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What's Next For Oakland?

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What's Next For Oakland? Empty What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:31 am

What's Next For Oakland?

What's Billy Beane's next move? He's already traded his team's best pitcher and one of his better hitters. Let's start with a couple of additional moves brought up by Susan Slusser.

Trade Eric Chavez. Chavez expects to go, and he was refreshingly candid in his comments. His contract runs through 2010, and he's willing to waive his no-trade rights. He's had three surgeries this winter, so he has to prove his health before anyone acquires him. A big first half would go a long way.

Sign Barry Bonds. Such a move wouldn't surprise Chavez. Slusser believes a bargain Bonds chasing 3,000 hits and extending his home run record could be a way to get fans in the park despite a noncompetitive 2008 team. For $8-10MM, I could see it.

Other possibilities outside of the two mentioned by Slusser:

Trade Mark Kotsay. He makes $8MM in '08 and only managed 56 games last year. Maybe the Braves would take him on in exchange for a nonprospect, if the A's kick in $3MM.

Trade Mark Ellis. He's signed at $5MM for '08, plays Gold Glove second base defense, and is an above average hitter for his position. Too bad for the White Sox he didn't get thrown in as part of the Swisher trade. Outside of the Rockies I don't see many fits for Ellis.

Trade Rich Harden. Since he has a reasonable $7MM option for 2009, Harden is similar to Chavez and Kotsay in that it makes sense to wait to see if he can build a little value before trading him.

Trade Joe Blanton. I'd be surprised if this doesn't happen, with Beane adding three or four more of some team's top ten prospects.

Trade Huston Street. Why not? He's got three years of service time left, so he should draw a better bounty than Jose Valverde did. Perhaps Beane can focus on acquiring a good young middle infielder here.

Vets like Bobby Crosby, Alan Embree, and Justin Duchscherer probably shouldn't get too comfortable either.

ht -Mlb traderumors

How about Rich Harden?


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:38 am

Minaya had no choice but to trade his best young talent? Are you kidding me???

He had to trade for Lo Puka and couldn’t sign Ramon Hernandez?

They also could have signed Delgado a year earlier instead of waiting until January to go after him with 1/10th the effort they went after Beltran, then essentially giving him the same offer he got from the Marlins, then ending up overpaying in a trade for him the next season.

This slotting system “excuse” is also complete garbage. Yea, teams passed on Pelfrey because of signability issues and the Mets scooped him up - the real problem is, Pelfrey stinks, just like the rest of Minaya’s drafts.

These are all just excuses that mask how bad Omar Minaya is. In three years, with Wright and Reyes making no money and producing at star level, and with a good farm in tow when he took over, in an absolutely terrible National League, he’s got the Mets to one playoff appearance while leaving the farm system far worse than when he started.

And there’s no excuse for that. He’s done a bad job, plain and simple.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:41 am

“Omar Minaya joined the Mets in the Fall of 2004, and further traded Mike Jacobs, Yusmeiro Petit, Grant Psomas and Gaby Hernandez…”

All considered great prospects; only Jacobs has come through as an everyday player.
Back when Omar was GM of expos, He traded Grady Sizemore for Bartolo Colon. Omar loves to trades young talent.

He traded Brian Bannister, and Lidstorm.

Vargas and Ben stinks.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:42 am

I don’t think signing first round picks is anything close to a complete fix. This isn’t the NBA. Building a farm system takes investment in scouting, player development, etc., and a commitment to getting the best coaches, best trainers, best system infrastructure, etc., rather than hiring old friends and patching holes when they spring open. I like what Omar did with the emphasis on Latin scouting, the complex in the Dominican, etc. That needs to be matched with similar investment in player development among the minor league affiliates. Having a farm team close by, in Brooklyn, probably helps.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Note: Mets Need a Big-Market Farm System

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:43 am

Note: Mets Need a Big-Market Farm System


In a chat yesterday for Baseball America, site-editor Jim Callis wrote that the Devil Rays, Red Sox, Reds, Rangers and Yankees have the best group of minor-league prospects in MLB.

