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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:51 am

From Fat Teletubby Peter Abraham- Yanks should say no thanks for Santana


By the time 2008 rolls around, the Johan Santana Rumor Mill will get cranked up again.

The latest bit of speculation is that Minnesota would accept a package of Phil Hughes, Melky Cabrera and Jeff Marquez for their lefty ace. I’m sure that sounds acceptable to many fans.

But, for a second, look at the bigger picture. Are the Yankees developing their kids to play them or trade them?

Santana is terrific, no doubt about it. But adding him to the roster would cost $20 million a season plus a 40-percent luxury tax penalty. The Yankees will be paying for what Santana did in Minnesota.

Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season and will be 29 in March. He also has thrown 932 innings the last four seasons, counting the postseason. Sure, he could be terrific. Or he could be the next Mike Hampton. Nobody knows.

Hughes and Cabrera are symbols of what Brian Cashman is trying to do with the Yankees. The organization did a great job of scouting, drafting and then developing Hughes into the best pitching prospect in the minors.

Cabrera is a guy they rushed to the majors in 2005, screwed up and then built back up into a player good enough to take a job away from Johnny Damon. He would have been cut or traded five years ago.

Trade these guys now and the message is pretty clear: The Yankees are only paying lip service to development. This isn’t trading a few B-level prospects for Bobby Abreu in July. This would be an old-school Yankees move.

It’s their money, not ours. But I sit there at the Stadium and listen. People cheer loudest for the players who came up in pinstripes. People respect A-Rod but they love Jeter. They wanted Clemens do well. They adored Andy Pettitte.

Cashman has somehow made it cool for Yankee fans to care about Jose Tabata even though 99 percent of them have no idea what he looks like.

Spend the money on draft picks, Dominican shortstops and Taiwanese pitchers. Go find kids in Korea, Australia, Venezuela and everywhere else. Hire more scouts and go see every junior college prospect in Texas. Go find the next Santana, don’t trade for the old one.

Let Santana go to the Mets or the Angels or better yet, let him stay in Minnesota where he belongs. If the Red Sox were serious, they would have done the deal weeks ago. They’re pushing chips around the table hoping somebody in Tampa will go all in so they can fold.

We’ve spent two years wondering how good Phil Hughes could be. Let’s find out.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:53 am


Wow. That’s all I got to say. You’ve drunk the koolaid and it tastes pretty sweet, huh?

Now, if Santana showed up at the door Nov. 2008, it would be rude to not invite him in. Smile
# Jeremy December 27th, 2007 at 12:39 am

Amen. As I wrote a few weeks back, this is about what sort of team the Yankees will be, not just about whether they win this year.
# Bob December 27th, 2007 at 12:43 am

Amen is right.
# lil' m December 27th, 2007 at 12:44 am

Tell it, Pete!!!
# Andy Hawkins December 27th, 2007 at 12:45 am

Can’t put it any better than that, Pete. The reason ‘96 was so great is because it was a lot of home-grown guys getting their chance to carry the team. I’ve always said that with the Yankees’ financial resources, they can maybe hit the right combination every once in a while throwing it all at the major league roster. But if they threw a much higher percentage of their funds into development, they can be unbeatable every year. That’s what the Yankees of the 30s and 40s and 50s were — built from within because they had the most cash and the best scouts and they didn’t miss on the Mickey Mantles and Joe DiMaggios and Whitey Fords. I know there’s a draft now, but when you can get Joba in the sandwich round or Ian Kennedy 21st overall or whatever he was for financial reasons, that’s the kind of draft the Yankees can excel with and build through.

You’re going to get a lot of people who want a new toy on the roster every year, Pete. But give me Phil Hughes. He’s a Yankee.
# Hello December 27th, 2007 at 12:57 am

Wow…right on the money Pete,I agree with everything you just said!!!
# Lil Jimmy Norden December 27th, 2007 at 1:01 am


Well written Pete. Even if it means Santana goes to the Sox I don’t make this deal. I want to see what Hughes can do long term rather than how Santana can manage in his 30’s after a pretty big workload the last few years. We have a chance to really get the youth movement going, let’s not give up now.

There’s also a chance we can pick up up as a free agent if we have to have him. A small chance maybe, but still a chance. No need to deal all the kids, at least I dont think so.

Finally, even though the Yankees would pay millions as well for Santana, a tiny silver lining if he goes to Boston would be the bloating of their payroll and having them tying up 20+ mil in one guy. I think that hurts them a bit more than it would the Yankees.
# JoeT YANKEES December 27th, 2007 at 1:02 am

i love watching the “kids” play. Pete hit it right on the head there people respect a-rod and LOVE jeter for a reason, it’s great to watch them come up and grow into their roles.
# Philo Farnsworth December 27th, 2007 at 1:05 am

Pete is correct. We’ve been waiting to see what the prospects can do. Let’s find out this year. Having Santana on the team would be very nice, but the Yanks will field a very strong team in 2008 without him, and the long-term implications of such a trade are bad. Yankee fans have been pleasantly surprised over the last few years with the emergence of Cano, Wang, Melky and Joba. Let’s give Hughes and Kennedy a chance now.
# fred December 27th, 2007 at 1:09 am

Bravo. Hopefully they’re listening in Tampa.

farnsworth shooting “deers” - hysterical..
# whoa December 27th, 2007 at 1:10 am

Kudos, Peter.
# Brian Cashman wanna b December 27th, 2007 at 1:15 am

For the first time this year you finally make sense…


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:55 am

# Raf December 27th, 2007 at 1:17 am

If we knew for sure that Santana isn’t going to the Red Sox, then I think it’s fine not to trade for him. But if they do, then we’ll have a team with a $215 million payroll, who will finish in second place in their division, and might not make the playoffs, if the Central Division is as good as it could be.
Melky is good, but not great. There is a Melky-replacement somewhere in the system. His poor on-base percentage should raise a few red flags.
Marquez may or may not be a solid prospect, but he’s not even in the same breath as 8-10 other young Yankee arms. The chances of him ever making the rotation are slim.
And Hughes may or may not be great. But Santana is. I’m not buying into all the talk that he had a bad season, and he’s not a dominant pitcher. He didn’t have a great year, but was still one of the best three pitchers in the league. And he’s left-handed. And he’s still under 30 years old. He will thrive at Yankee Stadium as a lefty.
Sure, it’s great that we develop young players, but Johan Santanas aren’t going to come around very often.
The only reason NOT to make this deal is financial. But it’s not our money. As fans, we just want to see the team win. And I’m sure we’d all agree that we’d feel more comfortable if the Yankee Red Sox rotations were Santana-Wang-Pettitte-Chamberlain-Mussina vs. Beckett-Mastuzaka-Schilling-Buckholz-Wakefield instead of Wang-Pettitte-Hughes-Chamberlain-Mussina vs. Santanta-Beckett-Matsuzaka-Schilling-Buckholz.
Unless Cashman knows for sure that Johan is going to the Mets or Mariners instead of the Red Sox, you have to pull the trigger.
# mel December 27th, 2007 at 1:17 am

When Phil was on the table before the winter meetings, there was a huge outcry from the fans. The Yankees, more specifically Hank “I’m the Owner” Steinbrenner heard the call to keep Phil. Potential backlash from trading Hughes now on top of paying 140% of his salary may save the Phil.

It would be interesting to see if Kennedy, Tabata, & pitching prospects would get the deal done.

If it doesn’t cost too much in prospects I think the Yankees do it if the Twins are willing.

