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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:13 am

I'm sorry it's not a championship rotation, The Yankees will miss the playoffs next year if they had 3 rookies in starting rotation.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:14 am

First, the Mets do not need to make this deal. There are no other teams within the division, or the NL for that matter, that are head and shoulders above the Mets. Second, if you trade the majority of prospects at present within the Mets farm system, you will impact the ability of the franchise to make trades as new needs develop in the future. What if a player such as Beltran, Wright or Reyes is injured to the degree of missing a substantial amount of time in the next three years? The franchise is then at the mercy of the free agent market. Third, you are committing upwards of 150 million dollars to a single player for a minimum of five years. Never in the history of MLB have any of the so-called long-term deals awarded to a pitcher resulted in a positive impact on a franchise. In reality, they destroyed the ability of a franchise to compete. Then why are 70% of posters so hot to make this deal? Simply because they can’t accept the fact that both the Braves and Phillies have improved to the degree that the Mets will actually have to play well for an entire season to win the division. Or they cannot accept the fact that the Yankees are now introducing upwards of four new live arms to their roster and will dominate the back pages. The Mets had their chance in 2006 and 2007 to win it all, and they blew it. That’s life, so move on and accept it. The 2008 Mets payroll is over 100 million, so let’s shelve the silly excuses and man up.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:15 am

Chat with Jerry Crasnick

Welcome to The Show! Jerry Crasnick is stopping by Thursday at 1 p.m. ET for the first installment of our Hot Stove Heaters chats! Check back each day for a new topic and a new chat! Take it away, Jerry!

So my editors call me on a slow January day and pose the following question: If I'm a general manager and I'm starting a major league team today, which superstar would I choose: Alex Rodriguez or Albert Pujols?

Hey, I know that I'll take the Who over Led Zeppelin, Erin Burnett over Maria Bartiromo, Quiznos over Subway, the Cactus League over the Grapefruit League, and "Fargo" over "No Country for Old Men."

A-Rod vs. Albert borders on impossible, but an assignment is an assignment, so here goes:

Pluses for Pujols
He's listed at just shy of 28, which makes him 4½ years younger than A-Rod. He ranks fifh in career OPS behind Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Lou Gehrig and Barry Bonds. He has an amazingly low strikeout total for a power hitter. He won his second straight Fielding Bible Award at first base in 2007. Pujols also has a World Series ring, and he's a .323 career hitter in the postseason -- as opposed to You Know Who, who's had a tendency to melt in October recently.

Pluses for A-Rod
He's missed 20 of 1,134 games since 2001, so his durability is off the charts. He won his third career MVP Award last year amid extraordinary scrutiny in New York. He's incredibly attentive to detail for a superstar. He steals bases (265) when he's not hitting home runs (518). And most important, he puts up huge offensive numbers at third base, a position where it's much tougher to find primo production than at first base.

That final factor is the tie-breaker for me. It's A-Rod, by a thread. So am I right or am I wrong? Let's hash it out!


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:49 am

Hey Evan can you name a homegrown pitchers that in current Mets starting rotation?

It's All Mercenaries..... Heilman is the only one, but He's a set-up man.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:50 am

Hey Evan can you name a homegrown pitchers that in current Mets starting rotation?

It's All Mercenaries..... Heilman is the only one, but He's a set-up man.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:56 am

Some signs of a Santana trade?


The well-respected Joe Christensen of the Star-Tribune in Minneapolis has an interesting story on the Johan Santana situation today.

The desperate-to-do-something Mets have included top pitching prospect Deolis Guerra to their offer. Their package appears to be:

RHP Deolis Guerra
OF Carlos Gomez
RHP Kevin Mulvey
RHP Phil Humber

The Twins also want CF Fernando Martinez. It’s uncertain whether the Mets would give him up. But Carlos Beltran isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Many people around the industry believe the Mets traded for Angel Pagan last week to give them some OF depth in advance of a trade for Santana.

The Mets always get deals done with Peter Greenberg, so signing Santana to an extention would be no problem.

It seems pretty evident that Brian Cashman and Theo Epstein don’t really want Santana and his contract, otherwise a deal would have already gotten done. If Santana ends up in Queens, the AL East Rivals would be thrilled.

Even Chairman Hank seems to understand that this trade doesn’t make sense because of the money and years it would take to sign Santana.

