the opinion that both sources are reputable in and of themselves (Sports Nikkan was first to report the L.A. signing of Kuroda), the implications of this rumor are too big to not warrant further checking before we hustle Darvish off to New York.

Special thanks to Korea Beat who spotted this and passed it along.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:45 am

Do Sox Have Managerial Lead Over Yankees?



Dayne Perry wrote an article today about how the Red Sox appear to be the better team going into the 2008 season. He gave the Yankees the advantage offensively, which I'm sure most people would agree with. The Yankees ranked first in runs scored last year, while the Red Sox ranked fourth. Perry also gave the Yankees the edge in their bench. That's a no-brainer, given that the Red Sox currently don't have a bench, and will be looking to make one over the next few months.

Perry, however, gave the Red Sox the advantage in the rotation, the bullpen, their defense, and their manager. I think it's clear why he claimed the Red Sox have the better rotation. Nothing against the Yankees great young pitching prospects, but they will go through some growing pains. Even the best of pitching prospects do. And they haven't been stretched out to a full season's work load either, so the will likely have to be supplemented with other Yankees starters such as Mike Mussina or Kei Igawa.

The Red Sox would appear to have a better bullpen as well. Mariano Rivera may be the best closer of all time, but Jonathan Papelbon is clearly the much better closer right now. And the Yankees lack set up men as strong as Hideki Okajima and Manny Delcarmen.

Perry also explains why he chose the Red Sox defense over that of the Yankees. According to Perry, "by whatever measure you choose to employ — fielding percentage or more advanced and more useful metrics like Defensive Efficiency and the Plus-Minus System — the Red Sox come out on top. The Yankees have sub-optimal defenders at the outfield corners, shortstop (no, Derek Jeter is not a good fielder), and second base."

Perry then goes on to give the Red Sox the managerial advantage. He justifies his choice by saying Francona has two World Series rings. That's not really fair though, Girardi only managed one year and he managed the Marlins. He did very well with what he had, winning the Manager of the Year award.

How Girardi will handle the Yankees is a very interesting topic to ponder. He didn't do so well with the management or media in Florida, something he'll have to improve immediately in New York. But other than that, Girardi's ability to manage the Yankees is a big question mark. Another question mark, just like the Yankees rotation and bullpen. 2008 will certainly be an interesting year in the Bronx. They'll go into the season with more unknowns than I can remember them having in at least a decade.

Any of you have some thoughts on how Girardi will do? If so, feel free to share. Just make sure you give an explanation.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:48 am

Darvish cant be posted for a while. Ridiculous report


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:53 am

Keeping stars, Yankees look strong
Roster endures little turnover for '08 under new skipper Girardi
By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com


NEW YORK -- On the October afternoon the Yankees began cleaning out their lockers, there was just about as much uncertainty in the Bronx air as at any point in recent history.

Not only was the manager's office likely demanding a new tenant, but the Yankees had many key free agents who might have worn pinstripes for their final times when the Indians sprayed bubbly across the field -- Alex Rodriguez, Mariano Rivera, Jorge Posada and Andy Pettitte among them.

Two months later, the Yankees can chuckle and bask in pulling off a clean sweep of keeping all four of those coveted players. That would have seemed a virtual uncertainty in the bitter moments after the American League Division Series loss.

"I'm not surprised the club stepped up," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said recently. "I think that's what the Yankees have always done. They have always stepped up and tried to give the organization -- the fans, the players in the room, the coaches, the managers -- the best players they can give them."

It wasn't inexpensive, but the Yankees considered it necessary. With Bobby Abreu also retained on a one-year option, the Yankees have committed more than $400 million to keeping the same components of a roster that lost in four games to Cleveland and has not escaped the first round of the playoffs since 2004.

"They're trying to build a good team," Abreu said. "We have a lot of veteran guys that know what to do. They have a lot of time in the league. I think the moves they wanted to do right now are the right moves to make the team stronger."

In the Bronx, optimism reigns, and for good reason. The Yankees still have the firepower to contend in the perennially strong AL East, retaining their thumpers and wielding so much offensive talent that veteran Hideki Matsui -- a 100 RBI man in four of the last five seasons -- might not even crack the starting lineup because of a roster crunch.