There’s only one team that’s able to pay Santana what he deserves.
# Dewey December 27th, 2007 at 1:18 am

You are 100% correct, sir.
# Josh December 27th, 2007 at 1:27 am

isnt it cashman’s job to acquire the best players?..using the idea that a player has more value just because he’s homegrown is ridiculous…if ya wanna argue the money aspect of the situation, fine…but the fact that hughes and melky are homegrown should have no input in the trade

…imagine if we had santana and the twins were offering up hughes and cabrera, no yankee fan on this planet would do that

people love jeter and pettitte more because they were on all the championship teams than because they are homegrown…same goes for tino and o’neill who werent from our system

there’s a much higher probability that hughes doesnt win 100 games in his MLB career than that he’ll win a cy young…i’m not arguing we should always trade prospects, i’m just supporting the idea that the farm system is used for more than one thing and if its trading your best prospect for the best pitcher in the game, then i’d be willing to do it
# mike f December 27th, 2007 at 1:32 am

great post pete, very eloquent and persuasive.
# plank December 27th, 2007 at 1:33 am

Check out the link in the website. It calculates the expected standings with the various Johan trades. Not worth it in my opinion.
# Rusty December 27th, 2007 at 1:36 am

damn straight.
# Giuseppe Franco December 27th, 2007 at 1:37 am

people love jeter and pettitte more because they were on all the championship teams than because they are homegrown…same goes for tino and o’neill who werent from our system

That’s partially true, but not entirely.

Yankee fans LOVE Melky, Joba, and Hughes as well. None of these guys have won rings.

Nobody gets more cheers these days than Joba and he’s only thrown 20+ IP in the majors.
# Jerry December 27th, 2007 at 1:44 am

I understand the sentiment in keeping young prospects. It is fun to see young guys come up though the system and become top notch major leaguers and possible future stars. It was great for Yankees fans to see the likes of Jeter, Petitte, Rivera, Posada and Williams grow and develop from the Yankees system to lead the Yankees to several world titles.

But here is a scenario that many want to ignore. What if the Red Sox pick up Santana and the Sox win a few world titles in the next couple of years and the Yankees may have been able to prevent that by trading a few young players to land Santana. Hughes may develop into a top pitcher in a few years, in a time period in which the likes of Jeter, Posada and ARod probably will be in decline and past the point in which they can be key players on a team gunning for a world title. The Yankees are in a tough spot. The fans and ownership do not want a $200 million team that is set to come up in second place every year and falter in the playoffs. They want to win now, and the Yankees need to act relatively fast while veterans like Jeter, ARod, Petitte, Rivera and Posada are still capable leading a team to a championship. Keeping and developing Hughes is a nice luxury, but Santana gives the Yankees a much better shot at winning a world title while the current Yankees core is still playing in top form.
# Hello December 27th, 2007 at 1:53 am

The game of baseball is not played on paper. Yes, Hughes replaced by Santana looks nice on paper and logically one would think it gives the Yanks a better chance of winning a WS. But guess what baseball does NOT work like that. So to say that Santana gives the Yanks a better shot than Hughes is to fall into the trap of looking at the game on paper rather what can/may/actually take place during the 162 game season.
# Brandon (Proud supporter of "ALEX BEING ALEX") & dammit SAVE HUGHES !!! December 27th, 2007 at 1:54 am


Spend the money on draft picks, Dominican shortstops and Taiwanese pitchers. Go find kids in Korea, Australia, Venezuela and everywhere else. Hire more scouts and go see every junior college prospect in Texas. Go find the next Santana, don’t trade for the old one.

# Matt Nokes December 27th, 2007 at 1:57 am

Hell NO the Yanks shouldn’t say NO TO SANTANA?! What is wrong with you?! GO … GET … HIM! YESTERDAY! DO IT!

In related NEWS:
The Minneapolis Star Tribune believes that Kei Igawa’s name has come up in some discussions between the Twins and Yankees regarding Johan Santana.
There have been plenty of mixed messages about whether the Twins are interested in taking back any salary in a Santana deal or not. Judging from what they’ve spent to land Mike Lamb and Adam Everett, they seem to be open to picking up $3 million-$5 million players, and Igawa is right in that range if the Yankees are willing to give up on him. Still, the Twins probably wouldn’t look at him as a major part of a deal. There’s been nothing to suggest the teams have talked at all so far this week. LaVelle E. Neal III only says the Twins checked in with the Yankees, Red Sox and Mets before the holiday break.

Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune
# matt frags December 27th, 2007 at 1:57 am

Johan Santana had 235K : 52BB last year. LIKE WANG, he had a finger issue which hindrered his ability to throw his slider and he was upset when management tanked the season and dumped Castillo. In his final 19 starts… 4 times he allowed more than 3 runs. All 4 times he allowed 4 runs.

Actually… in 33 starts… He allowed more than 3 runs 10 times… Of those ten starts where he allowed more than 3 runs… 8 times he allowed 4 runs and twice he allowed 6 runs.

SO… in 33 starts… Johan Santana allowed 4 runs or less in 31 of those starts! With the Yanks’ offense, JOHAN could win 25 games.

I LOVE PHIL HUGHES and would hate to see him go… BUT… Yanks have Joba Chamberlain, Ian Kennedy who are MLB ready… Alan Horne and Humberto Sanchez are right behind those guys… They have Andrew Brackman, J-Heredia, Betences, McCutchen and a slew of others who are coming… THEY HAVE PLENTY of talented arms.

I think back to two years ago… I love Cano, but if I could go back and trade Wang-Cano for Josh Beckett… I would do it. WHY? Yanks would be champs right now.

Johan Santana is a risk… sure… SO is Phil Hughes. After all, who got hurt and missed 3 months this year?

Does anybody regret trading Eric Milton for Chuck Knaublauch?

AGAIN… This is Johan Santana we are talking about. He will be the better pitcher the next two years. That’s what counts… Pettitte, Posada, Jeter, Arod, Abreu, Matsui all hope for the best in 2008 and 2009. Let’s worry about 2012 later on! If Johan comes and Yanks win two WS titles… does it matter how good Phil Hughes is?

AFTER ALL… if all the talent in the farm is as good as people claim… we can afford to give up one arm… Chamberlain, Kennedy, Horne and Sanchez can hold the fort while we develop the others!
# SAndMan December 27th, 2007 at 2:01 am

I like Hughes but Pete is such man of words but theres always a line of BS.Yes Santana has threw over 900 innings in four years.But thats after he was 25.We got three rookies under 25 who if they all here will be forced too throw 200 innings at least twice before 25…can anybody say Kerry Wood or Mark Prior.This isn’t a rebuilding year.

If Santana was in a competitive team last second half year even with a 3 Era he still had other better stats then Beckett and C.C Sabathia and had more stikeouts then last year.

SAntana is in his prime and we need something now so we don’t force Joba and Kennedy to risk their future by trying to force them to be our ace.Because Andy -4 Era- Pettitte and Chien-Ming -overrated stats- Wang can’t be that good.

Pete you should stick with a Patriots blog because short changing Santana and saying he might be Hampton is a joke.He is the best pitcher since Pedro.What a post you had with lots of BS.
# Peter Abraham December 27th, 2007 at 2:06 am

You can’t make moves based on what Boston could do. You do what is best for the Yankees, period.

My post is pro-Hughes and pro-development, not anti-Santana. He’s great. But no player should lead to you abandoning your philosophy.

Sandman: you rip every post I make, which is fine. But if I’m such a dope why do you so avidly read and post on my blog? Hey, thanks for the traffic.
# Patrick Bateman December 27th, 2007 at 2:07 am

Trading 1 top prospect out of 3 is “paying lip service to development”?

