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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:53 am

I just can’t wait for this to be done either way, this Santana situation is like the neverending story…. this site is starting to feel like Groundhog Day, Sox close to Santana deal, Hank says Yanks out, Hank say Yanks in, Mets prospects suck, wash, rinse repeat….
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Comment by Ryn5
2008-01-10 08:31:46

If we can keep FMart and still get Santana it would be huge.

Sucks they want Mulvey instead of Pelfrey or even Heilman, who will likely walk when he’s a FA.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:53 am

the twins better do something. i mean seriously,why dont teams just wait until next year and sign him as a free agent? santana is the one with the leverage,not the twins. if the twins dont trade him they are in deep trouble. a draft pick doesnt sound as good as any of these offers. not to mention santana has to agree to an extension in order to accept the trade. the twins should be worried about who is going to offer santana the best contract,not who they might get for him. what if they agree to a trade and then santana cant get his contract? the twins will be the ones scrambling,not the other teams. the yanks are saying that they will only go fuve years. big pr problems in minnesota and santana has all the power.

Posted by: Joelcards | January 10, 2008 at 03:09 AM

ok now they are just pushing this too far. to call this even a remotely close offer is a bold statement. The only reason the twins would even begin to look at this offer as a serious one is to ship santana off to the NL so they dont have to face him. Mets aint gettin him. sox n yanks wont allow it

Posted by: Santana/Beckett FTW | January 10, 2008 at 03:11 AM

Whatever, just pull the freaking trigger already and let's end this crap.

Posted by: Yu Hsing Chen | January 10, 2008 at 07:27 AM

"the fact is he can't hit for his life. Defense will only get you so far..."

This makes Cabrera sound a lot like Coco Crisp at about 1/10 the price.

"Mets aint gettin him. sox n yanks wont allow it"

Why the hell not? I think the Sox and Yanks would love to see Santana go to the NL. Both are in this more to block the other than to actually get Santana for what he will cost. The Yanks will take a little bit of a hit on the back pages of the tabloids for a few days if the Mets land Santana, but that won't last and they'll still draw their 4 million.

Posted by: mac_1103 | January 10, 2008 at 07:33 AM

It's not really about who's package is better anymore really. there's so many ways to slice and cut a package and it differs from every team's perspective anyway.

Posted by: Yu Hsing Chen | January 10, 2008 at 07:35 AM


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:54 am

Yes and extension, but at what price??? This is Varitek's last contract basically, Boras as his agent and let's ace it he is in a heavy decline offensivley. the Sox won't give him anything close to Posada's deal so knowing them, they have never been fearful to let someone go if it's not on their terms. Is Varitek worth 3 years at $10 a year or something? Keep in mind that they let Damon walk too. Their loyality to players unless they take a home town discount is limited. Papi, Lowell, etc, those guys took less than they could have gotten.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:57 am

New Year, new Johan Santana thread.

From Crazy Puppy in the News thread:

According to people with knowledge of the discussions, the Mets have offered top pitching prospect Deolis Guerra, along with center fielder Carlos Gomez and pitchers Kevin Mulvey and Phil Humber.

The Twins like those players. They've told the Mets they'd have a done deal if New York would add prized outfield prospect Fernando Martinez.

This doesn't look like much has changed, IMO. I think the Twins are still trying to get someone to start bidding again. I read the above quote as the Twins wanting Fernando Martinez as the 5th player in the deal, which is analagous in my mind to the Sox putting Lester and Ellsbury in the same deal, or the Yankees including Kennedy and Hughes.

With only 4 players in the deal, the Mets are probably still behind the Sox. If the Twins can make a 5 player deal with Omar, Smith will at least be able to declare victory by getting 5 players, even if many of them are pretty far away from the major leagues.

I've found my own interest in Santana sliding as this has worn on. Personally I would not include Ellsbury in the deal now, and I'm more interested in seeing the Mets give him $140M and seeing what our kids can do.

Sounds to me like this is a good way for the Twins to try to get the Yankees to make their best offer and sweeten the pot, a bit. Leaking some info suggesting that Johan may be traded to the Mets doesn't make any Steinbrenner happy.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:01 am

One word to answer your whole question there: JEALOUSY!

The reason why people hate the Yanks is mostly them beingRED SOX fans and the reason they hate comes down to the following reasons...dependant on the idiot in question:

1: Lack of common sense, probably caused by being dropped on their heads at birth or by rooting for a team that calls themselves "Idiots"

2: Lack of oxygen to the brain, mostly due to holding their breath's each time Boston came THISCLOSE to winning, Gagne being on the mound and more often than not finding a way lose

3: They never win anything in their own lives, are not successful, have sex with their left hands, have no class or dignity and therefore cannot comprehend something that is successful like The Yanks. Losers are attracted to losers...

4: Were raised by parents that sniffed glue and preached "If it looks to good to be true, hate it and become a Redsox Fan"

5: Pinstripes make them look fat, so they hate the Yanks because they look good in Pinstripes...

6: When Yogi says something, Yankee fans find it endearing and comical...those that hate the Yankee feel the need to hire a translator and are too poor to afford one

7: "He who has the most toys wins" does not compute to people that probably played with rocks when they were kids....and were apparently hit numerous time in the head with them

8: Looking at pinstripes in front of you, as in the standings, can be disorienting...

9: Bill Bucker was not a Yankee and their still pissed about that...

10: Roger turned into one and won a ring...their still pissed about that...

11: They have yet to put a dent in the gap of WS victories between

12: They are tired of waiting til next year when more often than not the current year is dominated by the Bombers

13: They have no idea what it's like to have a Jeter type player on their team...plenty of Lugo's though...hate comes easy

14: We have legends in Monument park with busts of their heads on monuments, while...

15: ...One of their few legends lies frozen like a popsicle with his head mounted somewhere away from his body...

16: We don't have a pitcher that will be remembered for pitching in the post season with a tampon in his sock with a mouth that writes checks his as...s can't cash...

17: They hate our players because they are good...we hate theirs because God made it that way

18: They know that while they won a WS in 2004 and again in 2007, it pains them to know that even a broken, worthless watch is right two times a day.

19: They know, but will never admit that while they won in '04 and '07 they did so because we failed...not because THEY excelled...When The YANKS WIN, it is because we dominated...when we don't, it's because WE made mistakes...when Boston wins...it's because we made mistakes.

