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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:30 pm

How long before My Knicks win Nba Title. It's been forty years Marc


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:34 pm

"If the rule of thumb for yankee prospects is that they typically amount to 50% of their hype I hope the steinbrenners are putting slot machines into their new stadium to help capture customers."

I love how this a yankee specific thing. Prospects flame out everywhere. Furthermore, the article that is being quoted isnt written by a yankee fan rather a well-respected site that covers minor league players exclusively. They have no reason to hype them beyond what the believe them to be. Also, why did you bother to pull out all of the negatives in this article, there are plenty of positives too and the article is directly above your comment.


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:38 pm

1) Why not take a lie detector test? We know they're not 100% accurate, but they are generally reliable. Considering his predicament, if you're really telling the truth, seems like a good move.

2) Why did his reps call McNamee a "troubled" man and imply he was lying. If he injected Clemens with Lidocaine and B-12 isn't he really just confused.

3) Why hire a lawer (especially one that specializes in criminal defense) when its clear that a lawsuit is not on its way. The libel/slander already happened. If you're going to sue, why is there no lawsuit on file. A 2 year lawyer could put a rough petition together in 2 hours.

4) Who recommended you take Lidocain? Where did you get it? Why did you use it? Have you ever heard of anyone injecting it into their butt? Who?

5) Why are you injecting B-12 into your rear. You can take B-12 through beverages. Where did you get the B-12?

6) You say you still take B-12 now. How do you take it? If injected, who injects it for you?


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:39 pm

OT: Skip Bayless
kingfelixadamjones4 Post #1: 1:21 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 1120
I think he just implied that Tomo Romo was a "wiley veteran" on the promo for 1st and 10
Flip212121 Post #2: 1:28 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 120
No one actually likes Skip Bayless. People only pay attention to him in anticipation of the next dumb thing he'll say or write.
tele_jj Post #3: 1:30 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 2424
i think his spot on a show is like in on a debate team....take an opposing arguement...on any subject...its just getting tiresome now
kingfelixadamjones4 Post #4: 1:37 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 1120
Yeah, dudes a moron. I think the full qoute was something like "Can Eli Manning and Matt Hasselbeck help their team beat wiley veterans like Brett Favre and Tony Romo"

Seriously? Favre and Hasselbeck are the veteran QBs in the NFC playoffs, not Romo.
WhatsABeveridge Post #5: 2:21 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 133

Skip Bayless just goes with the argument that either makes no sense, or creates the biggest disagreement in pretty much every story.
scott91801 Post #6: 2:26 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 211
He is still not as bad as Woody Paige...but yeah, he sucks. So does Mariotti
kingfelixadamjones4 Post #7: 2:35 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 1120

He is still not as bad as Woody Paige...but yeah, he sucks. So does Mariotti

I think he is worse than Paige or Mariotti


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Clemens' steroid denials sound very familiar

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:45 pm

Clemens' steroid denials sound very familiar


by Ken Rosenthal
Ken Rosenthal has been the senior baseball writer for FOXSports.com since Aug. 2005. He appears weekly on the FSN Baseball Report and MLB on FOX.
Updated: January 7, 2008, 11:44 AM EST 139 comments
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Either Roger Clemens is telling the truth, or he is convinced that he can not be caught in a lie.

No way Clemens would be this outspoken if he thought someone could prove that he used performance-enhancing drugs. No way he would file a defamation suit against his former trainer, Brian McNamee, unless he was confident that his word would prevail.

In adamantly denying that he used performance-enhancing drugs -- first in a video on his web site, then in an interview with "60 Minutes" Sunday night -- Clemens had to know that he was all but daring Congress to summon him to Capitol Hill.

Yet, the prospect hardly seems to bother him.

Clemens told interviewer Mike Wallace that he would say the same things to Congress that he said to "60 Minutes." His lawsuit against McNamee further demonstrates his willingness to continue the discussion.

His strategy -- deny, deny, deny -- previously was employed by Marion Jones, Barry Bonds and other athletes accused of using PEDs. In Clemens' case, the strategy actually could work, provided that no one corroborates McNamee's charges and fans eventually lose interest.

A casual viewer watching Clemens on "60 Minutes" might have believed him, even empathized with him. Clemens came across as passionate, a hard worker, a man betrayed. And, as he rightly lamented, it's "guilty before innocence" for those alleged to have used PEDs.

Still, Clemens should not be surprised that he isn't getting "the benefit of the doubt" or "an inch of respect" after providing nearly a quarter-century of elite performance and community service.

If he were the first athlete in this predicament, he indeed would merit sympathy. But not now. Not after all the lying by others.

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Jones, after years of denials, finally confessed to using PEDs. Bonds is under indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice. Other baseball players, including Clemens' friend Andy Pettitte, confirmed allegations in the Mitchell report that they previously denied.

Whether Clemens likes it or not, the skepticism of him is warranted, and not simply because his late-career surge mirrored Bonds'.

Clemens already has changed his story once, saying initially that he did not give McNamee any drug to inject into his body, then admitting that he received shots of the vitamin B-12 and the painkiller Lidocaine. His statements to "60 Minutes," while forceful, echoed the refrains of others alleged to have used PEDs:

# "My body never changed." First off, the point is debatable. Second, it is not necessarily relevant; not every user's body inflates like Popeye's.

# "Why didn't I break down?" Clemens implied that PEDs frequently lead to injury, but some users monitor their intake carefully enough to avoid physical harm.

# "I listened to my counsel." When in doubt, blame the lawyers; Clemens said his attorneys advised him not to talk to Mitchell. If only he had known what McNamee had told Mitchell, Clemens said, he would have "been down there in a heartbeat to take care of it."

# "Andy's case is totally separate." Nevermind that Pettitte, by confirming his use of human growth hormone, strengthened McNamee's credibility. When Wallace asked why McNamee would lie about Clemens but tell the truth about Pettitte, Clemens had no answer.

# "Never happened." That's Clemens' story, and he's sticking to it. He will face a perjury charge only if he testifies before Congress and appears to lie under oath. Like Bonds, he would be playing the odds if he skirted the truth, knowing that perjury is difficult to prove.

Roger Clemens was named in the Mitchell Report. (Mario Tama / Getty Images)

The evidence against Bonds, the subject of a federal investigation, remains far more compelling than the evidence against Clemens, one of 87 players cited in the Mitchell report.

McNamee didn't produce canceled checks or other documentation that would provide stronger proof that Clemens used PEDs — evidence that the Mitchell investigators had on other players. All McNamee gave were his recollections.

Those recollections carry weight; McNamee, identified as a buyer and possible distributor of steroids, faced possible felony charges if he failed to tell the truth. McNamee hardly is emerging as a beacon of integrity. But that doesn't mean he's a liar.