Appointed the franchise's 32nd field manager after an intense search, Girardi is inheriting a clubhouse with which he is intimately familiar, not only as a player but also having watched development up close as a broadcaster for the team's YES Network last season.

That means that, when Yankees pitchers and catchers report on Feb. 14, he'll need little introduction to the likes of Joba Chamberlain, Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy.

Season in Preview
A lot can change by Opening Day, but as 2007 becomes 2008, this is who is projected to take the field for the Yankees:
LF Johnny Damon
SS Derek Jeter
RF Bobby Abreu
3B Alex Rodriguez
C Jorge Posada
DH Jason Giambi
2B Robinson Cano
CF Melky Cabrera
1B Shelley Duncan
SP Chien-Ming Wang
SP Andy Pettitte
SP Mike Mussina
SP Joba Chamberlain
SP Phil Hughes
CL Mariano Rivera
Schedules: Spring | Regular season
Tickets: Spring | Regular season
More previews:

The Yankees are not only banking on those talented young arms for their future, but also to help ensure the mission statement displayed broadly across Girardi's back -- No. 27 -- becomes a reality in the search for the franchise's 27th World Series title.

"Time will tell," Girardi said. "I mean, these kids are talented. There's no doubt that they are talented young pitchers.

"But they are being asked to perform at a high level, like all of the other players in that room were asked to perform at a high level at some time, whether it was Derek Jeter or Mariano Rivera or Andy Pettitte or Alex Rodriguez or Robinson Cano.

"They are going to get a chance to take that next step."

Grading on a curve: On a scale of one to 10, the Yankees get an 8 for achieving the near-impossible in retaining A-Rod, Rivera, Posada and Pettitte. That would rise to a perfect score if they can end all the flirtation with the Minnesota Twins and finally acquire Johan Santana.

Arrivals: RHP Jonathan Albaladejo, RHP LaTroy Hawkins.

Departures: RHP Tyler Clippard, 1B Andy Phillips, RHP Luis Vizcaino.

The Road Ahead: The Yankees confirmed what everybody suspected and admitted that they haven't closed the door on a blockbuster trade for Santana. If that never comes to fruition, the team can go forward with its young core of pitching. Adding Hawkins to the bullpen mix replaces Vizcaino, but other than that, the Yankees may still want to bring in contenders to battle for roles in Spring Training. The Giants have already asked about Matsui, and with $26 million remaining and no clear-cut role, he could be a movable piece.

Bryan Hoch is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 11:55 am

Sox in position to build on success
Veteran leadership around young core gives club balance
By Ian Browne / MLB.com


They did it again. But can they do it again and again? That's the big question entering 2008.

The Red Sox are already the first team in the 21st century to win multiple World Series, doing it twice in a span of four years. Now, their aim is to become baseball's first back-to-back champs since the Yankees three-peated from 1998-2000.

"The goal is to build something that can be sustained -- to not just have success, but sustained success over a long period of time," said Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein. "It's hard to do because you have to win at the Major League level while also cultivating a future through the Minor League system. That's our toughest challenge year in and year out. Hopefully, this year is a step in the right direction and we're situated to maybe take advantage of this young core."

And what a young core it is. Consider that the Red Sox have an ace in Josh Beckett who will be 27 when he takes the ball on Opening Day. Daisuke Matsuzaka, who should take a leap forward after going through a rookie year of cultural and baseball adjustments, is also 27. Jonathan Papelbon, who might be the best closer in baseball, is -- you guessed it -- 27.

Second baseman Dustin Pedroia, who is coming off a Rookie of the Year season, might get even better. Center fielder Jacoby Ellsbury is already a fan favorite 33 games into his career.

There's also Clay Buchholz, who electrified Fenway Park with his no-hitter on Sept. 1 against the Orioles and will vie to win a rotation spot in Spring Training. Left-handed starter Jon Lester, who will turn 24 on Jan. 4, can now focus on just baseball after spending last year gaining his strength back following a bout with cancer.

Of course, the youngsters need veterans to go with them, and the Red Sox have a lot of those. Mike Lowell will once again patrol the hot corner after signing a new three-year deal. Big boppers David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez will be back to terrorize opposing pitchers for yet another season. Captain Jason Varitek will once again lead the pitching staff.