That's gotta su..ck for a fan...

Do I need to go on? I can do this all night...

Hey Nettles, Man I've missed you for a few days.. I want to address you're answers. Respectfully of course

Actually the sox got a huge fan base because people hate the yanks. My belief for why the hate the yanks is cuz of jealousy. Just like the cowboys, ND, America loves an upset or cinderella.

1. SEE ABOVE ANSWER-JEALOUSY. America loves an underdog

2 Could be, but we did win the world series with Gagne. (although no credit to him) Maybe someday you'll win with Arod

3. Silly response, not worth commenting. You know I have 3 kids, that haven't seen the yankees win a worldseries, but they've all seen the sox win. Kinda nice for them. Of course Shannon is a yankee fan, just l like uncle paddy

4.funny one

5. haha

6. Can't help it if yogi has a screw loose

7. true

8. Looking at pinstripes makes me sick to my stomach, nausea sets in and yes a bit disorienting

9. Yes not happy Buckner wasn't a yankee, luckily there were plenty to be happy about in recent yrs.

10. Yes roger a yankee is a sad thing, but then again what would you expect from the man. He needed the cash and couldn't earn a ring in Toronto, Houston or Boston.

11. Glad your still sticking that chest out about all that history and rings you have. Gotta hold onto something. Our 2 recent rings make me very very happy, as your 26 do.

12. Don't know about waiting til next yr, we had one this yr

13. Jeter type player is hard to come by for sure. Absolute animal. But luckily my team has a few of them, not sure what other fans do when they're stars can't hit in the playoffs.

14. I love yankee stadium, monument park is awesome. Jeter will be there with his Busts

15. Yep ted is frozen very sad, least he kept his liver. Luckily we have more teds

16-Actually Curt put a 1m bounty for anyone who could prove the sox was anthing but blood. It's in cooperstown after the yankee collapse if you want to have it tested. I'm sure you really want to prove it's not blood. BTW, nothing better then making 55k yankee fans shutup

17-All yankee players are good but God makes all players. Ok wait, not all yankee players are good in the playoffs, at least not recently

18. Sure broken watch is right twice a day. and the sox won the world series again in 07, hahahaha

19 that's a good one, sox won cuz they actually dominated and yankees didn't win cuz they got dominated. Blame the bugs, what a bunch of whiney sorry sports, Like you think you should win a game when you score 1 run anyhow.

The same reason there are Notre Dame Haters, Tiger Woods Haters, Bill Gates Haters, Manchester United Haters..... When you are (or were, ND) successful for a long period of time, ignorant people hate. Look at the Cubs. Lovable Losers. Have you ever heard about lovable winners!


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:04 am

One by One.

1 You dont hate the yanks, it is just that many people like or not. Not everybody will love a team, if you dont like the team could be for any reason.

2 Boston was this close to win, what about 2004, nobody got that close, and still not winnning.

3 Well 2 out 4, not bad.

4 You dont hate what it looks good, you try to look good.


6 He is not the only one to say something, but you will like what you team do.

7 truth.

8 The last time I ckeked you didnt win the division, what about you looking up in the 80's.

9 AROD still a yankee, we loved that, some of you hate that.

10 Roid who?

11 Nice, you keep in the past, sorry is 2008, not the 90's.

12 I think that you have saying that for the last 7 years.

13 Ortiz.

14 Not body is perfect.

15 See 14

16 That is true, you have pitchers using roid, good change.

17 What about ortiz he is love by everybody except yankees fans.

18 I will take that, 2 out 4.

19 So when you win in 78 was because we let you win, we didnt do our job. Please go and cry to the hospital, We beat you in the worse way you could imagined ever. Also you choke. I can go on thewhole night

We had 86 years without winning, the White sox and the cubs are worse than us, but you dont have nobody to compare 2004, 3-0/ 4-3 9inn, with the best pitcher ever in the PS and you stil lose. PRICELESS.

Several decades of embarassing debacles vs. a legendary history + 1 embarassing debacle (2004)

7 World Series total vs. 7 World Series in my lifetime

An 86 year drought that cannot be erased

An 86 year drought that cannot be erased

An 86 year drought that cannot be erased....THAT, my friend, is PRICELESS

I'll take 2004, 26 World Series rings and several decades of legendary players and moments in history ANY DAY of the week over 2 wins in 4 years and several embarassing debacles.

It's no wonder the Red Sox fans don't want to live in the past; if our team had the past history that their team has, I'd be embarassed to look at it to. And oh, by the way, as much as you are clinging to those 2 rings in recent years in hopes that it will somehow "erase" the 86 year drought, us Yankees fans will be around to remind of that FACT that no number of rings will EVER be able to erase the 86 year drought, much as you Red Sox fans would like for us to forget about your past!!

The problem is that you dont have no company in 2004, you have 100 plus years history in that year. No team has done that and I dont think no one could do it again, but boston or other tean can get to you, but 2004 cant be broken. Sorry, well I dont mean sorry.

Correct, and add another word .....envy. People that say they "hate" the Yankees actually dislike them. It's about their success and way they go about their business. Also high on the list of "hate" is because NYC is the media capital of the world and No. 1 in many things not boring. Trends start in the New York metropolitan area and work their way elsewhere. Mediocrity has never been part of New York and for that, the jealousy and envy in other areas sets in.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:08 am

MLB Rumors: The Price Of Johan Santana About To Plummet?
By Eric Hz Section: Baseball
Posted on Thu Jan 10, 2008 at 08:57:12 AM EDT

Joe Christensen says what has become increasingly clear outside the Minnesota are. The Twins are not going to get what they demand for one year's worth of Johan Santana plus the the right to bid against themselves to pay him one of the largest contracts ever signed by a starting pitcher in the history of the sport.

Per Mr. Christensen's sources, the New York Mets have changed their offer to one much more attractive in terms of prospect upside. The latest offer is now led by the Mets' top pitching prospect, 19-year-old Deolis Guerra, along with AAA center fielder Carlos Gomez and pitchers Kevin Mulvey (AA) and Phil Humber (AAA). The Twins in their continuing efforts to fly too close to the sun have asked for 19-year-old AA OF Fernando Martinez to be added.