The best way for Clemens to clear his name is to sue McNamee, and he took precisely that step Sunday night. While Clemens indicated on "60 Minutes" that such a course would be expensive, money should not be a problem for a player who earned a pro-rated portion of $28 million for pitching in 18 games last season. McNamee figures to have a far more difficult time paying for his defense.

The game is on. Clemens is daring Congress, McNamee's attorneys and anyone else who challenges his version of the truth.

Catch him if you can.


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:47 pm

Clemens sues McNamee for defamation


Updated: January 7, 2008, 2:32 PM EST 324 comments

NEW YORK (AP) - Roger Clemens beat Brian McNamee to court, filing a defamation suit against the former trainer who claimed to have injected him with performance-enhancing drugs.

Clemens, McNamee talk

Roger Clemens reportedly spoke with his accuser on Friday, having an 'emotional' talk with former trainer Brian McNamee.

Clemens filed the suit Sunday night in Harris County District Court in Texas, listing 15 alleged statements McNamee made to the baseball drug investigator George Mitchell. Clemens claimed the statements were "untrue and defamatory."

"According to McNamee, he originally made his allegations to federal authorities after being threatened with criminal prosecution if he didn't implicate Clemens," according to the 14-page petition.

Richard Emery, one of McNamee's lawyers, said he would seek to remove the case to U.S. District Court in Houston, then to possibly shift it to federal court in Brooklyn.

"I think it's dismissible on its face. I think it's a press release for Clemens and his career," Emery said. "The case is shoddy at best. The prosecutors acted completely professionally in this case. This is a very odd thing for me to be saying, but it's the truth. Sometimes you are bound by the truth."

The suit states that when McNamee told others that when he first was interviewed by federal law enforcement last June, he denied Clemens had used steroids or human growth hormone. The suit quotes McNamee as saying he was pressured by Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Parrella and IRS Special Agent Jeff Novitzky — key members of the BALCO prosecution — to implicate Clemens. The suit did not attribute where the quote from McNamee was obtained.

"After this exchange, and for the first time in his life, McNamee stated that he had injected Clemens with steroids in 1998, 2000 and 2001," the suit said. "Following his recantation, McNamee has relayed that he magically went from a 'target' in a federal criminal drug investigation to a mere 'witness,' so long as he continued to 'toe the line."'

The suit said that when McNamee initially refused a request from federal authorities that he speak to Mitchell, he was threatened with prosecution. Clemens said McNamee decided only then to cooperate with Mitchell, and the suit said McNamee told other the interview "was conducted like a Cold War-era interrogation in which a federal agent merely read to the Mitchell investigators McNamee's previously obtained statement and then asked McNamee to confirm what he previously stated."

Clemens asked that damages be determined by a jury.

"Clemens' good reputation has been severely injured," the suit said. "McNamee's false allegations have also caused Clemens to suffer mental anguish, shame, public humiliation and embarrassment."

Emery said McNamee was threatened with prosecution for steroids distribution unless he told the truth. That, according to Emery, was when McNamee implicated Clemens.

The seven-time Cy Young Award winner, who was scheduled to hold a late afternoon news conference Monday in Houston, sounded indignant and defiant in a segment of CBS's "60 Minutes" broadcast Sunday night, his first interview since McNamee accused him. The two are approaching a potential confrontation if they testify under oath at a Jan. 16 hearing on Capitol Hill.

The most prominent player implicated in last month's Mitchell Report, Clemens steadfastly maintained his innocence and called McNamee's allegations "totally false."

"If he's doing that to me, I should have a third ear coming out of my forehead. I should be pulling tractors with my teeth," said Clemens, who wore a lavender button-down shirt during the interview, taped Dec. 28 at his home in Katy, Texas.

On Friday, when the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform invited Clemens and McNamee to testify, the pair spoke by telephone, an individual close to the situation said, speaking on condition of anonymity because public comments weren't authorized. The conversation first was reported Sunday by Newsday.

The individual would not say what was discussed.

Clemens' lawyer, Rusty Hardin, told the Houston Chronicle that it was McNamee who arranged to talk to Clemens on Friday but instead of getting back to Clemens the conversation was leaked "with spin" to Newsday.

During the "60 Minutes" segment, Clemens said he might be willing to take a lie-detector test and was "shocked" close friend Andy Pettitte used HGH. He said — again — that he probably will retire.

A fiery look in his eyes and stubble on his face, Clemens told CBS's Mike Wallace that he would have spoken with Mitchell had he been aware of McNamee's accusations.

"I thought it was an impassioned, disingenuous and desperate plea," said Earl Ward, McNamee's primary lawyer.

One of the few revelations in the much-hyped interview came when Clemens was asked whether he conceivably would take a lie detector test.

"Yeah," he answered. "I don't know if they're good or bad."

After Monday's news conference will come the congressional hearing. Pettitte, former Yankees teammate Chuck Knoblauch and former Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski, who allegedly supplied McNamee with performance-enhancing drugs, also were asked to appear before the committee.

Lawyers for Clemens and McNamee have said their clients are willing to testify but Hardin wouldn't commit to the date.

Emery said he wanted to hear testimony from Clemens.

"If Congress calls him, he pretty much has to take the Fifth, and if he takes the Fifth, nobody will ever believe him again and all this effort has gone down the drain," Emery said. "And if he doesn't take the Fifth, it's very hard to imagine that a prosecutor isn't going to pursue this. So I think he's put himself in a terrible corner."

Clemens said his lawyer advised him not to speak with Mitchell, who spent 20 months on his investigation.

"If I would've known what this man, what Brian McNamee (had) said in this report, I would have been down there in a heartbeat to take care of it," Clemens said.

Only two active players, Jason Giambi and Frank Thomas, spoke with Mitchell, a Boston Red Sox director and a former Senate majority leader.

In excerpts of the CBS interview that were released Thursday, Clemens said McNamee injected him with vitamin B-12 and the painkiller lidocaine. In the full 14-minute broadcast, Clemens also said he was given an injection of toradol under the supervision of the New York Yankees.

McNamee told Mitchell he injected Clemens with steroids and HGH about 16 to 21 times during 1998, 2000 and 2001 — before baseball players and owners agreed to ban performance-enhancing substances.

Eighth on the career list with 354 wins, the 45-year-old Clemens said he was angered McNamee's accusations have been accepted as truth by some.

"It's hogwash for people to even assume this," Clemens said. "Twenty-four, 25 years, Mike. You'd think I'd get an inch of respect. An inch."

Clemens said the descriptions McNamee gave Mitchell of injections "never happened."

"If I have these needles and these steroids and all these drugs, where did I get 'em?" he said. "Where is the person out there (who) gave 'em to me? Please, please come forward."


