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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:35 am

Mr. Okeefe, The Yankees 4 Championship is LEGIT

First of all, Clemens was maybe the LEAST important pitcher for the Yanks in the championship years. He was TERRIBLE in the playoffs.

Yankees won a championships without Clemens in 1996 and 1998. Pettite didn't use Hgh till 2002.

Stanton didn't use Hgh or steriods till he was with the Mets.

David Justice was good, but please, other teams the Yanks faced had steroid guys as well.

The championships were built around legit guys...girardi, rivera, jeter, posada, brosius, oneill, etc. etc.

Those guys were all clean. The yanks had no advantage over other teams ESPECIALLY because Clemens sucked in the playoffs. I agree these guys are cheaters but the Yanks were at no advantage over other teams and their victories were legit. Just like the Sox victories were legit this year even though they probably have steroid users on their roster as well even though they haven't been named.

The Mitchell report does not show any -- ANY -- inappropriate behavior by the Yankees organization. Furthermore, several players that played at one time for the Yankees not only were using either before or not until after their tenure with the Yankees

Senator Mitchell hid Sox names

And compromised his integrity, positions in life, and respect in our free world.

For The Red Sox.

Tim Kurkjian was on ESPN a few minutes ago and said that their residents lawyers felt there was too much hearsay in the report, and to expect a very strong fight from the MLBPA. Gammons was also on earlier and said that Radmonski told Mitchell that he couldn't even remember what some of the checks were for.

Who would've thunk it?

Gimme a break.

Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in 2002 as Redsox Director.Did you know Mitchell is Redsox Fan and even admits in during interview in 2004?
look, he was paid by the sox, and will be paid by them again. Hes a red sox.

If the report comes out and its tons of Yankees and few red sox, im gonna have a hard time accepting it. As should any team who gets killed by this.

If you take a psych class you will realize that its near impossible to be unbiased, even when you want to be.

Its just poor judgement by MLB to appoint a man with ties to MLB and a particular team.

We'll see, but this report was in question the day this man was foolioshly appointed. Hes a seedly politician, not a saint like hes being portrayed here, who has a vested personal and financial interest in its outcome. You are being niave if you dont see it. Beyond yankees redsox, he will be protecting baseball in general, by realeasing some names and witholding others (think magical cal ripken or any likable - key word - legend).

Im not rooting for any player to be on this list, but its unrealistic to think that this list is going to be accurate, all inclusive, and without biased.

Where Arod, Jeter Bernie Williams, Mariano?

I don't see their names?

Did I missed something that Clemens was brought up from Yankees Farm system? I don't think so, He was from Boston Redsox Organization...

David Justice was from Atlanta Braves Organization. Same with Mike Stanton

Chuck Knoblauch was from Twins Organization.

Everyone is blaming Yankees all the time. Not Redsox....

Mitchell is stumbling all over his words after asking about his "bias"

is it really that surprising that 2 of the 4 big names currently out are yankees?

can a yankees director do a steroid report on curt schilling, ortiz, and ramirez?

I'm sure mitchell released a BS redsox role player to make it look unbiased

The only two that look "bad" are Clemens, and it's obvious Clemens was using long before he even met the guy as he had his own crap and Stanton. They point to him "remembering" once using something ON Pettitte....while with Houston.

Knoblauch in his last year. Justice in his last year. Etc, etc.....

Again, this doesn't make anyone look bad. It's based on 2 people, and is probably only a shred of things that went on.

Mitchell focuses his report in NY. I mean come on.

Maybe he shouldnt be naming names if he knows he didnt cover all his bases.

I have no problem with who he named. What i have a problem with is who he didnt, and why the investigation did not go past the few sources he had.

As expected, this is very less than complete in any way, and therefore is unreliable aside from saying "roids were a prob". Yea no kidding, and to name a few names for the sake of naming them.

Same, Redsox Dynasty fueled by Steriods and HgH..

Put Asterisk on Redsox as well

2004* Redsox *cough *Cough-Kevin Millar, Trot Nixon. Curt Schilling

2007*- "Kevin Youkilis,Mike Lowell and Senator Mitchell since He's on Redsox payroll.

Ortiz stunk in Minnesota and . If He's so good Why they released him in first place? When He join the Redsox, He became god all of sudden.. Hmm. something fishy is going on.

Look at 2004 Alcs performance against Yankees.. The Yankees pitchers couldn't get him out.... He's Mvp of that Series...

Please look before and after pictures of Ortiz in Minnesota and Boston Redsox..

His homeruns numbers were up from 2004-2006. Not until this year He power numbers were down..

Timing - Same , The Redsox were on the juice at the time of their championships.

Clemens joins and was traded to Yankees in 1999,2000

The Yankees won without Clemens in 1996,1998...

The Redsox started winning championships when Schilling got there in 2004 and Nomar was traded.

Courtesy of Mark Feinstein’s blog (NY Daily News)
A look at the four Yankees title teams in the Joe Torre era show several players in this report on those rosters:

1996: Andy Pettitte

1998: Andy Pettitte, Chuck Knoblauch, Mike Stanton, Darren Holmes

1999: Andy Pettitte, Chuck Knoblauch, Roger Clemens, Mike Stanton, Jason Grimsley, Daniel Naulty

2000: Andy Pettitte, Chuck Knoblauch, Roger Clemens, Mike Stanton, Jason Grimsley, David Justice, Jose Canseco, Glenallen Hill, Denny Neagle

That list looks pretty bad. But is it? According to the Mitchell report, Knoblauch’s first purchase of HGH came in 2001. That would mean he was clean during the title years. Same with Justice, who reportedly didn’t meet Kirk Radomski until after the 2000 World Series. Pettitte’s usage was in 2002, according to the report, while Hill’s purchase from Radomski came in 2001, after he had left the Yankees.

Last edited by on Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty MITCHELL TO NAME 'SEVERAL' YANKEES, ESPN/NY POST

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:35 am


Saw this on ESPNs bottom line and now in the NY Post

The Bergen Record reported that "several" prominent Yankees players would be named at this afternoon's news conference.