Breaking news Pete. Not every single one of the players in our farm system are going to make it to the major league team. There isn’t enough room on our 40 man roster for every single AAA, AA, and A+ player. Get used to saying goodbye to one or two if it strengthens a position.

Just like that real valuable 4th round pick you gave away for Randy Moss.
# mel December 27th, 2007 at 2:07 am


Why does it have to be Hughes?
# Brandon (Proud supporter of "ALEX BEING ALEX") & dammit SAVE HUGHES !!! December 27th, 2007 at 2:09 am

LaVelle E. Neal III is full of crap, has been driving the deal through his blog constantly, it’s terrorist alert bar with him, he’s going to Boston, 100 % it’s done , then oopssorry my bad sources say Boston not happy w/ deal now if I can deal Kennedy and Igawa hell yes do it ! but Hughes, Tabata or Jackson Minny and Bill Smith and whoever else wants to do this deal can go take a flying leap somewhere !!!
# Ed December 27th, 2007 at 2:09 am

Josh, if we traded for Johan Santana, the odds are better that he doesn’t win another 100 games than that he wins another Cy Young award. The odds work that way on all pitchers at all stages of their careers.

But for the Yankees, homegrown players do have a lot of value. I’ve never seen a player come up through the Yankee system, be unable to handle New York, then succeed somewhere else. But for players that started their careers elsewhere, it’s been total hit or miss as to whether or not they can handle New York. Look at Randy Johnson - he couldn’t even handle the media while walking to his physical before offically joining the team. Yet look at his amazing job under pressure in the World Series while in Arizona. And let’s not forget our buddy Pavano, who decided Tommy John surgery was more fun than pitching in New York.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:55 am


Can’t agree with this.

You know who had a great young core at one time? The Los Angeles Clippers.

They had Elton Brand, Lamar Odom, Michael Olowakandi, Darius Miles, and Quentin Richardson all around the same age. You want to know how many of those guys ended us as true stars and are still on the Clippers today? 1 in Elton Brand. You want to know how many that were huge flops? 2 in Olowakandi and Darius Miles. You want to know how many became role players and left to get inflated contracts elsewhere? 2 in Odom and Q-Rich.

How does this pertain to the Yankees?

The fact is that while it’s great to fantasize about how we could have three great aces in our rotation for years to come, the fact is that likely only 1 out of this group will fulfill their potential and become one. Injuries or just a lack of special ability will likely derail 2 of the other 3 from ever reaching stardom in some way or another. It is stupid to have a pitching rotation core that is the same age because it rarely works out. We are talking about a bonafide ace right now. We like to talk about homegrown talent, but the Yankees’ teams of the 90’s thrived with acquisitions like Clemens, David Cone, David Wells, Chuck Knoblouch, Tino, David Justice, etc. The Yankees took a risk on an injury prone pitcher with great stuff in the first round in the 20’s and it paid off, they can TRADE him for the best pitcher in baseball. I don’t see a better 1-2-3 punch in all of baseball then Santana, Wang, and Pettitte.
# TomoPogo December 27th, 2007 at 3:42 am

“Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season and will be 29 in March.”

It sounds like you think Santana was not great last year. You can’t seriously be judging him by W-L record. Do you realize how horrible his run support was last season? The Twins scored 3 runs or less in 18 of his 33 starts. For comparison’s sake, the Yankees scored 3 euns or less in 4 of Wang’s 30 starts. Wang had 2 full runs of higher run support on average per start over Santana. That is a huge difference. Yet Santana still had 15 wins. Think about how many wins Santana would have had with the yankee offense behind him. He most likely would have won the Cy Young award. Beckett had the same run support that Wang had - 2 full runs more per start than Santana. And the Red Sox scored 3 runs or less in 6 of Beckett’s 30 starts. Santana was put in those unfavorable situations 18 times out of 30+ starts. Think about that. You can try to defend the Win stat all you want, but you cannot deny that run support was a huge factor there. And there’s no other possible way you can try to suggest that Santana wasn’t great last season. Beckett’s WHIP (in a career year) was 1.14. Santaan’s WHIP in a “down” year was 1.07. Santaan has had WHIP’s under 1.00 in 3 of the last 3 seasons. He was great last season. Beckett’s ERA was 3.27, Santaan’s was 3.33. That is a difference of about one earned run. Which means there is essentially no significant difference. Santana’s gap in WHIP and K/9 were far far greater than that. Santana was terrible at giving up homers last year. That is the stat you should look at if you want bring up red flags regarding Santana. Not his W-L record and ERA. I’ll paste it again:

“Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season”

I mean come on, don’t you see now how foolish that sounds? Santana has been great every season for the last 5 seasons. Which leads to the next foolish statement…

“He also has thrown 932 innings the last four seasons, counting the postseason. Sure, he could be terrific. Or he could be the next Mike Hampton. Nobody knows.”

Wow. This might be dumber than the previous statement. Are you seriously comparing Johan Santana to Mike Hampton? Santana is the best pitcher in baseball over the last 5 seasons and is in the beginning of his prime. You say he is 29 years old like it is a bad thing. The fact that he is 29 is the good news. This is not 40 year old Randy Johnson coming to save the day. This is a guy the Yankees will pay not only for what he has done in the past but also for the dominance they expect in the future. Mariano is a guy they are paying for what he has done in the past. Ditto for Jorge. In fact that is the case with most players who are signed in their mid to late 30’s. But that’s not the case with Johan. It goes both ways with Santana. He deserves to be well paid for what he has done in the past, but they expect huge things out of him in the future FOR A LONG TIME. This is not some short-term move that the old-style Yankees would make. The Yankees aren’t trading the farm for a one or two year fix. Santana is expected to be dominant for at least the next 5 years. That’s a long time, in case you don’t know.

The 932 IP for Santana is not a bad thing. Brandon Webb has thrown 921 IP over the last 4 seasons and is 28 years old. Yeah sure that must mean his arm is going to fall off any day now. When you look at guys that have thrown the most innings over the last 3 or 4 seasons, you generally see the elite pitchers in baseball that have stayed healthy like Santana, Webb, Peavy, Oswalt, etc.

Santana has been remarkably healthy. And having guys that throw 200+ IP per year saves the bullpen immensely. In case you haven’t noticed, the Yankee bullpen is a mess. Do you realize how helpful it is to have a guy like Santana that can throw 230 IP a year, in terms of saving the bullpen from overload? Hughes is going to throw 180 max this year, and probably less. Of course it would be foolish to trade Hughes based solely on the fact that he won’t throw 200 IP this year, but my point is that the fact that Santana has thrown 900+ IP over the lst 4 seasons is a GOOD THING. When he is healthy he is a innings eater and saves the bullpen, in addition to providing 200+ insanely dominant innings. The Yankees only had one pitcher that broke 200 IP last year. And there’s no way Joba/Hughes/Kennedy are doing that in 2008. Mussina likely won’t get there either. Santana’s presence will help the bullpen tremendously every year. And he has been healthy every year. In fact who has the more recent injury history, Santana or Hughes? So maybe Hughes could be the next Mike Hampton instead? Any pitcher can get a freak injury. That is the danger with signing a pitcher to a long-term contract. But saying that “nobody knows”, as if that random chance is reason enough to stay away from Santana, is flat-out absurd. Your point should have been this: signing pitchers to contracts of more than 4 years has generally not worked out in most cases. There is no need to imply that Santana is going to get injured because he has thrown 900+ innings. The Baseball Prospectus guys have shown that pitcher injuries are not correlated closely with IP. Instead, injuries are highly correlated with how often a pitcher exceeds a benchmark pitch count, like for example 110 pitches. The point is that total IP are misleading when considering how much wear and tear a pitcher has accumulated. Wang threw 199 IP last year, and Pettitte threw 215 IP last year. That’s only a difference of 16 innings, yet Andy Pettitte threw 534 more pitches than Wang did. So this goes back to my main gripe here: the fact that Santana has thrown 900+ IP over the last 4 seasons is a good thing. It shows that he is one of the healthiest and most effective pitchers in baseball. If you want to get worried abour injury possibilities you should analyze pitch counts. Mark Prior and Kerry Wood were ruined because Dusty Baker didn’t know how to manage a pitch count. The Twins always kept Santana at a reasonable number of pitches. This goes a lot deeper than “oh Hampton got injured so any pitcher that sings a long-term deal has a decent chance of getting injured too.”

