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Santana Empty Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:45 am

I think Gammons hit it on the head. Neither the Yanks nor the Sox really wants Santana all that much (at this price), but they don’t want the other guys to have him either.

No small coincidence Gammons pumps up every prospect that the Red Sox have in their proposal to the Twins.

He drops Lester as “young Pettite”. Coco as “best CF in baseball”. Lowrie as “ready to start at SS for the Sox if Lugo falters”.

After reading that column you’d be stunned as to why the Twins haven’t taken that offer.

His credibility is pretty shot with me and I was a huge fan of his. If he’s supposed to be a national baseball guy, it seems like the only nation he knows of is Red Sox nation.

I do agree with him that the Yankees and Sox both wish Johan would just away to the Mets or the Twins resign him.

What an indictment of the Mets that they can’t put together an enticing enough proposal to land a guy the other 2 two teams are willing to let you have.

That Milledge trade was a joke and I think if they still had him, they would get Johan.

Gammons will be [insert inappropriate verb] himself if the Red Sox get Santana. He’s such a revisionist journalist. Meaning he revises his opinions so that his team always does the right thing and makes the right moves.

I don’t think that the Red Sox are willing to spend the money on the extension.

Best case scenario for the Yankees? Minnesota keeps Santana in ‘08


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:46 am

Baseball chat with Peter Gammons

The Event is over.