Side note: Exchanged some e-mails with Phil Hughes the last couple of days. He started working out in Tampa a few days ago. Phil Franchise used some of his bonus money to get a place in Florida and he’s one of the first to report to the complex.

1. JBRO January 10th, 2008 at 12:03 pm

This would be awesome
2. Yazman January 10th, 2008 at 12:07 pm

It would certainly be a good situation for Santana.

And even if the Red Sox overpaid for Santana (even Lester+Ellsbury, never mind the weak packages proposed), it wouldn’t be good for the Yanks. I think the Yanks’ #1 goal is that Santana not go to Fenway.
3. Yazman January 10th, 2008 at 12:09 pm

Plus the Mets need Santana more desperately than anyone. If they got Joahan and Pedro’s healthy come the playoffs, they’ll be a force.
4. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 12:09 pm

Seeing Santana in a Mets uniform during the Mets-Yankees series would be…..uh…..I’d rather have him on the mound for the Yanks.
5. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Dude, that information about Phil just makes me love him even more…
6. Hello January 10th, 2008 at 12:11 pm

I think both the BoSox and the Yanks are sitting back silently rooting for Omar to pull the trigger.
7. Yazman January 10th, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Agreed, Phil.
8. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 12:12 pm

And the Mets need more than one pitcher if they have any serious plans for October.
9. raymagnetic January 10th, 2008 at 12:12 pm

Isn’t Fernando Martinez a RF?
10. SJ44 January 10th, 2008 at 12:14 pm

Agreed hello.
11. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 12:14 pm

since i had declared a moratorium on speaking about ace pitchers from northern midwest teams… i would say that the mets may be crazy to trade all thier top talent for an unmentionable ace, but it sure would change the picture in the NL East. SP is the only thing the mets are really lacking. (they will still need more of it, though)
12. Scooter January 10th, 2008 at 12:15 pm

Pete -
The morning after you asked Howard Rubenstein about the org chart, Hank admitted to the Daily News that it is an equal partnership between he and Hal:

Now if this is the rumored Mets deal… what do you think happened on the Yankees side?
1) Hank realized it would take more than Hughes, Melky and Marquez, and the baseball people advocating the deal (Stick Michael?) felt that the cost in prospects would be too high
2) The Yankees and Sox were playing keep-away, and all the Hank statements were a way to stay in the Santana mix without doing anything. With the Mets stepping forward as lead suitor, the Yankees could step back
3) After your question, and all the media questions, the Yankees realilzed they needed Hank to publicly admit that he was NOT the new boss. Ultimately, Hal said “no” to Santana, and that put the kibbosh on the deal.

I guess it could be a mix of all of the above…
13. Bring Back Tony Womack to Play Left Field January 10th, 2008 at 12:15 pm

Phil, you’re starting too early! You’re gonna hurt yourself!
14. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:16 pm

if the Mets want to give up their top 5 prospects, they can go ahead and do that.

the Yankees are not going to try to beat that (they would have to BEAT the Mets offer, not just match it, since the Twins would prefer to deal Santana out of the AL).

that would involve something like Tabata, Kennedy, Horne, and Jackson.

would anyone here make that trade?

now, i don’t like the Mets’ pitching prospects that much, i think Humber is pretty overrated, but that doesn’t mean the Twins don’t feel the same way.
15. randy l. January 10th, 2008 at 12:17 pm

“If Santana ends up in Queens, the AL East Rivals would be thrilled.”
if it were allowedl for mlb trades, theo and cashman would probably throw in a low level prospect or two into the mets package if it would help get santana to the mets and stop each of hem from overpaying to keep santana away from each other.
16. Geo Diego January 10th, 2008 at 12:17 pm

Santana to the mets would be great. Yes we have to play them a few times but its much better than him in fenway. Good going Hughes.
17. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 12:18 pm

The Mets do need Santana more than the Yankees or the Red Sox as their pitching was bad before Glavine left.
18. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:20 pm

“Seeing Santana in a Mets uniform during the Mets-Yankees series would be…..uh…..I’d rather have him on the mound for the Yanks.”

i don’t get it, who cares? the Yankees play the Mets 6 games per year.

besides bragging rights, why should it matter?

a game against the Mets is less important than a game against the Devil Rays once you take the emotion out of it.

i’d love to have Johan too, but if the Mets want to trade their top 5 prospects for him, they can go for it.
19. Florida Yank January 10th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