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:52 pm

Mailbag: What's the outfield rotation?
Beat reporter Bryan Hoch answers Yankees fans' questions
By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com


Why all the talk about Hideki Matsui as a designated hitter? Isn't he an "iron man" with a better arm than Johnny Damon? As far as I can tell, the only bad thing Matsui ever did in left field was break his left wrist in May 2006. It seems to me that with the production the Yankees can expect from their outfield personnel, a rotation might suit them best.
-- Brad B., Temple, Texas

It does seem that ever since Matsui broke his wrist, his "iron man" status has taken a hit and it could be a thing of the past. Injuries slowed Matsui for much of 2007, starting with the strained hamstring on that chilly April day in the Bronx, and his arthritic right knee required a surgical procedure after the season.

At the same time, Damon's energy made a real difference down the stretch, the same way Melky Cabrera represented an upgrade over Damon in center field. Damon seemed to take well to playing left field, even though it was clear that he would have preferred to play center.

Having Matsui healthy changes the dynamic a lot, and it will be curious to see how manager Joe Girardi handles the situation. With his consecutive-games streak long over, Matsui still offers the Yankees a professional hitter, whether he's in the field or serving as the DH. But part of the reason why he was able to log so many at-bats as a DH in 2007 came from Jason Giambi's absence due to injury.

As of right now, the Yankees project to have Cabrera starting every day in center field and Bobby Abreu doing the same in right. That leaves Damon and Matsui for left field and DH once again, but with Giambi back in the mix, someone is more than likely going to be left out.

The deal for Johan Santana has come down to a matter of dollars and cents. Twenty million a year for an ace pitcher in three or four years will seem like a bargain deal. In six or seven years, an ace pitcher will easily be able to demand $30 million yearly. If it's just about the money, it looks like a steal for the Yankees.
-- Larry K., Lewiston, Idaho

Senior vice president Hank Steinbrenner has made very little secret of the fact that he'd like to see Santana in pinstripes, but he and general manager Brian Cashman have been reported to be among the organizational voices of dissent. If the Yankees do move forward on their trade for Santana, it would likely have to come packaged with a contract extension that has been reported to be as much as six years and $120 million.

Hypothetically, that only plays out to be a good deal if Santana is still pitching -- and effective -- well into the next decade. Sure, $20 million may well be a bargain for a top-flight starting pitcher in 2013, but is there any guarantee that Santana will be filling that role when he's 34?

To be clear, if you're going to commit that kind of money to anyone, it might as well be to Santana, who is dominant, in the prime of his career and seems to be at the top of his game.

But here's something to think about -- relatively few big-money deals for five years or more for starting pitchers have worked out in favor of the clubs over the past 30 years. Mike Mussina's $88.5 million deal has been pretty helpful for the Yankees since 2001. But for every Mussina, there's a Denny Neagle (five years, $51 million), Mike Hampton (eight years, $121 million) or Chan Ho Park (five years, $65 million) to make you consider a future with Phil Hughes intact.

I've read that Jorge Posada started his career as a second baseman. Did he and Derek Jeter team up for double plays in those early years or did Posada move positions before they started playing together?
-- Mike S., Monterey, Calif.

Have a question about the Yankees?
Bryan HochE-mail your query to MLB.com Yankees beat reporter Bryan Hoch for possible inclusion in a future mailbag column. Letters may be edited for brevity, length and/or content.

Posada led all New York-Penn League second basemen with 41 double plays turned for the Oneonta Yankees in 1991 before making a successful transition to catcher with Class A Greensboro in '92. By the time Jeter was drafted by the Yankees that June, Posada was already honing his catch-and-throw abilities behind the plate, though they would play on the same team when Jeter joined Greensboro late in the year.

I have not heard much about Doug Mientkiewicz. Do you know if he will be coming back next season? I think that he is still a solid first baseman.
-- Marcin K., New York

Few are as enjoyable to watch defensively as Mientkiewicz, but he does not appear to be on the Yankees' radar. Cashman said recently that he is not in the market for a first baseman. By allowing Mientkiewicz to enter free agency and also cutting Andy Phillips loose, the Yankees appear primed to head into the season with Shelley Duncan, Giambi and Wilson Betemit as their primary first-base personalities.

What is the status on Juan Miranda? Will we see him in a Yankees uniform or is he more suited for trade bait?
-- Hugo G., Miami

Miranda might be a wild card for the Yankees' first-base situation later in the season. Lauded as a professional hitter, Miranda batted .264 with 16 home runs and 96 RBIs in 446 at-bats for Class A Tampa and Double-A Trenton in 2007. Since Giambi really projects more as a DH anyway, it comes down to what Betemit and Duncan produce at first base. If it's less than what the Yankees would like, don't rule out seeing Miranda by mid-summer.

Whatever happened to Humberto Sanchez? If healthy, is he projected to be a member of the Yankees' bullpen?
-- Keelan L., Avon, Conn.

Coming off Tommy John elbow reconstruction surgery, Sanchez will be a touch behind the rest of the Yankees' pitchers and catchers when he reports to Tampa, Fla., next month, but he's expected to be on a mound and throwing sometime in March. With success, Sanchez could be an option for the Yankees' bullpen before the All-Star break.

Do you think we will see Jose Tabata, Andrew Brackman or Jesus Montero in the Bronx any time soon?
-- Rafi G., Monroe, N.Y.

Tabata, for all his offensive promise, won't turn 20 until August. He might have a slight chance of seeing New York by year's end, but it's not as though the Yankees have any reason to rush him, especially with 40-man roster spots at a premium. Montero has already shown good progress, but he'll need to continue in the lower Minor League ranks. Brackman is slated to miss most or all of 2008 after undergoing Tommy John elbow reconstruction surgery in August.

Will there be a museum at the new Yankee Stadium? I went to a Texas Rangers game in Arlington and wandered into their museum and thought it was very well done. A team with the history and legacy of the Yankees should have something like this as well. Any room in the new stadium?
-- Bryan L., Terryville, Conn.

Plans for the new stadium do include a Yankees museum and many of the historical touches that you would expect from a facility meant to evoke the original "House that Ruth Built." As an aside, having watched the new stadium rise on a near-daily basis during the season, it has been quite striking to see an updated version of the same entryway modeling that is so prominent in photographs of the pre-renovation facility.

Bryan Hoch is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Dad on Henrik Lundqvist's mind

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:53 pm

Dad on Henrik Lundqvist's mind



Monday, January 7th 2008, 4:00 AM
Henrik Lundqvist insists his father's health has not been a distraction. Keivom/News

Henrik Lundqvist insists his father's health has not been a distraction.

Henrik Lundqvist insists it is neither a valid excuse for anything that has happened over the last several weeks nor a reasonable explanation for any particular goal against or subpar performance.

But then, the Rangers' franchise goaltender concedes that his father's health - slowly improving but still a matter of major concern - is on his mind constantly.

Peter Lundqvist underwent brain surgery in mid-December. Henrik doesn't want to discuss the details. But his father apparently suffered an aneurysm that required the surgery shortly after he returned to Sweden from a late-November visit to the United States to see his twin sons Henrik and Joel of the Dallas Stars play against each other at the Garden.