I don’t know if I am in favor of the proposed trade or not. I like Hughes and would love to see the Yankees win some titles with him and Joba and Cano, etc. However, Johan Santana is heads and shoulders above every pitcher in baseball and he is the one guy that is so darn good that you actually do have to consider trading the untouchable Hughes for. It’s a tough call for me. SJ44 has already argued many times that the trade is a no-brainer for the Yankees to make. Lots of other people feel that way as well. I’m kind of undecided at this point. But why you think Santana’s age and IP over the last 4 seasons are warning signs is beyond me. And the fact that you think he was not great in 2007 is also hard to believe. He’s the best pitcher in baseball and is as reliable and consistent as they come.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:56 am

# December 27th, 2007 at 4:04 am

“But adding him to the roster would cost $20 million a season plus a 40-percent luxury tax penalty.”

The money factor is mostly irrelevant for the Yankees. This would be a good argument for not trading for Santana for just about any other team in baseball. But the Steinbrenners are willing to spend the money to put a better team on the field. The tax threshhold is raised to 155 million next season. Then the Yankees will be losing a lot of payroll in the next offseason with Giambi, Farnsworth, Mussina, Pavano, Abreu, and Pettitte’s contracts ending. At least those first 4 guys will be gone, and that’s close to 50 million right there. If one of Abreu/pettitte also are not re-signed that will be another 16 million cleared up. There are a lot of good free agent pitchers next offseason (especially compared to this offseasons garbage offerings) and if the Yankees don’t spend 20 million per year on Santana right now, they will likely sign some other starter next offseason for like 15 million per year, like Sabathia.

But basically my point is, the Yankees are the one team where your point about Santana’s financial cost does not matter much at all.
# TomoPogo December 27th, 2007 at 4:21 am

“Trade these guys now and the message is pretty clear: The Yankees are only paying lip service to development. This isn’t trading a few B-level prospects for Bobby Abreu in July. This would be an old-school Yankees move.”

This is also incorrect. The Yankees have shown that they are very serious about having a strong farm system. Just look at the Yankee signings this offseason - none of them were Type A free agents from other teams. This means that the Yankees did not lose any future draft picks. If this was the old-style Yankees, Rowand would probably be wearing pinstripes right now and Melky already would have been traded for Gagne back in July. This is not the old-style Yankees. What this is, is a chance for the Yankees to acquire a rare talent and the best starting pitcher in baseball.

Having a strong farm system is good for multiple reasons. If you actually expect every high draft pick and top prospect to stay with the organization for the next 10 years then you are nuts. Ideally many of them do in fact show enough ability to become productive mainstays on the MLB roster down the line. But having a deep farm system also provides you with more trade possiblities. The Yankees can afford to lose Hughes/Melky/Marquez for Santana because the farm system is so strong. Losing Melky would actually be the bigger blow in 2008 since he is so good defensively and there is no obvious replacement in 2008 for that aspect of his game. Losing Hughes is obviously a bigger long-term loss than losing Melky, but that’s ok because Santana will likely be much better than Hughes over the next 5 years, and by then the Yankees will probably have more prospects like Hughes/Joba in the minors. This is because the Yankees are drafting very intelligently in recent years and using their financial resources to sign high-ceiling players that other teams will stay away from. They are also very active in the international market and have an advantage there over most teams. There will be more guys like Hughes in Yankee minor league system. So losing him for Santana is not in any way a sign that these are the old-style Yankees. Don’t let this one move overshadow what’s been obvious over the last couple of years: The Yankees are serious about drafting and player development, and this makes them more self-sufficient as well as a more flexible trade partner, as well as less dependent on mediocre free agents that cost them high draft picks like the Farnsworths of the world.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 3:57 am

What we need is a little luck. All that needs to happen for our best interest is for Santana to stay a Twin for 2008. With around 85 mill coming off in 2009 and around another 25 mill saved in 2010, we can surely get Santana in 2008 and not give up Hughes, maybe go for a proven 1st baseman in their prime and . Looks to me like the miracle years are making a comeback very very soon, by 2020 we should have 32 rings at least…HOPEFULLY

December 27th, 2007 at 4:33 am

Easy solution here: trade Wang instead of Hughes… If Minny didn’t like Wang that much, add one or two more B-level prospects in the package! even some cash(for Wang’s arbitration) included…

We save Hughes, and get Santana for 6 years or so. Wang is one-trick phony! 19-win is overrated, but it might make him valuable as a trade bait.

Hughes is cheap. Wang will be getting good money in the next couple of months from arbitration, probably 5 to 7 million.

The Twins are cheap. They won’t go for that.

December 27th, 2007 at 4:52 am

god i love you and your firggin face.

build a team of people. they aren’t REAL but they are still homeslice YANKEEZ.

I’d ratha looze with my peepz than fail with negative four billions thousand dollerz.

at this point does it even sting when the sox win the world series.??? not more than herpes!!!!!!!!!!!?!! and we’ve all got that. kevin brown gave it. then he shot us.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:08 am

Mr.Abraham, don't you understand The Yankees haven't won in 8 years freaking years since 2000.I I respect your opinion but It seems like You wanted Johan goes to Mets.. How did Wang's so called do last year in the playoffs against Indians. The Redsox have two championships in 4 years for trading for Ace Josh freaking Beckett. The Mets don't need Johan, They have Pedro. Pedro's reason why Omar pursued and signed him in the first place to lead and become The ace of Mets rotation.

“But adding him to the roster would cost $20 million a season plus a 40-percent luxury tax penalty.”

Santana is 28 not 36 years. The Yankees payroll is 85 mill coming off in 2009.The tax threshhold is raised to 155 million next season. Then the Yankees will be losing a lot of payroll in the next offseason with Giambi, Farnsworth, Mussina, Pavano, Abreu, and Pettitte’s contracts ending. At least those first 4 guys will be gone, and that’s close to 50 million right there. If one of Abreu/pettitte also are not re-signed that will be another 16 million cleared up. There are a lot of good free agent pitchers next offseason (especially compared to this offseasons garbage offerings) and if the Yankees don’t spend 20 million per year on Santana right now, they will likely sign some other starter next offseason for like 15 million per year, like Sabathia.

“Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season and will be 29 in March.”