In New York, Peter Botte reports the Yankees may give-up on acquiring Johna Santana. The increasingly capricious Hank Steinbrenner is now leaning against the deal as his younger brother Hal and GM Brian Cashman appear to wearing him down with their financial arguments. He says,
"But what it comes down to right now is giving up a lot (in a trade) and then having to do the big contract, as well. If (Santana) was just a free agent, we could just go ahead and do it. There's a big difference this way. We have to sign him as if he's a free agent, plus you have to give up major talent. That's a tall order."

I couldn't agree with that assessment any more than I already do. Big Brother Hank also reiterates that rookie sensation Joba Chamberlain will be in the starting rotation. He does not want that type of talent wasted in middle relief.

If the Yankees bow out, the market for Santana changes abruptly. This would leave the Twins and GM Bill Smith as the losers in the game of chicken they have played this winter. The question is how abruptly. Recall the winter of 2001-02. Yankees' 1B Tino Martinez was asking for $40+MM from the Yankees. The Yanks dropped out of the bidding and Tino ended-up signing for $20MM less.

I don't think the market price will drop that precipitiously for the Twins, but it will go down.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:10 am

olefan Jan 10, 2008 5:05:41 AM Report Offensive Post
Way to go Hank!! Leave Santana right where he is. If the Twins were going to deal this guy they would have taken either the Yankee deal or the red sox deal. Sox will not buy this either,too much money, too much to give up. Also correct in his position on the steroids and the Roger matter. This guy makes sense. Yankees and mets took the hit as Mitchell was ready to come up with a report to jusify what he was getting money to do. No oath, no subpoena and we got a fig leaf provided by the commissioner with help from the Board Member of a team who has no problems at all!! Amazing!! Notice how a "small market owner" (the commissioner) had all he needed to feed to the public. Two rich teams from the biggest market got slammed. I ask who can survive this better than these two teams? You keep believing this garbage and you are playing into the hands of those who knew and looked the other way.

markhw Jan 10, 2008 6:48:12 AM Report Offensive Post
I agree with Olefan about his comments about the Mitchell Report. Let a self righteous **** like Lupica put that in his pipe and smoke it.

daveb521 Jan 10, 2008 7:14:23 AM Report Offensive Post
Is anyone else but me sick of the steroid scandal. Let's get to baseball. As far as Santana...stay in Minnesota. let's see if THEY give you $140 million for seven years. I have said from the beginning let the young homegrown players have a chance. Santana was not that dominating last year at least from a $140 mil contact standpoint. Hank n Hal...KEEP Melky n Hughs

Jersey Ed Jan 10, 2008 7:25:02 AM Report Offensive Post
Right on Mark. The more you read Lupica the more you realize how little he knows. He barely knows sports, outside of hating the Yankees and he has absolutely no business writing about politics. He is such a wussy that he can't allow people to comment on his articles, but he has no problem shoving his dim witted opinions down our throats. If the Daily News is paying him anything above minimum wage, they're paying too much.

buddio Jan 10, 2008 7:32:13 AM Report Offensive Post
All right hank i hope he don't turn on a dime here and give up on the kids, only problem I can see is the redsocks getting him for less than ellsbury or buckholtz, according to jon heyman he said that would be the last resort for minny's new GM, i hope he's wrong, come on mets, omar do something, get santana he'll be great in the national league

Chuck-NYY Jan 10, 2008 7:34:09 AM Report Offensive Post
If there's any way you can get them to give up a proven pitcher (one of the best in the game) in his prime for Hughes (a guy who may, possibly, could, potentially be great) and Milky ( a second rate center fielder with no power, DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

HPLeft Jan 10, 2008 7:37:51 AM Report Offensive Post
This is excellent news - but Hank still talks too much. He needs to stop telling the world about the inner workings of the Yankee organization. As for Lupica, we all know he's a legend in his own mind, and evidently in the mind of his publisher. He gets to write sports or politics, depending on his whim. I guess he's suffering from Obermann-envy.

tylerdrew Jan 10, 2008 7:41:28 AM Report Offensive Post
olefan--you sound like someone from a small market complaining about the 200 million the Yanks spend and you know how pathetic that sounds. I know the great conspiracy, just think how much this conspiracy theory would work if your boy Pettitte didn't comfirm it. I know the perfect person who could get someone from the Red Sox, Richie Garcia, seeings how we're into conspiracy theories. If Santana goes to the Met's it's a win for the Sox, you need him more than we do. It's all a conspiracy, maybe that's why you haven't won in eight years.

frankielop51 Jan 10, 2008 7:45:44 AM Report Offensive Post


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:55 am

QUOTE(Rudy Pemberton @ Jan 10 2008, 08:55 AM) *
Sounds to me like this is a good way for the Twins to try to get the Yankees to make their best offer and sweeten the pot, a bit. Leaking some info suggesting that Johan may be traded to the Mets doesn't make any Steinbrenner happy.

Well, it's a good way to get either the Yanks or Sox to do so. Three suitors is better than two. But, you're right, the Yanks would be more likely to try to match a Mets offer than the Sox although from what I've read the Yanks' principal interest is keeping Santana away from the Sox and vice versa. I think that both the Yanks and Sox would be OK in seeing Santana go the the Mets. I know I would be.

Like OCD, my favorite scenario would be Santana to the Mets and let our kids develop to beat the Yanks' kids. I also think that would be in the best interests of baseball. The NL is getting way too weak. It's up to the Mets (the NL's richest team) to up the ante over there.

I think Santana to the Mets would be the situation that would make everyone happy. All along we have heard rumblings about the Twins preferring to send Santana to the National League so that they do not have to face him very often. There has also been talk of the Yankees and Red Sox really not wanting the other one to get Santana, but not sure if they really want to pay $100+ million to a pitcher. Last, the Mets could obviously use an ace pitcher. Seems like it would be the best-case scenario.

Buster Olney Blog- His thoughts Johan Santana saga

Ultimately, the Mets might be the best fit for the Twins as they try to trade Johan Santana, writes Joe Christensen. The Mets' offer, according to Christensen: top pitching prospect Deolis Guerra, along with center fielder Carlos Gomez and pitchers Kevin Mulvey and Phil Humber. There is no question that the Mets have more desire to make the Santana deal than the Red Sox or the Yankees, and they have more reason to want him. You wonder if, in the end, they will agree to deal top prospect Fernando Martinez to make this happen.