As they enter 2008, the Red Sox have a lot of things going for them.

Season in Preview
A lot can change by Opening Day, but as 2007 becomes 2008, this is who is projected to take the field for the Red Sox:
2B Dustin Pedroia
1B Kevin Youkilis
DH David Ortiz
LF Manny Ramirez
3B Mike Lowell
RF J.D. Drew
C Jason Varitek
CF Jacoby Ellsbury
SS Julio Lugo
SP Josh Beckett
SP Daisuke Matsuzaka
SP Curt Schilling
SP Tim Wakefield
SP Jon Lester
SP Clay Buchholz
CL Jonathan Papelbon
Schedules: Spring | Regular season
Tickets: Spring | Regular season
More previews:

Offseason report card: The Red Sox didn't need to do a whole lot, and thus far, they haven't. Their key task was retaining free agents Curt Schilling and Lowell, and the Sox swiftly did that. Seasoned veterans Tim Wakefield and Mike Timlin are also back for another year. On a scale of one to 10, give them a 9 -- expected to contend.

Re-arrivals: Lowell (signed to three-year deal), Schilling (signed for one year), Wakefield (club picked up 2008 option), Julian Tavarez (club picked up 2008 option), Timlin (signed for one year).

Departures: RHP Eric Gagne (signed with Brewers as free agent).

In limbo: C Doug Mirabelli (free agent), OF Bobby Kielty (free agent), 1B-3B-OF Eric Hinske (free agent).

The Road Ahead: Epstein continues to scour the market in hopes of improving Boston's bullpen depth. The Red Sox would love another power arm to put in the setup role and complement lefty Hideki Okajima.

Ian Browne is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its club


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:29 pm

Matt Ryan
QB | (6'4", 221, 4.Cool | BOSTON COLLEGE

Scouts Grade: 97


Strengths: Is tall enough to scan the entire field from within the pocket, reads defenses fairly well and generally finds the open man given enough time. Accurate, takes something off underneath passes and can lead receiver when throwing underneath. Puts good touch on downfield passes and flashes the ability to drop the ball in over coverage. Mobile enough to get outside the pocket and throws well on the run. Shows good poise, is a leader on the field and wants the ball in hands late in games. Appears to be adjusting to new offense well and can be an effective game manager.

Weaknesses: Doesn't have a cannon for an arm, doesn't put great zip on downfield passes and gets into trouble when tries to throw into tight coverage. Lacks ideal mobility, has some problems buying time in the pocket and doesn't always make sound decisions when the protection breaks down. Isn't going to make defenders miss, doesn't have great top-end speed and isn't a dangerous open field runner that can consistently pick up yards with feet. Though tough and willing to play through pain, sustained a high-ankle spring during the 2006 season opener, broke left foot during 2006 Virginia Tech game, underwent foot surgery in January and durability is a concern.

Overall: Ryan was redshirted for the 2003 season. During his first three seasons (2004-06) Ryan played in 26 games (18 starts) completing 419 passes on 693 attempts (60.5 percent) for 4,806 yards, 25 touchdowns and 18 interceptions. Ryan missed one game in 2006 with a sprained ankle. The table is set for Ryan to have a big year because Boston College is expected to open up its offense and he has the accuracy as well as the smarts to excel in the new scheme. However, his lack of elite arm strength and mobility does put a cap on his upside. His potential to develop into an effective starter or above-average backup should make him a late first-day pick if he stays healthy and improves his decision making in the face of pressure.

Matt Ryan = Chad Pennington


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Rebuilding Falcons piece by piece Empty 2008 1st-ROUND PROJECTION

Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:36 pm



January 1, 2008

1 Miami
Glenn Dorsey
2 St. Louis Jake Long
*Darren McFadden

Matt Ryan QB
Boston College

Kansas City
*Malcolm Jenkins
Ohio State
New York Jets Chris Long
7 New England (from San Francisco) *Ryan Clady
Boise State
Baltimore Brian Brohm
Cincinnati *James Laurinaitis
Ohio State
10 New Orleans Sedric Ellis DT Southern California
11 Buffalo Mike Jenkins CB South Florida
12 Denver *Kenny Phillips
FS Miami
13 Carolina *Vernon Gholston
Ohio State
14 Chicago *Rashard Mendenhall RB
Detroit *Michael Oher
16 Arizona *Derrick Harvey
Minnesota Andre' Woodson
18 Houston *Ray Rice
19 Philadelphia Keith Rivers
Southern California
20P Tampa Bay Dan Connor
Penn State
21P Washington *Calais Campbell
Dallas (from Cleveland) Limas Sweed
Seattle Sam Baker
Southern California
24P Pittsburgh *Duke Robinson
Tennessee Kentwan Balmer
North Carolina
New York Giants Aqib Talib
27P San Diego Jeff Otah
28P Jacksonville Quentin Groves
Green Bay *Phil Loadholt
San Francisco (from Indianapolis) Adarius Bowman
Okalhoma State
31P Dallas Tracy Porter
New England (pick forfeited)


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:04 pm


If the Ham Fighters can gauge what they would get as a posting fee, it would make their decision. What if the Yankees offered something like $80M to post and $60M/5yrs to Darvish for the contract? Hard to believe the team would pass that up.

Posted by: JD | January 01, 2008 at 12:51 PM

does anyone have a scouting report, how hard he throws, what pitches, which ones are plus plus?

Posted by: dewallace | January 01, 2008 at 12:59 PM

I'd like to see a scouting report on him as well.

he's been scouted by the Angels and Braves since he was in junior high... that's nuts.

Posted by: bseballcrzy17 | January 01, 2008 at 01:06 PM

Here is the site that I use for most of the Japanese pitchers coming over.


He is one of the laston it. He stats don't look super great and it seems like he is a HUGE superstar over in Japan. I don't think he would get too much love in the US especially in New York and if he doesn't translate well.

Posted by: Barroid_Bonds | January 01, 2008 at 01:16 PM

6'5" and 185 lbs.. somebody get him a sandwich!

Posted by: levelboss | January 01, 2008 at 01:39 PM

The stats on that page were mid-season, Barroid. His full 2007 season stats on the wiki page are pretty much the definition of "super great" especially considering that he turned 21 on August 16. Also, note that he's pithing in the Pacific League, which I believe is the DH league in Japan and generally considered the tougher of the two Japanese major leagues. We'd be pretty excited about a 21 year old who put up a line like that in AA, wouldn't we?

Anyway, the other thing I'd like to know more about is his team's finances. They control this kid for another six years, and he's clearly a huge draw for them. They'd probably never have to pay him more than about $4M a year until he reaches free agency. It's not outside of the realm of possibility that he's worth more to them than a record posting fee. I'd be pretty surprised if they posted him next fall.

Posted by: mac_1103 | January 01, 2008 at 01:41 PM

Barroid, you don't know what you're talking about. He's only 21 and he DOMINATED the league he's in. He won their version of the Cy Young. He made 26 starts, had 12 CGs, threw 207 innings, only gave up 123 hits (!), struck out 210, and had an ERA of 1.82. And he's just a kid. He's ten times the prospect that Matsuzaka was. Every team in baseball would want this guy. If he's posted now, at this age, forget it -- the price will be unbelievable.

Posted by: baileywalk | January 01, 2008 at 01:43 PM

Look at video of him on you tube. His slider is the sickest pitch I've ever seen. He only throws about 93 MPH (if my math is correct converting kilometers to miles). However, he'll be turning 23 in '08, that's the age of a colledge draft pick. I'd easily be willing to bid close to 100MM just to get the chance to sign him.

Posted by: C-Gouds' UltimateBaseball | January 01, 2008 at 01:44 PM

They would be dumb to post him next year. The posting fee would be ridiculous as the Yank and Red Sox would most likely hit $100 million. The Japanese team would make a ton of money, but look at the kid....he's literally a superstar. He's like the Paris Hilton of baseball over there, except he actually has talent and he's dominating. He also said in that article that he has no intention of leaving Japan as of right now.

If the Japanese teamw ere smart they'd hold onto him for a couple more years and then post him when he's about 25 or 26. They'll still make a fortune, they'll keep him in Japan for another good 4 years, and he will still be a huge hot commodity in the MLB. Win-win situation.

