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Yankees and Redsox

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Yankees and Redsox Empty Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:10 am

Same, Redsox Dynasty fueled by Steriods and HgH..

Put Asterisk on Redsox as well

2004* Redsox *cough *Cough-Kevin Millar, Trot Nixon. Curt Schilling

2007*- "Kevin Youkilis,Mike Lowell and Senator Mitchell since He's on Redsox payroll.

Ortiz stunk in Minnesota and . If He's so good Why they released him in first place? When He join the Redsox, He became god all of sudden.. Hmm. something fishy is going on.

Look at 2004 Alcs performance against Yankees.. The Yankees pitchers couldn't get him out.... He's Mvp of that Series...

Please look before and after pictures of Ortiz in Minnesota and Boston Redsox..

His homeruns numbers were up from 2004-2006. Not until this year He power numbers were down..

Timing - Same , The Redsox were on the juice at the time of their championships.

Clemens join and was traded to Yankees in 1999,2000

The Yankees won without Clemens in 1996,1998...

The Redsox started winning championships when Schilling got there in 2004 and Nomar was traded.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:20 am

I don't think this taints the Red Sox winning the title in 2004 but I do think it explains why the Yankees and Red Sox were head and shoulders above the rest of the league from 2001-2003. They were the teams to beat and unfortunately neither team won a thing during that stretch.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:33 am


SI.com has confirmed that Miguel Tejada, Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte are named in the Mitchell Report.
SI.com also says Brian Roberts is there, as are former Yankees Mike Stanton, Jason Grimsley and Chuck Knoblauch. Apparently, steroids don't help you throw to first base.
Source: SI.com

Last edited by on Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:40 am

Not to mention that Mitchell is slated to go back to the Red Sox as a paid member of their Board of Dorectors following this report. Yeah, no conflict of interest there.

Here's a great article on this site regarding the problems with Mitchell's report:


It's long, but it's very good.

Mo Vaugn, Nomar, Jeremy Giambi are Steriods Users... lol

As far as the Red Sox players, here's an interesting excerpt:

"...three players who admitted to using steroids -- Canseco, Jeremy Giambi and Paxton Crawford -- spent time with the Red Sox. Another, the former American League MVP Mo Vaughn, admitted that in 1998 he used Pro-HGH, an oral form of human growth hormone. In 2000, Boston police found steroids and syringes in a car owned by shortstop Manny Alexander that had been loaned to the team batboy."

And can you imagine how the story of the Mets clubhouse guy admitting to distributing steriods would have been handled if he was a Yankees clubhouse employee instead? The mind reels just thinking about it.

I understand the anti-Yankee bias, but fair is fair.

Last edited by on Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:45 am

The Red Sox Dynasty (1900's), The Athletics of the 1900's, The Cardinals of the 40's, The Athletics of the 70's and with one more,
you could potentially add in the Red Sox of this generation. So there’s more than just the Yankee dynasty’s.

And there was little need for that irony comment.

Moving on though, heres the ultimate question. I’m sure many teams, including BOS and NYY, will be hit hard. but what are the results of this? Just knowing names, I doubt MLB could punish players now, based on this report.

If the Red Sox win 3 in 6 or 7 years they are not a dynasty.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:48 am

Kruk dead on
TheMinistryofLostSouls Post #1: 01:46 pm Quote | Report Violation
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with his analysis. All these people that say" Steroids doesn't help you hit a fastball" forget that these guys were ALREADY good before they used steroids.
espnkapeci8 Post #2: 01:47 pm Quote | Report Violation
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someone plz explain to me carlos pena's season last year then

or when mguire hit 1 frigging home run the year before, and then hit 49 DINGERS

kruk another person trying to defend his race, what a shame


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:54 am

From Mets Fans says that Yankees are Roiders

Seems like half the 2000 Yankees were on that list

I saw we win the title by default

From Championship teams
Roger Clemens - '99 '00
Andy Pettite - '96 '98 '99 '00
Mike Stanton - '98 '99 '00
Chuck Knoblauch - '98 '99 '00
David Justice - '00

Gary Sheffield
Johnny Damon
Kyle Farnsworth
Jason Giambi

Thats a whole lot of Yankees. If the names being thrown about are correct, looks like the Yankees are one of the teams that got hit the hardest.

Did I miss anyone important?

SI Jon Heyman


Former American League MVP Miguel Tejada is mentioned in the Mitchell Report, due to be released by 2 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, SI.com has learned.

Seven-time Cy Young winner Roger Clemens, plus Andy Pettitte, who just re-signed with the Yankees, are in the steroids reports, SI.com has confirmed, as are ex-Yankees Mike Stanton, Chuck Knoblauch and Jason Grimsley.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:59 am

Ortiz and Manny shares Needles.. It's ok to have aids.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:02 pm

Yankees and Redsox Loduca2

WFAN New list

Official list right now on WFAN

New onesSo far....Sheffield, Larry Bigbie, Brian Roberts, Todd Hundley, Matt Franco, Rondell White, Knoblauch LOL, David Justice, Glenallen Hill, Mo Vaughn, Denny Nagle, Ron Villone, Todd Pratt, Mike Lansing, Kent Mercker, Tejada, Mike Stanton, LO DUCA!

Mo Vaugh?