The Red Sox were ranked eighth by Baseball America last off-season, up 13 from 2005, while the Yankees were ranked 24, the same as in 2005.

…so, basically, it’s possible to spin a system around in just a few years…begging the question: where are the Mets…

According to Baseball America, the Mets had the 10th Best Farm System in MLB after the 2004 season - after having traded Scott Kazmir and Matt Peterson a few months earlier.

Omar Minaya joined the Mets in the Fall of 2004, and further traded Mike Jacobs, Yusmeiro Petit, Grant Psomas and Gaby Hernandez, among others, during his first 12 months in an effort to quickly acquire proven, major-league talent.

…as he has said in the past, minaya’s argument is that in order to make a quick 180–degree transition, from a 71–91 team in 2004 to getting one game away from the World Series in 2006, he had no choice but to a) sign major free agents, like Carlos Beltran, Billy Wagner and Pedro Martinez, which also cost him top draft picks, while b) also trading his best young talent for proven veterans like Carlos Delgado and Paul Lo Duca…in other words, he had to cripple his farm system to quickly improve the major-league team…fact is, he did both…yes, the team won quickly, but he did in fact weaken their minor league talent pool…

…and so, here we are again…the Mets are good - far, far better than 2004’s team - with a pretty good crop of young talent in Fernando Martinez, Kevin Mulvey and others, and three top picks in the coming draft…yet, minaya is being tempted to decimate his farm system, again, to acquire one pitcher: Johan Santana…

…as i have said, at this point, given the pressure to win and the desire to field a popular team for the debut of Citi Field, i would give up this club’s best young pitchers to get santana, who will almost certainly always be better than Mike Pelfrey, Philip Humber and Kevin Mulvey…

…to do this, though, if he’s going to trade several prospects for one pitcher, minaya has got to abandon his team’s painful loyalty to MLB’s slotting system…

For more on the ‘slotting system,’ check out Ken Davidoff’s recent column for Newsday, during which Minaya insinuates a need to sway from his previous draft style


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:48 am

As already (a few months into the job) over the top Hank is w/ the media and his soundbites, is it that far fetched to believe he has a point that the Yanks have the current best offer if it is indeed Hughes, Milky, Marquez and 4th over Lester, Coco, Lowrie and Masterson?

The Yankees NEED Santana, the Sox don't. Starting from that premise, it is logical to assume that the Yankees will win the sweeps. The Sox WILL NOT DROP THEIR PANTS (they don't have too), but the Yankees just might.

I've heard they're going to cancel the A.L. schedule for 2008 since the mighty Redsox are too good for everybody.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:55 am

I think the East has caught up with Burnett, and that's really your impressive side of the staff.

burnett had the following results against AL east competition:

vs. NYY - 0.60 era (15ip)

vs. BOS - 3.12 era (8.2ip)

vs. BAL - 3.28 era (35.2ip)

vs. TAM - 3.95 era (27.1ip)

i'm not so sure that the AL east has caught up with AJ Burnett.

not only that, i think there is a reasonable chance that dustin macgowan is the best pitcher on the staff next year.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:11 am


Justin (Queens): The Jets need a pass rusher in the worst way. With the 6th pick, who should Tannumbaum go get?

SportsNation Matt Williamson: I think the Jets need a LOT. Yes, a pass rusher for sure is a priority, but I also have zero faith in either of their lines. Some names-C Long would be awesome, but probably gone-still, there are nto a lot of true 3-4 DL at the top of this draft. Could be a good trade down team to get a OG, RT, DE, NT and OLB....at least!


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:38 am

Malik stinks...

was it Sather or Renney who put him in last night?

Seriously, who is responsible?

As this idiot screens our goalie to put us down immediately, who gives out the orders that not only puts him in Ranger blue for the night, but doles out these precious minutes?

yet, we won't allow Callahan the minutes he needs to develop? We are probably going to see Dubinski become a tough and mean 25 dirty goals per year scorer
FOR SOMEONE ELSE as we trade him for an over 30 has been.

this is frustrating. Where is Dawes? I-95 at a truck stop? Why is Hossa still playing? Why is Isaiah still in the Garden?