Posted by: epic | January 01, 2008 at 01:52 PM


he looks pretty good, but he won't come over for another 5 years

Posted by: dewallace | January 01, 2008 at 02:00 PM


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:06 pm

Ridiculous report.. This is Fake….

It’s not so much that the report is fake. It’s just that it’s not going to happen. At the moment, there’s no reason Nippon Ham would post the face of their team this short into his career and when he’s so far away from free agency.

Given Darvish’s dominance of the NPB at such an early age (21) would $12-$15 million per year be out of the question?

If he was in MLB now? Then yes, I have to agree with that figure. Given the amount of #4 starters that get around $10-12M/a year, that be a bargain. Heck, you could argue right now he’s more valuable than Carlos Zambrano and Barry Zito who were given outlandish amounts of cash. Besides a few pitchers, you could say Darvish is as valuable as any starting pitcher in MLB.

Though, the question is how well will Darvish hold up over the next 6 years? Will he break down any or will he stay the same? I or anyone else here unlikely knows the answer to that. Though, given my gut feeling I say Darvish should stay pretty healthy.

Also one more thing, the Yankees are likely the favorites here. There going to want and cash in on the prime Japanese pitching talent after getting embarassed by Boston last November when they were beat by the Red Sox.

Now, the Dodgers, Mets, and Cubs are all interesting scenarios: they could all use a dominating #1-2 starter like Darvish, and in the case of the Mets what better way to steal attention away from the Yankees by signing Darvish? Though, like I mentioned above it’s highly unlikely any of these teams will have the financial resources to out-spend the Yankees.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:08 pm

Coming to the USA in 2011 - Yu Darvish!


his numbers in the Japanese leagues are Pedro-esque. And he's, uh, 21. He's also half-Iranian, which is pretty unique, all things considered. His parents went to Florida State (his mother is Japanese). He's.... going to be special, if he can stay healthy.

This year:
26 starts, 12 CG, 3 SHO
207.2 IP
123 H
9 HR
49 BB
210 K
1.82 ERA
.828 WHIP


I'm going to be watching this kid all I can, because he's special. Gammo has a note on him in today's blog post.

http://yudarvish.blogspot.com/ for a um, watch on him. Just, wow.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yu_Darvish for his wiki

This post has been edited by CaptainLaddie: Oct 20 2007, 01:49 AM


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:13 pm

Nice open field run capped off with a fumble. Maybe he's sandbagging so that the Patriots will pick him.

Dude that was Felix Jones who did that.

I think some people feel that Jones is a better back than McFadden, he might go in the first round as well...


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 1:24 pm

"Since Daisuke Matsuzaka signed for the Boston Red Sox and left Japan for the United States of America, attention has been focused on Yu Darvish to help keep up the popularity of baseball in Japan. As a young star in Japanese baseball Darvish is expected to fill the void left by Matsuzaka’s departure. Unlike Matsuzaka, Darvish has told the Japanese press that he has no intention of seeking a move to America anytime in the future."

-From his wikipedia page.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:08 pm


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:11 pm

What is a post-pattern


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:12 pm

Yu Darvish

A hat tip to East Windup Chronicle for this one:

...the Yu Darvish to MLB rumors may have just officially kicked off right along with the new year. A Sports Hankook (Korea) report, relying on a Japanese source, says that the Yankees plan to nab Darvish following the 2008 season.

The report goes on to say that the Dodgers, Mets and Cubs have also made “love calls” to Darvish and that the floor of negotiations is something along the lines of what Daisuke Matsuzaka was able to command during his posting extravaganza in 2006.

Yu Darvish is a 6' 5", 21-year-old, Iranian-Japanese born, right-handed pitcher who was named Pacific League MVP in Nippon Professional Baseball last season. Click here to read more about him.

Let's hope he's not the Japanese version of Mike Witt, if he comes to to the Yankees.

Posted by Steve Lombardi at January 1, 2008 09:19 AM

Speaking of failed TJ recovery, what do you think the odds are of Pavano contributing the second half of next year?

Assuming we have a six man rotation, can we make one of these guys a bullpen long man?