No surprise that Phil Hughes is working out. He’s one of several Yankees including the Captain and his catcher (Jorge) that live in Tampa and go to the minor league complex across the road from Legends Field for early workouts. They’ll be joined by several others looking to get a head start.
20. Don Capone January 10th, 2008 at 12:23 pm

If the Mets get him, that’ll be great. Keep Phil Hughes!
21. Doreen January 10th, 2008 at 12:26 pm

Well, even if Santana stays with the Twins, they’d have to face him, so if they have to face him vs. the Mets, who cares? Facing Santana isn’t the issue, even if he were on the Red Sox. It’s what Santana would add to the Red Sox if they got him.
22. Wotii Chang January 10th, 2008 at 12:26 pm

‎”Phil you’re starting too early you’re gonna get hurt” Practicing and working out doesn’t get players hurt. What gets them her is overworking their arms I’m sure Hughes knows that and he’s just there to be in shape.
23. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 12:27 pm

Put this day in your calender as one of the few times that Yankee fans are actually rooting for the Mets to get better. Can someone remember the last time that happened?

If Santana goes to the Mets. I think we should try to get Nathan from them for a Melky and Marquiz or something similiar to that. Nathan and Rivera back to back. Not too shabby.Thoughts.
24. Yanksrule57 January 10th, 2008 at 12:27 pm

I smell the desparation coming from Queens on this one. The Twins look like they are going to siphon everything they can from the Met’s system. Good. Better them than us.
The Met’s have to replace Glavine and this def would be a significant upgrade.

Jeez, Santana in the NL might win 20 by August.
25. Doreen January 10th, 2008 at 12:28 pm

Pete, good news about Phil. Can’t wait for the season to start.
26. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 12:31 pm

hmmmm: Has nothing to do with the game against the Mets being more important than any other regular season game. Has to do with the fact that I have tickets to Yankees games and not Mets games at Shea. Otherwise I wouldn’t see Santana.
27. Jim PA January 10th, 2008 at 12:31 pm

God bless Omar Minaya if he can put an end to this ridiculous Santana standoff (we don’t want him, but wait, yes we do, but only if the Sox do). And Phil Franchise has a work ethic! Don’t you just love this kid already?
28. BBB January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Sounds good to me, hope they get it done! In addition to obvious reasons why the Mets getting him would be good for us, it would be cool to watch Santana hit on a regular basis, he is pretty good at it.
29. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

i think he might have been referring to a post season series against the mets.
certainly could happen given the state of the NL these days
30. Rich January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

That’s outstanding news on Phil Hughes. There’s a guy that went into ‘07 the top ranked pitching prospect in baseball and due to injury saw his reputation take a slight hit. I can’t wait to see what kind of season he puts together over a full 162. That’s also the kind of work ethic you want to see out of a future #1 starter.
31. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Im really happy to here about Jeter working out hard this year. After a banged up year, I think he will finally take the batting title and be an MVP candidate. Last year he was playing volley ball with Beil on net and him serving. Cant immagine he got manny serves over.
32. TurnTwo January 10th, 2008 at 12:33 pm

SOS, agreed. Cashman should be first in line for Nathan.

they obviously like Marquez, if they were willing to take him over other pitchers in the reported Johan deal… pair him with two other lower level prospects and you should have yourself a deal.
33. J. V. - Yonkers January 10th, 2008 at 12:35 pm

No big deal if Santana ends up in Queens. He is not the difference maker with the Mets. He winds up as 1 of 4 marquee names the Mets can boast about with Wright, Reyes, and Beltran. Nothing is carved in stone with Pedro. The NL East is weak. Let the Mets trade what little future their farm system has. Run the table. Go the gamut. Maybe they can put a few more rumps in their new ballpark in 2009. Metro NYC can handle it.
34. BBB January 10th, 2008 at 12:36 pm

S.o.S., good idea on looking into Nathan. I think a lot of the kids in our system are going to step up and become important parts of the pen this year, but maybe not immediately and/or without some growing pains, so it would make me feel a lot better to have a guaranteed arm like Nathan’s in there. The only thing is though, he’s a FA soon, so not sure how he would feel about going into free agency looking for a closer’s job and money, but just having been a setup guy. But I like the idea of adding a proven arm. If Nathan didn’t work out, I wonder if a similar deal for Bobby Jenks might be possible?
35. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:37 pm

“i think he might have been referring to a post season series against the mets.
certainly could happen given the state of the NL these days”

well, i guess if the Yankees make it to the WS, i can worry about it then.