Clemens, Giambi, Sheffield, Canseco

''prominent yankees with the exception of Canseco."

Mitchell report says ''several'' which is more than 2 and less than many.

F*ck Mitchell and Redsox. He's Bullsh*t. Well Selig and Co. are already rewriting history to avoid the objectivity issues. We all know that George Mitchell was a share owner in the Red Sox. He said so himself in a published interview in 2004. He also held the title of "team president" or something like that at one point. Now Selig and Co. are saying he never owned a share of the team and was never employed as anything more than an adviser.

Red Sox expose: Gabe Kapler and Nomar

Yankees: the entire 40 man roster

Breaking News- Espn Magazine Sean Asteil is reporting that Clemens got supplied of roids while with the Yankees in year of 1999 and 2000. It was reported on Mike and Mike in the morning that Roger Clemens name will be listed on Mitchell report. Former Trainer of Roger Clemens George Mcnamee obtained Steriods.

Mitchell was paid by the sox, and will be paid by them again. Hes a red sox.

If the report comes out and its tons of Yankees and few red sox, im gonna have a hard time accepting it. As should any team who gets killed by this.

If you take a psych class you will realize that its near impossible to be unbiased, even when you want to be.

Its just poor judgement by MLB to appoint a man with ties to MLB and a particular team.

We'll see, but this report was in question the day this man was foolishly appointed. Hes a seedy politician, not a saint like hes being portrayed here, who has a vested personal and financial interest in its outcome. You are being naive if you dont see it. Beyond Yankees red sox, he will be protecting baseball in general, by releasing some names and withholding others (think magical cal ripken or any likable - key word - legend).

Im not rooting for any player to be on this list, but its unrealistic to think that this list is going to be accurate, all inclusive, and without biased.

I wonder what stance MLB is going to take on this in terms of discipline. Are they going to suspend some of these players?

Imagine if they do and it's a bunch of Yankees named and no Red Sox. I hope the Steins explode on MLB.

Why are the Yankees the ONLY team that stupid ESPN is saying that their players will be on the report??????? You just watch---NO Redsox will be named.

The reason Because people who have seen the report have said that the Yankees are the most represented team.

Olney just ripped the hell out of the credibility of the report.

Olney said there was one instance where a player's agent was asked to have the player meet because of steroid use with the Mitchell people. The player was shocked, went there and they showed him an expensive check. The player asked what it was for. The Mitchell people said they didn't know.

Put Asterisk on Redsox as well

2004* Redsox *cough *Cough-Kevin Millar, Trot Nixon. Curt Schilling

2007*- "Kevin Youkilis,Mike Lowell and Senator Mitchell since He's on Redsox payroll.

Ortiz stunk in Minnesota and . If He's so good Why they released him in first place? When He join the Redsox, He became god all of sudden.. Hmm. something fishy is going on.

Look at 2004 Alcs performance against Yankees.. The Yankees pitchers couldn't get him out.... He's Mvp of that Series...

Please look before and after pictures of Ortiz in Minnesota and Boston Redsox..

His homeruns numbers were up from 2004-2006. Not until this year He power numbers were down..

Last edited by on Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:31 am; edited 5 times in total


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:38 am

Put Asterisk on Redsox as well

2004* Redsox *cough *Cough-Kevin Millar, Trot Nixon. Curt Schilling

2007*- "Kevin Youkilis,Mike Lowell and Senator Mitchell since He's on Redsox payroll.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:52 am

I got ESPN's First Take on, and all they're talking about in regards to this is how prominent Yankees are going to be on it.

They're barely even addressing what the overall report might say. Only about what it will do to the Yankees. It's ridiculous.

And isn't it funny how a report compiled by a Red Sox executive just happens to have names prematurely leaked that just happen to be Yankees? Who'd have thunk it?


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:57 am

Why are the Yankees the ONLY team that stupid ESPN is saying that their players will be on the report??????? You just watch---NO Redsox will be named.

The reason Because people who have seen the report have said that the Yankees are the most represented team.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:03 am

Olney just ripped the hell out of the credibility of the report.

Olney said there was one instance where a player's agent was asked to have the player meet because of steroid use with the Mitchell people. The player was shocked, went there and they showed him an expensive check. The player asked what it was for. The Mitchell people said they didn't know.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:08 am

Some poster from Espn boards posted this

Breaking: Mitchell Report Leaked

Brady Anderson, Manny Alexander, Rick Ankiel, Jeff Bagwell, Barry Bonds, Aaron Boone, Rafaeil Bettancourt, Bret Boone, Milton Bradley, David Bell, Dante Bichette, Albert Belle, Paul Byrd, Wil Cordero, Ken Caminiti, Mike Cameron, Ramon Castro, Jose and Ozzie Canseco, Roger Clemens, Paxton Crawford, Wilson Delgado, Lenny Dykstra, Johnny Damon, Carl Everett, Kyle Farnsoworth, Ryan Franklin, Troy Glaus, Rich Garces, Jason Grimsley, Troy Glaus, Juan Gonzalez, Eric Gagne, Nomar Garciaparra, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi,

Jose Guillen, Jay Gibbons, Juan Gonzalez, Clay Hensley, Jerry Hairston, Felix Heredia, Jr., Darren Holmes, Wally Joyner, Darryl Kile, Matt Lawton, Raul Mondesi, Mark McGwire, Guillermo Mota, Robert Machado, Damian Moss, Abraham Nunez, Trot Nixon, Jose Offerman, Andy Pettitte, Mark Prior, Neifi Perez, Rafael Palmiero, Albert Pujols, Brian Roberts, Juan Rincon, John Rocker, Pudge Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Scott Schoenweiis, David Segui, Alex Sanchez, Gary Sheffield, Miguel Tejada, Julian Tavarez,Fernando Tatis, Maurice Vaughn, IJason Varitek, Ismael Valdez, Matt Williams and Kerry Wood.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Ten questions the Mitchell report should answer

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:11 am

Buster Olney- Ten questions the Mitchell report should answer


1. Will it include the names of superstar players who have not yet been named in connection with steroids?
Some folks on the union side have been hinting that the Mitchell investigators requested the company of big-time stars as they looked into allegations of performance-enhancing drugs. "Landscape-changing names," said one agent. "Names that will change the way we look at the sport."