• Hank Steinbrenner says he wouldn't give Santana a six- or seven-year extension. If that's the case, then Santana would have to forfeit $20 million or so to go to the Yankees, and that's not going to happen, because Santana could get a six-year extension from the Red Sox or the Mets.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:04 am

Buster Olney -on The Yankees' Mitchell mess


Some baseball executives wonder if federal investigators will uncover trainers and batboys in other cities, in Los Angeles or Kansas City or Boston or Texas or some other place. "You have to figure that there was a Kirk Radomski in just about every clubhouse," a GM said the other day. "It wasn't only in New York."

But so far, the fallout from the Mitchell report is generally confined to New York, where Radomski and Brian McNamee mostly worked. Some friends who are Yankees fans have believed all along in the conspiracy theory that New York got the most scrutiny because George Mitchell is on the board of directors of the Red Sox.

That's way too Oliver Stone-ish for me. Mitchell's investigators didn't dig up McNamee and Radomski -- it was the feds who did that -- and beyond that, I just can't see Mitchell sitting in his office plotting to make life miserable for the Yankees.

But the reality is that the Yankees are going to be knee-deep in this mess for months, and it could be an enormous distraction. Their No. 2 starter -- someone who was already on the fence about possibly retiring -- is going to spend a lot of the time usually reserved for preparation talking with lawyers. Assuming that Roger Clemens' defamation suit against McNamee goes forward, it figures that depositions will be taken from some executives and players of the Yankees, including Andy Pettitte. And as the revelations leak out from those depositions, inevitably, the Yankees will be caught in the wake of the headlines. It figures to be a long and ugly summer of steroid talk in New York, and much less so in Boston.

The stakes just keep going up for McNamee, Clemens and Pettitte, with word that the congressional hearing scheduled for Jan. 16 has been postponed so that more information can be gathered, much of it in the form of depositions. There is no turning back now.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:12 am


McNamee's lawyer, said that McNamee lied to Clemens lawyers about being pressured by the feds.

Ward's explanation of why he says McNamee lied:

"He lied to them and tried to say, 'Well, they pressured me,' because he wanted to continue to stay in the good graces of Roger,"

Investigate Journalists who can work with a evidence without a sub-poena power? How can Mitchell can't do it? I would give Senator Mitchell report an incomplete and grade D-

So what Wallace is Yankee Fan? Mr.Olney Wallace did interview Clemens when He was a Redsox? I would say same thing about Senator Mitchell. He's s a Redsox Director. Would He loses a credibility as well. Why Everyone is ignoring the fact that He still has ties with Boston? He's friends with Henry and Lucchino? He's still being paid by Redsox. Even though Clemens won two championships with Yankees, He will be a Redsox in my mind. Don't Forget that Clemens grow up and and came up threw Redsox Farm system. I hate it when Media and Fans are always pointing fingers at The Yankees and not The Boston Redsox. The Yankees are ruining baseball and they're Evil. Blah Blah. Where is the double standard? I'm sick of it really. The Redsox always be portray by media and fans as Good but their motive is too be New Yankees meanwhile The Yankees are Bad. Lucchinno's refers to them as Evil Empire. I hope Lucchino's eat his words with his stupid comment and look in the mirror. Lucchinno's hypocrite.

Clemens Wins and Loss Record

1999 14 10 0 0 -- 4.60 era

2000 13 8 0 0 -- 3.70 era

2002 13 6 0 0 -- 4.35 era

Tracy Ringolsby On Curt Schilling


From Tracy Ringolsby via the Rocky Mountain News:

In the midst of Curt Schilling's holier-than-thou pronouncements about late-career booms, it would be interesting to have Schilling explain how he turned a lackluster career at the age of 30 into a dominating effort in the next decade.

At 30, having played with a Philadelphia Phillies team that included Lenny Dykstra and Pete Incaviglia, who were listed in the Mitchell Report, Schilling had a career record of 52-52.

Since he turned 30, Schilling is 164-94. What's more, he was 34 before he won 20 games for the first time and has done it three times in the past seven years.

What are your thoughts on this? Even if Schilling wasn't listed on Mitchell report, Everyone is guilty including Mr.Schilling.. This era will be forever known as "Steriod-Era" Thanks to Bud and Player Association .


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:15 am

The Yankees' Mitchell mess


posted: Thursday, January 10, 2008 | Feedback | Print Entry
filed under: MLB

Some baseball executives wonder if federal investigators will uncover trainers and batboys in other cities, in Los Angeles or Kansas City or Boston or Texas or some other place. "You have to figure that there was a Kirk Radomski in just about every clubhouse," a GM said the other day. "It wasn't only in New York."

But so far, the fallout from the Mitchell report is generally confined to New York, where Radomski and Brian McNamee mostly worked. Some friends who are Yankees fans have believed all along in the conspiracy theory that New York got the most scrutiny because George Mitchell is on the board of directors of the Red Sox.

That's way too Oliver Stone-ish for me. Mitchell's investigators didn't dig up McNamee and Radomski -- it was the feds who did that -- and beyond that, I just can't see Mitchell sitting in his office plotting to make life miserable for the Yankees.

But the reality is that the Yankees are going to be knee-deep in this mess for months, and it could be an enormous distraction. Their No. 2 starter -- someone who was already on the fence about possibly retiring -- is going to spend a lot of the time usually reserved for preparation talking with lawyers. Assuming that Roger Clemens' defamation suit against McNamee goes forward, it figures that depositions will be taken from some executives and players of the Yankees, including Andy Pettitte. And as the revelations leak out from those depositions, inevitably, the Yankees will be caught in the wake of the headlines. It figures to be a long and ugly summer of steroid talk in New York, and much less so in Boston.

The stakes just keep going up for McNamee, Clemens and Pettitte, with word that the congressional hearing scheduled for Jan. 16 has been postponed so that more information can be gathered, much of it in the form of depositions. There is no turning back now.

The Yankees are headed for high drama, writes Tyler Kepner.

Any records set by steroid users should be wiped from the books, says Goose Gossage, who added that he would have been tempted to use steroids if they had been available when he played.

Wallace Matthews is sick of Clemens.

Nolan Ryan says he hasn't called Clemens because he figures the pitcher has been inundated with calls, as he tells Pat Rooney in this piece.

• Mark McGwire is bearing the punishment for the sins of many, writes Jeff Gordon.

• It is not a good time for the Cubs to acquire acknowledged juicer Brian Roberts, writes Jay Mariotti.