Peter Gammons chat — Transcript
Updated 12:59 PMJMI__Guest_ Do you think Lugo is the long term answer at shortstop for the Sox ?
Peter_Gammons Hello everyone... RE: Lugo: The way he played defensively the last 5 weeks, indicates he should be alright. He never recovered offensively from being sick before spring training. It will be interesting to watch if he's more consistent this year. If Jed Lowrie is still with them, he should allow them to give Lugo more rest and be a good alternative at SS.
alan_in_brighton__Guest_ Peter, what is the status of contract negotiations with Tito? Also, is there any truth to the rumor that they are looking to extend the contracts of Pap, Tek, and Kevin Youkilis?
Peter_Gammons I believe the Francona contract will get done before ST. And it should. I don't think you;re going to see them doing anything long term with the others, not yet. Youk would make most sense, but indications are they will wait and get him for house price. With Pap, they will just assume wait another year. Tek is great question, obvious they have no catching, but they've always seem to worry about catchers in mid 30'. So my guess that will play out until the end of his contract.
ATownsox__Guest_ Who do you think are possible teams that would accept a trade for Coco Crisp?
Peter_Gammons I think Texas... Oakland... would be the most likely if he's not part of any deal with Minnesota. I could see Billy Beane trading for Crisp and then turning around and trading him before season starts. A's think he's best CF in game right now.
cape__Guest_ What song will you be playing at hot stove - cool music? Do you play lead guitar or rhythm?
Peter_Gammons I'm definately playig rhythm. We're going to do a couple of songs off the CD from last year, but if I can finish a song about the Mitchell Report, we'll play it. It includes the line: "Bob Heise would be Jim Rice if he knew what I know"... Paul B. from Little Feat is here and he's going to play with me one song.
guest Where do you see Clay Buchholz fitting in next season, might he end up in triple A baring any injuries to the starting rotation?
Peter_Gammons I think he could start in Triple A, but by the time the season's over he'll be an important part of their rotation. They showed that resting starters during season, e.g. Beckett two weeks, Schilling time off, etc. can be very beneficial come October. Having 6 starters can eventually work its way out.
alan_in_brighton__Guest_ How did surgery go for Ortiz, think he will be in '06 shape for this season, or should we expect a solid year like this past season, with a little less HR power?
Peter_Gammons My guess is that he'll be fine. And in a lot less pain than he was at times last year. I thought for nearly three months, he was very clear that self confident presence was missing and it was injury related. In the 40 HR range... what's gonig to be interesting is going to be how Manny has with him. Manny rented a house in the Phoenix area and has become a manicle workout warrior in Tempe at API. From what I've heard from people at API, Manny is getting himself into phenominal shape. And having watched those workouts, I can tell you, they are extremely difficult.
tc__Guest_ Do you think Okajima can have another year like the on he just had? He was such a surprise and a big part of the Sox Success.
Peter_Gammons I would be surprised if he could duplicate that performance, but I do think he'll be a perfectly viable LF 8th inning reliever. What will be interesting will be to see what righthanders emerge along with Mike Timlin, especially whether Craig Hansen bounces back after a very strong Arizona Fall League performance.
JMI__Guest_ Which Hitting Prospects in the Sox System do you feel will make a BIG IMPACT in the near future
Peter_Gammons Probably the two highest regarded young hitters other than Brandon Moss are Larz Anderson and Ryan Kalish. Anderson is considered their best power prospect after a very strong season at Greenville as a 19 year old. Outfielder Josh Reddick made himself a significant prospect and scouts who saw some of the players out of last years draft were impressed, specifically 3B Will Middlebrooks, 1B Anthony Rizzo, and OF David Mailman.
Dan_from_Marlborough__Guest_ Hi Peter, I'm happy to see that you're health is good. You gave us all a scare my friend. I grew up reading about baseball with you and leigh Montville and hope that my 1 year old has the same priviledge soon. Jacoby for Santana...I'm not sure I want to part with him. I've got a feeling that he is going to be real real special and I think that Sox are loaded with enough pitching (Cheaper than Johan at that). Your thoughts please?
Peter_Gammons Santana is probably the best pitcher of this generation. He's young and he's a great athlete who should be able to last another 10 years, but the more I've thought about the Santana deal, the more I'm convinced it's not a great idea. Whether it's the Ellsbury deal or the Lester deal, the Sox would still be giving up three young players and I don't discount the importance that Lowrie will play in the next couple of years. Theo has rebuilt the RS farm system in a very short time and changed the culture. And I think that culture is really important. The baseball people with the Yankees feel the same about what Cashman has done and would prefer not to make a Santana deal. There are days when I really believe that the Red Sox and Yankees wake up and hoping somehow the Mets can find 4 or 5 good prospects in the organization and make the trade, but right now, that's highly unlikely.
soxkrazy__Guest_ Peter, please tell me you're a Hall & Oates fan, and what about Jon Lester? Will he be able to harness his control, limit his baserunners, and be an Andy Pettitte type?
Peter_Gammons I can't say I'm a big Hall and Oates fan, but I'm no one to talk... One of the most interesting thing about the winter meetings was that John Farrell was passionate about his case for Jon Lester becomming their equivalent of a young Pettitte. His velocity should be back to where it was 2 yrs. ago come ST. His breaking ball and changeup improved dramatically in the postseason. And if you go back and look at DVD of Game 4 and watch his presence given the opportunity to clinch the WS, it's remarkable. After the Cleveland series, the Indians front office, coaches, and player personnel people had a meeting and it was unanimously agreed that after Josh Beckett, the best pitcher on the Red Sox was Lester. That doesn't include Papelbon, different category.
Sox_Girl__Guest_ Hi Peter!! I can't wait for the Hot Stove preview on Saturday! Will you be there?? Will there be any surprise guests?
Peter_Gammons We will have Brian Cashman, he's coming. Scott Boras is coming, which will be a fascinting discussion. It will a lot of fun. There's a VIP reception and a concert at the Paradise as well, and the full event on Sunday night.
Caes__Guest_ Do Theo and Larry have a genuine relationship or is there still any tension from two years ago?
Peter_Gammons I think the relationship is very good now. Larry has immense respect for Theo and his work ethic. And I think some of the issues that existed probably were better dealt with by the brief rupture in their relationship.
jonas__Guest_ Will Jim Rice finally make it into the HOF?
Peter_Gammons I don't think so. I voted for him, but it's been interesting that there have been people like Rob Neyer who are so obsessed with degrading Rice's career. The fact that he retired as early as he did clearly has cost him because of the 382 home runs. But for him to be in the top 5 in MVP balloting 6 times in 12 years, to me, speaks more about his career than the fact that his career OPS is the same as Ellis Burks.