Posted by: ChrisXS [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 1, 2008 12:14 PM


Posted by: ChrisXS [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 1, 2008 12:20 PM

I'm glad Darvish finally got some love on the blog, Steve! Darvish is legit. He is the man. He's not your typical cross-over star. He's a big guy who throws low 90s and he is ridiculously durable. I've been following him thanks to Mike's brilliant blog.

If the Yankees actually have a shot to get him that early (he's still quite young) then they should do everything in their power to do so. He put up much better numbers at this age than Dice-K ever did.

Posted by: baileywalk [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 1, 2008 02:24 PM

By the way, anyone know why Mike never updated the blog after his "transition"?

Posted by: baileywalk [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 1, 2008 02:25 PM

Is there a posting issue, as one of the commenters on that blog brought up?

Posted by: Rich [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 1, 2008 03:14 PM

Well, I don't see how one can say he "can't" be posted for four years. The team can post him whenever they want, right?

I think the issue is that they can keep him for a few more years before losing him, so why would they post him instead of playing him? It seems far-fetched that he'll be in the bigs in 2008 or 2009. He's only 21. If he has two more years like this, he'll still command a huge amount of money when he's posted. The Red Sox have ruined this market now, though. Because of their ridiculous overreach on Mats, it's probably going to take 65-100 million to get Darvish, who is younger and better than Dice-K is.

Posted by: baileywalk [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 1, 2008 03:49 PM

The blind bidding aspect of the posting system needs to be eliminated.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:14 pm

Who is Yu Darvish?

By Moshe Mandel | January 1st, 2008


Darvish is an Iranian-Japanese, 21 year old RHP for the Nippon Ham Fighters. In the 2007 season, he struck out 210 batters in 207 2/3 innings, with a 1.82 ERA. According to Was Watching, the Yankees have inquired into Darvish’s availability and will target him should he be posted following the 2008 season.

I have a feeling that the Darvish rumors are a whole lot of nothing. Darvish is 21 and can not become a free agent for a while. Japanese teams have shown a stubborn reluctance to post players until they are about ready to leave Japan to pursue a MLB career. Why would they trade the face of their team and a major source of revenue for the next few years for a posting fee that they can probably get regardless 3-4 years down the road?

Additionally, I would imagine that the price would be exorbitant. Darvish would be 4 years younger than Dice-K was when he was posted. With players like Jason Marquis earning paychecks north of 10 million annually, and GM’s locking up young pitching talents before they reach free agency, I could see a 22 year old phenom requiring a posting fee near 60 million, with 13 million dollars per year being a starting point in contract negotiations. After the Igawa and Irabu debacles, and with Dice-K being, to this point, decidedly average, the Yankees should think twice before making that kind of commitment.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:15 pm

Moshe Mandel — January 1, 2008 @ 3:28 pm

Here is video of Darvish if anyone is interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqul1GyK7-g&NR=1
Matt — January 1, 2008 @ 3:40 pm

He looks impressive, but you make a good point. Why would the Fighters deal the face of their franchise?
Moshe Mandel — January 1, 2008 @ 3:49 pm

The only thing that would make sense is if the posting fee would exceed 4 years of all revenue streams generated by having a player of Darvish’s caliber, which I think is highly unlikely.
Rich — January 1, 2008 @ 3:52 pm

He has good stuff, but the hitters don’t seem to have great plate discipline.
daneptizl — January 1, 2008 @ 4:11 pm

Not that velocity is everything, but he seems to sit at around 145-146 km/hr which would be around 91 mph, hitting 150 km/hr or around 93 mph.
Justin LeMoine — January 1, 2008 @ 4:27 pm

Darvish looks pretty legit, but I agree with those that say he’s a few years away from the MLB, if he ever decides he wants to come over here. Kind of a moot point until then, but an interesting Yankee rumor to pass the time nonetheless.
Moshe Mandel — January 1, 2008 @ 4:27 pm

Thanks, daneptizl. I was wondering about that. He seems to have good offspeed stuff, so 91-93 should be enough if he has good control.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:16 pm


Congrats Mikey! I completely agree with the choice, and I think the extension was a pretty nice reward. Hopefully Lowell will live up to his end of the bargain, and defy Voros McCracken’s BABIP genius.