Peter, it sounds like you think Santana was not great last year. You can’t seriously be judging him by W-L record. Do you realize how horrible his run support was last season? The Twins scored 3 runs or less in 18 of his 33 starts. For comparison’s sake, the Yankees scored 3 euns or less in 4 of Wang’s 30 starts. Wang had 2 full runs of higher run support on average per start over Santana. That is a huge difference. Yet Santana still had 15 wins. Think about how many wins Santana would have had with the yankee offense behind him. He most likely would have won the Cy Young award. Beckett had the same run support that Wang had - 2 full runs more per start than Santana. And the Red Sox scored 3 runs or less in 6 of Beckett’s 30 starts. Santana was put in those unfavorable situations 18 times out of 30+ starts. Think about that. You can try to defend the Win stat all you want, but you cannot deny that run support was a huge factor there. And there’s no other possible way you can try to suggest that Santana wasn’t great last season. Beckett’s WHIP (in a career year) was 1.14. Santaan’s WHIP in a “down” year was 1.07. Santaan has had WHIP’s under 1.00 in 3 of the last 3 seasons. He was great last season. Beckett’s ERA was 3.27, Santaan’s was 3.33. That is a difference of about one earned run. Which means there is essentially no significant difference. Santana’s gap in WHIP and K/9 were far far greater than that. Santana was terrible at giving up homers last year. That is the stat you should look at if you want bring up red flags regarding Santana. Not his W-L record and ERA. I’ll paste it again:

“Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season”

I mean come on, don’t you see now how foolish that sounds? Santana has been great every season for the last 5 seasons. Which leads to the next foolish statement…

“He also has thrown 932 innings the last four seasons, counting the postseason. Sure, he could be terrific. Or he could be the next Mike Hampton. Nobody knows.”


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:11 am

The Yankees should say yes to Santana even it cost Phil stinkin Hughes.

Mr.Abraham, don't you understand The Yankees haven't won in 8 years freaking years since 2000.I I respect your opinion but It seems like You wanted Johan goes to Mets.. How did Wang's so called do last year in the playoffs against Indians. The Redsox have two championships in 4 years for trading for Ace Josh freaking Beckett. The Mets don't need Johan, They have Pedro. Pedro's reason why Omar pursued and signed him in the first place to lead and become The ace of Mets rotation.

“But adding him to the roster would cost $20 million a season plus a 40-percent luxury tax penalty.”

Santana is 28 not 36 years. The Yankees payroll is 85 mill coming off in 2009.The tax threshhold is raised to 155 million next season. Then the Yankees will be losing a lot of payroll in the next offseason with Giambi, Farnsworth, Mussina, Pavano, Abreu, and Pettitte’s contracts ending. At least those first 4 guys will be gone, and that’s close to 50 million right there. If one of Abreu/pettitte also are not re-signed that will be another 16 million cleared up. There are a lot of good free agent pitchers next offseason (especially compared to this offseasons garbage offerings) and if the Yankees don’t spend 20 million per year on Santana right now, they will likely sign some other starter next offseason for like 15 million per year, like Sabathia.

“Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season and will be 29 in March.”

Peter, it sounds like you think Santana was not great last year. You can’t seriously be judging him by W-L record. Do you realize how horrible his run support was last season? The Twins scored 3 runs or less in 18 of his 33 starts. For comparison’s sake, the Yankees scored 3 euns or less in 4 of Wang’s 30 starts. Wang had 2 full runs of higher run support on average per start over Santana. That is a huge difference. Yet Santana still had 15 wins. Think about how many wins Santana would have had with the yankee offense behind him. He most likely would have won the Cy Young award. Beckett had the same run support that Wang had - 2 full runs more per start than Santana. And the Red Sox scored 3 runs or less in 6 of Beckett’s 30 starts. Santana was put in those unfavorable situations 18 times out of 30+ starts. Think about that. You can try to defend the Win stat all you want, but you cannot deny that run support was a huge factor there. And there’s no other possible way you can try to suggest that Santana wasn’t great last season. Beckett’s WHIP (in a career year) was 1.14. Santaan’s WHIP in a “down” year was 1.07. Santaan has had WHIP’s under 1.00 in 3 of the last 3 seasons. He was great last season. Beckett’s ERA was 3.27, Santaan’s was 3.33. That is a difference of about one earned run. Which means there is essentially no significant difference. Santana’s gap in WHIP and K/9 were far far greater than that. Santana was terrible at giving up homers last year. That is the stat you should look at if you want bring up red flags regarding Santana. Not his W-L record and ERA. I’ll paste it again:

“Santana could be great again. But he was 15-13, 3.33 last season”

I mean come on, don’t you see now how foolish that sounds? Santana has been great every season for the last 5 seasons. Which leads to the next foolish statement…

“He also has thrown 932 innings the last four seasons, counting the postseason. Sure, he could be terrific. Or he could be the next Mike Hampton. Nobody knows.”

Despite this poor offensive production, Johan Santana still managed to win 15 games. But that’s neither here nor there. Let’s look at some of the other stats the once-great Johan Santana put up. His 3.33 ERA was 7th overall in the American League, trailing John Lackey by 0.31 runs. His 1.07 WHIP was tops in the AL, and his 235 strike outs trailed Scott Kazmir by just four. His strike out-to-walk ratio was 4.52, good for fourth in the American League.

In a word, Johan Santana in 2007 was great.

Now, there are plenty of reasons — starting with Phil Hughes and ending with the luxury tax issues — for the Yankees to avoid a trade of Johan Santana right now. And if his agent were smart, he’d tell Santana to stay healthy for another year and cash in during a full-fledged bidding war in 2008. But we shouldn’t start pretending that Johan Santana wasn’t great in 2007 because of a poor won-loss record. Make no mistake about it: Johan Santana is one of the top pitchers in the American League. Stick him on the Yankees or the Red Sox, and his 2007 line would probably feature 20+ wins and another Cy Young Award. Greatness, indeed.



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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:24 am

Cleveland media guilt complex showing re Indians tainted 2007 ALDS

Time and media holidays allow us to see the overlooked story of the Mitchell report--Paul Byrd. Hoping to distract the public from this, Paul Hoynes comes out the other day praising the 2007 Indians for doing it with "character and conviction."

* This knowing Byrd didn't deny using HGH during his game 4 Yankee win. Today, another Cleveland media guy, Terry Pluto, makes his attempt to fog the issue. With what else? THE BUGS of course. A handy one to get the focus off Byrd and his "TAINTED TEAM."

The talk of that game was actually the reverse of what Pluto says, that the Yankees "whined:" "and the Yankees whined" Pluto writes.

* Which is of course a joke because the talk during and after the game was that JOE TORRE HAD NOT WHINED, HAD NOT FLINCHED DURING JOBA'S WHOLE BUG EPISODE. Pluto's supposed proof is a throwaway line from Derek Jeter who's the last person to whine about anything.

"Talk about a home-field advantage," said Derek Jeter, as if the bugs only landed on players from New York....

* At that point, you knew the Yankees were finished in the series." (Pluto says)

Translation: The Yankees final demise wasn't cheater Paul Byrd's tainted game 4.

* Pluto: "Yes, you gotta love The Bug Game.

if any group of fans earned a good memory, it's us."

* Translation: Since we're the Indians and not the Yankees, we suffer every day. So, no matter how we won, we deserve to be happy.

Article by Terry Pluto from Cleveland Plain Dealer, "This Memory Won't Fly Away," 12/26/07

* P.S. I didn't write the 2 articles referenced, nor am I the one who doesn't deny being an active HGH user. Those who seek affiliation with ESPN or MLB don't want to focus on Paul Byrd, so be prepared for this issue to be ignored and labeled crazy or conspiracist. The New York media have not written articles like this about their home-town boys-sorry.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:36 am

Paul Byrd's 1000 HGH units and 100 syringes aren't enough for Mike Lupica

Lupica's angry point is he wants Andy Pettitte and Roger Clemens to sit on television in front of Congress just like Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa did. Lupica will accept nothing less. At the very end of the article he throws in 2 more names he'd like to see, but he's done being furious, just mentions the names: Brian Roberts and Miguel Tejada.