It is unclear whether these players were merely asked as a formality, or if, in fact, the investigators had some evidence that they wanted to present to the players for a response. The reason for the intrigue is not just to satisfy our gossipy curiosity: As we have seen with Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds, legacies -- and Hall of Fame candidacies -- can be devastated when a player is tied to the steroid mess.

2. Who will George Mitchell blame?
It's almost a given, within baseball circles, that within the pages of the report, Mitchell will generally hammer the players who took steroids and the union leadership. What executives and medical personnel and folks on the union side are wondering is: Who else will get knocked around by the words in the report?

Will Mitchell criticize the general managers? The managers? Coaches? The doctors? The team trainers? And if he does, it is all but guaranteed that many will respond anonymously through reporters -- and some may be moved to reply on the record. There is great fear and anger among these folks about what will be in the report, because many felt they were asked to speculate in their interviews with investigators, rather than provide hard information.

And will Mitchell criticize the owners, and commissioner Bud Selig? If not, this will lead to much criticism from columnists and TV/radio types, because of the apparent conflict of interest of having someone within baseball -- Mitchell is on the board of directors of the Red Sox -- who is being paid a lot of money render the decision on whether Selig made mistakes.

If Mitchell does blame the commissioner and criticize him directly for action that he didn't take through the '90s, then he will effectively lay an ugly and large chunk of blame for the steroid era across the mantle of Selig's legacy. And Mitchell would be echoing what many inside and outside the game have been saying -- critics whom Selig has dismissed as "revisionists." Will Selig deem Mitchell a revisionist? We shall see.

3. How many names will be included?
Various news reports have pegged the number at somewhere in the range of 50 to 80 names. To put that in context, there already have been 64 names implicated in the steroid scandal, according to the website baseballssteroidera.com, and in the 2003 survey testing, a little more than 100 players tested positive. So the generation of 50 to 80 names, after 20 months and tens of millions of dollars, would be akin to scratching the tip of the iceberg (And in fairness to the investigators, theirs has been a nearly impossible assignment from the beginning, without subpoena power -- but we all knew that in March of 2006).

4. What is going to be the standard of fairness applied in deciding to publish -- or not publish -- names within the report?
An agent tells this story: One of his clients was asked by the Mitchell investigators to address a question of steroid impropriety that came out of the information from former Mets batboy Kirk Radomski. The player was shown a canceled check in his name, written to Radomski, and asked to explain what it was for. The player responded: I don't know. Because it could've been for anything from a McDonald's run for a group of players to clubhouse dues or something else. But the player said he knew this: It wasn't for performance-enhancing drugs. And, in the end, the Mitchell investigators backed off.

Is a benign canceled check combined with the word of a former Mets batboy enough to include a player in the report? And no matter what the intention of the Mitchell investigators is, the reality is that if a player's name is in this report in relation to steroids, he will be effectively convicted in the court of public opinion.

And you can bet that there is even one name that we haven't heard before, the union is going to have a lot to say, in its own press conference, about how this report was generated.

5. Will there be an attempt to generally estimate what percentage of players used steroids during this period, in lieu of hard evidence?

6. Will there be a Red Sox player named in the report?
Because of Mitchell's affiliation with the team, this is a question being asked by more than a handful of executives around the game.

7. Will the report identify weaknesses and recommend changes in the current testing program?

8. Will the report go so far as to recommend some way that the commissioner might handle the statistical accomplishments of players connected with steroids?

9. Will the report cite what investigators consider to be the failures of the media that covered the sport?

10. Was the idea of a Mitchell investigation a good idea?
Would it have been better for the commissioner to simply stand up, in March of 2006, and acknowledge mistakes and move on, rather than paying tens of millions of dollars to air a small portion of the sport's dirty laundry?

Stay tuned for the answers to these important questions and much more.

Buster Olney is a senior writer for ESPN The Magazine.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:20 am

Ortiz stunk in Minnesota and . If He's so good Why they released him in first place? When He join the Redsox, He became god all of sudden.. Hmm. something fishy is going on.

Look at 2004 Alcs performance against Yankees.. The Yankees pitchers couldn't get him out.... He's Mvp of that Series...

Please look before and after pictures of Ortiz in Minnesota and Boston Redsox..

His homeruns numbers were up from 2004-2006. Not until this year He power numbers were down..

Last edited by on Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:26 am

Buster Olney- Ten questions the Mitchell report should answer


6. Will there be a Red Sox player named in the report?
Because of Mitchell's affiliation with the team, this is a question being asked by more than a handful of executives around the game.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Mitchell Report: NY fans already bitter

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:29 am

Mitchell Report: NY fans already bitter


I thought I’d share an email exchange I had this morning with a Yankees fan friend of mine. Red Sox Nation, prepare yourself, NY fans are already whining about the integrity of the Mitchell Report

From: Ryne Crabb
To: Kristy Fasano

How excited are you for the Mitchell Report today? AP is reporting MVPs and All-Stars are on the list, and the Yankees have the most players on the list (Jeter and Rivera are NOT on the list, however)

Who do you think the biggest name will be? Piazza, Clemens, David Ortiz, Albert Pujols, Miguel Tejada, Ivan Rodriguez, Pettitte?From: Kristy Fasano

To: Ryne Crabb
From: Kristy Fasano

I know this is going to sound petulant because Im a Yankee fan, but I don’t expect to see any big name Bosox players on the list. I can’t imagine Big papi being called out when Mitchell is going back on the Sox payroll after all of this.

On that note, I think he is an intelligent man and if he doesnt incriminate someone on the Sox we will all think the whole report is baloney…so needless to say I am interested to see. I would be sad to see Pudge on it, everyone is expecting Clemens, and Tejada. And I think Piazza will most def be on it also.

