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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:56 pm

Maybe Im a little biased, but based on his minor league stats and multiple minor league rankings, I dont think Lester is that good to head any package. I think the Yanks can put a package together headed by Ian, that doesn’t include Phil, that exceeds the Lester package.

Kennedy is just flat out better than Lester

Ian has a better ERA, Win/Loss record, H9, HR/9, BB/9, K/9, WHIP...every minor league stat you put the two head to head in Ian come out on top. Then factor in their brief major league stats and you find more of the same.

Lester – 23 years old…32-31…3.33 ERA…7.99 H/9…0.56 HR/9…3.78 BB/9…8.31 K/9…1.31 WHIP
Ian – 22 years old…12-3…1.87 ERA…5.62 H/9…0.36 HR/9…3.14 BB/9…9.97 K/9…0.97 WHIP

Melky is better than Coco, cheaper and younger

Last two years

06 - 26 years old..413 AB...264 Avg..702 OPS..67 K's
07 - 27 years old..526 AB...268 Avg..712 OPS..84 K's

06 - 21 years old..460 AB..280 Avg..751 OPS..59 K's
07 - 22 years old..545 AB..273 Avg..718 OPS..68 K's

Justin Masterson ( BOS )
minor league totals
22 years old..15-9..3.74 ERA..185in..148K's
just came off a season in AA that he went 4-3..4.34 ERA

Jeff Marquez ( NY )
22 years old...35-32...3.40 ERA..485in..345K's
just came off a season in AA that he went 15-9..3.65 ERA

Jed Lowrie ( BOS )
23 year old SS...1072 AB...291 Avg...834 OPS..20 HR..14 SB

Alberto Gonzalez ( NY )
24 years old SS...1613 AB...277 Avg...715 OPS..10 HR..38 SB Gold Glove caliber defense, better than Lowrie

Other than Lowrie, the rest of the Yanks prospects are better than the Sox prospects. To make up for the difference the Yanks could also throw in a 5th player.

Marcos Vechionacci - 21 year old 3B - 16 HR - 40 SB

Or to seal the deal =

Daniel McCutchen
24 years old...16-4...172 IP...2.41 ERA...1.01 WHIP...133 K's

So the Red Sox best offer.


is not as good as a similar package the Yanks can put together

Gonzalez and/or McCutchen and/or Vechionacci.

Thats not just opinion Red Sox fans, those are facts. We should not include Phil in any package.

Bucholtz = Hughes

Hughes 21...25-8...2.03 ERA...275in...311K's..66BB..0.86 WHIP
Clay 22...19-10...2.46 ERA...285in...356K's..77BB..1.00 WHIP

If the Twins are not demanding Bucholz from the Sox, why are they demanding Phil from the Yanks? We have secondary packages that exceed the Sox offers without including Joba, Phil or Cano.

There is some BS going on here and Im glad the Yanks pulled out. If the Twins want to deal Johan..


Is the highest the Yanks should go. That package would only be beat by the Sox including Lester, Ellsbury, Masterson and Lowrie...which I dont see them doing.

Last edited by on Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:56 pm

N obody is going to convince me that trading away Hughes, Kennedy, Melky and Horne or another top prospect is worth Santana. I base this on my belief that there is just no way he can duplicate the numbers these past 4 years over the next 7 or 8 years. I also think that Melk will be a 20/20, +.300 hitting cannon armed CF for the next 15 years. I also believe that Phil and Ian will go on to great things over their career, more so with Phil. Even if it was a 1 for 1 deal and Phil is 75% of Johan, he's still 8 years younger and has much less wear on the arm ( Johan led the league in innings the past 4 years ).

On the flip side I know that I cannot convince anyone that trading for Johan is a bad thing. I mean 4 prospects for the best SP in the league? AND he’s a lefty? AND he’s not even 30 yet? The cards are stacked against me and my brethren big time on that argument. Its like trying to stop an avalanche with a shovel.

Like so many things though, its not as black and white as trading 4 maybes for a definite. Lets look at this another way.

We trade for Johan….give away the 4 guys I listed earlier…sign Johan to a 7 year, 200M dollar extension. 75% of Yankee fans are against the trade; I base this on a Newsday poll that asked if we should trade for Johan or continue with the building from within plan, 75% of the Yankee fans wanted to keep the kids and build from within. On top of that the Yankee GM publicly said he did not want to make the deal. Now that is a lot of pressure going against Johan. Can he live up to that pressure? Maybe, nobody can answer that question. Many players claimed to be ready for the big Apple, but failed. But lets continue with our best case scenario of the Yankees signing him, him being healthy and ready for the spotlight. Now with all that pressure comes great expectations. Johan is pitching against the Sox. Lets say Johan goes 8in…4hits…0ER…12K. Now I don’t know a Yankee fan on the globe that would not be happy with that line. My question for you is how happy? Would it be a feeling of “Oh my god, did you see that game!” Or would it be a feeling of “good, that’s why we paid him all the money and gave away all the prospects, that’s what he’s supposed to do”. Now on the flip side. Lets say Phil is pitching against the Sox, he also has a line of 8in…4hits…0ER…12K. What’s the buzz around the water cooler the next day? It would have that “Oh my god, did you see that game!” feeling to it. Amazing!