Chris__Venice__CA___Guest_ Peter, I always found it strange that Roger Clemens did not take more heat from the media as well as draw a suspension for his bizarre and violent behavior during the 2000 season. He literally almost killed Mike Piazza with a fastball to the head and then during the post -season he hurled a bat at him. For those of us who believe he took illegal narcotics to save his career it might be safe to assume that it was the steroids that caused his antisocial actions. Do you agree or have any thoughts?
Peter_Gammons It certainly is possible. However Roger was always very emotional as we saw during the 1990 playoffs in Oakland, but Roger faces a very difficult task proving his innocence at this point. If he ends up in a "he said, she said" lawsuit with Brian McNamee, it may only make things worse. What people with the Yankees will never understand is why Clemens brought McNamee to the Yankees from Toronto in the first place. In 2000, when Roger had hamstring problems early in the season, he convinced the club to allow him to bring McNamee on board because McNamee had worked with him and knew his body. In the end, we'll find out if it was worth it.
JMI__Guest_ Do you think JD Drew will settle down this year and start producing better power numbers?
Peter_Gammons I think he will. He hit very well in September. He played well in the postseason. And his family issues will be behind him. I don't think he was quite prepared for Boston and I also think that he's the type that can put fans and media completely out of sight.
Glenn_Hoffman_18__Guest_ Peter, been a fan of yours since your notes page with the Boston Globe. I am sure you have been asked many times before, but do you believe Roger Clemens' denial of steriods/HGH use?
Peter_Gammons It's hard for me to understand why McNamee would lie. Especially given the fact that Andy Pettitte has coroborated McNamee's testimony. There are those close to Roger who insist that in time, his innocence will be proven, so we all wait for that. But for now, we have to see if he can prove his innocence which won't happen if all they do is attack McNamee.
Joe__Guest_ Hey Peter, what's your opinion of how Bill Smith is handling the Santana issue, it seems he is desperately trying to get someone to play against the Sox, but no one is playing along.
Peter_Gammons I think one issue that Bill faces, is because Terry Ryan made so many great trades, he's trying to remake the team using Santana. I think Hank Steinbrenner would trade for Santana but only at the cost that was offered a month ago. The one team that continues to try to continue to build up inventory to trade are the Mets, and Smith may be waiting to see if any offer gets better.
yukonjack Peter, How would you rate Dice-K's first season in Boston and do you expect a big improvement in year 2?
Peter_Gammons I thought he was good, not great. What surprised me, was the inconsistency of his pitches, especially his command in the last three months. I do expect he'll be much better this year if for no other reason, that he will be used to the expectations from the Japanese media and from Red Sox fans. He is an extraordinary athlete and a truly loves to play which makes me believe that he will improve.
LSCII__Guest_ What difference will we see in NYYs now that George has passed the reins over to his sons?
Peter_Gammons This is an interesting year b/c it's Hank Steinbrenner and Joe Girardi instead of George and Joe Torre. I think the emphasis is going to remain on their young pitchers like Joba Chamberlain and Phil Hughes. And I think Girardi will carry over the enthusiasm for the young players like Cano and Cabrera, that Don Mattingly brought to Torre. Baseball America has them ranked the 5th best org. in terms of prospects which is a huge jump. And Hank always liked young players and seems to be encouraged by this. Of course, if theyre in 4th place by May 1, they might trade everybody.
guest What are your thoughts on the Tigers trading for Cabrera and Willis?
Peter_Gammons I think Cabrera will be a mega-star in what has a chance to be the best offensive lineup in the league. Willis is tough to judge. Every number has gotten worse the last three years, and the question will be, did all the innings he threw at such a young age catch up to him?
danny__Guest_ Tim Wakefield quietly had a great year for the Sox. What are the chances of him putting together a similar campaign in 2008?
Peter_Gammons I think Wakefield may be able to pitch effectively until he's 45. He's very athletic, and he's in the shape of a 25 year old. He seems to continually come to grips with what it takes to stand out there and throw that pitch, so if his back holds up, he should continue to be one of the most undervalued pitchers in the game for another 3-4 years.
LSCII__Guest_ Hi Peter, love your stuff! Any truth to the rumor that you're planning on writing the forward to Jose Canseco's book sequel?
Peter_Gammons Haaaa... There is no truth to that, however, I'm the first one to admit, that while there were inconsistencies in his first book, he has the right to say "I told you so." One of the unfortunate shortcomings of the Mitchell Report is that it did not trace the pattern of performance-enhancing drugs through Oakland and Texas, not to mention the huge importation of drugs from Latin America.
galvin__Guest_ Do you think it was smart of Roger to hand pick Mike Wallace since Wallace is a freind of Steinrenner and is a frequent guest in his box at Yankee Stadium?
Peter_Gammons Probably not. Wallace did a piece on Clemens for 60 Minutes a few years ago and had admired him from his Boston days. As you know, Mr. Wallace is from Brookline and grew up three miles from Fenway Park. I'm sure that Clemens felt more comfortable with Wallace but in the end, how this plays in the court of public opinion likely won't be decided for a long time.
long435__Guest_ Am I the only one who cringes at the thought that Schilling might have a mediocre season and still get one cy young vote from a local writer, and the frenzy that will ensue.
Peter_Gammons I do not worry about the integrity of any writer. I think Schilling is going to come back and finish his career with a great season. I think it's unfortunate that writers will be put in that situation but this has been a long time coming given the incentive bonuses involving BBWA Awards.
Rebs__Guest_ Seems like Manny may have finally settled himself here in Boston, only took 8 years. Do you think there is any chance he resigns after this contract?
Peter_Gammons I do think the Red Sox will pick up his option so that he plays through 2010. I think there's a good chance that he'll want to stay, but where he is at that point in his career is something that's impossible to predict. I know he'd like to finish his career in Boston, but when sluggers get close to 40 years old, the market can shift dramatically.
larry_david__Guest_ Will Scott Boras be making any announcements during the Super Bowl? Maybe another one of his clients will be filing for free agency that day?
Peter_Gammons No, Scott has apologized for the timing and clearly feels badly for the storm he created. It was one of those perfect storms and he knows that it took away from that 4th game. What we don't know is how much Alex Rodriguez was a part of the timing. Alex's performance on 60 Minutes proved one thing, he's a baseball player, not a Hollywood star. And players around the game will not forget that he actually said that the game is easy for him.
Peter_Gammons Thanks folks, hope to see you at the Hot Stove, Cool Music events this weekend. Stay warm. Peter.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:47 am