What I am interested to see is at what level Good Old Bud is incriminated for this disintegration in baseball, and I am also very interested to see what the ramifications of this are. Do all 80 players get fined, or suspeneded; does baseball just chalk this one up to a learning experience and not punish everyone? What do you think the projected punishment for ending up on this list will be.

And…did you hear that Mitchell won’t release the document to the MLBPA until its released to the public? He said that he felt he didn’t owe them anything because of how little they cooperated with him- which made me respect the man a little more. What a way to put your foot down! I mean Im sure owners informed their players if they were on it, but still, I thought the jab was pretty poignant.

All I know is I hope he did a job well enough to be respected by the community and worthwhile. I would like to see some good come out of all this, and not have this whole thing have been a ploy to make baseball look better, when nothing is being changed. T

This is Bud’s one chance to to make up for tied All Star Games and the Tampa Bay Devil Rays…I mean Tampa Bay Rays- sorry, I know they changed their name and sometimes I don’t know how i forget that considering how eventful the celebration was and how integral Tampa is in the 30 team system….kill me.

… eventually Kristy makes some valid and interesting points, but I love how the first thing out of her mouth was questioning Mitchell’s allegiances. This ought to be a fun day!


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:31 am


Saw this on ESPNs bottom line and now in the NY Post

The Bergen Record reported that "several" prominent Yankees players would be named at this afternoon's news conference.



Clemens, Giambi, Sheffield, Canseco

''prominent yankees with the exception of Canseco."

Mitchell report says ''several'' which is more than 2 and less than many.

F*ck Mitchell and Redsox. He's Bullsh*t. Well Selig and Co. are already rewriting history to avoid the objectivity issues. We all know that George Mitchell was a share owner in the Red Sox. He said so himself in a published interview in 2004. He also held the title of "team president" or something like that at one point. Now Selig and Co. are saying he never owned a share of the team and was never employed as anything more than an adviser.

Red Sox expose: Gabe Kapler and Nomar

Yankees: the entire 40 man roster

Breaking News- Espn Magazine Sean Asteil is reporting that Clemens got supplied of roids while with the Yankees in year of 1999 and 2000. It was reported on Mike and Mike in the morning that Roger Clemens name will be listed on Mitchell report. Former Trainer of Roger Clemens George Mcnamee obtained Steriods.

Mitchell was paid by the sox, and will be paid by them again. Hes a red sox.

If the report comes out and its tons of Yankees and few red sox, im gonna have a hard time accepting it. As should any team who gets killed by this.

If you take a psych class you will realize that its near impossible to be unbiased, even when you want to be.

Its just poor judgement by MLB to appoint a man with ties to MLB and a particular team.

We'll see, but this report was in question the day this man was foolishly appointed. Hes a seedy politician, not a saint like hes being portrayed here, who has a vested personal and financial interest in its outcome. You are being naive if you dont see it. Beyond Yankees red sox, he will be protecting baseball in general, by releasing some names and withholding others (think magical cal ripken or any likable - key word - legend).

Im not rooting for any player to be on this list, but its unrealistic to think that this list is going to be accurate, all inclusive, and without biased.

I wonder what stance MLB is going to take on this in terms of discipline. Are they going to suspend some of these players?

Imagine if they do and it's a bunch of Yankees named and no Red Sox. I hope the Steins explode on MLB.

Why are the Yankees the ONLY team that stupid ESPN is saying that their players will be on the report??????? You just watch---NO Redsox will be named.

The reason Because people who have seen the report have said that the Yankees are the most represented team.

Olney just ripped the hell out of the credibility of the report.

Olney said there was one instance where a player's agent was asked to have the player meet because of steroid use with the Mitchell people. The player was shocked, went there and they showed him an expensive check. The player asked what it was for. The Mitchell people said they didn't know.

Put Asterisk on Redsox as well

2004* Redsox *cough *Cough-Kevin Millar, Trot Nixon. Curt Schilling

2007*- "Kevin Youkilis,Mike Lowell and Senator Mitchell since He's on Redsox payroll.

Ortiz stunk in Minnesota and . If He's so good Why they released him in first place? When He join the Redsox, He became god all of sudden.. Hmm. something fishy is going on.

Look at 2004 Alcs performance against Yankees.. The Yankees pitchers couldn't get him out.... He's Mvp of that Series...

Please look before and after pictures of Ortiz in Minnesota and Boston Redsox..

His homeruns numbers were up from 2004-2006. Not until this year He power numbers were down..


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Clemens reportedly named in Mitchell report

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:34 am

Clemens reportedly named in Mitchell report


NEW YORK - Judgment day arrived for baseball's steroids era, with the Mitchell report set to be released and posted on the Internet for all to see. The first name to emerge Thursday was seven-time Cy Young Award winner Roger Clemens.

ESPN.com reported that Brian McNamee, a former trainer for the Yankees and Clemens, said information he gave Mitchell on supplying the pitcher with steroids is in the report. The Web site, citing an unidentified source close to the trainer, said McNamee told investigators he supplied Clemens with steroids.

Randy Hendricks, Clemens' agent, did not immediately return a message seeking comment.

Mitchell's report exposes a "serious drug culture within baseball, from top to bottom," fingers MVPs and All-Stars and calls for beefed-up testing by an outside agency to clean up the game, The Associated Press learned.

The report by former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell will include names of 60 to 80 players linked to performance-enhancing substances and plenty more information that exposes "deep problems" afflicting the sport, one of two sources with knowledge of the findings told the AP. Both sources said the report would not address amphetamines.

The two sources were familiar with discussions that led to the final draft but did not want to be identified because it was confidential until its scheduled release. They said the full report, which they had not read, totaled 304 pages plus exhibits.

One person familiar with the final version would only speak anonymously but described it as "a very thorough treatment of the subject" and said some aspects were surprising. He said the report assigns blame to both the commissioner's office and the players' union.

MLB's "not going to love it, the union's not going to love it," he said.