* How does Paul Byrd, a major user over a period of years, winner of the deciding game against the Yankees in the 2007 ALDS, escape the extreme anger of Lupica? Byrd doesn't even get a mention? Much of Byrd's 'oh come on, this was for an approved medical condition and everyone knew about it' has been disproved.

How does the case of Paul Byrd totally escape Mike Lupica? Why aren't Paul Byrd and his litany of lies making headlines?

* Reference, NY Daily News column by Mike Lupica, "House Should Play Hardball," 12/23/07


P.S. What if George Mitchell had been a director of the Yankees, a past lobbyist for the tobacco industry, and named prominent Red Sox in his report. And he got the Red Sox names from a Boston area clubhouse guy who had a plea deal with the feds. And there were no prominent Yankees on the list. All things being equal, this should've been as likely a scenario as any other. But it never would've been considered for 1 second by Bud Selig.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:42 am

Lowrie and Masterson working hard as they climb Red Sox’ ladder


The Red Sox were pleased with the development of numerous prospects during the 2007 season, especially Dustin Pedroia and Jacoby Ellsbury. Both players made significant contributions to Boston’s world

championship run, but they weren’t the only ones who impressed management.

Enter Jed Lowrie, an infielder, and Justin Masterson, a pitcher.

Both enjoyed success in 2007, but there’s still plenty of developmental work that needs to be done before they can say they have exceeded the organization’s expectations.

Lowrie proved that he possesses solid skills. But there was a strength issue. That’s something he said he focused on last season, and he continues to do so in his offseason workouts. He’s been in Arizona working out with a personal trainer.

Lowrie is considered a solid hitter with good knowledge of the strike zone. When he steps into the batter’s box, he approaches each at-bat with a plan. He is a well-prepared player, and there should be improvement in spring training because of his increased strength.

“I’m continuing to work out and let my body mature,” said Lowrie, a 6-foot, 185-pounder. “I feel like I’m still growing and I feel like I have a lot of potential, but it’s something I need to work at and I’m working at it pretty hard. It’s just a matter of gaining some strength and maintaining my flexibility and range of motion at the same time.”

The 23-year-old, in his third year as a pro, began the 2007 season at Double-A Portland and hit .297 with 49 RBI in 93 games for the Sea Dogs. He was promoted to Pawtucket on July 27 and finished the season hitting .300 for the PawSox, with 21 RBI in 40 games.

Defensively, he made tremendous strides at shortstop for the PawSox, and proved to the parent club that he has the ability to play the position at the major-league level. Even though the Red Sox are pleased with his development, it’s a safe bet — barring a trade — that Lowrie will be back with the PawSox in 2008 and likely will play other infield positions.

From the winter meetings in Nashville earlier this month until now, there have been reports that Lowrie and Masterson could be part of a possible deal between the Red Sox and Twins for two-time Cy Young Award-winning pitcher Johan Santana of the Twins. However, Lowrie said he’s preparing for spring training with the Red Sox.

“Any time you’re mentioned in the same trade for a pitcher like Johan Santana, you feel pretty humble because he’s one of the best the game has to offer,” said Lowrie. “You get sort of humble when you’re mentioned in that company.”

At the conclusion of last season, the Red Sox sent Lowrie to the Arizona Fall League, where he played for the Mesa Solar Sox. Despite a hand injury that sidelined him for the first week, Lowrie was pleased with his performance. He played shortstop, second base and third base, which was exactly what the Red Sox wanted him to do to become more versatile in the infield.

“I really enjoyed my time out there,” he said. “It was a great experience.”

Masterson spent the majority of last season working on command of his secondary pitches, especially his changeup and sinker. The 6-foot-6, 250-pound right-hander has also shown that he’s mentally tough. He pitched last season at Class-A Lancaster, Calif., where Clear Channel Stadium is a hitter’s paradise because of the wind, which usually blows toward the outfield.

The JetHawks led the California League with 217 home runs last season. Lake Elsinore finished a distant second with 148. So pitching in Lancaster isn’t easy. Still, Masterson posted an 8-5 record and a 4.33 ERA in 17 starts for the JetHawks. In 95 2/3 innings, he allowed only 22 walks and recorded 56 strikeouts. He gave up four homers, and opponents had a .275 batting average.

The 22-year-old was promoted to Double-A Portland, where he continued to have success. Masterson posted a 4-3 record in 10 starts and had a 4.34 ERA for the Sea Dogs. He walked only 18 and struck out 59 in 58 innings. Because of his rapid development, the Red Sox invited him to Fenway Park during the postseason.

If the Red Sox don’t make a trade for Santana, they’ll continue to look to their solid minor-league system for help.



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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:46 am

Injury Risk Factor: AL/NL Closers


Published by Dugout Scout on December 24, 2007 08:55 am under Scouting Reports

“The injury bug hit us this year” or “it’s just been a run of bad luck” are some excuses voiced by losing teams throughout the baseball season. The clubs that continue to contend year after year (Angels, Yankees, Braves, Dodgers) have some way of identifying and projecting the part of the game that has to do with injuries.

The following evaluation and projection has been made by a collective effort of professional scouts using resources such as live game analysis, historical video comparison, statistical evaluation and injury history.

The risk category is defined by the level of risk each particular pitcher (closer) has with respect to injuring his throwing arm while delivering pitches during live game competition. The players are put into categories based on a comparative analysis between the proper fundamentals of a pitching delivery from the windup and the stretch to each particular closer’s current pitching mechanics.
Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Closersalnl


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:49 am

McNamee’s lawyer is really spinning. Poor Brian. All Brian wants is a normal life with his family. From today’s NY Times.

McNamee has declined all interview requests. “He’s hoping for a normal life with his family,” Ward said. “He wishes that it all had never happened. His life has been in such a state of disarray right now.”

Ward said that during the time McNamee injected Clemens with the banned substances, he did not tell anyone about it. Contemporaneous statements to others can be used in legal settings to corroborate circumstantial evidence. On the other hand, a pattern of dishonesty can be used in the same settings to discredit an allegation.

The most damaging incidents in McNamee’s background, Ward said, were instances of lying to journalists for years to protect Clemens and a 2001 case in Florida in which McNamee was accused but not charged with sexual battery and with giving a date-rape drug to a woman. That investigation was closed because of what a Florida prosecutor called “insufficient physical and corroborative evidence.”


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:54 am

Kennedy's overrated says Sox Fan


Looking at Ian Kennedy’s BAABIP [(Batting Average Against on Balls in Play)] it seems like he was rather lucky in 2007.

He had an overall BAABIP of .251
A+ - .259
AA - .238
AAA - .265
MLB - .237

Unless Kennedy has the distinct and rare ability to control what happens to the balls that are put into play off him...I’d say he was a tab bit lucky. ML pitchers usually have an average BAABIP in the .300s .. Pettitte had a .322, Beckett had a .316, Matsuzaka had a .306 etc.

Just something to keep in mind.