According to one account, which Henrik did not want to discuss, Peter Lundqvist underwent the surgery without Henrik or Joel knowing until after it was over. The procedure was successful. But the recovery has been slow.

And monitoring it from across the Atlantic has not been easy.

"I think about it every day, of course," Lundqvist told the Daily News. "But it's not that he's that sick. He's just recovering from a tough operation - a tough surgery. And it's going to take awhile for him to get back.

"It was something on the brain. I don't want to go into too much on it. Knowing that he's getting better, you see improvements every week. So that's good. It makes me relax."

Lundqvist was anything but relaxed coming off the ice in Edmonton on Saturday after yielding the only goal of the shootout to Sam Gagner in a 3-2 loss that completed a winless Rangers road trip. Lundqvist repeatedly lashed his goalstick into anything that crossed his path, splintering it to pieces.

And he has not been the same goaltender over the last month that he was through the season's first two months.

In his first 24 starts, Lundqvist allowed more than three goals just once, while holding opponents to two or fewer 17 times. He played to a 1.82 goals-against average and .930 save percentage over that stretch, which ran through the Dec.1 victory at Ottawa that completed a 12-3-1 surge.

Lundqvist has allowed four goals or more in half of his 12 starts since while holding opponents to two or fewer just four times. Over that stretch, he has played to a 3.17 goals-against average and .867 save percentage.

THAT HURTS: RW Brendan Shanahan said after Saturday night's game that the left knee injury he suffered in an unintentional center-ice collision with Edmonton's Dustin Penner 9:01 into the third period was "just a contusion." There was no update from the Rangers Sunday, as they spent the day flying back from Edmonton.

After writhing on the ice for several seconds, Shanahan attempted to walk and skate it off. He returned for one 20-second, penalty-killing shift but didn't play anymore.

Rangers coach Tom Renney said LW Martin Straka suffered "a stinger" from slamming into the backboards 1:10 into overtime. Straka did not return to the game and was hunched over and hurting in the Rangers' dressing room afterward.


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:45 pm


That is the longest dump I have ever seen anyone take!!! WOW!!!!


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:11 pm

John Manuel said in the chat that he didn't rank Brad Suttle....in the top 30!

That's shocking. Suttle got $1M this year and was in the 10-15 range (iirc) over on Sickel's site.

$1M and not in the BA top 30. Wow.

QUOTE(amarshal2 @ Jan 7 2008, 09:54 AM) *
I'm kind of surprised by this top 10 list as it's not as strong as I expected. I also figured Sanchez would be up there with perhaps a guy like Suttle, DeLeon, or Bettances (knowing BA's tendancy). I mean, 7-10 are really uninspiring in my mind. I can't quibble with the #5 ranking at all. I figure they're at worst top 10 with a lot of depth and upside in the lower minors.

While I am upset with the back end of the top 10, I have to say it just makes the rest of the system deeper. Injuries clearly hurt the rankings of Garcia, Betances (tired arm), Sanchez, Cox and Melancon. And we all know that Garcia, Sanchez and Melancon have top shelf stuff that you can get very excited about.

All in all, I am very pleased with the system though it does lack power bats. I would like to see a focus on this area in the upcoming draft.

He actually said that he didn't rank Garcia in the top 30 either.

Interesting, but he was a top 10 talent last year and got hurt. So we know BA thought highly of him and we all know he has top shelf stuff. Which kinf of furthers my point if Garcia and Suttle are not in the top 30 than it shows how deep the system is

I agree the system is very deep, but I can't see the Suttle ranking as anything but a giant negative.


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:14 pm

I remember reading (like 10 years ago) when he was on the Blue Jays, they were playing the Mets at Shea and he was on second. They kept trying to pick him off (to tire him out), and he turns to Ordonez and says "If you pull that shit again I'm going to drill you."

Ah, now I remember. It was in Olney's "The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty"

I see the bat throwing not so much as rage, but psychosis. it was just plain nuts. The he said "I thought it was the ball." ---so he thought he was throwing the batted ball into the dugout????


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:18 pm

Does Anyone want B-12?


Vitamin B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 and its role in correcting anemia were discovered in 1934. Since then, doctors have administered vitamin B12 injections to treat fatigue and anemia.

Why vitamin B12 injections? Why not a pill? Early on, doctors noted that taking a pill or increasing the amount of vitamin B12 in the diet (usually by eating liver) didn't always help. Vitamin B12 injections were more likely to make people feel better and to correct anemia. Ever since, there has been an ongoing debate over which is better, vitamin B12 injections or pills.


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:24 pm

Anticipating a win for Clemens
posted: Monday, January 7, 2008 | Feedback | Print Entry
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Craig Calcaterra -- aka ShysterBall -- is not only an excellent baseball writer, he's also a lawyer. So his analysis carries a little more weight when TNP (The National Pastime) strays into the courtroom. Calcaterra says Roger Clemens is steaming toward some sort of victory …

The end game of this three week chess match is near, and Roger Clemens is poised to win handily. He has denied [Brian] McNamee's charges, McNamee has now blinked when challenged, and unless [Andy] Pettitte or someone provides first-hand, eyewitness testimony calling Clemens a liar -- fat chance -- Congress will have no basis for questioning whatever story Clemens decides to tell them, true, false, or otherwise. The cement that constitutes the record of this whole affair is beginning to set, and given what will appear to be effectively unsubstantiated charges forcefully rebutted in numerous contexts, it is setting in favor of Clemens.

That was written before the news that Clemens is suing McNamee, and the gloves are off as the complaint includes a scandalous item I hadn't seen reported before. As Shyster writes, "Get your popcorn kids, this one is going to be a humdinger."


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:25 pm

Hey Giovanni what happen to your gang?

Giovanni = Papelbob58 ;-D


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:30 pm

Formers Reds interim manager Pete Mackanin will scout for Yankees


Jan 07, 2008

CINCINNATI (AP) -Pete Mackanin, who ended last season as the Cincinnati Reds interim manager, has taken a job with the New York Yankees as a major league scout.

Mackanin was Cincinnati's advance scout when manager Jerry Narron was fired on July 1. He got the job on an interim basis, and was hoping to stay on as manager. Instead, the club hired Dusty Baker on Oct. 13.

It was the second time that the 56-year-old Mackanin managed in the majors on an interim basis. He also led Pittsburgh for the last 26 games in 2005 after Lloyd McClendon was fired.

The Yankees expressed an interest in Mackanin after baseball's winter meetings in December.

"We had a nice discussion," Mackanin said Monday, in a phone interview. "Fortunately they were looking for somebody, and I fit the bill."

Reds general manager Wayne Krivsky made an open-ended offer to Mackanin after he was passed over for the managing job in Cincinnati. The two are close friends, but Mackanin felt it was best to move on.