Sather needs to make a deal. This team is going no where, the dead wood needs to go. this team is inconsistent and will not go far with the likes of Hollweeg, hossa, betts, malik. score some dam goals.
dead wood:

as to the dead wood, I consdier dead wood to be taking the place of someone more productive...in that sense, it may hurt our team.

then, there is an entire new catagory in which I have no fancy name, just that a player HURTS us being in the line up. this is Hossa and Malik.

the other guys:

1. Prucha. He tries. maybe he is being misused. All the PP time he got 2 years ago dried up, as did his goals. He should have shown up in camp with 10lbs of muscle. He is a concussion waiting to happen. I also think Renney frigged with his confidence, but that is only my conjecture...no proof.

2. Hollweg. His hitting helps, but he cannot score. He is dead weight and a replacement should be looked for.

3. Betts. I am not down on him as others. I think we need a face off man with smart D. he cannot score and I cannot argue with that. I think his PK is good and I don't see him as dead wood, though I am open to an argument as to WHO to replace him with.

4. Hossa. Just awful. Waste of time, PLUS he hurts us.

5. malik. It is at comical proportions. Why does Renney play him when he costs us goals and takes lazy penalties? I simply do not know.

Callahan: talented but screwed by Renney.
Dawes: what did he do to deserve demotion? it seems that Renney just does not like him (or Callahan). Callahan had his confidence shot.....Dubi is in the same boat. Both of these kids have the talent, but need a coach to let them work through the tough spots.

Time to let Montoya see some action, and Lundqvst to see some competetition.

We aren't going to win the Stanley Cup. Jagr will likely take off for Europe next year:

what is stopping us from a blockbuster trade for the future?

Gomez is 28 and Drury is 31. We have some solid men to build around. We have some youth. We need a coach that knows how to do these things and we need Jagr to get hot, get traded and not be making decisions for the team. We need a coach with moxy.

I am so stunned that we are a mediocre team. I must sound so stupid to some of you, but I really thought we were a first place team and the Islanders, who lost their 6 top players, were sunk. Look how things turned out.

They may make the playoffs, and we may not.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:39 am

Malik stinks...

was it Sather or Renney who put him in last night?

Seriously, who is responsible?

As this idiot screens our goalie to put us down immediately, who gives out the orders that not only puts him in Ranger blue for the night, but doles out these precious minutes?

yet, we won't allow Callahan the minutes he needs to develop? We are probably going to see Dubinski become a tough and mean 25 dirty goals per year scorer
FOR SOMEONE ELSE as we trade him for an over 30 has been.

this is frustrating. Where is Dawes? I-95 at a truck stop? Why is Hossa still playing? Why is Isaiah still in the Garden?

Sather needs to make a deal. This team is going no where, the dead wood needs to go. this team is inconsistent and will not go far with the likes of Hollweeg, hossa, betts, malik. score some dam goals.
dead wood:

as to the dead wood, I consdier dead wood to be taking the place of someone more productive...in that sense, it may hurt our team.

then, there is an entire new catagory in which I have no fancy name, just that a player HURTS us being in the line up. this is Hossa and Malik.

the other guys:

1. Prucha. He tries. maybe he is being misused. All the PP time he got 2 years ago dried up, as did his goals. He should have shown up in camp with 10lbs of muscle. He is a concussion waiting to happen. I also think Renney frigged with his confidence, but that is only my conjecture...no proof.

2. Hollweg. His hitting helps, but he cannot score. He is dead weight and a replacement should be looked for.

3. Betts. I am not down on him as others. I think we need a face off man with smart D. he cannot score and I cannot argue with that. I think his PK is good and I don't see him as dead wood, though I am open to an argument as to WHO to replace him with.

4. Hossa. Just awful. Waste of time, PLUS he hurts us.

5. malik. It is at comical proportions. Why does Renney play him when he costs us goals and takes lazy penalties? I simply do not know.