Now I know what some responses will be to that statement. “Hey Dru, dummy, The fact that Johan’s line is more of a normal event than Phil’s speaks volumes for Johan. If any lower level SP does that it has buzz.” That's true, but the thing is, it would be our buzz. No Yankee hater across the country could give anything but praise for Phil doing that. To me, that value carries a lot of weight. Now if Phil stinks the rest of the year its doesnt mean a thing. What if though...WHAT IF that is just the start of something great? WHAT IF he figured out his changeup and throws that along with his hammer curve and pinpoint fastball? WHAT IF it was the start or his greatness? The buzz around NY would be higher than any buzz Johan could produce, why? Expectations...its a killer!

I have another question to all the Santana supporters. What if Phil didn’t get hurt in Texas and pitched a no hitter? Who knows what Phil could have done if 100% healthy all year. What if he ended up getting ROY and had great numbers like he did in Sept. Would we be having this discussion? Would Phil be involved in this offer? I don’t think he would. Joba and Phil would be untouchable. Or maybe Yankee fans would be saying trade Joba. My point is that we don’t even know for certain, bad or good, what we have with Phil. Arent any of the Johan supporters at least interested to see what Phil can do over an entire season? I am. I cant wait to see Phil 15 years from now still in pinstripes going for the Yankee all time wins record Don’t you guys think there is something wrong that Ford is the all time win leader at only 236? Or that the Yanks only have two guys with 200 wins?

Ford = 236
Ruffing = 231
Gomez = 189
Guidry = 170

We have a chance to have our own 300 game winner, not just getting one at the tail end of his career, but a true 300 game winner from start to finish. A player that will be called a “True Yankee”. Will Johan ever fit under that cat? He would need to win the CY Young and WS every year of his contract to be considered a “True Yankee”. I think the opportunity to have a Yankee legend from start to finish is worth the risk of taking a step back in 08.

Im sure people will spit back fire from this post because it assumes much. Again, try to remember that I am throwing rocks at an Abrams tank; I have to swing for the fences. You guys have all the stats in your favor, Im trying to give this issue a different spin. There is more to being a baseball fan than W’s and L’s. My dream is that Phil lives up to the expectations and 15-20 years from now I can bring my son to the game and tell him about Phil Hughes, the all time Yankees Win leader, the guy we almost gave away.

December 27, 2007 3:02 PM
Anonymous DRU said...

Hughes' playoff appearance. Think about when you were 21 years old, may be harder for some...lol. Now rewind a couple months ago to Game 3 of the ALDS. The Yanks are down 0-2 after Wang got hammered in game one, and we lost a heart breaker in game 2 (THE SWARM). We come back to Yankee stadium and the great Roger Clemens takes the mound. 2 1/3 innings later Cleveland is up 3-0 and Roger is getting hammered. 4 hits, 3 ER, 2 BB, 1 K, 1 HR. The season is about to end tonight and we've only gotten 7 outs. Runner on 1st with one out in the 3rd and Phil Hughes comes in; with the entire season on the line and 55K fans screaming his name, to relieve one of the best SP's of all time. So how did he do?

He got 11 outs ( 3.2 in )...63 pitches, 43 for strikes, 2 hits allowed, 0 ER, 0 BB, 4 K. If Phil starts that game he goes 7 strong easy.

How many people have we seen melt in the bright lights of the big city? We have a 21 year old, 21!!!! who proved, even for a short amount of time, that he can embrace the spotlight. That he can succeed even when the cards are stacked against him. That he has no fear in throwing strikes and getting batters out on the biggest stage. That my friends is something that cannot be overlooked.