One source said that while the report will cite problems "top to bottom," it also will expose "deep problems, the number of players, high-level MVPs and All-Stars," as well as clubhouse personnel who allowed steroids and other banned substances in clubhouses or knew about it and didn't say anything.

The rest of the report, the sources said, focuses on recommendations that include enhanced year-round testing and hiring a drug-testing company that uses the highest standards of independence and transparency. Baseball's program currently is overseen by a joint management-union Health Policy Advisory Committee, with an independent administrator approved by both sides.

Mitchell, a Boston Red Sox director, planned to release his report at 2 p.m. Thursday during a news conference in New York City. Baseball commissioner Bud Selig was to hold his own news conference a few blocks away 2 1/2 hours later.

The report comes at the end of a year when San Francisco Giants outfielder Barry Bonds broke the career home run record, only to be indicted 100 days later on charges of lying to a federal grand jury about steroid use.

It also was expected to recommend that baseball develop a credible program to handle cases with evidence of athletes receiving or taking drugs but not testing positive for them.

Just last week, Kansas City's Jose Guillen and Baltimore's Jay Gibbons were suspended for the first 15 days of next season, and media reports said they had obtained human growth hormone in 2005, after baseball banned it.

Much of the first part of the report will be based on evidence obtained from former New York Mets clubhouse attendant Kirk Radomski, and from information gleaned from the Albany district attorney's investigation into illegal drug distribution that focused on Signature Pharmacy of Orlando, Fla., the sources said.

Radomski was required to cooperate with the investigation as a condition of his federal plea agreement last April. Radomski pleaded guilty to illegally distributing steroids, HGH, amphetamines and other drugs to players and is awaiting sentencing. Some professional athletes have been linked to the Signature probe, though none have been charged.

On Thursday morning at Radomski's Long Island, N.Y.-based business, Pro Touch Detail Center, a man who identified himself as Radomski told The Associated Press: "I have no comment. Talk to my lawyer. This is private property. Please leave."

Rob Manfred, baseball's executive vice president of labor relations, reviewed at least part of the report this week to ensure no confidential information from the drug-testing program was disclosed, a person with knowledge of the union's discussion with Mitchell said, also on condition of anonymity.

Despite repeated requests by the players' association to Mitchell's law firm, the union had not been allowed to review the report, that person said.

"I certainly hope after 21 months and getting zip by way of cooperation from the players' association that they'll come up with some recommendations for improvement," said World Anti-Doping Agency chairman Dick Pound. "If not, it's a complete waste of time."

But he said he's not sure baseball would follow any recommendations.

"My guess is that the management side probably would, but the players' association will dig in and continue its steel-town union approach to life," he said.

Agents have said they expect the report to be highly critical of players and the union for largely refusing to cooperate with Mitchell.

Bob DuPuy, baseball's chief operating officer, sent an e-mail to owners and team presidents in advance of the report with instructions how to respond to media inquiries.

"We look forward to carefully reading the results of Sen. Mitchell's investigation," the recommended response said. "Protecting the integrity of our game is vital, and we intend to study his findings and recommendations, and will not comment until we have done so."

Baseball did not have an agreement to ban steroids until September 2002, did not have testing with penalties until 2004 and did not ban HGH until 2005, when it also instituted a suspension for a first positive test.

Mitchell was hired by Selig in March 2006 after the publication of "Game of Shadows," a book by two San Francisco Chronicle reporters about Bonds' alleged steroid use. The rise in power in the 1990s, which drew national attention when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa chased Roger Maris' single-season record in the Great Home Run Race of 1998, was accompanied by a rise in suspicion.

Maris' record of 61 homers had stood since 1961, but McGwire hit 70 that year and Sosa had 66. During the chase, the AP reported McGwire had used androstenedione, a supplement then available over the counter that produced testosterone.

A bulked-up Bonds then shattered McGwire's record by hitting 73 homers in 2001.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:41 am

According to Redsox Fans 26 championships doesn't count .

Past Accomplishments and 26 championships doesn't count. Where is the Respect?


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Rodriguez returns to Yankees (officially)

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:45 am

Rodriguez returns to Yankees (officially)


This press release from the Yankees …


The New York Yankees announced today they have signed third baseman Alex Rodriguez, three-time American League Most Valuable Player, to a 10-year contract.

Rodriguez, 32, established career-highs with 143 runs and 156 RBI in 2007 while hitting .314 (183-for-583) with 54 home runs and 24 stolen bases in 158 games with the Yankees. He became the first player in Major League history to record at least 140R, 50HR, 150RBI and 20SB in a single season, earning his second American League Most Valuable Player Award in four seasons with the Yankees, as well as Baseball America and The Sporting News “Player of the Year” honors.

In 2007, Rodriguez led the Majors in runs, home runs and RBI, joining Babe Ruth (1920-21, 1926), Ted Williams (1942) and Mickey Mantle (1956) as the only players to finish a season with the outright Major League lead in each of those three categories in a single season since RBI became an official statistic in 1920 (credit: Elias Sports Bureau). He also paced the A.L. in slugging percentage (.645) and total bases (376), ranked second with 85 extra-base, fourth with a .422 on-base percentage and tied for seventh with 95 walks.

The 11-time All-Star has hit 518 career home runs for sole possession of 17th place on baseball’s all-time list. He has hit at least 50HR in three separate seasons (54 in 2007; 57 in 2002; 52 in 2001), becoming the fourth player in Major League history to have three or more seasons with 50 home runs (Babe Ruth, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa each did it four times). He is also one of only three players in Major League history, along with Willie Mays and Barry Bonds, to record at least 500 career home runs and 250 stolen bases.

Over his last four seasons – all with the Yankees – Rodriguez has led the club in runs (492), home runs (173), RBI (513), on-base percentage (.403), slugging percentage (.573) and games played (629). According to the Elias Sports Bureau, the only player to hit more home runs for the Yankees over a four-season span was Babe Ruth, whose highest four-year total was 209 from 1927-30. Over the last 10 seasons (1998-2007), no Major Leaguer has hit more home runs, recorded more RBI or scored more runs than Rodriguez (454, 1,275, 1,241). He is also the only player in Major League history to reach 35HR, 100 runs and 100 RBI in 10 consecutive seasons (1998-2007).