I get the feeling Dustin’s will come sometime soon, too. In fact, I’ll make that prediction right now: Pedroia wins the 2009 Fire Brand.

Happy New Year, everyone!
Sara — December 31, 2007 @ 11:18 am

Kudos on your choice. Pedroia had a great year, but Lowell was the glue that kept us together all year long.
Schulz — December 31, 2007 @ 11:59 am

Great call. We love you Mikey
Mostly Running. — December 31, 2007 @ 12:30 pm

I can’t wait for Sean O’s response.
Joe — December 31, 2007 @ 12:35 pm

I’m just saying that I saw Sean O coming out of a gun shop with a very long box in his hand. I thought it was weird that he was wearing a ski mask at the time.

Evan, what kind of security you have around ya’?
Bill Baldwin — December 31, 2007 @ 6:28 pm

Congratulations to Mike Lowell and to Fire Brand for an excellent choice!
I’ve been a Red Sox fan since 1950 and have NEVER been this excited about the team during “Hot Stove” season. A great part of that exceitement is due to Lowell and his extension. GO RED SOX!
One suggestion for Fire Brand: if you really want to succeed beyond this anniversary (and I’m sure you do, and I’m hoping that you do), take a refresher course on English Grammar or hire an editor or at least a proof reader. If you already have one or both, fire him/her/ them and hire competent new ones.
Evan Brunell — December 31, 2007 @ 10:44 pm

Haha, yeah, we’ll see what Sean O says. But keep in mind his beef is with the extension, not the 2007 Mike Lowell…
Sean O — January 1, 2008 @ 12:09 pm

I’m not happy, since Lowell is horribly overrated in every facet of his game, but whatever. Beckett and Ortiz were far more valuable consistently throughout the season, and Dustin is far more of a sparkplug who will help us infinitely more in ‘08 than Lowell (and wasn’t far behind this year), and Papelbon was light years more interesting and shutdown.

It’s ok, no freakout ’til April. I officially blame everything that goes wrong with this team this year on Mike Lowell, so it’s nice having co-scapegoats in Lugo and Lowell. $21m of nothin’!
Gerry — January 1, 2008 @ 2:02 pm

Picking the top kudo on this WS champion team with ROY, next year’s ROY, next year’s Cy Young (shoulda been a repeat), WS MVP, a team full of All-Stars, and dozens of other awards . . . your choice is a good one. Whether or not Mike’s incredible 2007 season was a one-time thing, it was an awesome one time thing, consistent from April through October, and drove us through the season, through ALCS and past the Rockies. Mike’s future? Who can doubt he will hit .300+ with plenty of HR/RBI’s and a solid glove throughout his contract. If Mike, like so many of us, is a late bloomer on a winning team, so much the better for us. Go Mike.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:20 pm

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jets will pick laurintitus at "6
the jets will pick james laurititus with the 6th pick in round one.he will be teamed with d.harris in the middle.here are my picks for the jets in the draft.

1- james laurintitus - i.l.b. - ohio state
2 - quentin groves - o.l.b. -auburn
3 - barry richardson -o.t.-clemson
4 - gregg carr - w.r. florida state
5 - robert felton - o.g. -arkansas
6 - jason shirley - d.t. - fresno state
7 - javorski lane - f.b. - texas a & m
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Old Yesterday, 06:53 PM #2
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Originally Posted by jets rooter View Post
the jets will pick james laurititus with the 6th pick in round one.he will be teamed with d.harris in the middle.here are my picks for the jets in the draft.