• Rick Telander's column from Wednesday generated a lot of noise, he writes, but Andre Dawson understands why Telander didn't vote for Dawson, or any other player.

• Jeff Kent tells T.J. Simers, in so many words, that he would like to see ballplayers subjected to the Olympic standard of testing -- under which blood is drawn, frozen and preserved, as a possible deterrent against HGH. And Kent believes there are players abusing HGH.

PED Free Zone

• Ultimately, the Mets might be the best fit for the Twins as they try to trade Johan Santana, writes Joe Christensen. The Mets' offer, according to Christensen: top pitching prospect Deolis Guerra, along with center fielder Carlos Gomez and pitchers Kevin Mulvey and Phil Humber. There is no question that the Mets have more desire to make the Santana deal than the Red Sox or the Yankees, and they have more reason to want him. You wonder if, in the end, they will agree to deal top prospect Fernando Martinez to make this happen.

• Hank Steinbrenner says he wouldn't give Santana a six- or seven-year extension. If that's the case, then Santana would have to forfeit $20 million or so to go to the Yankees, and that's not going to happen, because Santana could get a six-year extension from the Red Sox or the Mets.

• The price is very high if the Cubs are going to make the deal for Roberts, writes Phil Rogers.
• The clock is ticking on the Orioles' rebuilding program, writes Peter Schmuck. Adam Loewen expects to be ready for the start of spring, writes Roch Kubatko.

• Gossage tells the story about what was said after he retired Yaz in the '78 playoff game, within this Kevin Kernan piece.

• The Yankees have interest in free agent Jason Lane, writes Mike Puma.

• As written here yesterday, the Brewers have shown interest in Mike Cameron, and Tom Haudricourt says it is strong interest.

• The Cardinals hired an executive, as Derrick Goold writes.

• The Tigers are far from a lock to win the AL Central, writes Jon Paul Morosi. Matt Mantei hopes to show the Tigers that he's healthy.

• Pirates GM Neal Huntington thinks the Pittsburgh roster is mostly set, as Dejan Kovacevic writes. The Pirates are talking with Adam LaRoche about a long-term deal.

Chris Duffy will be working on his flexibility in spring training, writes Rob Biertempfel.

• Brandon Lyon would like a multi-year deal from the D-backs, writes Nick Piecoro.

• Jason Hirsh is in the running for a big season, writes Troy Renck.

• White Sox GM Kenny Williams needs to pull off some magic, writes Chris De Luca. Heard that while the Paul Konerko-Angels talks are not blistering hot now, there is a chance they will get hot sometime in the future.

• A former Reds broadcaster will be working in Kansas City this year.

• Barry Rozner wonders if the Cubs' sale of Wrigley Field is a good thing.

• The Braves may be considering Mark Kotsay or Corey Patterson for center field, writes David O'Brien.

• The Hall of Fame ballots of all writers should be made available to the public, writes Steve Buckley. Agree with that. There is no reason to not vote for Rickey Henderson when he becomes eligible next year. Jim Ingraham explains why he didn't vote for Gossage.

• Jeff Kent says he's excited to play for Joe Torre.

• It's not impossible for the Giants to finish .500 this year, writes Gwen Knapp. Aaron Rowand is a natural leader, as Henry Schulman writes. He will be a fan favorite, writes Dan Brown.

• It's expected that a vote on the Marlins' proposed stadium is going to be delayed, writes Charles Elmore.

• A crowd of over 300 gathered to talk about the Rays' proposed stadium.

• Vanderbilt remains undefeated, after beating South Carolina in a packed Memorial Gym.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:16 am

Yankees Interested In Jason Lane

The Yankees are looking an affordable option as a possibility at first base. Mike Puma of the New York Times reports that 31 year-old free agent Jason Lane is on the radar.

Puma points out that Lane would have to learn first base, as he hasn't spent much time there is his career. Lane was a late bloomer, and may have topped out with his 26 home run season in 2005. But this wouldn't require much of a commitment, so it makes sense to give him a look.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:17 am

why go after lane for 1B? yanks might as well go after mientkiewicz who will be both affordable AND will defensive wiz at first. lane would be a disaster

Posted by: KoolAid NYY | January 10, 2008 at 09:04 AM

it was actually the New York Post, not the Times, that ran this story. but what yanks shouldve done, with keep andy phillips. he was a fan favorite, could field really well, and could hit for average and in the clutch.

Posted by: epv2 | January 10, 2008 at 09:12 AM


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:19 am


if they are really passing on Johan, I’ll be disappointed, but can deal with what we have in the rotation going into the season.

but I would hope once the Johan deal with the Mets is finished, Cashman is first in line for Nathan, because you would figure he’d be next to go… even if they cant extend Nathan, he’ll cost a fraction of what they were asking for Johan, and it would ensure Joba stays in the rotation.
Alex says:
January 10th, 2008 at 10:09 am (Reply)

the price for nathan will still be very steep. it would be unlikely that we could land nathan without giving up one of the following: hughes, kennedy, jackson or tabata as nathan will be highly sought after. he’d only stay for a year also cause he would want to close elsewhere. pass.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:21 am

...not sure if this tidbit has been posted or not...

""Hardin said he did not want McNamee to hear the taped interview with his investigators before he gives his deposition to Congress. Hardin had previously cited a small part of that interview, in which McNamee is quoted as saying he was bullied by federal investigators into linking Clemens with steroids and human growth hormone.

McNamee?s lawyers have not disputed the notion that McNamee cited such pressure at one point in the interview with Hardin?s investigators, but maintain that it was an exaggeration and that McNamee was otherwise completely consistent with what he had told Mitchell.