His 54HR in 2007 established the Yankees franchise record for most homers by a right-handed batter and were the most homers by any Yankees player since Roger Maris hit 61 home runs in 1961. Rodriguez also established a Major League record with 52HR from the third-base position (two as DH), surpassing the mark of 48 shared by Mike Schmidt (1980 with Philadelphia) and Adrian Beltre (2004 with Los Angeles-NL).

His 156 RBI in 2007 was the second-highest single-season total by a right-handed hitter in Yankees franchise history behind only Joe DiMaggio’s 167 in 1937 while his 143 runs scored was the highest single-season total in the A.L. since the Yankees’ Rickey Henderson scored 146 runs in 1985 and the second-highest single-season total by a Yankee in the last 70 years (since 1938).

Rodriguez was the #1 overall selection by the Seattle Mariners in the 1993 First-Year Player Draft. He was acquired by the Yankees from the Texas Rangers on February 16, 2004, in exchange for Alfonso Soriano and a player to be named later (INF Joaquin Arias).


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 9:45 am

# jay destro December 13th, 2007 at 11:19 am

you got your money
# New England December 13th, 2007 at 11:20 am

way to curb the rest of the bad news, Hank.
# Sean December 13th, 2007 at 11:21 am

When will the press conference be? Why weren’t you given advanced notice on it? I want to hear A-Rod’s story behind this entire soap opera.
# Doreen December 13th, 2007 at 11:27 am

You know, I thought I’d want to know exactly what transpired, but I don’t. I don’t care and it doesn’t add anything to my life to know who did/said what and when. It doesn’t change the fact that ARod wanted to re-join the Yankees; the Yankees wanted ARod back; ARod will be a Yankee for 10 more years.
# Steve December 13th, 2007 at 11:28 am

Part of the press release along side the stats should mention that Arod has “never used steroids” with a finger pointing in someone’s general direction.
# wood is good December 13th, 2007 at 11:29 am

That sure is an “A-Rod-worthy” press release! It reads like a short story.
# Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! December 13th, 2007 at 11:32 am

so where is this internet mitchell list?
# Tommy December 13th, 2007 at 11:33 am

I didn’t know that Boras had been hired to write Yankee press releases.
# Dan December 13th, 2007 at 11:33 am

Complete list of names on the Mitchell Report

# Dr. Cox December 13th, 2007 at 11:33 am

Do you people seriously think A-rod juiced?
# rb15 December 13th, 2007 at 11:33 am

Nice, A-Rod! Welcome back to the Bronx!

PS I’m almost as bummed about the Varitek rumors as about the Yankee rumors. I root for the Yankees, but in the end, I just love baseball. Varitek’s always been a stand-up guy and a good role model, especially for a washed-up catcher like myself.

OK, I have to stop reading this blog now until the report actually comes out. I’m trying to beat the snow out today to get home, and my work’s not going to do itself.
# Bronx Bomber December 13th, 2007 at 11:34 am

why no more audio pete…why no more audio?
# mel December 13th, 2007 at 11:35 am

That’s sooo Alex, trying to upstage one of the earth-shattering announcements in baseball history. Trying to manipulate us so that we turn to him on one of the darkest days in Yankee history.

Just kidding. Welcome home, Alex.
# Mr Uh Oh December 13th, 2007 at 11:37 am

any idea as to how long Pettite could be suspended for?

a suspension is not a given, but what if he gets suspended for more then the 15 days that gibbons was suspended for?

thats 3 starts..

anyone think all of a sudden Johan becomes a Hot Topic?
# Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! December 13th, 2007 at 11:38 am


Have they no shame? Dude, the guy’s passed on, let him rest in peace!

The RS listed seem to be marginal (maybe with the exception of Taveras..at any rate, far more Yankees. Pettitte is a disappointment, if it’s true. IF.)
# migames December 13th, 2007 at 11:39 am

Mark Prior and Jeff Bagwell, that surprised me
# rb15 December 13th, 2007 at 11:40 am

Rebecca, a post on the last thread listed Nomar and Varitek, also. FWIW.

I think it’s a pretty depressing day for all of baseball, not just the Yankees.
# mel December 13th, 2007 at 11:40 am


LOL. The list kinda looks like our Mitchell draft from the other night, huh? I hope Brandon kept the list. I want my prize.
# DVB December 13th, 2007 at 11:40 am

This report is complete crap and I am sure that I am not the only fan that could give a rat’s patoot what it says…
# mel December 13th, 2007 at 11:40 am

None of the Killer B’s surprised me. Baseball players built like linebackers?
# The Mick December 13th, 2007 at 11:41 am

Why the timing of Arod announcement to the report? In case he’s on it?
# jennifer- Hip Hip Jorge December 13th, 2007 at 11:42 am

How can they suspend anyone? Based on what? What some rat said?
# YankeesLuv December 13th, 2007 at 11:42 am

Welcome back Alex! Finally some good news. I’m sure baseball doesn’t mind this time of the timing of the announcement.
# Tommy December 13th, 2007 at 11:43 am


Nomar, Nixon and Varitek(he was on another source list) are in no way marginal!
Lets be fair!
# Mr Uh Oh December 13th, 2007 at 11:44 am


i think a suspension can only be given if there is a positive test…
atleast thats what it should be.. so hopefully andy doesnt have a positive test.


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Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:02 am

Arod returns to Yankees


Alex Rodriguez's resigning (10-years, $275 million plus $30 million in incentives) was made official this morning. Very interesting comments by Alex on the way the whole thing went down. It sounds as if Scott Boras made him believe the Yankees didn't want to resign him.