All proceeds to benefit the Foundation To Be Named Later


Saturday, January 5, 2008
Hot Stove Cool Music presents

Spookie Daly Pride
Eli "Paperboy" Reed & The True Loves

- at the -
Paradise Rock Club
967 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
Doors 8:00 pm
Admission 18+
Tickets $15
Charge By Phone:
800-594-TIXX (8499)


Building a Winning Enterprise:
Excellence on the field, court and ice --
and in the community
Theo Epstein, Steve Pagliuca, Cam Neely & others
share insights and observations from Fenway, Foxboro and the Garden

Followed by
Inside Baseball 2008
With Peter Gammons, Bill James, J.P. Ricciardi, Theo Epstein
and other surprise guests!
Live Auction & Light Refreshments

January 5, 2008
12:30 pm – 3:00 pm
State Street Pavillion, Fenway Park
20 Yawkey Way
Boston, MA

A Hot Stove Cool Music & The Foundation to Be Named Later Program
presented by Greenberg Traurig and hosted by Jeff Horrigan and Mike O'Malley

For tickets go to: http://www.hscm.tickets.musictoday.com

Sunday January 6, 2008
Hot Stove Cool Music presents

Theo Epstein
Peter Gammons
Dropkick Murphy’s front man Ken Casey
Dickie Barrett
Bronson Arroyo
Lori McKenna
Kay Hanley
Dear Leader
Paul Barrere of Little Feat
Eli “Paperboy” Reed & The True Loves
French Lick featuring Boston Celtics Managing Partner & Co-Owner Wyc Grousbeck
Murder Capitol of the World
Elan Trotman Band
and MC Mike O`Malley

- at the -
Paradise Rock Club
967 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215
Doors 7:00 pm
Admission 18+
Tickets $40
Charge By Phone:
800-594-TIXX (8499)


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Santana Empty Gammons: Santana trade not a great idea

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:48 am

Gammons: Santana trade not a great idea


Peter Gammons did a chat for Boston.com and addressed several topics of interest involving the Yankees.

His take on the Johan Santana trade market:

“The more I’ve thought about the Santana deal, the more I’m convinced it’s not a great idea. Whether it’s the Ellsbury deal or the Lester deal, the Sox would still be giving up three young players and I don’t discount the importance that Lowrie will play in the next couple of years. Theo has rebuilt the RS farm system in a very short time and changed the culture. And I think that culture is really important. The baseball people with the Yankees feel the same about what Cashman has done and would prefer not to make a Santana deal. There are days when I really believe that the Red Sox and Yankees wake up and hoping somehow the Mets can find 4 or 5 good prospects in the organization and make the trade, but right now, that’s highly unlikely.”

I think he’s exactly right.

Gammons also reveals that Brian Cashman will be at Fenway Park on Saturday for the annual Hot Stove/Cool Music roundtable discussion. Gammons, Theo Epstein, Bill James, J.P. Ricciardi and others will be involved.

Very cool of Cashman to participate in the charity fundraiser. For ticket information, check out the Hot Stove/Cool Music site.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:50 am

Cashman's cuddling with The Enemies up north?


you know the expression..."keep your friends close and your enemies closer.."


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:52 am

day, 01:07 PM
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Can a player file some sort of tampering charges if a team comes out and openly says that it will not pay a certain amount? That definitely hurts the players negotiating power with his current team.

Seriously, I understand it is the Yankees and 99% of this board wouldn't mind seeing their plane go down but this type of statement will have no impact on whether or not the Twins sign Santana.
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post Today, 01:17 PM
Post #102

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QUOTE(Bob420 @ Jan 3 2008, 01:07 PM) *
Seriously, I understand it is the Yankees and 99% of this board wouldn't mind seeing their plane go down but this type of statement will have no impact on whether or not the Twins sign Santana.

Seriously, I think you're missed the point.

I am deeply disappointed about our loss this year. We have to do better. And I deeply want a championship. It’s about time
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post Today, 01:21 PM
Post #103

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I get the point. I just don't think it is a big deal and certainly don't think it hurts the twins chances of keeping Santana.
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Foulkey Reese
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post Today, 01:23 PM
Post #104

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From Keith Law's chat today...


Shant (NYC): Speaking of Hankenstein, isn't he tampering yet again with his recent proclamations?

Keith Law: (1:13 PM ET ) I believe it's acceptable to comment on a player when you are in active negotiations to acquire him. Whether acceptable means "explicitly allowed" or "tacitly allowed" is another matter, but I don't think Hank has done anything wrong ... in that sense.

"We're not going to back down. It's goodbye." - Hank Steinbrenner on Arod

"Granted, maybe this was not the best idea, but, at least we care enough about our employees that we are willing to fight for them. And if you so much as harm one hair on Stanley's head, we will burn Utica to the ground" - Michael Scott
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post Today, 01:25 PM
Post #105

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QUOTE(Bob420 @ Jan 3 2008, 01:07 PM) *
Can a player file some sort of tampering charges if a team comes out and openly says that it will not pay a certain amount? That definitely hurts the players negotiating power with his current team.

Seriously, I understand it is the Yankees and 99% of this board wouldn't mind seeing their plane go down but this type of statement will have no impact on whether or not the Twins sign Santana.

Why would a team ever do that silly hypothetical? There's nothing to gain from that situation. The effect is the original team gets to keep their player at a lower price. Does that ever happen? No. It's always feigned interest to drive the price up and make the opposition use more assets to fill the roster. Think.

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post Today, 01:26 PM
Post #106

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QUOTE(Bob420 @ Jan 3 2008, 01:21 PM) *
I get the point. I just don't think it is a big deal and certainly don't think it hurts the twins chances of keeping Santana.

It hurts their chances of maximizing his trade value if every other team knows that Hank is telling Johan that he will make the most money as a MFY. Why would the Sox or the Mets pony up a better offer to beat NY now that Hank has made it worth Johan's while to hold out for a trade to the Bronx?

Come on Selig - slap the Son of SiaS down.