Callahan: talented but screwed by Renney.
Dawes: what did he do to deserve demotion? it seems that Renney just does not like him (or Callahan). Callahan had his confidence shot.....Dubi is in the same boat. Both of these kids have the talent, but need a coach to let them work through the tough spots.

Time to let Montoya see some action, and Lundqvst to see some competetition.

We aren't going to win the Stanley Cup. Jagr will likely take off for Europe next year:

what is stopping us from a blockbuster trade for the future?

Gomez is 28 and Drury is 31. We have some solid men to build around. We have some youth. We need a coach that knows how to do these things and we need Jagr to get hot, get traded and not be making decisions for the team. We need a coach with moxy.

I am so stunned that we are a mediocre team. I must sound so stupid to some of you, but I really thought we were a first place team and the Islanders, who lost their 6 top players, were sunk. Look how things turned out.

They may make the playoffs, and we may not.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:40 am

QUOTE(Curmudgeon @ Jan 4 2008, 12:03 PM) *
The MLB tampering rule is a joke and everyone knows it. The Devil Rays accused the Red Sox of tampering with Lugo before they traded him to the Dodgers. The Dodgers accused the Red Sox of tampering with J.D. Drew during the 2006 Winter meetings.

The Dodgers accused the Red Sox of no such thing. Some old NY hack accussed them.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:42 am

I will completely give up on this regime if....

David Barrett or Justin McCareins are on this roster on opening day. I'm 100% serious with this. It's beyond inexcusable that Barrett collected $3.6 mil of base in 2007 (especially for a team that won't spend!). If it happens again (he's due the same in 2008), I will be 100% convinced that Tangini are WAYYYYYY over their heads.

Again, I'm going to try my best to forget 2007 and give Tangini (especially Mangini, I never really gave up on Tanny) my support. But the support will be over before the season begins if either of these guys remain on the roster.

It's pretty simple... Barrett can't cover anyone and McCareins can't catch a football.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:46 am


Justin (Queens): The Jets need a pass rusher in the worst way. With the 6th pick, who should Tannumbaum go get?

SportsNation Matt Williamson: I think the Jets need a LOT. Yes, a pass rusher for sure is a priority, but I also have zero faith in either of their lines. Some names-C Long would be awesome, but probably gone-still, there are nto a lot of true 3-4 DL at the top of this draft. Could be a good trade down team to get a OG, RT, DE, NT and OLB....at least!

TD (Boston): Would the Pats go CB at #7 - are there any worth the #7?

SportsNation Matt Williamson: They might have to if Samuel walks. Still, I would bet on a trade down and I have a hunch that they really like Laurenitis. Are Jenkins from Ohio St or Cason worthy of such a high pick? Hard to say right now, but probably not. They won't reach.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:52 am

Move Jeter to 1st base or Cf since his range diminish? Trade for Chavez and play him at third and Arod at SS?


Eric Chavez-3B-Athletics

Eric Chavez indicated Thursday that he expects to be traded, calling it "inevitable."
"I told Billy [Beane], 'I know what you're doing, if you want to move me, do what you have to do,'" Chavez said. "It's motivation to get healthy, play well and then see what happens. To be honest, with everything that's going on, there's probably no reason for me to stay around, it doesn't add up with what's happening." Chavez is signed through 2010 at an average of $11.5 million per season.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 11:58 am

No Santana for Mariners; Bedard tops wish list


For those who hadn't guessed by now, the Mariners are out of the Johan Santana derby.

Seattle isn't willing to mortgage the Mariner farm system in order to bring Santana from the Minnesota organization into the fold.

However, the Mariners aren't giving up on adding a starting pitcher in the runup to the 2008 spring training season.

Seattle insiders say that the club would like nothing better than to land Baltimore's Erik Bedard, who stands as the No. 1 man on the Mariner wish-list.

However, the Orioles to this point want to get Seattle pitcher Brandon Morrow as part of the compensation along with outfielder Adam Jones and perhaps another minor leaguer.