"We never got into specifics, really," Mackanin said. "It's all about timing. If nothing had come up (with another team), I think Wayne would have had something available for me. But we never got around to exactly what that was.

"I enjoyed my time with the Reds. I was just hoping it wouldn't be too awkward if I went back there."


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:34 pm

Dutton On DeJesus/Teahen Trade Value


Bob Dutton of the Kansas City Star took home the Rumor Royalty trophy for the Royals. We did some Q&A as part of the series. Click here to read the other parts of the Dutton Q&A.

MLBTR: What would you consider a reasonable trade return for David DeJesus? Does he have more trade value than Mark Teahen?

Dutton: DeJesus is a proven, reliable player who is under contract for favorable terms through 2011. In other words, he's a long-term piece in the club's plans. Not an All-Star but a good player capable of helping any club.

The Royals are willing to trade him because they have a reasonable alternative in Joey Gathright and have two solid CF prospects (Jose Duarte and Derrick Robinson) who played last year in A-ball. But the only way they trade DeJesus is if they get similar value in return -- a young, proven, reliable player with a favorable contract.

That could be a No. 3 starter -- someone closer to a No. 2 than a No. 4; a corner-position player with some pop; or a long-term fit at catcher. Personally, I don't see that deal out there at the moment, but the Royals are willing to listen.

DeJesus should have more trade value, right now, than Teahen because he's much more of a proven commodity. He also has that club-favorable contract. That said, Teahen has more upside. He can play first, third, left, right and even center. He showed an ability to drive the ball in 2006 before experiencing a power dive in 2007.

Teahen has the tools to be an All-Star, but lots of guys with tools never turn them into skills. This is a big year for Teahen.

If The Yankees trade Melky' for Santana , Would Yankees be interestered trading for D-Jesus?


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:39 pm

He has filed a lawsuit. He has denied steroid use on video and in statements. He is doing all he can possibly do to clear his name. Oh yeah and as far as his improvement when he was said to have used steroids...LMFAO think again.

1997(According to McNamee Clemens was clean then)
21-7, 2.05 ERA, 292 strikeouts
1998(When McNamee claimed Clemens started taking steroids)
20-6, 2.65 ERA, 272 strikeouts.

Hmmm some improvement. Wins and strikeouts are down and his ERA is up.

Also why is it Clemens won a cy young 3 years after the last time McNamee said he used steroids and then led the league in ERA the following year while setting a career high in that category? Also why would is it McNamee supplied everyone he accused but Clemens with steroids? And if Clemens bought them himself why hasn't anyone claimed to have sold them to Roger? Also why would a big name player like Roger not get them from his trainer and get them himself instead? That would make it easier to get caught. I love idiots like Mark Kriegel who act like Clemens did something personally wrong to him. Mark was saying he couldn't wait for McNamee to file a lawsuit on Clemens...oh wait how did that turn out Mark? Clemens is clearing his name every possible way.


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:43 pm

Dallas Cowboys chat: Can they find their 'A' game?


12:43 PM CST on Monday, January 7, 2008

Albert Breer answered questions on Monday, Jan. 7 about the Dallas Cowboys' upcoming playoff game against the New York Giants.

• • •

No More Tuna: Will the Cowboys be able to hit the "on" switch this week? It's been quite some time since they've have had to bring their "A" game.

Albert Breer: I'm a little skeptical. I think that if the Cowboys had their "A" game at some point in December, then it would be a different story. But it seems like they haven't been the same since the first half of the Packers game, and I think that's a concern. The real season for Super Bowl contenders starts after Thanksgiving, and I don't know that the Cowboys are among the best over that period of time. Can they flip things back on? Well, the Bears did last year.

• • •

Drew B: I know that no one wanted to have to face the Redskins again this season, given that they played us tough even while we were peaking and then beat us, albeit in a meaningless game. But are the Giants with Eli Manning looking like he actually has somewhat of a grasp of playing QB in the NFL much of a consolation?

Albert Breer: I think if you got honest answers from coaches and players, they'd all rather not play division opponents in the playoffs. And I think, on balance, the Giants and Redskins are fairly even. If Eli's on, and the Giants can get an early lead, the Giants can turn up the pass rush and trouble would follow. I think that's a big key this week – getting off to a good start – because the Giants are the type of team that plays "downhill." That's why the sluggish play of Dallas lately would concern me.

• • •

kansascowboy: Is there a reason that no media outlets are talking about Terry Glenn's return this Sunday? We know T.O. is injured, but did Glenn not show enough last Sunday to strike at least a little bit of fear into defensive coordinators?

Albert Breer: Terry, it seems, will be limited from here on out. If he can bring you 80 percent of what he is when healthy, you'd have to be happy with that. But I wouldn't think the Giants are game-planning him at all. They'll probably have adjustments built in, and they'll certainly react if suddenly comes out looking the guy from last year or the year before. But against an offense with weapons like T.O., Witten and Barber, I can't imagine that Glenn's near the top of the NY coaches' list.

• • •

Parallax2814: Albert, do you believe that since the Green Bay game Dallas has played somewhat vanilla? By this I mean, no deep passes, not too much motion. Basically a dumbed-down offense?

Albert Breer: No, I don't. Maybe it was a little dumbed down for the Redskins game. But it wouldn't be real smart to do that over the course of a month, and lose your ability to execute. Especially when you practice light the way the Cowboys have all year.

• • •

TO81: Can the Cowboys beat the Giants without T.O.?

Albert Breer: Maybe it's just me, but I think if T.O.'s out, the Cowboys lose this game. What I saw against the Redskins – a safety in the box, tons of man coverage, mixed blitzing – was a blueprint for how to attack the Owens-less Cowboys. Without him there, there's no receiver to dictate coverage the way he can. I'm not saying there'd be no chance of Dallas pulling off. It's just that it won't make it any easier.

• • •

Devin: I think the Cowboys will be just fine because the Giants' secondary is pitiful at best. Am I crazy?

Albert Breer: A little bit Devin. I thought the Giants' secondary played a top-flight game against the Bucs (and yes, I know they're not exactly the '99 Rams). Jeff Garcia finished with a 60.5 rating, and the Bucs had one passing play of more than 20 yards, which was a catch-and-run near the end of the game. The Giants played a disciplined, well-controlled game on the back end, and did it without Sam Madison. Now, the safeties do present some weakness, no doubt about that. But that's why I think Owens is so important this week – because he'll give them the chance to take advantage of things like that.

• • •

Chestica: Any sense of what has led to the Cowboys' sluggishness starting in the second half of the Green Bay game and continuing since?

Albert Breer: Honestly, it's hard to say. For one thing, you can't expect an NFL team to blow everyone out. So let's get that out of the way first. Secondly, they've played three of their last four games on the road, which has an effect. Still, I don't think the Cowboys are playing their best ball right now, and that usually doesn't change in the playoffs.