People complain that he doesnt have a great 3rd pitch. Again, I cannot dispute that fact, being only 21 he needs a little more time to get the feel for his change. What does he have already? He has pinpoint control of his 95mph fastball. His 2 seamer bites and his 4 seamer rises out of the strike zone. I remember when he was in Arlington last year and wherever Jorge put his glove, Phil hit it. When you have control and can move your fastball all over the strike zone with 95 on it, you will be hard to hit. In the minors he's even reached back for 97 on occasions. His 2nd pitch is his curve, and it too is outstanding. He throws it for a strike during any count. He was voted as having one of the best curves in the minors before last year. Here's a little secret...he didnt start throwing a curve until 3 years ago when Nardi Contreras told him to shelf his slider and go to the curve. It will only get better with time. Now on to his 3rd pitch, he worked on his changeup all of 2006, the Yanks forced him to throw it as many times as his curve. It is a pitch that will continue to improve over time. With how hard Phil works, its just a matter of time before that is a + pitch as well. Once that happens and he can throw it for a strike, WATCH OUT!


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:59 pm

MLB Rumors: Latest On Johan Santana From Minnesota's POV
By Eric Hz Section: Baseball
Posted on Thu Dec 27, 2007 at 07:53:03 AM EDT

La Velle E. Neal III checks in over the Christmas break to offer what he has heard regarding Johan Santana. First, the Twins checked in with the Red Sox, Yanks and Mets just before Christmas. Apparently, the Mets do have a package sans Jose Reyes or David Wright that can get a deal done.

Second, "dormant" is the word he was told aptly described the talks with the Red Sox, and, finally, Kei Igawa's name has resurfaced in links to Yankees' offers. Mr. Neal comments that Kei may be a 4th piece. If that third piece is Jeff Marquez or SS Alberto Gonzalez, I can see Igawa being that kicker that pushes the Twins into consumating the deal!

Charlie Waters of the Pioneer Press reports the Twins are set to have Johan on the mound for the team's opening game agains the Angels. Two 1st round picks in June 2009 is not a good consolation prize for failing to pull the trigger in December 2007.

With the Detroit Tigers and Cleveland Indians ahead of them, the Twins do not have the guns to beat either team in their division. With the Yankees and Red Sox remaining the 90+ win teams they were last season, the chances of the Twins overcoming any of them for the wildcard are also remote. The Twins are not making the play-offs with Santana. Take the best high prospect/0-3 years major leaguer package you can get.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 5:01 pm

MLB Rumors: Latest On Johan Santana From Minnesota's POV
By Eric Hz Section: Baseball
Posted on Thu Dec 27, 2007 at 07:53:03 AM EDT

La Velle E. Neal III checks in over the Christmas break to offer what he has heard regarding Johan Santana. First, the Twins checked in with the Red Sox, Yanks and Mets just before Christmas. Apparently, the Mets do have a package sans Jose Reyes or David Wright that can get a deal done.

Second, "dormant" is the word he was told aptly described the talks with the Red Sox, and, finally, Kei Igawa's name has resurfaced in links to Yankees' offers. Mr. Neal comments that Kei may be a 4th piece. If that third piece is Jeff Marquez or SS Alberto Gonzalez, I can see Igawa being that kicker that pushes the Twins into consumating the deal!

Charlie Waters of the Pioneer Press reports the Twins are set to have Johan on the mound for the team's opening game agains the Angels. Two 1st round picks in June 2009 is not a good consolation prize for failing to pull the trigger in December 2007.

With the Detroit Tigers and Cleveland Indians ahead of them, the Twins do not have the guns to beat either team in their division. With the Yankees and Red Sox remaining the 90+ win teams they were last season, the chances of the Twins overcoming any of them for the wildcard are also remote. The Twins are not making the play-offs with Santana. Take the best high prospect/0-3 years major leaguer package you can get.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:07 pm

Joba & Jose Yanks New Crown Jewels?


The current print issue of Baseball America lists who they believe are the top ten prospects (today) in the Yankees farm system. Here's their rankings:

1. Joba Chamberlain
2. Austin Jackson
3. Jose Tabata
4. Ian Kennedy
5. Alan Horne
6. Jesus Montero
7. Jeffrey Marquez
8. Brett Gardner
9. Ross Ohlendorf
10. Andrew Brackman

So, like Goldstein and Sickels, Baseball America agrees: Joba Chamberlain, Alan Horne, Austin Jackson, Ian Kennedy and Jose Tabata are the Yankees top five prospects. (Note: I'm just listing them in alpha-order here.)

For the record, here's the "top five" (for the Yankees) from Goldstein, Sickels and Baseball America, from a year ago:


1. Philip Hughes
2. Jose Tabata
3. Joba Chamberlain
4. Humberto Sanchez
5. Dellin Betances


1. Phil Hughes
2. Jose Tabata
3. Humberto Sanchez
4. Joba Chamberlain
5. Tyler Clippard

Baseball America

1. Philip Hughes
2. Jose Tabata
3. Dellin Betances
4. Joba Chamberlain
5. Ian Kennedy

So, it's now two years in a row that Chamberlain and Tabata have made the top five, across the board (among these three sources). Perhaps Joba and Jose are the Yankees best [farm system] "crown jewels" since the days of Scott McGregor and Otto Velez?