I should tell you this before the whole thing starts: I'll stomp a mudhole in your heart. - Old 97's
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post Today, 01:32 PM
Post #107

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QUOTE(FoulkeYouk @ Jan 3 2008, 01:25 PM) *
Why would a team ever do that silly hypothetical? There's nothing to gain from that situation. The effect is the original team gets to keep their player at a lower price. Does that ever happen? No. It's always feigned interest to drive the price up and make the opposition use more assets to fill the roster. Think.

I have seen GM's say they won't pay a certain amount for a player.
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post Today, 01:33 PM
Post #108

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QUOTE(Bob420 @ Jan 3 2008, 01:21 PM) *
I get the point. I just don't think it is a big deal and certainly don't think it hurts the twins chances of keeping Santana.

With all due respect, your handicapping of the Santana sweepstakes is irrelevant. What Hank did with his "we'll give Johan the best extension" was harm the Twins interest (either by diminishing their ability to re-sign him or lessen the trade value received from other teams) and was tampering.

This post has been edited by bankshot1: Today, 01:34 PM

I am deeply disappointed about our loss this year. We have to do better. And I deeply want a championship. It’s about time
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post Today, 01:34 PM
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I guess Law doesn't think it is that big of a deal.
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post Today, 01:36 PM
Post #110

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Keith Law's opinion doesn't matter. The Twins' opinion matters.

I should tell you this before the whole thing starts: I'll stomp a mudhole in your heart. - Old 97's
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post Today, 01:38 PM
Post #111

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That's not what Steinbrenner said. As quoted in the NY Daily News, he said "And let's face it, we're the best able to handle the kind of contract (extension) Santana will be after."

He didn't say the Yankees would offer the best contract, he said he was in the best financial position to absorb a big contract. That's just stating the obvious, i.e. that the Yankees are the richest team in baseball.
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post Today, 01:39 PM
Post #112

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QUOTE(86spike @ Jan 3 2008, 01:36 PM) *
Keith Law's opinion doesn't matter. The Twins' opinion matters.

Your opinion doesn't matter either.
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Jack Sox
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post Today, 01:44 PM
Post #113

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QUOTE(Bob420 @ Jan 3 2008, 02:39 PM) *
Your opinion doesn't matter either.

Sweet input, really!

I can't get enough of Hank and his shooting from the hip attitude. The guy is hysterical and has no concept of what it takes to run a ball club. I see this only ending badly for the Yankees and that is more than fine with me.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:04 pm

The Yankees are paying $800 Million in their own pocket . Is Because because NY Dailynews Mr.Gonzalez writes a column about the Yankees. How come They don't talk about Mets and their also they're building parking garage as well.? .Mr.Gonzalez doesn't have Guts to write a column on Mets as well?

I can get you from Brooklyn to Yankee Stadium on two subway lines MAXIMUM no matter where in the subway-accessible realms of Brooklyn you are. Five subway lines is simply hyperbole.

And city, state and federal employees shouldn’t get parking privileges just because of their employer. If they choose to drive to work when other cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly options are available, they should have to pay the costs associated with that choice. All I said was that they “could” take the subway; I didn’t say they “should” take the subway.

Stop and think about things a little. The city gets all the money from the parking lot. If any city employees were to park there as part of their job, they would include any parking fees in their expense reports and get reimbursed. Charging them for parking would actually cost the city more, as they’d have to process more paperwork for expensive reports. Giving city employees free parking ends up with the same revenue, but less overhead for the city and less hassles for everyone involved.

And I’d certainly expect the team employees to get free parking. I wouldn’t expect them to give the city the rights to parking money without getting that.

You also seem to be rather back and forth on your stance on the subway. You feel it’s unreasonable for cops to drive instead of taking the subway, yet you act like it’s unreasonable for fans to be expected to take mass transit. The opposite should be true - you should be encouraging the 50,000 fans to take mass transit. If a cop feels he’s better off taking a car to work, I’m not complaining.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:14 pm

Hank's Tampering


I don't think stating the obvious (the bolded part of your quote) is tampering - everyone knows the Yankees can handle any large contract easier than anyone else can. I don't think anything in there constitutes tampering. It's just Hank being George. If he said, "they should trade him because they won't be able to match our offer to him next fall" - that would be tampering. Now it's just so much bluster and I wouldn't get too worked up about it.

If You're the Twins - aern't you pissed off that Hank is undercuttign your ability to get the best possible package in return for Johan by trying to scare off other suitors with his not-even-thinly-veiled assertion that the Yanks can give him the most money out of anyone? Johan has a NTC that he will need to waive, so with Hank crowing about the MFYs ability to give him what he wants... that is an incentive for him to deny a trade anywhere else... which is a incentive for teams like the Sox and Mets to not go 'overboard' to acquire him... which means the Yanks' offer need not go higher either.

The loser here is the Twins who are trying to get the best possible return.

I think it's clearly tampering, even if what Hank is saying is obvious. He's not allowed to discuss players under other teams' control... period.

Tampering would refer to Minnesota's ability to resign the player.

Steinbrenner is openly saying he will give the player more than he thinks Minnesota can afford. He's making it more difficult for the Twins to negotiate a contract on their own.