• • •

Hitem94: All morning on talk radio and on television, it seems no one is giving us a chance to win this game. Understandable, we did not play that well down the stretch, but we are the No. 1 seed here for a reason. Do we have a chance to win this in your eyes?

Albert Breer: I think you've got a case of selective hearing there, Hit 'Em. What I've been hearing is that this game is an absolutely toss-up, and I'd agree with that. Remember, the last time these two teams played, the Cowboys were peaking and they clearly aren't now. That said, I'd say that there's a real good chance they win the game. For one thing, I think the Giants are worn out. They're coming off two emotionally charged showdowns where they were at the top of the their game. Can they rachet it up again?

• • •

L.J., Fla.: I'm concerned about Romo's play since the Green Bay game. What is your view of this matter? Is it his health, head or some other problem?

Albert Breer: I think it's a combination of things. No matter what the Cowboys say, I think the thumb has something to do with it, since Romo's accuracy has been off to an alarming degree. Outside of that, I think the fact that there's a body of work from Garrett's offense on tape now has an effect, too. Opponents probably have a better grasp on his principles, play-calling tendencies, etc., now than they did earlier in the year, and that'll affect the QB. And then there's the obvious: No T.O. is no help to No. 9.

• • •

sonvolt10: Almost all of Eli Manning's passes yesterday were of the short-ish variety, 5 to 15 yards, mostly over the middle. How do we defend this in light of the fact that we usually play our corners far off the line of scrimmage?

Albert Breer: Great question, Sonvolt. You roll up your corners and you rely on your safeties for help over the top. And you tone down the pass rush, and flood the hook and curl zones and the flats with defenders. Force Eli to get the ball in tight spaces, and dare him to go downfield.

• • •

Dallas1977: Albert, gut feeling as of today on T.O. playing, yes or no?

Albert Breer: Yes, he'll play. I have no doubt on that. And I think he'll play well.

• • •

Boys07: Do you think the fact that Tony Sparano and Jason Garrett are interviewing for other jobs is a negative for a team trying to get the to the Super Bowl?

Albert Breer: No, not if you let it be. I said this before: If this is a distraction, then people in this building aren't doing their jobs right.

• • •

Dallas1977: Do you think a pair of healthy CBs for Dallas and no Jeremey Shockey will slow down the passing attack of the Giants?

Albert Breer: '77, I think that depends on Eli Manning. I think the emergence of Steve Smith as a reliable target makes the Giants tougher to defense, and Kevin Boss is doing a nice job in Shockey's sted. The corners do matter. But the Cowboys play so little man, that I think it'll be important to play disciplined across the board, rally to the ball when the catch is made, and keep Burress from getting in jump ball situations down the sideline.


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:52 pm

Clemens issues denial into live cameras


Monday, January 7, 2008
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Video: Clemens angrily defends his name
(please enable pop-ups)

While staring daggers at reporters in an afternoon press conference, Roger Clemens presented his angriest denial yet as to his alleged use of steroids. Clemens’ lawyer attempted to back up his client’s assertion with a taped phone conversation between Clemens and Brian McNamee, the former personal trainer who identified Clemens as a steroid user in the Mitchell Report.

Also during the question-and-answer period with reporters, Clemens said that Andy Pettitte — who admitted to Human Growth Hormone use under McNamee — remains his friend, and that he was unaware of Pettitte’s involvement with HGH.

Clemens said he would testify at the Ccongressional hearing on Jan. 16, and continue his vigorous defense. “I’m going to Congress, and I’m going to tell the truth.”

During the taped phone call, which was played at the press conference in Houston, McNamee repeatedly asks Clemens, ‘What do you want me to do?’

Clemens never gives a specific answer, though there is no mention of steroid use by Clemens during the 17-minute conversation taped Friday night, which was conducted in the presence of Clemens’ lawyer, Rusty Hardin, and other associates.

It is unclear if McNamee knew that the conversation was being recorded. Clemens said that McNamee initiated the contact via text-messaging, and at one point in the telephone conversation, McNamee states that he’s firing his lawyers.

“I’m in your corner,” McNamee tells Clemens early in the conversation. “I’d also like not to go to jail too, but it has nothing to do with you.”

Late Sunday night, Clemens’ lawyer filed a defamation suit against McNamee, whose lawyers already have already threatened suit against Clemens.

Clemens denied again on “‘60 Minutes’” on Sunday night that he took steroids, and painted McNamee as a steroid pusher who was attempting to avoid prosecution with his testimony to the Mitchell investigators.

Clemens has said he was injected only with B-12 and a pain killer by McNamee and other trainers, doctors and nurses.

Video: Clemens angrily defends his name
(please enable pop-ups)
Roger Clemens listens while his attorney, Rusty Hardin, answers a question during Monday's news conference.

While staring daggers at reporters in an afternoon press conference, Roger Clemens presented his angriest denial yet as to his alleged use of steroids. Clemens’ lawyer attempted to back up his client’s assertion with a taped phone conversation between Clemens and Brian McNamee, the former personal trainer who identified Clemens as a steroid user in the Mitchell Report.

Also during the question-and-answer period with reporters, Clemens said that Andy Pettitte — who admitted to Human Growth Hormone use under McNamee — remains his friend, and that he was unaware of Pettitte’s involvement with HGH.

Clemens said he would testify at the Ccongressional hearing on Jan. 16, and continue his vigorous defense. “I’m going to Congress, and I’m going to tell the truth.”

During the taped phone call, which was played at the press conference in Houston, McNamee repeatedly asks Clemens, ‘What do you want me to do?’
Roger Clemens maintains that his former trainer, Brian McNamee, never injected him with steroids or HGH.

Clemens never gives a specific answer, though there is no mention of steroid use by Clemens during the 17-minute conversation taped Friday night, which was conducted in the presence of Clemens’ lawyer, Rusty Hardin, and other associates.

It is unclear if McNamee knew that the conversation was being recorded. Clemens said that McNamee initiated the contact via text-messaging, and at one point in the telephone conversation, McNamee states that he’s firing his lawyers.

“I’m in your corner,” McNamee tells Clemens early in the conversation. “I’d also like not to go to jail too, but it has nothing to do with you.”

Late Sunday night, Clemens’ lawyer filed a defamation suit against McNamee, whose lawyers already have already threatened suit against Clemens.

Clemens denied again on “‘60 Minutes’” on Sunday night that he took steroids, and painted McNamee as a steroid pusher who was attempting to avoid prosecution with his testimony to the Mitchell investigators.

Clemens has said he was injected only with B-12 and a pain killer by McNamee and other trainers, doctors and nurses.