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:09 pm

BA’s Top 10 Yankee Prospects
Posted by: Mike A. in Prospect Lists


The list won’t hit the website until January 7th, but the good ol’ print edition of BA’s magazine showed up in the mailbox today. Here’s who they got for the Yanks’ top 10:

1. Joba
2. Austin Jackson
3. Jose Tabata
4. IPK
5. Alan Horne
6. Jesus! (montero)
7. Jeff Marquez
8. Brett Gardner
9. Rock ‘n Rohlendorf
10. Andrew Brackman


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:13 pm

Don't Feed Redsox Troll Mass Sports. He's has obessive maniac syndrome towards The Yankees. Inferiority complex much? ,*cough cough.. Go back to Redsox board..


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:26 pm

WFAN's Steve Somers makes no sense about Andy Pettitte

Steve Somers' WFAN radio show is what happens in a vacuum-garbage dumps in. In this case, it's an absence of Yankee leadership vs the media. The first segment of Steve's show on Monday night in the 6PM hour was typical. If a radio station's license should be revoked for anything it should be for what Somers has been allowed to say on the air about Andy Pettitte, and he's said it numerous times approximating the following:

* Somers: I believe Brian McNamee because the threat is enormous to him were he not telling the truth. So I absolutely believe what he says about Clemens, with the times used in each year. And I believe McNamee about Andy Pettitte, too.

(Steve doesn't mention McNamee said Pettitte's usage was at most a few times in early 2002).

* *Paul Byrd by far the biggest and possibly present day user in the whole report rests easy since he's on the wrong team. New York papers continually ran headlines that their home town heroes "admitted using steroids" or "used steroids," which they didn't and wasn't true. They don't treat home town players like that in Cleveland media from what I've seen.

Somers goes on to say the 2000 Yankee team was loaded with users and is suspect, etc. Which is false anyway--even going by Mitchell/Radomski, there's only 1 Yankee from the 2000 team the report said was using that year (Clemens). I've detailed that on this blog with backup from the report.

* Caller: Steve, you keep saying the 2000 Yankee team had so many people using, you talk about Pettitte but his admitted use was only in 2002.

*(Remember Somers has repeatedly said he absolutely believes everything McNamee has said. He seems to forget Andy Pettitte's admission basically AGREED with McNamee).


(Caller isn't heard from again).

* As I say, I've heard Steve Somers give this same speech about Pettitte several times, saying he implicitly believes McNamee. He overlooks that Pettitte agreed with McNamee. Somers' diatribe only makes sense if he thinks McNamee is lying but I've never heard him say or imply that. He says Pettitte is lying, and I've heard other radio hosts give the same circular crap on WFAN and the local ESPN station.

This whole subject is a riot, including Mitchell's use of the false front page LA Times story to back up his personal destruction of Andy Pettitte's career. It would greatly have helped Andy if the truth had been unsealed a few days earlier. But a judge adamantly refused to open it until after the Mitchell Report. By then, its helpfulness for Andy was greatly minimized, and Mitchell had left the stage in triumph to return to his paid position as director of the Red Sox.

* And WFAN still has its license.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:01 am

Mike Barnicle "Clown" says Boston getting used to idea of beating New York following so much heartbreak



Mike Barnicle, a newspaper columnist in Boston for 30 years, is a long-suffering sports fan? and MSNBC commentator.

How did this happen? Was there a specific date, a single event that erased the burden of history and allowed the weight of municipal inferiority to be lifted from the shoulders of every fan in New England who has been witness to decades of humiliation delivered by New York teams?

Think about it.

Saturday, the Patriots play the Giants at exit 16W. They arrive as undefeated favorites, with three Super Bowl championships in four years, the symbol of how a model NFL franchise is run. A dynasty.

The born-again Celtics humiliated the Knicks and Nets each time they met this fall. Of course, the Little Sisters of the Poor could beat the pathetic Knicks, coached by a delusional paranoid and owned by James (Thanks, Dad) Dolan, a soft, spoiled rich guy who inherited wealth, not wisdom.

That brings us to the main event: Red Sox-Yankees. The Yanks have spent billions but they still wear rings tarnished with age while the Olde Towne Team has two championships in the last four years, '04 and '07, turning Back Bay into Hardball Heaven. A minidynasty.

It's a mind warp.

Manhattan was where Boston's dreams went to die after being fatally wounded in the Bronx. Time turned the Hub into a pitiable afterthought as commerce moved from New England to New York in the 19th century. And sports turned our teams - fans, too - into one-liner fodder for anyone from The Rockaways to New Rochelle.