Meanwhile, Jeff Novitzky, the federal agent leading the Justice Department?s five-year-old investigation of steroids criminal activity, and Matthew A. Parrella, an assistant United States attorney from California, have scheduled a meeting Thursday in New York with McNamee and his other lawyer, Earl Ward. It will focus on activity that has occurred since the Mitchell report was released, notably Clemens?s denials, Ward said.
Novitzky and Parrella were accused in the Clemens lawsuit of pressuring McNamee to implicate Clemens.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:22 am

I think this fortifies the comments I made a while back. By tip-toeing with the tampering line, Hank's letting Santana and his agent know that the truck with the money is warming up in the parking lot. Minni ends up looking like the unreasonable party here because …“They can’t come to an agreement with anyone.” Hank could also handcuff Minni because of Santana's no trade clause. Santana has a value to the Yankees in terms of dollars +/- trade pieces. If they can get him without the trade pieces, he's worth more money. Stay in Minni, collect your '08 contract, move to the Bronx in '09, become the highest paid pitcher in baseball history, and have a full squad of youngsters around to help the team win. Of course, he risks getting hurt or having a bad year. If he's confident, then waiting works in his favor.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:25 am

fun part of the article:

Asked for his opinion on Roger Clemens’ “60 Minutes” appearance and press conference this week, Steinbrenner replied: “I don’t really have a take. Like I’ve said before, only Roger knows whether he’s telling the truth or not. There’s always plenty of time for telling the truth. Again, I don’t believe in a rush to judgment. You’re not supposed to do that in this country, but everyone does. I don’t, but unfortunately it seems the majority of the country does. That’s not what this country was built on.”

one could argue his handling of the a-rod situation, and his “ultimatum” earlier to the twins would be the exact definition of rushing to judgment.

Ah, Hank… he truly is one of the best things to happen to Yankee haters in a long long time.

Hughes and Joba or Buchholz and Ellsbury
KingofNYCEH1 Post #1: 10:10 am Quote | Report Violation
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njyankee14 Post #2: 10:18 am Quote | Report Violation
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Hughes and Joba without a doubt

They Yankees need them to perform for a succesful year. If both those guys bust, the yanks will probably miss the post-season. If both of those guys blossom, they will probably win the division.

The Sox pitching staff should be fine without Bucholz and they had several different lead-off guys last year. With or without these guys, the Red Sox will make the post-season.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:30 am

Newsday- Wallace Matthews-Pampered Clemens just doesn't seem to get it


I'm sick of Roger Clemens. I'm sick of people who think like him. I'm sick of people who think it's OK to think like him and I'm sick of people who make excuses for him.

This has absolutely nothing to do with whether he did or did not use steroids, HGH or Preparation H. It has everything to do with the way he has reacted to being accused of it.

He had a rare opportunity this week. Not once, but twice, he was given a forum to garner some sympathy and perhaps a little of that benefit of the doubt to which he believes he is entitled. Twice, he was given large, priceless swaths of TV time to tell his side of the story. Each time, he came off looking worse than the time before.

He lost me for good near the end of his "60 Minutes" interview, when he went into his tirade about not being able to defend himself because, according to him, "a lot of people have already made their decisions."

"And that's our country, isn't it?" he whined to Mike Wallace "Guilty before innocent. That's the way our country works now."

At that point it occurred to me: You are our country, Roger Clemens. He asks, "Is this what our country has come to?" The answer is no. Roger Clemens is what our country has come to.

Lots of money for doing next to nothing. A sense of entitlement out of all proportion to what you are really worth, or what you really contribute to society. No accountability for your own actions. Misplaced hostility - mostly toward the media. A desire to bully others but no guts for a fair fight. Notice how, at the news conference he and his lawyers called in an effort to clear his name, Clemens stalked off the podium rather than answer some very legitimate questions.

It was the equivalent of beaning Mike Piazza when he couldn't find any other way to stop him.

In that moment, I recognized that Clemens is not so different from a lot of people in this great land of ours, who somehow have come to believe it's OK to get what they want by any means necessary.

Need to win an election? Lie about your opponent. Need to start a war? Lie about your hand-picked enemy. Need Hannah Montana tickets? Fake a story about your husband's death in Iraq and hope to cash in on it. Need a few extra mph on your fastball? Find them in a syringe, and then brag about your workout routine.

Too many of us have forgotten that if you have to cheat or cut corners to do something, you're not really doing it. And too many of us never have understood that to begin with.

There was a time when Clemens could do it the right way, without help. But the evidence is strong that for him, that time passed about 10 years ago. Still, he clings to the conceit that somehow, he is better/more capable/more entitled than anyone else, because to admit otherwise would be owning up not only to his humanity, but his fraudulence.

And when confronted with the facts, or even a story contrary to his own, Clemens did what a lot of celebrities do these days. He stormed off muttering something about how he can't get a fair shake.

In truth, people like Clemens get a fairer shake than anyone else. He had the nerve to bristle the other day when his lawyer mentioned "pampered athletes," and there's a good reason. Clemens has no idea how pampered he really is.

Then he tried to swap out the word "pampered" for "blessed." But he has no idea how blessed he really is, either.

He believes he's under scrutiny now because he's Roger Clemens. He's too dense to understand that the only reason he has avoided scrutiny this long is because he's Roger Clemens.

He asks why he can't catch a break despite "all he has done for baseball," never once considering what baseball has done for him, namely pay him more than $150 million during the course of his career. That includes the $18 million-plus he pocketed last year for going 6-6.

Now, confronted with strong allegations of cheating, breaking the law and compromising the integrity of the game he professes to love, Clemens acts as if he doesn't have to answer for anything. His lame weaseling on suitable punishments for steroid users -- "it's a self-inflicted penalty" -- is a symbol of the no-fault generation, a variation on baseball's "Let's just move on," a euphemism for "Just let us get away with it, OK?"

You and I know plenty of people like Roger Clemens. We read and hear about them every day. Their names are Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Don Imus, Kenneth Lay and Priscilla Ceballos, the mother who would stoop to anything to get her daughter tickets to a concert. They are all the people who take and take and take - take everything but the blame.

If Clemens is still wondering about what our country has come to, there's an easy way for him to find out the answer.

Just look in the mirror.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:31 am

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New Milford, NJ

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Pampered Clemens just doesn't seem to get it
I'm sick of Roger Clemens. I'm sick of people who think like him. I'm sick of people who think it's OK to think like him and I'm sick of people who make excuses for him.

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Don in Tucson
Tucson, AZ

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3 hrs ago

Well dissected, Wallace, you got to the heart of it.
Bun Badoola
Rockwood, TN

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2 hrs ago

Hey Wallace, "eat it."
Joshua Rosenstock
New York, NY

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2 hrs ago

Couldn't agree more. My only issue is that it is the media that has contributed significantly to celebrities having such an overwhelming feeling of entitlement. Remember all that Anna Nicole Smith coverage? Yes, media is a business that feeds off ratings and that's what the public wants to see. So, it's really our own fault.