” Has to do with the fact that I have tickets to Yankees games and not Mets games at Shea. Otherwise I wouldn’t see Santana.”

36. McLovin January 10th, 2008 at 12:38 pm

Good to keep Phil but Pete don’t say the contract is out of this world.If we gave him a 6 year extension he will gives us 4 of those years in his prime.And he’s worth $20 million with Giambi and Andy “HGH” Pettite off the books.

He’s 29 not 33 like Mussina or 40 like Randy Johnson.I would have given Ian Kennedy,Austin Jackson,Tabata and Marquez.Because like someone in ESPN radio said you can get outfielders in the freeagent market not young pitching.Especially 29 Santana.
37. kd January 10th, 2008 at 12:39 pm

anyone know if phil and jeter are working out together? that would be huge, jeter could give him useful tips all winter
38. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 12:40 pm

Wotii Chang
January 10th, 2008 at 12:26 pm
‎”Phil you’re starting too early you’re gonna get hurt” Practicing and working out doesn’t get players hurt. What gets them her is overworking their arms I’m sure Hughes knows that and he’s just there to be in shape.

Some old school trainers and pitchers believe that pitching more actually prevents injury. They say that it actually strenghens your arm rather than hurts it. So let him throw all he wants.
39. Vader January 10th, 2008 at 12:40 pm

I wish Santana would make it to FA, but if not please go to the Mets and soon. As for Phil, great news, IMO he is going to change alot of fans minds this year.
40. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 12:41 pm

ok i got ya
wouldn’t that be crazy though, a subway series to close out both ballparks!
41. jennifer- Hip Hip Jorge January 10th, 2008 at 12:41 pm

Is def showing the Yankees why he shouldn’t be traded. Very Happy

You know what is amazing assuming that this story is accurate no matter who a team includes in a trade it is never enough. The twins are always looking for another player.
42. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:42 pm

“I would have given Ian Kennedy,Austin Jackson,Tabata and Marquez.Because like someone in ESPN radio said you can get outfielders in the freeagent market not young pitching.”

well, if ESPN radio said it, it must be a good idea.
43. grafxkid January 10th, 2008 at 12:43 pm

Thanks for the Hughes update. I pray he’s still in pinstripes come Opening Day. “Phil Franchise” is right!!
44. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 12:43 pm

i agree, but the mets deal isnt done (apparently b/c the twins are asking for 1 more guy)
45. BBB January 10th, 2008 at 12:43 pm

Oh, and the blurb on Hughes buying a place in Tampa to start his workouts earlier just serves as further proof why trading him would be ridiculous. The kid’s mental makeup and work ethic are obviously off the charts and enough to handle NY - and considering he is cost controlled for 5 more years, absolute blasphemy to even entertain the thought of getting rid of him!
46. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:44 pm

“You know what is amazing assuming that this story is accurate no matter who a team includes in a trade it is never enough. The twins are always looking for another player.”

in fairness to the Twins, the guy the Mets won’t give up is their #1 prospect. he’s really the guy the Twins want.

i am sure the Twins would drop one of the other guys from the deal if Martinez was included.
47. McLovin January 10th, 2008 at 12:47 pm


No but it brings up a great point.Everybody so crazy for Austin Jackson and Tabatha though Phil Hughes is more better then those two put together.The Yankees didn’t have to put Hughes in this deal.The Mets are giving up pitchers that are like Alan Horne,AA pitchers.But they are giving up two outfield prospects and adding quanity rather then quality.
48. JonMichel January 10th, 2008 at 12:48 pm


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:57 am

That’s what I like to see from a guy my age going to work before Pettitte, Joba, Ian, Moose, Wang, and so on. Hughes is a type of guy that kids should look up to with good work ethic and determination.
49. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 12:50 pm

ap is reporting that the Minnesota Twins are considering trading Johan Santana to the state of Missouri for the entire major and minor league rosters of the Cardinals and Royals. sources say the sticking point is that the twins are holding out for Kaufman Stadium to be thrown in to close the deal…
stay tuned for more…
50. Vader January 10th, 2008 at 12:50 pm

I’m with you BBB
51. Jake January 10th, 2008 at 12:51 pm

Phil is motivated. I love the determination, just hope he doesn’t tire himself out before season’s end.