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:54 pm

I doubt the Red Sox will enter the Yu Darvish negotiations and if they do only to up the price for the Yankees. While I have only seen Darvish highlights and do not want to get into a comparison of Dice-K v. Darvish, I believe the Sox are very happy with Dice-K. In all likelihood, the Sox are going to deal for Santana this off season and have a rotation of Josh Beckett, Johan Santana, Dice-k, and Clay Buchholz for the future. They really do not need Darvish. They will need to replace Jason Varitek, Manny Ramirez and Mike Lowell within the next 3 or so years. Makes no sense for the Sox to get Darvish unless its to keep him from NY.

IMO, LA, San Fran, Chicago or NY makes the most sense for Darvish. Doesn’t he date some Japanese singer or actress? Boston is not a big “entertainment” town. Also, all these comments about Darvish not coming to the MLB seems ridiculous. Just like the Euros in the 90s in the NBA and Yao Ming in the early part of this decade the best go play with the best. Darvish will be in the MLB very soon, most likely 09′, bc if he wants to be the best he must play the best. I am sure there are plenty of guys in the MLB who would rather be playing in the Carribean, but the best play in the US.

Plus, anyone really think the MLB teams are going to let a potential staff ace sit in Japan while they are paying Carlos Silva 4/$44 million?

No way. This guy is gone and if Nippon is smart they get $100+ million for their troubles, then use that money to get a few MLB FA’s to come and play a few years in Japan.

I tend to agree with most of what you’re saying, but the one thing I’d zero in on here is Dice K, who people compare Darvish to because they’re Japanese. In looking at how this story was linked around the blogosphere I was kind of surprised in how many times I ran into a “the next Dice-K” as the headline, usually accompanied by this sort of “uh-oh” tone in the piece. They aren’t all that similar outside their their nationality, but furthermore I can’t belive there are people out there that think Dice-K was a bust.
I would say, if there is a Darvish sweepstakes, the Sox will be right in the thick of it, if only because they have the money to do it.

PS I also like the point about guys wanting to play in the Carribean

I believe the Sox are very happy with Dice-K.

And they be more happier with Dice-K and Darvish. Plus what better way to strike back at the Yankees by outbidding them for Darvish. Also think how sick there rotation be if they could land Darvish and get Santana.

As said, Boston will be in this sweepstakes because they simply have the money to throw around.

They will need to replace Jason Varitek, Manny Ramirez and Mike Lowell within the next 3 or so years.

I fail to see how getting Darvish will prevent them from replacing them. I give Epstein and company the benefit of the doubt, after the success they have achieved. They seem to know what there doing. In the meantime, why not make your team even better by getting Darvish? It’s not like cash is lacking in Beantown.

IMO, LA, San Fran, Chicago or NY makes the most sense for Darvish.

This would be applicable if Darvish was a free agent, but he’s most likely to go to whichever team makes the winning bid. I seriously doubt Darvish be fazed by playing with the Red Sox. Also, along with the Big Apple what better place to challenge yourself at?

This guy is gone and if Nippon is smart they get $100+ million for their troubles, then use that money to get a few MLB FA’s to come and play a few years in Japan.

If I were Nippon Ham, I rather wouldn’t want them spending their money going after so many big name MLB FA’s, since many of them dont have their mind in it longterm when playing in Japan. I prefer to still going after players who are on the bubble between AAA and the majors or go after more players from Korea and Taiwan. As a team, I wouldn’t want a high priced MLB free agent just to say I have a MLB All-Star.

Next, as I mentioned with the Matsuzaka posting fee, I hope Nippon Ham can use the money wisely shall they post Darvish.

So far also the thing I don’t like with NPB is there’s nearly no player movement between teams. There’s very little big name trades between teams and players must wait 9 years before acquiring free agency. Unlike in the MLB offseason, there’s little to no sigificant player moves in the offseason in NPB.


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Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:00 pm

Corey Webster
BigBlue2005Eli2Plax Post #1: 9:28 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 2222
What got into this guy yesterday? He looked like Charles Woodson in his prime. Perfect coverage all day long, MVP of the game. I apologize to him for calling him in thr worst in the NFL, but he literally looked like a different person yesterday. Where did that come from?
bcetiger24 Post #2: 9:32 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 2749
He played the best game of his career, and I am not sure that his second best game thus far is anywhere remotely close to how he played yesterday. Sometimes the challenge of the playoffs brings out the best in guys.... he played an awesome game.
NYGiantNDC Post #3: 9:38 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 68

I must apologize as well...I haven't been a big CW fan, but I will admit he's been on roll lately.

All of BIG Blue Nation would agree, it is about time...

It looks like every since the Buffalo game, he's been playing with an unbelievable confidence and is actually challenging the opponents top receivers and that's all you want from a corner is to make the receiver work for anything they are going to get....

The media can talk about Galloway's shoulder which is a very legit topic, but CW was in his jockstrap yesterday...so I applaud his effort

doubleyec Post #4: 10:58 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 51

He went from elvis (toast) patterson to deion sanders.
Rebelsins2 Post #5: 12:15 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 63
It look like he decided to not play 10 yards off the wr.
bcaban92 Post #6: 1:13 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 3152
Corey Webster played a banged up Galloway with the Giants pass rush abusing Garcia all game long. I'm not ready to jump on any Webster bandwagons just yet but he had a good game. Also noticed he seems a bit faster then before. His real test will be against Owens or Crayton with them having solid pass protection for Romo.
DSTFU Post #7: 1:14 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 157

What got into this guy yesterday? He looked like Charles Woodson in his prime. Perfect coverage all day long, MVP of the game. I apologize to him for calling him in thr worst in the NFL, but he literally looked like a different person yesterday. Where did that come from?

he did miss some tackles, but overall i was impressed

NLW2006 Post #8: 2:49 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 949

Corey Webster played a banged up Galloway with the Giants pass rush abusing Garcia all game long. I'm not ready to jump on any Webster bandwagons just yet but he had a good game. Also noticed he seems a bit faster then before. His real test will be against Owens or Crayton with them having solid pass protection for Romo.

What does a shoulder have to do with running routes and speed ? I can see where you could have problems with catching but he could not get open at all.
BigBlue2005Eli2Plax Post #9: 3:00 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 2222

Corey Webster played a banged up Galloway with the Giants pass rush abusing Garcia all game long. I'm not ready to jump on any Webster bandwagons just yet but he had a good game. Also noticed he seems a bit faster then before. His real test will be against Owens or Crayton with them having solid pass protection for Romo.

Galloway had his legs and Webster was step for step with him all day long. That was the best game a Giants cornerback has played since Sehorn in the 2000 playoffs.
Tmac50 Post #10: 3:10 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 360

What got into this guy yesterday? He looked like Charles Woodson in his prime. Perfect coverage all day long, MVP of the game. I apologize to him for calling him in thr worst in the NFL, but he literally looked like a different person yesterday. Where did that come from?

One answer: Spagnola is what lit the fire under him I guess sitting his butt down he must of had time to think about his play!