We pay $100 to see a baseball game, more to see it on TV and more to listen to it via satellite radio. We keep giving more and they continue to feel more entitled. The media is the conduit for which this corrupt bargain flows.

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1 hr ago

Wallace Matthews, when you look in the mirror you see a pompous ****
United States

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1 hr ago

How the hell did Rush Limbaugh get on that list? Get folks talking enough and they will tell on themselves.
S Carton
Center Moriches, NY

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1 hr ago

Joshua, you are absolutely right! I applaud Mr. Matthews for bringing this subject to light, but I disagree with his assessment of the media as victims of celebrities. IMHO, the MSM are the perpertrators in the crime. They, as a whole, think they're doing a public service. Most,in fact,feed the frenzy of celebrity in search of ratings and readership. Matthews is spot on when it comes to Clemens. Roger is a bully. He thinks he can bully sportswriters, whose opinions are the only ones that matter. It won't work. It didn't work for Eddie Murray, Rice and even Ted Williams. I respect sportswriters, I believe they're the true guardians of baseball.
Saddle Brook, NJ

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1 hr ago

I totally agree with your article.
When I was 12 years old I would go to Shea and sit in the upper deck for $1.50. My friends and I were in our glory. I watched Jerry Grote come out of the dugout and sit on the rain tarp and sign autograhs before the game.
Washington, DC

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1 hr ago

Regarding your column, "Roger Fails on Sixty Minutes," I wrote: "Wallace, you show no ability to be objective about Roger Clemens. I'm still working on finding the truth; you seem to be gleefully jumping at every opportunity to even a score. Admit it. You despise the guy and want him to be guilty. I have been a fan of your writing, but your columns on Clemens have been a journalistic disgrace. You bring to mind the old expression about "generating more heat than light." Please keep quiet on this issue and save some measure of integrity!"
After reading this column, I rest my case!
Certaldo, Italy

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1 hr ago

Another idiot Yankee making headlines. What else is new ? I have to say this regarding steroids. If the Gov.t and the so called people who are screaming about steroids were serious about putting a stop to it then they should attack the National Football League. There are more steroid abusers in that league and it is obvious then in any of the major sports combined. Do you realy think that those guys get that big naturally ? Get real.
United States

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1 hr ago

Mike B
Holbrook, NY

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1 hr ago

This is the first time I am writing in any kind of an internet blog. I read your article this moring in the paper and I had to comment! That is a dead on accurate portrayal of Clemens and our me first, sports oriented culture. The issue now is not even if he used steroids. It's his self centered I'm a victim attitude! Kudos!!!!!!!!!
Atlanta, GA

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49 min ago

Thank You
Brooklyn, NY

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45 min ago

Wallace, we're not worthy. One of the best, most thoughtful, and succinct analysis concerning a sports figure I have ever read. This should be read at the opening of the hearings. Nothing else needs to be said; Clemens should just take his ball, go home, and fade away.....with a copy of the article tucked under his arm and his tail between his legs.

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37 min ago

All true Wally, but get out of the sports section and onto the oped page if you need to bitch about Imus and Cheney and Spears. You do not seen to know how to do your job anymore, but you sure can rant.
Chicago, IL

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28 min ago

Roslindale, MA

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27 min ago

God bless you....... we need a man like you (who tells it like it is) in the White House.......Roger is a fraud and when that does work he is controlling.... then he is a bully and then when that doesn't work he is a cry baby....
give him an hour with a real reporter who covered him locally for a year or two and not these national media types that are looking for an autograph...... you my friend are spot on.....
The Revolution
Memphis, TN

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26 min ago

"Wally" please leave out your political bias, you can't even write about sports objectively. No wonder the Post dumped you.
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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:33 am

And this......

Yankees may give up on Johan Santana

Thursday, January 10th 2008, 4:00 AM

Brian Cashman has remained protective of the Yankees' assembled prospects, while Hal Steinbrenner has been equally shielding of the team's finances.

Hank Steinbrenner? That's been another story for much of the winter.

But while stressing there is "absolutely nothing new" in terms of recent trade discussions with the Twins, Hank is beginning to sound convinced - if not nearly ready - to walk away from any potential blockbuster deal for Johan Santana.

"We went into this with me making the final baseball decisions and Hal more addressing the financial aspects of the company, but we both do everything," Steinbrenner said yesterday in a phone interview. "We're equal partners, but at this point, to tell you the truth, I'm leaning away from it anyway, so it doesn't matter. Same thing with Brian, he's another integral part of it, obviously, being the general manager, and one day he's leaning to do it and the next day he's not sure.

"But what it comes down to right now is giving up a lot (in a trade) and then having to do the big contract, as well. If (Santana) was just a free agent, we could just go ahead and do it. There's a big difference this way. We have to sign him as if he's a free agent, plus you have to give up major talent. That's a tall order."

The Yanks and Twins had discussed a deal that would have sent frontline pitching prospect Phil Hughes, outfielder Melky Cabrera and two mid-level prospects to Minnesota for Santana, a two-time Cy Young winner who reportedly will seek a seven-year extension worth around $140 million.

"I don't know what he'd even want, or what they'd settle for. I don't know. We obviously haven't talked to him or his agent, so I have no idea," Steinbrenner said. "But a six- or seven-year extension, no, I wouldn't do that."

Steinbrenner added that opinions offered by several unspecified Yankees "during the course of conversation" in recent weeks have contributed to his change of heart.

"I'm growing more and more comfortable with what we have, and the veteran players I've talked to seem to be pretty comfortable with what we have. But we'll see what happens," said Steinbrenner, who reiterated that the plan is to shift Joba Chamberlain into the starting rotation. "I'm hoping we'll be set to go (to spring training).

"The big thing, as far as questions, is the bullpen and we'll see how that shakes out, but at this point, I want Chamberlain as a starter and not using someone of his ability in a setup role. We did that last year, but that was different. He was a rookie. But you don't do that.

"Setup guys are important, extremely important, but you have a guy of that ability, who our baseball people think either can be a top starting pitcher or a top closer. It's going to be up to Brian to plug that hole in the bullpen, if there is one, if we're not going to get Santana."


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:34 am

Viper/Sully nailed it. I love how the Media is crowning the Sox a new dynasty. Sully was right by saying that the Sox were about to go home crying after another playoff blunder in 04, about to be swept by the Yanks in Boston. They did however have the greatest comeback in baseball history, cant take anything away from them, but the Yanks blew that series more than the Sox won it. Then in 05 they get swept by the White Sox in the 1st round, in 06 they miss the playoffs completely and then win it in 07 after almost being eliminated again, this time by the Indians. You can’t call them a dynasty for two reasons.