[P.S. BAABIP can be found on fangraphs.com... that website gives me a hardon]

got the correct numbers[justify]


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:24 am


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Joined: Apr 19, 2007
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Dallas, TX

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Sunday Dec 16

DJC wrote:
<quoted text>
Young black girls believe losing their virginity to a family member is tribal custom, so it doesn't get reported. Did you report it? Of course not. Point made. ;-)
Aside from that, it's nice to know I'm keeping you entertained on a Sunday morning, but I'm just holding down the fort 'til whitey1 gets here and kicks some real butt. ;-)

Ugh, sorry to disappoint, but I didn’t get deflowered until adulthood…Besides, there was no such custom in my family or any other black family for that matter, unlike with your own people…And you clearly sound like a repressed emasculated inbred washout….Or did that personality of yours derive from daddy trying to get to know you better than you would have liked?;-)…Oooh whitey, I’m shaking in my boots…apparently you don’t know me very well.;-)
Adams Basin, NY

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Monday Dec 17

Wow, I must've hit a nerve. Sorry, I never stopped to think that you and the offending family member might still be living together. ;-)
Concord, CA

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Monday Dec 17

PSYCHED wrote:
<quoted text>
Just as everyone thinks that white people smell like wet dogs.;-)....Just type that in your browser and watch what happens.;-)

sh!t!! black people aren't known for good hygiene either! quit playin LOL

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Dallas, TX

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Monday Dec 17

DJC wrote:
Wow, I must've hit a nerve. Sorry, I never stopped to think that you and the offending family member might still be living together. ;-)

No you didn't hit anything (something you're probably use to hearing).;-)

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Dallas, TX

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Monday Dec 17

yoyoyo wrote:
<quoted text>
sh!t!! black people aren't known for good hygiene either! quit playin LOL

Yeah some, just as with any race...but it has little to do with your hygiene…it’s more like your natural scent…which seems to force itself out of your pores, usually, whenever water hits you;-)...And I'm not playin.LOL

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Dallas, TX

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Monday Dec 17

Ooh ooh, how could I forget the #1 white monkey...Curious Georgy http://imagecache2.allposters.com/images/pic/...

There were tons of pics of him as a monkey...guess I'm not the only one that thinks that those big ears make you all look like monkeys.HA!...By the way, what's the female monkeys' name that starred on friends?

Joined: Jul 6, 2007
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Tuesday Dec 18

This is just another not so funny way to cast racial epithets against our monkey forefathers and "out" erotic fantasy obsessions that most knuckle draggers who live out in Dallas seem to be obsessed with. Whoever this "Psyched" really is,don't mistake those semi-innocent oddball inquiries peppered into the wandering commentary as anything but live grenades of angry passive/aggressive hostility. Don't fall for it!
This could very well be just another dirty Republican trick to set you up again.
Remember, the first one who even thinks "porch monkey" is dead...and those dirty remote vid cameras are on.
(Look a little more over to your left. Sorry. Over here to my left. Too far. That's better.)
Nunda, NY

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Tuesday Dec 18

PSYCHED wrote:
<quoted text>
By the way, what's the female monkeys' name that starred on friends?

I don't watch much TV, but I'll take a shot in the dark and say ...

Whoppi Goldberg?
San Jose, CA

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Tuesday Dec 18

PSYCHED wrote:
Surely you all can think of at least one white person that looks like a little orangutan.…here let me help you out….I think monkey every time I see them……
Jerry Stiller
Tommy Lee Jones
Donald Sutherland
Josh Hartnett
Ooops and look who he’s dating….
Chuck Norris
Val Kilmer
Well he sort’a looks like the Geico Cavemen in this pic…. http://www.beigeboy.com/blog/wp-content/uploa...
And last but not least……….;-)
Nick Nolte

alright, so white guys look like cavemen, but black people still look like apes and gorillas, are we even ?

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Tuesday Dec 18

Strutting out hatred in a loose-fitting disguise is not a nice way of passing time. There are big words describing all of this sort of thing and they all boil down to wasting one's precious time practicing HATE...focusing on other peoples "faults" instead of honestly looking at ones own fears,anger,dishonesty and selfishness.It's a very tough thing to break this habit and not everyone can do it alone. There is hope and there is help. Some of us here will pray that you seek and find this help. Some of us actually prayed you here already.

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Lewisville, TX

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Wednesday Dec 19

choices wrote:
<quoted text>
alright, so white guys look like cavemen, but black people still look like apes and gorillas, are we even ?

Which are you stricken with, a reading problem or a comprehension one? Both maybe? I never said you look like cavemen, I said monkeys….here maybe this’ll help - and remember use your phonics...M-O-N-K-E-Y-S...We'l l never be even, we're better.;-)
Raptor X

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Florence, SC

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Wednesday Dec 19

PSYCHED wrote:
<quoted text>
Which are you stricken with, a reading problem or a comprehension one? Both maybe? I never said you look like cavemen, I said monkeys….here maybe this’ll help - and remember use your phonics...M-O-N-K-E-Y-S...We'l l never be even, we're better.;-)

Better at what? Running from the cops?Smile


“Fear my font sucker”
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Des Moines, IA
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Wednesday Dec 19

Bush looks just like a chimp end of discussion....




Straight hair, thin lips, flat butts and chests are all ape traits as well as ??

True i'd say 50 cent looks like a gorilla...


but somehow the white monkey girls still love him regardless.

All this fighting among us humans, if their are aliens out their, i know they got to be thinking, "look at that planet of the apes".

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Dallas, TX

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Thursday Dec 20

Raptor X wrote:
<quoted text>Better at what? Running from the cops?Smile

Well Raptor, you all don't have to be good at running from’em, when you’re so much better at lying to’em.;-)
Ed K

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Panama City, FL

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Friday Dec 21

PSYCHED wrote:
<quoted text>
Well Raptor, you all don't have to be good at running from’em, when you’re so much better at lying to’em.;-)

You guys are both racist,(hope you both realize that) but this was pretty funny!
Kristy Aaka


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Monday Dec 24

Tony17 wrote:
Actually there already is a class of Ape that we recognize as SUB-HUMAN. They are known as WHITE PEOPLE,LOLOLOL.

Congratulations, you just turned a forum that had absolutely nothing to do with race into something racist. You ignorant racist fool.
Strong white man
Mannington, WV

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apes are people,.....they are black!!!!!!!!
Granby, CT

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I know a parrot that has a vocabulary way beyond your average urban teen so maybe we need to give parrots greater status also!
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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:34 am

George Despises The Mets?

If George hates The Mets why Did George gave permission to Omar interviewing WIllie Randolph to become Mets Managerial job and Rick Down as hitting coach..

George loves Mets and sign Ex Mets players like Doc Gooden, Darryl Strawberry etc.....

Please stop this and enough of this crap. .. It's all about who has prospects to give The twins in a deal for Johan and sign him to contract extension


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:34 am

If the Twins are going to deal him to Boston they want Ellsbury and one of the pitchers which Boston appears reluctant to do.

To the Yankees they want Kennedy AND Hughes in the picture, which the Yankees appear reluctant to do.

I think the Twins feel the Mets are more desperate then either and want to see if they can actually get a player that is not a total question mark in return for Santana, can’t blame them.

Comparing Wright and Reyes to Jeter and Ortiz is silly in that Minnesota is looking at neither of the latter based on their contract status. Even Wright is more than they want prolly, financially that is.

I suspect Santana has two locations at this time prior to opening day the Mets if the Twins fear they will be in the awkward spot of contending in the their division come the deadline and trading Santana would be a brutal middle finger the fanbase. Or remaing in Minnesota from the what if at the deadline they are out of it and can manage a big haul from a desperate Yankees or other club


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:40 am

Twins: Gomez, Pelfrey, Mulvey and Heilman. Take it or leave it.

Depends if Hankenstein despises the Mets as much as his Daddy.

Unless Hughs is that much better than what the Mets have to offer, shy would the Twins ever want to deal Santana to the best teams in their league?