And the Mariners are adamant they won't trade Morrow for Bedard.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:00 pm

“And if Beane’s so smart, why is he having to completely restock his farm system in one off-season?”

Several reasons…all of which you already know but I have 15 minutes to kill:

1) Billy Beane is not God. I sometimes like to think he is because the afterlife would rule, but even when a team retains and nurtures its best talent its system can still be weak on multiple levels due to key injuries and prospects not panning out. Overall, his body of work is still excellent.

2) Teams like Oakland can’t afford to pay the mega prospects so they don’t draft them. Other teams can afford them but they are afraid to join the party. This is how teams like Boston, New York, Detroit, etc went from having dried up orchards to fruitful bounties seemingly overnight. Beane has made a career out of letting other teams pay the high signing bonuses and then trading for those players only after he knows they are adjusting to pro ball. During his playing days, Beane’s struggles with the mental side of the pro adjustment were legendary. This is why he applies high value to that particular attribute in players he drafts and targets in trades, but I digress…

3) When you don’t have the monster payroll winning has to be cyclical. You go for it, you rebuild, you go for it, you rebuild. Several years ago Beane developed what he believed to be a contender and traded a few key prospects (Harang, Teahen, etc.) and spent most if not all of his top picks on near-major league ready college kids to seal the deal as soon as possible. Had he been loading up on high school prospects, chances are the system would be richer at this point.

I agree that the casual A’s fan will have a tough time swallowing the pill Beane is feeding them but I assume the more sophisticated A’s fan is excited about the impressive talent being stockpiled for a legitimate, low-budget run that should start in two to three years. I know that if the Mariners were in the A’s position I would love to see our GM doing what Beane is doing. Unfortunately, it rarely happens because most GM’s don’t have his job security and most owners are terrified of making less money.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:01 pm

If you’re an A’s fan, hearing all of this talk about how your GM is a genius and he’s great at finding undervalued talent and making great trades and all of that, I think you would eventually like to see that translate into more on-field success, since the A’s have had bad luck even when they’ve reached the postseason in his tenure.

Tough to imagine more on-field success than the A’s have had… In the past 10 seasons, the A’s have 2 losing seasons - last year and 10 years ago. Their overall record is 901-718. Here is how they’ve done:

1998: 74-88
1999: 87-75
2000: 91-70
2001: 102-60
2002: 103-59
2003: 96-66
2004: 91-71
2005: 88-74
2006: 93-69
2007: 76-86

THAT is impressive, and for team that has consistently been in the bottom 1/3 of payroll, I would say it’s unprecedented. For those who wonder about the man-crushes on Billy Beane, that’s the reason, and it’s tough to argue with.

If you’re talking about post-season success, say so, and I’m sure someone will explain why it’s basically a crap-shoot.
January 3rd, 2008 at 10:40 pm


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:03 pm

From M's Fans Mat Says:


Cashman’s record has many holes that only the ability to keep spending has covered.

Cashman gets to sign contracts/make trades knowing that he has that safety net. It would be silly for him to make the same decisions that a team with a $70M payroll would make. We can’t know how he would fare with a small payroll just the same way that we can’t know how Billy Beane would fare with a large payroll. Other teams with large payrolls have foundered because they have made stupid decisions.

Everything else you say, while true, just points out how unfair (to fans, at least) baseball’s economic model is.

That’s the main point. Consider this part of Bermanator’s comment to which CCW was responding:

And I think that as an A’s fan you would also know, in the cold depths of your gut, that other teams are doing what you do (arguably better), only with a bigger budget.

As an A’s fan, or the fan of any team with a small to medium payroll, at some point you have to accept that your team is at a real, genuine disadvantage. Fans of (for instance) the Blue Jays can grouse about how they would have done this thing or that differently, and that things could have been optimized a bit better, but then Yankees fans can make the same claims that this thing or that could have been optimized better. Given two equally talented GMs, but unequal budgets, on average the team with more money is going to win more games.