You used to be able to identify Sox fans in Yankee Stadium. They sat, slump-shouldered, with the same panicked expectation nervous motorists have looking in the rearview mirror at the 16-wheeler behind them on Interstate 95 near New Haven.

The inevitability of collapse was genetic. Disappointment was delivered with an October postmark by fringe figures named Bucky (Effen) Dent, Mookie Wilson and Aaron Boone.

Then, something happened in October 2004 in the "House of Historical Horrors" called Yankee Stadium. The Red Sox came back from three games down to beat the Bronx Bombers, leading the Daily News to hit the streets with one of the greatest front-page headlines ever: "The Choke's On Us!"

That was IT, the single moment that pushed the gravedigger into retirement. It took the loser label off the forehead of every Boston fan.

Now, in a bizarre way, we have supplanted New York as the place where champions reside and the home team is hated by others. The Patriots are loathed as much as the old Yankees. The Red Sox are fan favorites who attract big crowds in every town, annoying local ownership. The Celtics are dominating the way they used to when they were despised in the old Boston Garden. We'll skip hockey because the NHL was ruined because of a long strike and ludicrous expansion.

Ironically, we have seen the enemy (the Yankees from DiMaggio to Jeter and Rivera, the once-glamorous Giants of Gifford, Tittle, Huff, Simms and Parcells, the Knicks with Reed, Bradley and DeBusschere, the Jets with Namath) and, incredibly, we have become them.

We have money, swagger, attitude and standing. We've consistently won in baseball and football, and we hit the new year with the best basketball record in the NBA. And, given the short national attention span, nobody cares what happened in the 20th century. Life and sports are about the moment.

Oddly, there are thousands of young people from Waterville, Maine, to Waterbury, Conn., who have no institutional memory of a sporting life once filled with apprehension, even fear, who have never endured the depression that accompanied defeat datelined New York City.

But that was then and this is now: Saturday, the victory parade continues and the dominance of area code 212 is diminished, if not dead.

So, how come I'm still up late at night, worrying the Yankees might sign Johan Santana or the Giants might luck out and beat the Patriots by a field goal with less than a minute left in a game where Tom Brady breaks his leg? Maybe it's because I'm from Boston and haven't quite gotten used to living with something called success. But I'm getting there.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:16 am

Mike Barnicle "Clown" says Boston getting used to idea of beating New York following so much heartbreak


Mike Barnicle, a newspaper columnist in Boston for 30 years, is a long-suffering sports fan? and MSNBC commentator.

How did this happen? Was there a specific date, a single event that erased the burden of history and allowed the weight of municipal inferiority to be lifted from the shoulders of every fan in New y.

The born-again Celtics humiliated the Knicks and Nets each time they met this fall. Of course, the Little Sisters of the Poor could beat the pathetic Knicks, coached by a delusional paranoid and owned by James (Thanks, Dad) Dolan, a soft, spoiled rich guy who inherited wealth, not wisdom.

That brings us to the main event: Red Sox-Yankees. The Yanks have spent billions but they still wear rings tarnished with age while the Olde Towne Team has two championships in the last four years, '04 and '07, turning Back Bay into Hardball Heaven. A minidynasty.

Then, something happened in October 2004 in the "House of Historical Horrors" called Yankee Stadium. The Red Sox came back from three games down to beat the Bronx Bombers, leading the Daily News to hit the streets with one of the greatest front-page headlines ever: "The Choke's On Us!"

Now, in a bizarre way, we have supplanted New York as the place where champions reside and the home team is hated by others. The Patriots are loathed as much as the old Yankees. The Red Sox are fan favorites who attract big crowds in every town, annoying local ownership. The Celtics are dominating the way they used to when they were despised in the old Boston Garden. We'll skip hockey because the NHL was ruined because of a long strike and ludicrous expansion.

We have money, swagger, attitude and standing. We've consistently won in baseball and football, and we hit the new year with the best basketball record in the NBA. And, given the short national attention span, nobody cares what happened in the 20th century. Life and sports are about the moment.

So, how come I'm still up late at night, worrying the Yankees might sign Johan Santana or the Giants might luck out and beat the Patriots by a field goal with less than a minute left in a game where Tom Brady breaks his leg? Maybe it's because I'm from Boston and haven't quite gotten used to living with something called success. But I'm getting there.

What a tool. Long suffering Fan are you kidding me? Celtics have 16 championships so that doesn't count because They won
it in 20 century according to Mike Barnicle aka "Clown". Boston Sports Fan becoming so Arrogant. I'm hoping Mets beat Redsox in World Series, Giants slaughtered Tom Brady and Pats. The NY Rangers win the Stanley Cup.