Anyway, here are some excerpts from my story which is on Newsday.com:
Alex Rodriguez said this morning in a conference call announcing his 10-year, $275-million contract to return to the Yankees that he wished he had simply bypassed agent Scott Boras and negotiated with Hank Steinbrenner himself.
“If I had to do it again, I would have called Hank and done the negotiating myself,” Rodriguez said.
Rodriguez opted out of the final three years of his 10-year, $252-million contract, a decision that became public during Game 4 of the World Series. He said this morning that that was a huge mistake. All along, he wanted to remain a Yankee, he said, but he was given information by Boras that led him to think the Yankees were not interested in resigning him. Rodriguez’s resigning was officially announced today.
“I opted out simply because, let me preface it by saying it was a mistake,” Rodriguez said. “I was pretty sure based on the information that I was getting was that the Yankees were not interested in my services. … As far as the World Series, that was handled very poorly. My understanding was the letter would not go public until a day or two after the World Series was over. The timing was distasteful and very inappropriate. The whole thing was a mistake, it was a huge debacle.”
Rodriguez and Boras were skewered by the public and the media alike for the timing of the optout. Weeks later, word got out that Rodriguez was negotiating with the Yankees – without the help of Boras – to arrange his return.
Steinbrenner, the son of longtime owner George Steinbrenner and a Yankees senior vice-president, had vowed that the Yankees would not negotiate with Rodriguez if he opted out. The reason was that the Yankees would lose the subsidy the Rangers – who originally gave Rodriguez the $252-million contract – were paying. But Rodriguez called Steinbrenner directly, he says, “shortly after” the optout, and the two sides eventually reached agreement on a contract.
Rodriguez said he made a mistake in taking verbatim what Boras told him. Boras has represented him since before he was drafted. Though Rodriguez did not fire Boras, the relationship has clearly been altered.
“I was very angry about the whole situation, I was very upset, and I voiced that to him the one time I talked to him,” Rodriguez said.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Sources: Twins, Everett reach deal

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:08 am

Sources: Twins, Everett reach deal
Ken Rosenthal
FOXSports.com, Updated 27 minutes ago


One day after losing his job with the Houston Astros to Miguel Tejada, shortstop Adam Everett has agreed to a one-year, contract with the Minnesota Twins, according to major-league sources.

The Astros declined to offer Everett a contract on Wednesday after acquiring Tejada from the Orioles for five players. The Twins have been seeking a shortstop since trading Jason Bartlett to the Tampa Bay Rays in the Delmon Young deal.

Everett, considered one of the best defensive shortstops in the majors, missed more than three months last season with a fractured fibula, returning for three games in late September. The Orioles did not want him included in their deal for Tejada.

The knock on Everett is his offense; he has a .248 career batting average, .299 on-base percentage and .357 slugging percentage in seven major-league seasons.

The Twins, however, value defense, and Everett likely will be a favorite to win a Gold Glove, an award he never won in the National League.


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Ken Rosenthal- Sources: Twins, Everett reach deal

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:12 am

Ken Rosenthal- Sources: Twins, Everett reach deal

Twins signed Adam Everett

One day after losing his job with the Houston Astros to Miguel Tejada, shortstop Adam Everett has agreed to a one-year, contract with the Minnesota Twins, according to major-league sources.

The Astros declined to offer Everett a contract on Wednesday after acquiring Tejada from the Orioles for five players. The Twins have been seeking a shortstop since trading Jason Bartlett to the Tampa Bay Rays in the Delmon Young deal.

Everett, considered one of the best defensive shortstops in the majors, missed more than three months last season with a fractured fibula, returning for three games in late September. The Orioles did not want him included in their deal for Tejada.

The knock on Everett is his offense; he has a .248 career batting average, .299 on-base percentage and .357 slugging percentage in seven major-league seasons.

The Twins, however, value defense, and Everett likely will be a favorite to win a Gold Glove, an award he never won in the National League.

So Brendan Harris will play third base and Everrett as SS?


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty WNBC Reports list includes...

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:17 am

WNBC Reports list includes...


"NEW YORK -- Newschannel 4's Jonathan Dienst has obtained the expected list of current and former major league players linked to steroids, according to George Mitchell's investigation.

The list includes former MVP's Barry Bonds, Albert Pujols, Jason Giambi, Ken Caminitti and Albert Belle. The list contains two sets of brothers: Jose and Ozzie Canseco and Aaron and Bret Boone. Cy Young award winner Roger Clemens is also on the list."

· Brady Anderson

· Manny Alexander

· Rick Ankiel

· Jeff Bagwell

· Barry Bonds

· Aaron Boone

· Rafael Bettancourt

· Bret Boone

· Milton Bradley

· David Bell

· Dante Bichette

· Albert Belle

· Paul Byrd

· Wil Cordero

· Ken Caminiti

· Mike Cameron

· Ramon Castro

· Jose Canseco

· Ozzie Canseco

· Roger Clemens

· Paxton Crawford

· Wilson Delgado

· Lenny Dykstra

· Johnny Damon

· Carl Everett

· Kyle Farnsworth

· Ryan Franklin

· Troy Glaus

· Rich Garces

· Jason Grimsley

· Juan Gonzalez

· Eric Gagne

· Nomar Garciaparra

· Jason Giambi

· Jeremy Giambi

· Jose Guillen

· Jay Gibbons

· Juan Gonzalez

· Clay Hensley

· Jerry Hairston

· Felix Heredia, Jr.

· Darren Holmes

· Wally Joyner

· Darryl Kile

· Matt Lawton

· Raul Mondesi

· Mark McGwire

· Guillermo Mota

· Robert Machado

· Andy Pettitte

· Mark Prior

· Neifi Perez

· Rafael Palmiero

· Albert Pujols

· Brian Roberts

· Juan Rincon

· John Rocker

· Pudge Rodriguez

· Sammy Sosa

· Scott Schoenweiis

· David Segui

· Alex Sanchez

· Gary Sheffield

· Miguel Tejada

· Julian Tavarez

· Fernando Tatis

· Maurice Vaughn

· Jason Varitek

· Ismael Valdez

· Matt Williams

· Kerry Wood


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Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:18 am

From another site, says he has a trustworthy source.