Is it in baseball's best interest for top players to migrate to the top two or three markets?

The extension of this argument is whether you want any team to be able to exhibit this behavior. Let's say the Twins have scouted a player on the Brewers, and they feel he could be a starter. So they call up his agent and say "I know you're about to sign an extension for $1 million a year, but we'd give you $1.5 million."

We're rapidly developing the English soccer system here, where the Red Sox play Chelsea to the Yankees' Manchester United.

Hank is just being a buffoon again. He alluded to yet another artificial deadline for the Twins to ignore, and is beating his chest about the Yankees' offer being best (which is really for the Twins to assess) and them being best able to afford Santana (as he is the Master of the Obvious).

Given that the Twins and MLB did nothing the last time Hank opened up his mouth about these topics, I think it's pretty safe to say that this will be left alone, as well.

As an aside, does Hank really think telling the media that the Yankees' offer is best will confer any advantage on the Yankees?

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I don't know if I would bother calling it tampering, but he is a blowhard.

Especially since he 1. essentially said they would pull out a while back and 2. is still pursuing this dead end when nothing has changed.

Well, we know 2 things: a) The Yankees would be able to pay any fine for this "tampering"; and b) the days are long gone when a commissioner would declare that a team could not acquire -- through free agency or trade -- a player about whom they were said to be tampering.

So, there's really nothing to see here. Hankenstein has a big mouth. Different day, same story.

So Mitchell is Boston Redsox director?

What your point Chris?

You said Mitchell did a great job? He's did incompelete and pathetic job.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:21 pm

Swisher traded Whitesox?


Brian (Glen Ellyn, IL): White Sox get Nick Swisher for Gio Gonzalez, Ryan Sweeney, and another minor leaguer. Heard it on ESPN radio in Chi

Keith Law: (2:14 PM ET ) I heard earlier today secondhand that Sweeney was dealt to Oakland, so that makes some sense.

Wfan also reporting this deal as well


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:23 pm

Hey Mike and Chris

Any celebrities you guys interviewing during Yankees all star game in Yankees stadium?


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:31 pm

Rebuilding A's continue dealing -- Swisher to White Sox


OAKLAND, Calif. -- The Oakland Athletics made their second major trade in three weeks, sending outfielder and fan favorite Nick Swisher to the Chicago White Sox for three minor leaguers on Thursday.

The A's -- who dealt ace Dan Haren to Arizona on Dec. 14 -- received left-hander Gio Gonzalez, right-hander Faustino De Los Santos and outfielder Ryan Sweeney.

No They're also gave Faustino De los Santos too?

Omg, Whitesox got raped here...

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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:42 pm

Whitesox need help with their starting pitching while Contreras continue to stink and yet they trade their pitching for more offense? This a dumb move imo..


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Santana Empty Nick Swisher Traded To White Sox

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:51 pm

Nick Swisher Traded To White Sox


Baseball Digest Daily is reporting that the A's have traded Nick Swisher to the White Sox for Gio Gonzalez, Fautino De Los Santos, and Ryan Sweeney. I'd heard about the Sweeney part but hadn't been able to confirm it. This is a fascinating trade - let's discuss.

I have to imagine the White Sox plan to use Swisher as their center fielder for the next couple of years; he did play 59 games there in '07. Kenny Williams stuck to his word about adding OBP to his team, picking up Swisher and Carlos Quentin to fill out his outfield. Swisher, 27, is signed at a very reasonable price: $3.5MM in '08, $5.3MM in '09, $6.75MM in '10, $9MM in '11, and a $10.25MM club option for '12 with a $1MM buyout. The option gets a $1.75MM bump if Swisher is top five for the MVP voting during the contract. He has limited no-trade protection for 2011-12.

The White Sox paid a massive price to get their man, however. Pitchers De Los Santos and Gonzalez were their two best prospects, according to Baseball Prospectus' Kevin Goldstein. De Los Santos is said to have a huge ceiling, whereas Gio is a solid lefty who's nearly big-league ready. Goldstein ranked Sweeney eighth on the team, but projects him as more of a fourth-outfielder type (he was once very highly regarded though).

If it wasn't obvious with the Dan Haren trade, the A's are in full-fledged rebuilding mode. Joe Blanton, Huston Street, and Mark Ellis could be next to go.


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Santana Empty Read: Naming Rights

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:51 pm

Jan 3, 2008 12:44 pm - Read: Naming Rights

...posted by Matthew Cerrone...


In a report for FoxBusiness.com, Matt Egan takes a closer look at how and why teams sell naming rights to corporations for their news stadiums, such as the Mets have done with Citigroup and Citi Field.

Egan talks about the subject with Yankees COO Lonn Trost, Jeff Knapple of Wasserman Media, and me, Matthew Cerrone of MetsBlog.com, who says…

“I’m far more concerned with what they are doing on the inside of the stadium than the name on the outside.”