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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:20 am

Here’s what my crystal ball predicts will happen in three months:

-Johan Santana will be a Yankee. Phil Hughes, Melky Cabrera, and a prospect will not be a Yankee.

-Brian Cashman will look more pale, tired, and dejected than normal.

-Hank will ride Cashman to work every morning.

-Jamie Lyne Spears will be three months pregnant. She will already have lost custody of the child still growing in her womb. The real father will be revealed as R. Kelly.

-The two frontrunner’s of both political parties will be spewing pounds of horses$%# out of their mouths like usual. Hillary will be attacked from the right for not serving in Vietnam even though she is a woman. It will be discovered that she is not a woman but in reality an unfeeling robot of doom. Bill will buy old magazines containing pictures of Jamie Lynne Spears.

-Curt Schilling will have made 40 more blog posts. Unbelievably and unconceivably to the human mind each one will be more pompous and self-righteous than the last. In his final post he will declare himself God and will claim to have cured ALS singlehandedly.
-The Marlins will say the hell with it and have another firesale. Of their top AAA players. They will have single-A teams with 70 man rosters all building up for 2035.
-All the midges in Cleveland that faithful night will have completed their short life cycle. Thank God. Those little sh**s.

-Derek Jeter will have slept with more woman in those three months this entire site has in their lifetimes.

-He also will have contracted all 174 varieties of herpes.

-Clay Buchholz will plan the Ocean’s Elevens’s style heist of Dell Computers Inc.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:30 am

Why Sox really bid on Santana

Boston could have offered Bucholz, Becket, and the man on the moon, and the Twins would jump at it. The real deal is when the contract negotions begin. Boston would low ball Santana at that point causing the deal to fall apart.

That was their backup plan, bid, bid, bid, and bid until the Yanks gave up all their talent. Worst that could have happen to Boston is that the Twins accepted their offer, but then there backup plan would be used to weasel out of it. Of course, if Yanks had given them Hughes, Kennedy, Melky, and Horne/Jackson, then Boston would have said OK, you can have him. Yanks would have been played to overpay for Santana and depleted their talent pool.

If I were Santana, I would say to the Twins to stop with their BS of making the team I'm going to weaker by giving up everything. Surely, Santana would rather be with a team that can compete, not with a team that has to rebuild again. At this point, it is not to his best interest to go to a weaken team.

* AceMitchell
* From: AceMitchell
* Posts: 1140

"both which the twins said were stronger than the yankees offers, were because they were driving up the price"

both red sox offers were not strong enough. The best deal on the table was hughes and melky. And the sole purpose was to drive up the price because they began asking for an arm and a leg from the bombers.

" I don't believe any professional organization would do that"

But thats what rivials do though. Its been going on forever not just with the yanks and sox but with every team in every sport.

"They included Elsbury in 1 offer and Lester in the other."

Yes elsbury was in one deal and lester was in another but they were never in the same deal. The twins wanted melky and hughes in the same deal but according to reports was willing to except a one deal for lester or one deal with els. I smell bs they were never going to except those deals even though gammons was going on and on about how a deal will get done.

"As well as Jed Lowrie and Matterson, they're ready to play at mlb level."

According to some ppl the position player is seen as a utility guy and the picther is seen as a 7th inning guy.

"It just seems to me to be a stretch that would make an offer while not wanting the player"

Oh yea they wanted santana who wouldn't but did they really want him no if they did lester and els would have been in the same deal.

"unless the twins accept one of the two offers they have from the sox"

joel sherman seems to think the same thing. Aparantely some ppl don't realize that he's not going to boston unless they up their offer. And by up i mean buchholz and els + others or lester and els + others.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:30 am

Sox don't need Santana is right but I think they'd like to win some more in the next few yrs. I don't necessarily think the redsox believe they're in the lead of anything either, or that the yanks are chasing them. I think you're a bit overboard in thinking the sox make their moves n consideration of what the yanks may or may not do. I believe they do what they can to get better, for a price. They certainly didn't keep Mussina, Giambi, Johnson or Abreu, Damon or anyone else from going to get their paycheck with NY. A few weeks ago was a blurb on mlbtraderumors that says beckett has no problem playing second fiddle to Johan. Until I hear him complain about being second fiddle or having some ego problem (sort of like Damon did last yr when his position wasn't available when he came off of injury, and had to spend time on bench) I don't consider it a problem.. No way sox make 2 offers to the twins if they don't like the offer. Price tag on pitchers is jumping up dramatically so they can either pay Johan now or pay someone else later


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:42 am

The Dodgers now become Yankees West since since Former Yankees like Joe Torre and Don Mattingly, rest of ex-Yankees join.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:51 am

statistical evidence of Joba choking in playoffs
Weihbe6 Post #1: Dec 27, 8:58 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 1330
He has the HIGHEST career playoff / regular season splits...ever.