1. They didn’t have consecutive WS wins ( need three in a row to start the dynasty discussion )
2. The 04 team and 07 team are completely different. Different, SP's, bullpen, 1st, 2nd, SS, 3rd, CF, RF...the only players left over are Timlin, Curt, Papi and Manny, the entire team changed over. This means that the 04 and 07 teams have nothing related to claim any type of dynasty.

Now I’m not taking anything away from their WS wins, they earned both of them. I just want to point out to the panicking Yankee fans, that cant stand to see the Sox win anything, to relax. I know some fans ( my father included ), thinks it’s more sacrilegious for the Sox to win WS than it is for a priest to have sex with a nun on the alter of a church....on Easter Sunday...while mass is in session. The Sox wins dont bother me. Isn’t that what the definition of a "rival" is, when the other team wins SOMETIMES. If we won all the time, what kind of rivalry would this be?

Ill take this underdog status and embrace it! Viper is right by saying that getting Santana AND Teixeria, while even keeping Manny...would guarantee them nothing. The Yanks were the favorites to win the WS every year since 2001, who many did we win???? 0000000000000000000000. Like Ive stated before, the Yanks made the big FA splash in each of those years, none panned out. Im all for trying a different approach....for ONCE.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:35 am

The Daily-News piece strikes me as nothing more than the Yankees (Hank) making it clear that the Twins little game is not working.

There is ZERO chance the Twins are taking those 4 guys (or even those 5, for that matter) for Santana.

The breakdown of those prospects in the MINNESOTA report is as follows:

A really fast CF'er who hardly ever gets on base and strikesout 25% of the time in 4 pro years (can you say, Tom Goodwyn?).

An A-ball pitcher who has played one pro season with a 4.01 ERA (can you say, crap shoot?)

And two other pitching prospects, one of whom is 25, who project as #4 starters AT BEST.

The Twins continue to try to build leverage that does not exist, and the Yankees continue to respond with comments that make it clear it's not working, which is all the new quotes in that Daily-News article were.

Actually, the one quote that stood out to me was Hank saying there are days when Cashman is "leaning to do it." This is the first time I've read anything that didn't make me believe Cashman was 100% against this deal from the start.

Of course, there was always the possibility that the entire "Brian and Hal don't even want to do this deal" thing was just the Yankees sending their own messages through the media.


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Santana - Page 5 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:38 am

Star pitcher trading baseballs for video games


(GameTap.com) -- Curt Schilling, the split-finger fastballer from Boston with a penchant for honoring superstitions, playing through pain, and winning, says he intends to play only one more year of baseball. "I'm done. This is my final year," Schilling told a handful of journalists he'd invited to his top-floor suite in Caesar's Palace during this week's CES trade show.

His new focus, post-pitching, will be to oversee the development of a still-unnamed and shrouded-in-mystery massively multiplayer role-playing game (MMORPG) that goes by the working title Copernicus.

A short video comprised of previously released game and movie clips, meticulously edited and scored -- what Schilling and his team is calling a "tone video" -- was shown to an A-list of journalists that included tech maven Walt Mossberg of The Wall Street Journal, as well as reporters from Barron's, Newsweek, USA Today, and The Los Angeles Times.

While it in no way represents the final game, the video was the centerpiece of a relaxed night with Schilling talking about Copernicus, his new company, and his commitment to gaming -- the latter of which he admits has confounded many.

"No one looks at this and says it's a natural progression," Schilling said. "You're a frickin' celebrity athlete who's going to make a game? Come on!," he adds, mimicking the peanut gallery.

But Schilling is adamant he is in it for the long haul. Watch the sights and sounds of CES Video

"This is my life after baseball," the star pitcher said of the game and the studio he formed to create it. "After baseball, I will do nothing except be a father, husband, and run this company."

The company is 38 Studios, the development house Schilling founded in late 2006. And the unnamed game is just one pillar of a multi-pronged approach to entertainment. What marks Schilling's vision is that the game is based on a new IP that he says will include deliberate and strategically planned brand extensions into film, TV, books, comics, and action figure iterations.

Although the game is in the very early stages on development--what the studio's VP of product development Michael Kosenski called "concept phase" -- Schilling says the game will release sometime toward the end of 2010.

The dinner with Schilling was a free-wheeling event. Reporters sat around a dining room table and fired off questions. Schilling addressed a wide range of topics: He's staffing the company only with people who are ready to "be on time and bust their ass."

He says "you don't need sex and you don't need blood to make a great game." His blog was created as a vehicle to "get the word out on 38 Studios," and has tallied 7 million unique visitors since its launch 10 months ago.

He says that some day he will be "intimately involved in making a baseball game...I will be a part of a company doing a sports game." And at the moment, he's playing Tabula Rasa, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, and EverQuest 2. And he thinks NBA 2K8 is "as close to realistic as a sports game can get."

What else did Curt Schilling reveal about his upcoming game? Not a whole lot. He's banking heavily on his own understanding of games, which is considerable, and his two creative partners -- best-selling fantasy book author R.A. Salvatore and iconoclast comic book and action figure creator Todd MacFarlane -- to create a blockbuster.

Is any of what GameTap was told or saw a guarantee of success? No. Would I put my bet on Schilling to create something of interest? Something worth looking at when it hits retailer shelves? Well Vegas is a betting town, so the answer is yes. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:39 am

Schillings ego reaches new heights...

Curt Schilling, admittedly the one player in baseball that I despise the most, says he is done after this year and intends to spend life after baseball developing Massive Online Multi-players games, developed by his company 38studios.

When talking about the project, he says, and I quote...""No one looks at this and says it's a natural progression," Schilling said. "You're a frickin' celebrity athlete who's going to make a game? Come on!," he adds, mimicking the peanut gallery.

Schilling proves he needs no fans...he does not even need a wife, he is in love with himself enough to cover each.

He is the Terrell Owens of baseball...what a freakin' ego.

Here's the link on the article...http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/01/09/schilling.game/index.html

...and for the record, I love video games and wish him well with his company, I will probably even play what he puts out...but he does not need my best wishes, afterall, he is a "frickin' celebrity athelete."


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