I think that Bermanator is getting at something important here. If Beane is a great GM (and I think he is), if Cashman is chopped liver (though I think he’s reasonably savvy), and the A’s can’t match the success that the Yankees have had, isn’t the obvious, rational reaction to be supremely discouraged as an A’s fan?

Just because it has been shown that it’s possible for teams with small payrolls to win the WS doesn’t mean that it’s very likely that your particular small-budget team will win the WS. Heck, if we’re using CCW’s arbitrary 10-year window, I can say that half of the last 10 WS have been won by either the Yankees or the Red Sox. That doesn’t paint an especially bright picture for the future.

The very fact that it is a smart idea for Oakland to rebuild while the Yankees and Red Sox essentially can just re-spend and never really need to rebuilt is borderline insulting to A’s fans and fans of small budget teams everywhere. Is your team unable to spend $120M to $190M on payroll? You’re sentenced to (at least) two hopeless seasons every ten seasons. Thanks for your support!


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:03 pm

I love this quote from Beane:

“I got off the plane from the winter meetings, I said to David, ‘Who are we kidding?’” Beane said. “We can’t let hope be our strategy here. That’s what we’re doing. … We can’t waste another year. If this needs to be done, it needs to be done.”

If only we could set Lincoln and Armstrong in a room with this quote and burn it into their brains Clockwork Orange style . .


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Re: What's Next For Oakland?

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:03 pm

If you narrowly define “ultimate goal”, I guess winning a championship might be it. But Yankees fans are frustrated, too, because they haven’t won a WS in 5 years. Braves fans are frustrated because they only won 1 WS despite all those division titles. Toronto and Tampa Bay fans are frustrated because they’re in the same division as the Yankees and Red Sox. In fact, the only fans who aren’t frustrated at the moment are the fans of the team who just won a WS: the Red Sox. I’d say, though, that in the grand scheme of frustration, it’s way more frustrating to be an M’s fan, knowing that the FO does not know how to build a competitive team with a *chance* to win a WS, than to be an A’s fan, and know that the FO has a plan that will give the team a chance.


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What's Next For Oakland? Empty Let The Yankees Season Ticket Seller Beware

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:15 pm

Let The Yankees Season Ticket Seller Beware

Ht: Steve Lombardi of Waswatching.com for the link


Resale of Ticket(s): Any direct or indirect sale, resale, auction, assignment or transfer (collectively, "resale") of Tickets must be done in accordance with applicable law. Any resale or attempted resale in violation of applicable law violates this License. New York State law prohibits the resale of any Ticket(s) within one thousand five hundred feet from the physical structure of the Stadium under penalty of law. No Ticket(s) may be used for advertising, promotion (including contests, giveaways or sweepstakes), or other trade or commercial purposes without the express written consent of the Yankees. Any violation of the License shall give the Yankees the unrestricted right to revoke this License, terminate this License and/or cancel the Ticket Account immediately. The Licensee is absolutely responsible for any violation of the License and should safeguard the Ticket(s) so that the License is not violated. The Yankees reserve the right to investigate violations of the License. The failure of the Licensee or any person in possession of the Ticket(s) to cooperate with any investigation constitutes a violation of the License.

These two policies, as a combination, concerned me a bit. So, I contacted a high ranking party in the Yankees Ticket Operations department and asked them:

If a Yankee season ticket holder were to sell their tickets on StubHub and then the person who buys them sells them “within one thousand five hundred feet from the physical structure of the Stadium,” would the season ticket holder then lose their license? Or, would the Yankees work with StubHub to verify that the tickets were sold by the season ticket holder and then they (the season holder) would be relieved of what happens with the ticket after the sale?

And, this was their answer to me:

The Licensee is absolutely responsible for any violation of the License and should safeguard the Ticket(s) so that the License is not violated.

So, if you're a Yankees season ticket holder, and you're thinking of selling some of your tickets this season on StubHub, you may want to think twice about it - because, if the person who buys your ticket (with your account number printed on it) does something bad with it, the Yankees are keeping you on the hook for it.


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