…i will say this, though, my only issue with naming rights, which i told egan though he did not mention it in the report, is that it would be quite annoying if the name on the stadium changed every other season like it does for some teams…of course, the name will hardly impact whether or not i buy tickets to a game, which is all the team is concerned with i would bet…

…hmm, $400 million divided by 20 years is $20 million per year…hey, so, assuming Citigroup is still in business next season, how about they kick in a few more million, the Mets trade for Johan Santana and they write Citigroup on his back instead of his last name…

…that’s a joke, by the way


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:53 pm

How the Business of Corporate Naming Rights is Changing

So what’s in a name anyway? Well, hundreds of millions of dollars apparently.

Gone are the days of naming a pro sports venue after the team or the city. Corporate naming rights on professional sports venues are now the norm, with companies paying mega dollars for the partnerships. In the not too distant future the deals could eclipse the $1 billion threshold.

Typically naming rights deals last more than 15 years, with companies paying for the rights to display their name on everything from the exterior of the building to the team’s yearbook. But the nature of the naming-rights business has changed in recent years as new stadiums are cropping up across the country and even some colleges and universities are getting into the act.

So how do naming rights deals work and how do they affect the fans trying to keep up with their stadium’s latest moniker?

Simply put, the naming rights industry is huge. According to Revenues From Sports Venues, a Nashville-based company that tracks how stadiums and arenas make money, there have been 19 deals of $100 million or more over the past decade or so. The deals range from ones worth just a few thousand dollars at the minor-league level, to the huge $800 million deal the New York Mets signed with Citigroup (C: 29.06, +0.14, +0.48%) for the team's new park, Citi Field. In between are some deals that worked, some that didn’t and even some companies, like American Airlines (AMR: 13.50, +0.20, +1.50%) and FedEx (FDX: 87.54, +1.38, +1.60%), which have naming rights on two different venues.

Experts said the nature of the deals have evolved dramatically. The name on the outside of the building is now just a small part of the deal, with companies receiving luxury suites, networking opportunities, access to players and product placement.

“What has happened over the last 10 to 15 years is that these have gone from branding exercises to very elaborate marketing partnerships,” said David Carter, a professor at the University of Southern California and principal of the Sports Business Group, a consulting firm.

It’s really a marriage of convenience. Team owners gain a new revenue stream while companies looking to gain access to new customers or solidify their relationship with old ones, have a new form of advertising.

“I believe that naming rights is still the number one value in all of sports and entertainment,” said Frank Vuono, a partner at 16W Marketing, who helped engineer the $300 million naming-rights deal for the Houston Texans’ Reliant Stadium.

While almost every new stadium has a naming rights deal in place, the New York Yankees’ new ballpark will be the exception.

“We are not going to change the name of Yankee Stadium,” said Lonn Trost, chief operating officer of the Yankees. Trost said the team has not decided whether various levels or entrances to the park will have corporate sponsorships.

Industry insiders said that from as early as little league, fans have grown accustomed to naming rights in sports. On occasion fans do react negatively when a new deal is announced, but the backlash is usually short-lived.

“I’m far more concerned with what they are doing on the inside of the stadium than the name on the outside,” said Matthew Cerrone, the lead writer of Metsblog.com, a very popular blog for that New York team.

While many fans plead apathy about naming rights on their ballparks, is it possible that the deals actually help them?

“Fans do better when those deals are struck because the team has the cash to invest in the players without it coming out of the ticket prices,” said Jim Grinstead, publisher of Revenues from Sports Venues.

With the number of deals that have been signed over the years, there have been more than a few that haven’t worked out as planned. The biggest example of a naming-rights deal gone wrong was the Houston Astros’ Enron Field (today it’s Minute Maid Park). After that corporate scandal in 2001, the Astros were left scrambling to distance themselves from the company.

“No one could have anticipated Enron going under. I would have never known,” said Vuono, who helped engineer that $100 million deal in 1999.

Thanks to that public-relations nightmare, teams have been much more careful about who they sell their rights to.

“When you have a company’s name on the building, your futures are kind of aligned,” said Grinstead.

Moreover, one bad deal can hurt future ones. “If they don’t get it right, then the subsequent value of any corporate name is going to be diminished,” said Carter.

Experts said that one naming rights deal may dwarf everything that has been seen in recent years: the new stadium being built by both the New York Jets and Giants. The value is so great because it’s two teams, which means 16 regular season home games instead of the typical eight, and the stadium will sit within the country’s biggest media market.

“It could be $1 billion. There is even the possibility they could have two different naming rights (deals),” said Grinstead.

Jeff Knapple, president of Wasserman Media Group’s marketing division, is in charge of finding a corporate sponsor for that new stadium, which is set to open in 2010.

“Obviously we are looking for the right partner that will have a passion and interest in football and the market as a whole. This will be the most iconic facility ever built in the United States,” said Knapple, who wouldn’t discuss the specifics of a potential deal.

Some experts have said that they can see an expansion of corporate naming rights onto college campuses. The University of Louisville now plays in a stadium called Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium after reaching a 10-year deal reportedly worth $5 million. One university has even gotten paid to have its name on a pro venue. The University of Phoenix has a 20-year naming rights deal worth over $100 million for the new pro football stadium of the Arizona Cardinals.

Love it or hate it, corporate naming rights are here to stay. Experts said the business could slow down some after the newest batch of stadiums is completed, but eventually buildings will become obsolete and new ones will be designed. Some have predicted corporate naming rights could enter high school sports soon too.