His career regular season ERA+ is 1192 whilst his playoff ERA+ is 81

This comes to an amazing and unheard of 1200% difference. What a choker. If I were a Yankee fan I would clamor to trade this choker, he has no purpose just sitting here and blowing the only games that matter.
Yanks2342 Post #2: Dec 27, 9:12 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 884

It's amazing you're able to operate a computer.

Do you spend hours thinking of ways to show off your stupidity or does it come naturally?
CY CY SABATHIA Post #3: Dec 27, 9:16 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 14

It's amazing you're able to operate a computer.

Do you spend hours thinking of ways to show off your stupidity or does it come naturally?

Joba choked. Ahahahaah the BUGS!!! lmao.
JohnnyBaisbol Post #4: Dec 27, 9:53 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 396

He has the HIGHEST career playoff / regular season splits...ever.

His career regular season ERA+ is 1192 whilst his playoff ERA+ is 81

This comes to an amazing and unheard of 1200% difference. What a choker. If I were a Yankee fan I would clamor to trade this choker, he has no purpose just sitting here and blowing the only games that matter.

Your are amazing Weihbeee, this is the second night in a row you post something downing Joba. What is it about Joba that bothers you. Is it that he has the potential of being just as good or better than Clay? Is it that he is a Yankee? Do you wish he was a RedSox? I gotta give it to you, at least you are consistant.

How do Joba and Clay's numbers compare in the playoffs?
Weihbe6 Post #5: Dec 27, 11:25 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 1330

It's amazing you're able to operate a computer.

Do you spend hours thinking of ways to show off your stupidity or does it come naturally?

Actually, I was pointing out the hilarity of the Yankee philosophy of 'clutch'. People become idolized for alleged 'clutch' success when in reality they play the same way (or in Joba's case worse) in a difficult situation, and guys like Arod get all the flak for carrying your team for 162 games and then gets booed game 1 of the playoffs =)

Quite amusing the responses I've gotten thus far, apparently statistics are stupid now?!

romo_bad_snap_LOL Post #6: 2:50 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 79

He has the HIGHEST career playoff / regular season splits...ever.

His career regular season ERA+ is 1192 whilst his playoff ERA+ is 81

This comes to an amazing and unheard of 1200% difference. What a choker. If I were a Yankee fan I would clamor to trade this choker, he has no purpose just sitting here and blowing the only games that matter.

The people in that filthy town, Cleveland, allowed the bugs to stay around and that affected his performance big time. I mean, did you even see the guy's face and arms? He was covered in bugs.

Cleveland really is a dump and that game solidified it even more.
Weihbe6 Post #7: 2:56 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 1330

The people in that filthy town, Cleveland, allowed the bugs to stay around and that affected his performance big time. I mean, did you even see the guy's face and arms? He was covered in bugs.

Cleveland really is a dump and that game solidified it even more.

Carmona was CLEARLY affected by it as well

In game 3 @ Yankee Stadium Joba again gave up a run on 3 hits in 2ip.

Fact it, he's a playoff choker
LiferYank Post #8: Dec 27, 7:15 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 888

He has the HIGHEST career playoff / regular season splits...ever.

His career regular season ERA+ is 1192 whilst his playoff ERA+ is 81

This comes to an amazing and unheard of 1200% difference. What a choker. If I were a Yankee fan I would clamor to trade this choker, he has no purpose just sitting here and blowing the only games that matter.

So first your comparing 24 innings < which when he was dominant all the sox homers said the sample size was to small> to 3 innings and trying to make a valid comparison.

So which is it. If 3 innings is valid then 24 innings must be eh? So if you use those #'s as facts then yes he struggled in the playoffs. Then again LOTS of pitchers have faced a swarm of bugs in there face in the playoffs right?

So with his numbers he is a playoff choker but he must be the next Koufax with his reg season #'s right?

I mean im only using your own logic here.....