SMJenkins_10 Post #11: 3:25 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 122

Webster's play has been extremely exciting. This isn't groundbreaking, but confidence is integral to success at the cornerback position and, as a previous poster mentioned, Webster has been playing like he has nothing to lose of late. This is particularly noteworthy because Webster, hands down, is the most physically gifted defensive back that the Giants have had in quite some time (A.Ross is certainly close though).

I thought that Webster was a superb second round choice in 2005 and hope that he can continue his recent upswing. I like the Jints' chances with Webster over Owens instead of Madison in any case.

rjparga Post #12: 3:36 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 576

What got into this guy yesterday? He looked like Charles Woodson in his prime. Perfect coverage all day long, MVP of the game. I apologize to him for calling him in thr worst in the NFL, but he literally looked like a different person yesterday. Where did that come from?

umm..maybe you don't know this but it was joey galloway he was going against...not TO..didn't TO destroy this guy when the Cowboys-Giants played this year ??
rjparga Post #13: 3:36 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 576

Webster's play has been extremely exciting. This isn't groundbreaking, but confidence is integral to success at the cornerback position and, as a previous poster mentioned, Webster has been playing like he has nothing to lose of late. This is particularly noteworthy because Webster, hands down, is the most physically gifted defensive back that the Giants have had in quite some time (A.Ross is certainly close though).

I thought that Webster was a superb second round choice in 2005 and hope that he can continue his recent upswing. I like the Jints' chances with Webster over Owens instead of Madison in any case.

why ?/ TO killed him already this year...Webster can't cover TO

bcaban92 Post #14: 4:14 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 3152

What got into this guy yesterday? He looked like Charles Woodson in his prime. Perfect coverage all day long, MVP of the game. I apologize to him for calling him in thr worst in the NFL, but he literally looked like a different person yesterday. Where did that come from?

umm..maybe you don't know this but it was joey galloway he was going against...not TO..didn't TO destroy this guy when the Cowboys-Giants played this year ??

Actually, I think Webster held him catchless in the first half in the first game so he is capable of covering Owens.
UgotMossed Post #15: 7:46 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 902

Webster played well no doubt. But it is kind of a similar situation that Eli was in. When the pass rush is there the new york DBs have to cover for shorter periods therefore making their job easier. The pass rush is the most important thing on defense for a defense back. Just as pass blocking is the most important thing for a QB on offense. When both of these things are working Eli and Webster are able to show off the skills that got them where they are now. It isn't like Webster didn't have skills coming into the NFL, but for whatever reason up till this point Webster and Eli haven't been able to display these skills consistently. I for one thought Webster was done but maybe there is still hope for the kid, yesterday he did the one thing that he hadn't been able to do up until now and that is turn and find the ball when it was in the air. On the INT it actually looked like he was the WR on the play I was amazed. But it wasn't just him on that play, Garcia couldn't just sit back there on the play he was still hit after taking a short drop. So maybe now Webster can prove alot of people wrong with a repeat performance against Dallas, much the same way Eli has done.


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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Deric McKamey's Top 15 Yankees prospects

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:05 pm

Deric McKamey's Top 15 Yankees prospects


Deric McKamey is the director of minor league analysis at BaseballHQ. He's a graduate of Major League Baseball's scout school and he's been an advisor to the St. Louis Cardinals since 2004. He's also the author of the annual Minor League Baseball Analyst, and it's that book that's at the heart of this post.

McKamey agreed to give us an early look at his Top 15 Yankees prospects, along with their potential ratings. He has also agreed to a Q&A. In the comments section of this post, feel free to comment on the list and offer up some questions you'd like me ask. I'm going to email questions to McKamey later this week and I'm planning to post his answers either Sunday or Monday.

Here are his Top 15 Yankees prospects, along with his potential ratings key. This is the tip of the iceberg, and I still highly recommend the book. I bought the 2007 edition and kept it with me throughout the season. The book goes into detail -- pitch repertoires, speed ratings, etc. -- for more than 1,000 prospects and offers quick, easy to understand information, from a guy who knows what he's talking about.

New York Yankees Top 15 Prospects

1. Joba Chamberlain (RHP) - 9B
2. Jose Tabata (OF) - 9C
3. Ian Kennedy (RHP) - 8B
4. Austin Jackson (OF) - 9C
5. Alan Horne (RHP) - 8C
6. Andrew Brackman (RHP) - 9D
7. Dellin Betances (RHP) - 9D
8. Jesus Montero (C/1B) - 9D
9. Humberto Sanchez (RHP) - 8C
10. Jeff Marquez (RHP) - 8C
11. Kevin Whelan (RHP) - 8C
12. George Kontos (RHP) - 8D
13. Ross Ohlendorf (RHP) - 7B
14. Shelley Duncan (OF/1B) - 7C
15. Kelvin DeLeon (OF) - 9E

Scale of (1-10) representing a player's upside potential
10 - Hall of Fame-type player
9 - Elite player
8 - Solid regular
7 - Average regular
6 - Platoon player
5 - Major League reserve player
4 - Top minor league player
3 - Average minor league player
2 - Minor league reserve player
1 - Minor league roster filler

Scale of (A-E) representing the player's realistic chances of achieving
their potential
A - 90% probability of reaching potential
B - 70% probability of reaching potential
C - 50% probability of reaching potential
D - 30% probability of reaching potential
E - 10% probability of reaching potential

The 2008 Minor League Baseball Analyst profiles over 1000 minor league prospects and includes detailed scouting reports, sabermetrics, Major League Equivalencies, organizational lists, Top 100 list, and Potential Ratings. The book can be purchased through Baseball HQ at http//www.baseballhq.com where the purchaser will also receive a free update to the lists in the book. People may also purchase the book through any of the major on-line bookstores. The Minor League Baseball Analyst is expected to arrive mid-January.


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Join date : 2007-12-24

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Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling - Page 3 Empty Re: Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling

Post  RedMagma Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:17 pm

...Buster Olney...

"Clemens presumably will go to Washington next week and testify before Congress, because to not accept the invitation to testify, at this point, would be tantamount, in the court of public opinion, to admitting guilt. Under oath, he presumably will testify that what McNamee said is completely false.

But that won't change this fact: His name is part of the Mitchell report, forever and ever.

You assume that Clemens will follow up and take every opportunity to say, again and again, that he did not use steroids. The defamation suit presumably will require him to sit through depositions, to answer questions from McNamee's lawyers as part of discovery. Perhaps a jury will decide, in the end, that it believes Clemens and give him a victory in a defamation suit.

That won't change this fact: His name is part of the Mitchell report."

...I would think that " a victory in a defamation suit" would blow the Mitchell Report right out of the water.

And, that's why it's so unfair. We all know:

- that there are others out there
- the names on the report may not have done it while on the Yankees
- others are getting off scott free and that little ***** Selig is mum
- The Twitchel report is being treated like the God's honest truth when it's flawed to the nth degree


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