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:06 pm

Official list right now on WFAN

New onesSo far....Sheffield, Larry Bigbie, Brian Roberts, Todd Hundley, Matt Franco, Rondell White, Knoblauch David Justice, Glenallen Hill, Mo Vaughn, Denny Nagle, Ron Villone, Todd Pratt, Mike Lansing, Kent Mercker, Tejada, Mike Stanton, LO DUCA!

Mo Vaugn?


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:07 pm


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:09 pm

Pats, Rodney Harnish and spy gate - Put an * asterisk for the Pats


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:11 pm

Download the report here:


Knoblauch and Stanton are in there.
David Justice's name is in there.

Sheff, Pettitte, Clemens too.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:17 pm

Yankees and Redsox Ericgagnelp7

Eric Gagne and Paul Loduca use Roids.. lol


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:24 pm

no current Boston players in report

i searched the report pdf for every player on the Red Sox and got no hits for any of them, you can take it to the bank: no current Red Sox players in the report

and again, Mitchell is on the Red Sox board of directors

First off, there were very few current players listed..... and Eric Gagne, Mo Vaughn, few other former Sox were on it
gunnarthor Post #3: 02:20 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 2012
Well, Gagne was on it but Manny, Ortiz, Pedro, Veritek etc wasn't going to happen. He's not stupid - he works for Boston. This report is looking pretty sad. Essentially, he only named players we already knew and a few new ones from the Mets guy. No Pujols. It's a joke.
merc12345281 Post #4: 02:22 pm Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 2431

Well, Gagne was on it but Manny, Ortiz, Pedro, Veritek etc wasn't going to happen. He's not stupid - he works for Boston. This report is looking pretty sad. Essentially, he only named players we already knew and a few new ones from the Mets guy. No Pujols. It's a joke.

he didnt favor the red sox he only put players on the list he had evidence on


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:30 pm

Greg Zaun use steroids


Clemens allegations in Mitchell Report

Basically says that he started using right after he left Boston. Asked Brian McNamee (Toronto strength and conditioninc coach) to inject him with Winstrol that Clemens provided to McNamee. Clemens asked the Yankees to hire McNamee in 2000 and they agreed to do so. McNamee paid by Yankees and Clemens personally. During 2000 McNamee injected Clemens with Deca-Duabolin. McNamee hooked up with Ramdomski (Murdock, the Mets guy) and instructed McNamee on how to inject Clemens with HGH, which they did. McNamee eventually went on to Houston with Clemens. He used Sustanon and Deca in 2001 but stopped using HGH.

With respect to Pettite, it says that he called McNamee in 2002, when he went on the DL with elbow problems. Pettite used HGH on about 4 occasions.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:30 pm

Clemens use HGH during 2000 when Yankees sign Mcnamee as trainer?


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:31 pm

ESPN making a huge deal about the Yankees. Point towards biasness


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:33 pm

Did you mean Damon who hits a Hr against Yankees? Yup return the rings Damon to Cardinals..

ESPN making a huge deal about the Yankees. Point towards biasness


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:35 pm

Hairston JR
Lo Duca
Fernando Vina
Kevin Brown
Mike Bell
Eric Gagne
Brendan Donnelly
Chad Allen


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:38 pm

sox and yanks players on the list

manny alexander
paxton crawford
jeremy giambi
josias manzanillo
roger clemens
mo vaughn
chris donnels
mike lansing
kent merker
mike stanton
eric gagne
brendan donnelly
steve woodard


steve howe
gary sheffield
josias manzanillo
hal morris
rondell white
roger clemens
andy pettitte
chuck knoblauch
jason grimsley
david justice
glennallen hill
denny neagle
ron villone
todd williams
kevin brown
daniel naulty


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:41 pm

Former trainer Brian McNamee said he injected Roger Clemens with Winstrol about four times per week over a several-week period in 1998.
Clemens told McNamee the steroids "had a pretty good effect on him," during his time with the Blue Jays. The Yankees went on to hire McNamee, supposedly at Clemens' recommendation, and worked with much of the team. He was paid by both the team and Clemens at the time. Clemens allegedly quit using steroids for a while, but he resumed during the middle of the 2000 season. McNamee wasn't retained by the Yankees after the 2001 season, and McNamee has no knowledge whether Clemens continued to use after that time.

From rotoworld.

it's similar to like what Bonds did. Both cheated. Bonds was worse because he lied to a grand jury...but as baseball players, both are cheats.

Both are HOFers without roids...but it doesn't matter. They cheated and now have tarnished repuations


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:01 pm

Mitchell totally owning the shit out of people who think he has a biased approach.

Honestly the most damning thing in all of this that I care about is the fact that gms and scouts knew and openly discussed this amongst themselves yet denied it from day one. They all said "We never knew anything" yet now we have emails and transcripts of their meetings that say otherwise.

Do you think Redsox Fans and media will hate on Joba now ? Everyone in the media thinks that He's Roger Clemens clone.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:05 pm

Mitchell hid Sox names

And compromised his integrity, positions in life, and respect in our free world.

For The Red Sox.

Who would've thunk it?

Gimme a break.


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Yankees and Redsox Empty Re: Yankees and Redsox

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:12 pm

Mitchell hid Sox names

And compromised his integrity, positions in life, and respect in our free world.

For The Red Sox.

Who would've thunk it?

Gimme a break.


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