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:53 am

yankees221813 Post #1: Dec 27, 11:41 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 124

im convinced that the jets should draft mcfadden. when you have a player like mcfadden you have to go with want over need of o-lineman. you cannot draft an o-lineman or d-lineman over a guy like mcfadden. the need of o-linemen can be addressed in FA or at a later time. i think the jets should get rid of jones and have a 2rb combo of leon and D-mac. this is how the jets priorites should look in FA:

1.Haynesworth 2. O-line- Faneca and one other solid guy and late round pick 3.Suggs-amazing prescence and perfect man off the edge in 3-4 set 4. slot wide receiver- A. Berrian B. Bryant Johnson C. Patrick Crayton

i think with the cap room they have that this is the off-season the jets should have a field day in signning great talented players. I still think vilma can get it done and the jets should not give up on him. they can leave him in the middle wit harris and be able to find holes with a guy like haynesworth at NT. i still think we need to add another corner or 2. Samuel would cost too much money imo. i dont think samuel would even be interested in playing for the jets to be honest.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:57 am

If this is what Hal brings to the table I don't like him

Joel Sherman seems to say Hal is the finance guy and is the one really balking at the Santana deal. If he is a number cruncher that won't sit well over the long haul considering the revenue stream that is coming in. But at this point my man Joel seems to write everything in retrospect so I can't really give any credibility to what he says anymore. His "sources" don't seem to provide us with any more information than one of my friends does. Just thought it was interesting to see Hal's name finally come up in some kind of discussion. I can't see how money would be the issue here related to next year and if it did than they should have pursued Santana and signed him to an extension rather than giving the money to aging players and went in a new direction.


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:59 am

Let me ask you guys. Do you have more faith in Wang and Hughes against Santana and Beckett?


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:01 am

The Twins will make a decison Friday. And that is they will eliminate Boston, Seattle and LA and are no longer interested in trading Santana to these teams.
Twins are pissed off at Theo Epstein the smart #### ego driven GM who made a offer and when twins tried to change to their liking Theo would change again.All along Twins wanted/want Elsbury not Crisp. Now Theo has pulled Elsbury. So Twins say #### on him. Also Seattle and LA never really got serious and Johna would never play for Seattle.
So that leaves two teams that the Twins will work with, talk to , email to and hopefully reach a deal.
Santana wants to pitch and play in NEW YORK. He prefers the Yankees as its in a league he has grown up in.
Twins would prefer he go to the Mets and the National League, thus out of their hair etc.

The key is Geroge Steinbrenner not Han k to step in and throw in Kennedy along with Hughes and Melky and Jackson and pull the triigger and we have a deal and both sides win big. George knows that...a pro wheeler dealer but has been watching son Hank to see


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:14 am

Richard The Yankees have Brett Gardner in minors and They could sign cheap like Corey Patterson to play Cf


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:25 am

I don't buy that. Here's why. You were raised a Christian. Christians believe that the devil is evil and should be rejected. Now, who told you, in your delirium, to kill yourself? The devil, the evil one, whose temptations should be resisted. If it had been god the one to tell you to take the knife and kill yourself, then i would have been worried. Then i would have considered your state of mind suicidal. But, in fact, you prayed to god to save you. This shows you never really wished to die.
lepanthes (1 month ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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right... you must know the situation better than I do because you watched a video of me talking about it 3 years after the fact... certainly nothing close to my actual living it.
777tao (3 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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I walked through a window once just to see from a birds eye veiw all the ins and outs of eye n eye...spirit eye.One cat down in the alley was sitting still,stretching his back,looking so peaceful sitting with eyes resting in the sun...like a Guru cat yogi...never had to walk through that window again...one love...one heart...
pompodore (3 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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drugs are a pathway for the worst thoughts thank you for sharing your story. what is your religion now?
grishno (3 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
I don't claim any religion. I don't agree with religions run by man because they are subject to corruption. I don't think that you need to be part of any one religion to find your way with god.
orangepeelfingers (1 month ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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Well said... I believe that modern day God as been deluded by man and his corruption. It's hard to follow any belief system that holds so many contradictions. I believe that God loves everyone and wishes for us to try and strive to love everyone also. A God that "hates" is not a God.
adriana782007 (4 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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hey erin my name is adriana from ontario canada in my life growing up i had to over come a really bad learning disabelitie (sp) and trying to pick out who and who your friends really are and the big on smoking cigerates sorry bad spelling
pariskola (5 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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My god your vblogs are very depressing. Transition is interesting to hear about but geez do you ever laugh? Get a night out? Chill out?
grishno (5 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
Try maybe watching my latest blog???
korisx (5 months ago) Show Hide Marked as spam
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Hey I just want to say I am a gay male in Aussie, I use to live with gay guys and transgendered females when I lived in NZ and I wanted to say I understand your story. Many of the girls I lived with had drug problems particularly glue sniffing, but they are all caring kind and talented people. Because of who they are they lived hard lives some on the street. I think you are a wonderful person for telling your story cos in a sense you are telling theirs as well


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Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll Empty Re: Yankees Prospects are better than Redsox Payroll

Post  RedMagma Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:37 am

Series is called Himitsu Sentai Goranger. The girl´s name is Peggy Matsuyama, the character that is, portrayed by Lisa Komaki. The series has 84 episodes and 1 movie. Hope this info helps. We only need the ep number where this appears...Wink


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