1- james laurintitus - i.l.b. - ohio state
2 - quentin groves - o.l.b. -auburn
3 - barry richardson -o.t.-clemson
4 - gregg carr - w.r. florida state
5 - robert felton - o.g. -arkansas
6 - jason shirley - d.t. - fresno state
7 - javorski lane - f.b. - texas a & m
Now THAT"S what I'm talking about! Him next to Harris! wow!!
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Old Yesterday, 07:25 PM #3
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Ghoulston would be much better.
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Old Yesterday, 07:35 PM #4
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laurentitus runs a 4-5- forty.teamed with david harris in the middle would be awesome.
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Can Vilma play OLB?
Kellen is a sixth generation cattle rancher. He grew up herding cattle on his family's ranch in Burns, Oregon, where they own over 100 head of black Angus cattle.Clemens has four sisters and majored in Business Administration at the University of Oregon. In his spare time, Kellen enjoys horseback riding.
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I can't see Vilma staying with the JETS. Its a square peg in a round hole. Laurinaitis or Gholston would make solid choices. I lean toward Gholston only because we lack a pass rush to keep Brady on his a$$. But Laurinaitis would help against the run and combined with Harris to make a great LB corps no matter who plays NT. It will be interesting to say how the FO approaches this draft. It may hinge on whether they sign Suggs in off season...
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Originally Posted by Jetscode1 View Post
I can't see Vilma staying with the JETS. Its a square peg in a round hole. Laurinaitis or Gholston would make solid choices. I lean toward Gholston only because we lack a pass rush to keep Brady on his a$$. But Laurinaitis would help against the run and combined with Harris to make a great LB corps no matter who plays NT. It will be interesting to say how the FO approaches this draft. It may hinge on whether they sign Suggs in off season...
If we sign suggs then I would say yes to laurinaitis.
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Old Yesterday, 09:54 PM #8
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Originally Posted by CoachTsurfing View Post
If we sign suggs then I would say yes to laurinaitis.
As much as i would love that, just seems to good to be true. It could happen but things like that dont usually go our way.
Kellen is a sixth generation cattle rancher. He grew up herding cattle on his family's ranch in Burns, Oregon, where they own over 100 head of black Angus cattle.Clemens has four sisters and majored in Business Administration at the University of Oregon. In his spare time, Kellen enjoys horseback riding.
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Old Yesterday, 11:35 PM #9
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he'd be a good pick up for you guys...I've had my eye on him for awhile, and would love to see him with my boys.

Little known fact, his father was Animal, one of the Road Warriors aka The Legion of Doom in various Pro Wrestling circuits over the years
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Originally Posted by Whaler53 View Post
he'd be a good pick up for you guys...I've had my eye on him for awhile, and would love to see him with my boys.

Little known fact, his father was Animal, one of the Road Warriors aka The Legion of Doom in various Pro Wrestling circuits over the years
His mother is also a professional body builder (no joke). In interview they said she was three months pregnant when they found out. So little Laurinitis' first tri-mester was on a body-building mother's diet.


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:40 pm

Dog wrote:
Thejurisdoc wrote:
startheilman12 wrote:
Seems like from that scouting report he's at least 2-3 years away from being able to POSSIBLY pitch to the level of a #2-#3 starter. With that in mind, why would any team want to pay him #1 starter money right now? That would be like spending 100 million on Philip Hughes right now.

Yu Darvish's Japan numbers the past three years. He won't be 22 until August 2008.


2005 5 5 14 2 1 94.1 97 37 37 7 48 52 3.53

2006 12 5 24 3 2 149.2 128 55 48 12 64 115 2.89

2007 15 5 26 12 3 207.2 123 48 42 9 49 210 1.82

TOTALS 32 15 64 17 6 451.2 348 140 127 28 161 377 2.53

I'd say a kid who posted more than a K per inning against Japanese major leaguers as a 20 year old is slightly ahead of Phil Hughes. 123 Hits last year in 207 innings, against 210 K's. That scouting report is at least a year old, as his K/BB this year was like 4-1.

If he's really available after next offseason the Mets need to pony up like the Sox did with Dice-K.


He has 6 years left in Japan, they aren't posting him anytime soon he is their Beckham


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Post  RedMagma Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:42 pm

last offseason the Red Sox were torched by everyone, especially Yankee fans, for selling out 51 million to talk to Dice K. NOw all of a sudden its a great investment to throw more then that to talk to this guy. Can you say hypocrites??

Posted by: curse_ended | January 01, 2008 at 05:04 PM

Nobody anticipated Matsuzaka's actual contract to be so reasonable though. The total amount they ended up spending was about on par with what it was anticipated he could receive, although half of it was not subject to the luxury tax. It ended up being a solid investment, primarily because the Red Sox had Boras by the balls and he knew it. That's why opinions have changed.

Posted by: achilles17 | January 01, 2008 at 05:24 PM

His blood type is A.


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