Everyone is missing the big picture here, The METS are not going to trade for Santana without a contract extension. To get that done we will have to part with at least 150 Milion locked up for at least 6 years. Wilpon is not gonna give up that money, and Omar is not going to give up those years.

I don’t think the Mets would let contract talks stop this.. if Omar finds the right package.. they are signing Johan.

Pedro and Delgado off the books next year.. althought I was hoping for in Tex in 08..


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:49 am

So your saying Willie isn't a good manager then ? Remember He's a Yankees player/coach, George gave him an opportunity to pursue his dream job to become a Manager someday and Omar gave him that opportunity.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:58 am

Mets Fans are ignorant and hypocrites. Why do Mets Fans hates and disrespect Willie's because He's a Yankee? He's done a great job so far despite having no managing experience.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:00 am

I guess Mets Fans read too much of Mike Lupica's Column.. On Anti-Yankee sentiment.. Give me break..Lupica's who brainwash alot of Mets Fans.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:10 am

# BPHILL December 27th, 2007 at 10:57 am


LEN3 checks in with the latest Johan Santana rumors this evening.

The Mets appear to be a solid contender, even without offering up Jose Reyes. Neal ponders whether the Twins would prefer to send Santana to the NL so they can avoid him. Matthew Cerrone has been saying this for some time, adding that Santana would prefer to come to the NL as well.
Interesting note - Neal says Kei Igawa’s name has surfaced in regards to the Yankees talks. It wouldn’t materially change the deal though.
Neal says talks with the Red Sox are currently dormant.
# TurnTwo December 27th, 2007 at 10:57 am

and what have Wily Mo, Nick Johnson, Juan Rivera or Jake Westbrook really done to say the Yankees have missed them?

Every team has prospects they’ve traded away that in hindsight, you’d say that they’d have had a chance to be good in pinstripes, Lowell among them for the Yankees…

but these other guys above dont count in that argument… and in fact, you could argue that they are the reasons for sending Phil Hughes away, no?
# hmmm December 27th, 2007 at 10:58 am

“I did say the last 10 or so years

Trading Al Leiter, Jay Buhner and Fred McGriff for peanuts does not compare to a hugues for santana deal.”

i wasn’t arguing with you, just guessing at what Pete was referring to.
# LV Yank December 27th, 2007 at 11:00 am

Keep Hughes. Good post Pete. Majority of Yankee Fans want to keep Hughes from everything I have read.
# stuart December 27th, 2007 at 11:01 am

if it is a tought deision and not a clear cut decision which will cost the yanks about $200 mill. you do not make it.

gamble that Minny will not trade Johan and sign him next yr. the financial costs which everyone says does not affect the yanks will be mitigated and they will keep Hughes.

BTW the Yanks do need to look at finances like everyone else…

The long term contracts for pitchers NEVER ARE WORTH IT.. I know Santana is different but again they never work out>>>>>>
# plank December 27th, 2007 at 11:01 am

“give me a break… you can’t compare them to Phil”

That’s my point. You can’t compare them to Phil Hughes. Trading him right before he approaches his prime would be a mistake.

By and large, players peak at the age of 27. There are of course exceptions to every rule, but look at any player and you will see a peak at or near 27. Trading Phil now when he is getting better every year and playing for the minimum versus paying $20 million for Sanatana when he is getting worse every year is a huge mistake in every year except maybe the first year.
# Brandon (Proud supporter of "ALEX BEING ALEX") & dammit SAVE HUGHES !!! December 27th, 2007 at 11:03 am

December 27th, 2007 at 2:23 am
I agree about not dealing Hughes.

However, would there be a deal for both sides along the lines of Tabata, Horne, Betances, & Gonzalez

my GOD HELL NO !!!

I’m getting sick of these people wanting to sell everything for Santana, stand pat man up, the pressure isn’t suppose to be on us

these are the same fickle fans who the season before wanted Hughes and Tabata traded for Abreu, same idiots that wanted Joba for Saltalamacchia or Teixiera, in the offseason wanted Melky Cabrera to be traded for Mike Gonzalez, some of you you were clamoring for the Yanks to trade Ian Kennedy to KC for Octavio Dotel ..Where the hell are you guys now ?

I’m seriously hoping just like all those deals that we don’t pick up Santana, 900 + innings in the last four years, that is a heck of alot of innings to mortgage your farm. Again I don’t want to trade Hughes,I don’t want to trade Betances sure as hell wouldn’t trade Tabata or Jackson, sometimes enough is enough what the hell is this pick Hughes back up at 27 yrs. old when you see him develope for Minny, how about HELL NO, how about 21 yr. old Phil Hughes develops in NYC where he belongs.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:15 am

December 27th, 2007 at 10:49 am

“The last 10 or so years the only valuable player, raised in our farm system, we traded is Soriono. Which didn’t hurt.”

How about Mike Lowell and Jake Westbrook? Wily Mo Pena? Nick Johnson? Juan Rivera?


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:18 am

December 27th, 2007 at 11:06 am

“Every team has prospects they’ve traded away that in hindsight, you’d say that they’d have had a chance to be good in pinstripes, Lowell among them for the Yankees…”

First of all: huh?

But Mike Lowell, Nick Johnson, and Jake Westbrook would all have been huge additions to the Yankees had they not been traded.

“BTW the Yanks do need to look at finances like everyone else…”
then why have the yankees had a to be named later first baseman in their lineup for the past few years.

the yankees get twitchy when they go over 200 million. positions like relief pitching and and first base are the place they make do with when they hit their limit. the yankees do pay attention to money. their twitchy point is just higher than other teams .

I dont want to trade phil
but comparing a Hughes/Santana trade to the moves trades in the 80’s is dumb. It’s a redsox fan opinion.

plank: disagree, for reasons like what hmmm posted above, and then its also assuming Nick Johnson wouldve stayed healthy, which he’s never done.

i dont think the yankees regret trading any one of those players at all.

I am in total agreement with your post, Peter.

The thing that I don’t understand is why so many Yankees fans seem to want a superstar at every position. Melky? He’s great - he’s not (yet?) an All-Star, but he fits the team in that he plays very good defense, Torre talked about him being spark-plug for the team, and he gets on base at a reasonable, if not good, clip (from both sides of the plate!).

If we kept Johnson, we wouldn’t have needed Giambi. That’s $20 million a year saved. Just looking at the numbers without considering pre-free agency status doesn’t tell the whole story.

The Yankees money is not limitless. Look at Beltran in 2004(?) he was willing to sign with the Yanks for less but we couldn’t afford it. That in theory could have lost us a championship or 2.


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Yanks should say no thanks for Santana Empty Re: Yanks should say no thanks for Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:20 am


Agree 100% with Pete’s post. Develop talent, don’t trade it away.

Don’t pay for past performance.
# Brandon (Proud supporter of "ALEX BEING ALEX") & dammit SAVE HUGHES !!! December 27th, 2007 at 11:18 am

December 27th, 2007 at 11:09 am
I dont want to trade phil
but comparing a Hughes/Santana trade to the moves trades in the 80’s is dumb. It’s a redsox fan opinion.

just because he doesn’t agree w/ your opinion which alot of Yankee fans on this blog don’t and some do doesn’t mean you have to keep insulting Pete like that. He’s a Red Sox fan ok yet he worked 15 years to build this blog and yet you type in it, if you don’t like it leave, this isn’t the Capulets vs. Montagues we share opinions and really I’d say Pete is one of the most fair weathered Red Sox fan on his blog he doesn’t throw that around so come w/ a stronger point next time.


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