“As long as teams keep playing in stadiums and arenas…there will continue to be corporate involvement,” said Vuono.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:56 pm

Did you heard that Cashman has been invited and time to socialize with Enemies up north?

Gammons also reveals that Brian Cashman will be at Fenway Park on Saturday for the annual Hot Stove/Cool Music roundtable discussion. Gammons, Theo Epstein, Bill James, J.P. Ricciardi and others will be involved.

Very cool of Cashman to participate in the charity fundraiser. For ticket information, check out the Hot Stove/Cool Music site.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:00 pm

Keith Law predicts Whitesox will finish third ?


Mike - Chicago: How long with the Sox control Swisher? So they win the Central now?

SportsNation Keith Law: (2:23 PM ET ) Hah. They'll still finish in third. They have Swisher for three more years and I believe he's already signed as well.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:32 pm

Steinbrenner says Yankees' offer to Twins 'still the best one'


There is still a chance for the New York Yankees to receive a belated holiday gift. Talks between them and the Minnesota Twins for Johan Santana decreased to a murmur in December. Now, with Hank Steinbrenner back in the office, the push is on for a resolution to the pursuit of Santana once and for all.

Steinbrenner told the New York Daily News, "We're not desperate, so we're not going to chase anything."

But, he added, "In the next two weeks, we're going to have to get everything done."

According to the Daily News and the Boston Globe, the New York Mets and the Boston Red Sox remain in the hunt for Santana, a two-time Cy Young Award winner.

"I think the Twins realize our offer is the best one," Steinbrenner told the Daily News in a telephone interview. "I feel confident they're not going to trade him before checking with us one last time and I think they think we've already made the best offer."

Multiple reports have speculated the Yankees' offer includes pitcher Phil Hughes, outfielder Melky Cabrera, pitching prospect Jeff Marquez and another prospect. Steinbrenner would not comment, but he did says, "It's still the best one. And let's face it, we're the best able to handle the kind of contract [extension] Santana will be after."

The Mets have said that they will not include Jose Reyes in any offer, but they have various prospects that could be in the mix, including pitchers Mike Pelfrey, Philip Humber and Kevin Mulvey and outfielders Carlos Gomez and Fernando Martinez. The Red Sox scenario includes one with Jon Lester, Coco Crisp, Jed Lowrie, and Justin Masterson being proffered.

"I either have to do it [a Santana deal] or don't do it, same thing for the Red Sox, I guess," Steinbrenner added. "I think the Twins would like to keep him, so I don't think there's any hurry on anyone's part. It all depends on what he asks for in an extension. You obviously have to be very careful with pitchers, for obvious reasons."


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:38 pm

Don't call me a Kid ok pal, you don't know me...... I despise Redsox but respect them as organization.I guess you don't respect Yankees for posting ret*rd*d article and say stupid things about them


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:39 pm

I suggest you Read Ny times by Maury Chass last year.

Are you 86spike from Sosh? It seems like it..


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:44 pm

If I were Minnesota I'd take him of the market completely if I couldn't get a top of the line prospect. And I'd rather that than see Boston get him.


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:49 pm

Theo Epstein, Red Sox GM. Put together a wonderful young team of execs, featuring Jed Hoyer, Allard Baird and Ben Cherrington, and remade his team yet again, resulting in a second World Series title in four years.

Do you think Yankees and Cashman would form some wonderful young team of execs like Boston has so Mlb transactions and deals would done quickly?


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:54 pm

lol.....Three Stooges (Just Say Moe)

CTYankee devilish


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Santana Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:12 pm

I heard Ravens and Falcons are interested interviewing young assistant like Pats Josh Mcdaniels and Garret from Cowbotys. Thoughts?


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Santana Empty Theo and Co. will talk baseball this weekend

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:23 pm

Theo and Co. will talk baseball this weekend


There hasn't been much Red Sox news to discuss over the last couple of weeks, but this weekend's Hot Stove, Cool Music roundtable should provide some lively Sox talk.

On Saturday afternoon from 12:30-3 p.m., some of the biggest names in baseball will converge at the State Street Pavilion at Fenway Park to talk with fans. Among those scheduled to appear are Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein, Yankees GM Brian Cashman, Blue Jays GM J.P. Ricciardi, agent Scott Boras, ESPN analyst Peter Gammons, and statistician Bill James. Also appearing will be Celtics co-owner Steve Pagliuca and Bruins great Cam Neely. (Gammons confirmed the inclusion of Cashman and Boras during a Boston.com chat today.)

Epstein, Pagliuca, Neely, and others kick the session off with a conversation on "building a winning enterprise." The good stuff follows with an "inside baseball" talk that includes Epstein, Boras, Gammons, and fellow GMs Cashman and Ricciardi.

The event kicks off a weekend of Hot Stove, Cool Music events that will culminate in a concert Sunday night at the Paradise. All proceeds will benefit Epstein's Foundation to be Named Later. Click here for a full schedule of events and information on purchasing tickets to any of them.

Check back here on Saturday afternoon for updates from the roundtable discussion


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