Brady Anderson, Manny Alexander, Rick Ankiel, Jeff Bagwell, Bar ry Bonds, Aaron Boone, Rafaeil Bettancourt, Bret Boone, Milton B radley, David Bell, Dante Bichette, Albert Belle, Paul Byrd, Wil Cordero, Ken Caminiti, Mike Cameron, Ramon Castro, Jose and Ozz ie Canseco, Roger Clemens, Paxton Crawford, Wilson Delgado, Lenn y Dykstra, Johnny Damon, Carl Everett, Kyle Farnsoworth, Ryan Fr anklin, Troy Glaus, Rich Garces, Jason Grimsley, Troy Glaus, Jua n Gonzalez, Eric Gagne, Nomar Garciaparra, Jason Giambi, Jeremy Giambi, Jose Guillen, Jay Gibbons, Juan Gon zalez, Clay Hensley, Jerry Hairston, Felix Heredia, Jr., Darren Holmes, Wally Joyner, Darryl Kile, Matt Lawton, Raul Mondesi, Ma rk McGwire, Guillermo Mota, Robert Machado, Damian Moss


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Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:20 am

Clemens was 10-13 with a 3.64 earned run average for Boston in 1996. McNamee was the strength coach in Toronto when Clemens went there. For Toronto the next two years, he was 21-7 with a 2.05 ERA and 20-6 with a 2.65 ERA. He won two Cy Yount Awards and led the league in wins, earned run average and strikeouts. Traded to New York, he declined to 14-10 with a 4.60 ERA in 1999. New York hired McNamee as assistant strength coach the next year. During one stretch, Clemens won 27 games against three losses for the Yankees.



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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:23 am


Vizcaino is expected to sign with the Rockies, according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
The Pirates made a play for Vizcaino, but the newspaper reports that they "fell just short in the bidding." If he signs with Colorado, Vizcaino will replace LaTroy Hawkins in the Rockies' pen.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


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Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to  join Redsox in Empty Re: Senator Mitchell leave Disney and Angels to join Redsox in

Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:28 am

Albert Pujols-1B-Cardinals Dec. 13 - 12:02 pm et

According to WNBC, Albert Pujols is among many star players expected to be named on George Mitchell's steroids report Thursday afternoon.
MLB officials are reportedly denying that WNBC's list is 100 percent accurate, but along with Pujols the names are said to include Brady Anderson, Rick Ankiel, Jeff Bagwell, Barry Bonds, Albert Belle, Ken Caminiti, Mike Cameron, Roger Clemens, Johnny Damon, Troy Glaus, Juan Gonzalez, Eric Gagne, Nomar Garciaparra, Jason Giambi, Jose Guillen, Jay Gibbons, Mark McGwire, Trot Nixon, Andy Pettitte, Mark Prior, Rafael Palmiero, Brian Roberts, John Rocker, Ivan Rodriguez, Sammy Sosa, Gary Sheffield, Miguel Tejada, Jason Varitek and Kerry Wood, among many others.
Source: CNBC

Adam Everett-SS-Astros Dec. 13 - 11:58 am et

Ken Rosenthal of FOXSports.com reports that the Twins have signed shortstop Adam Everett to a one-year contract.
That was quick. Let go by the Astros Wednesday following the trade for Miguel Tejada, Everett quickly lands a starting job in Minnesota. He's a horrible hitter, but Everett's defense is second-to-none and the Twins had a gaping hole at shortstop after dealing away Jason Bartlett. The switch to the AL means that Everett may finally win the Gold Glove that he's long deserved.
Source: FOXSports.com

Alex Rodriguez-3B-Yankees Dec. 13 - 10:53 am et

Yankees signed shortstop Alex Rodriguez to a 10-year, $275 million contract.
The deal was agreed upon last month, but as usual the Yankees took their sweet time making things official. Rodriguez reportedly can earn up to $305 million over the life of the contract based on incentives for moving up the career home run leaderboard and the marketing opportunities involved. The reigning AL MVP opted out of his original 10-year, $252 million contract back in October, famously making the announcement during Game 4 of the World Series. He'll be 42 years old during the deal's final season and now figures to enter the Hall of Fame wearing pinstripes.

Luis Vizcaino-R-Yankees Dec. 13 - 10:27 am et

Luis Vizcaino is expected to sign with the Rockies, according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
The Pirates made a play for Vizcaino, but the newspaper reports that they "fell just short in the bidding." If he signs with Colorado, Vizcaino will replace LaTroy Hawkins in the Rockies' pen.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Roger Clemens-S-Yankees Dec. 13 - 10:24 am et

According to ESPN.com, Roger Clemens will be named in George Mitchell's report on steroids, which is scheduled to be released Thursday afternoon.
The Bergen Record notes that "several" prominent Yankees will be named in the report, with one source telling the newspaper that "it's going to be a rough day in the Bronx." Brian McNamee, who worked a personal trainer for Clemens and Andy Pettitte, is said to have supplied Mitchell with information.
Source: ESPN.com
Related: Andy Pettitte

Jason Bay-OF-Pirates Dec. 13 - 10:15 am et

Responding to an ESPN.com report that the Pirates and Padres were "deep into discussion" on a potential Jason Bay trade, a high-ranking Pirates official told the Pittsburgh Post Gazette that the two sides have not discussed Bay for "quite a while."
The newspaper reports that the only talks between the Pirates and Padres recently have been about Michael Barrett. A possible deal for Bay may have stalled because of the Padres' unwillingness to include top prospect Chase Headley. "I know that Pittsburgh loves Headley," general manager Kevin Towers said. "We told them I don't know how many times we're not going to move Headley."
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Paul Konerko-1B-White Sox Dec. 13 - 9:53 am et

The Chicago Tribune speculates that the White Sox "could listen to offers for" Paul Konerko as they attempt to find an outfielder.
If the White Sox want to deal Konerko they'll have to do it before the season starts, because he gains veto rights as a 10-and-5 player in May. Trading Joe Crede remains far more likely.
Source: Chicago Tribune


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Post  Admin Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:30 am

Ortiz and Manny eats too much Pancakes...


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