Let Santana go to the Mets, who cares. I am tired of hearing his name. Also, let the Mets sell the farm and spend the money. It really isn’t worth it. Plus, it keeps him out of the AL BEast and AL for that matter.
52. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 12:51 pm

January 10th, 2008 at 12:33 pm
SOS, agreed. Cashman should be first in line for Nathan.

they obviously like Marquez, if they were willing to take him over other pitchers in the reported Johan deal… pair him with two other lower level prospects and you should have yourself a deal.

Sign me up. I would try harder to get Nathan than they did getting Santana. I really believe Nathan is the missing piece that could make us the favorites to win the A.L.

I mentioned this yesterday and want your oppinion. Who do you think will make the most impact from the farm this year for the Big League team?
My guess was Horne and close second Miranda.
53. McLovin January 10th, 2008 at 12:52 pm

WEll it seems the Mets are getting Santana.So can we now give up Alan Horne for Dámaso Marte or a another setup man.
54. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 12:54 pm

January 10th, 2008 at 12:36 pm
S.o.S., good idea on looking into Nathan. I think a lot of the kids in our system are going to step up and become important parts of the pen this year, but maybe not immediately and/or without some growing pains, so it would make me feel a lot better to have a guaranteed arm like Nathan’s in there. The only thing is though, he’s a FA soon, so not sure how he would feel about going into free agency looking for a closer’s job and money, but just having been a setup guy. But I like the idea of adding a proven arm. If Nathan didn’t work out, I wonder if a similar deal for Bobby Jenks might be possible?

Good point. I wouldnt mind having a Jenks either. I just think Nathan is more optainable, being that they want to cut money and we have been in talks with them.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:59 am

Peter Abraham aka Fat Teletubby is so happy right now and jumping for joy that Yankees will not get Johan and Mets will get him.. Whoopie.....

Some signs of a Santana trade?


The desperate-to-do-something Mets have included top pitching prospect Deolis Guerra to their offer. Their package appears to be:

RHP Deolis Guerra
OF Carlos Gomez
RHP Kevin Mulvey
RHP Phil Humber

The Twins also want CF Fernando Martinez. It’s uncertain whether the Mets would give him up. But Carlos Beltran isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Many people around the industry believe the Mets traded for Angel Pagan last week to give them some OF depth in advance of a trade for Santana.

The Mets always get deals done with Peter Greenberg, so signing Santana to an extention would be no problem.

It seems pretty evident that Brian Cashman and Theo Epstein don’t really want Santana and his contract, otherwise a deal would have already gotten done. If Santana ends up in Queens, the AL East Rivals would be thrilled.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:05 am

Peter Abraham aka Fat Tele tubby is so happy right now and jumping for joy that Yankees will not get Johan and Mets will get him.. Whoopie.....

Santana - Page 7 Tubbs2jv2

Santana - Page 7 Tubbs2jv2

Some signs of a Santana trade?


The desperate-to-do-something Mets have included top pitching prospect Deolis Guerra to their offer. Their package appears to be:

RHP Deolis Guerra
OF Carlos Gomez
RHP Kevin Mulvey
RHP Phil Humber

The Twins also want CF Fernando Martinez. It’s uncertain whether the Mets would give him up. But Carlos Beltran isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Many people around the industry believe the Mets traded for Angel Pagan last week to give them some OF depth in advance of a trade for Santana.

The Mets always get deals done with Peter Greenberg, so signing Santana to an extention would be no problem.

It seems pretty evident that Brian Cashman and Theo Epstein don’t really want Santana and his contract, otherwise a deal would have already gotten done. If Santana ends up in Queens, the AL East Rivals would be thrilled.


Posts : 3654
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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:06 am

Pete -
The morning after you asked Howard Rubenstein about the org chart, Hank admitted to the Daily News that it is an equal partnership between he and Hal:

Now if this is the rumored Mets deal… what do you think happened on the Yankees side?
1) Hank realized it would take more than Hughes, Melky and Marquez, and the baseball people advocating the deal (Stick Michael?) felt that the cost in prospects would be too high
2) The Yankees and Sox were playing keep-away, and all the Hank statements were a way to stay in the Santana mix without doing anything. With the Mets stepping forward as lead suitor, the Yankees could step back
3) After your question, and all the media questions, the Yankees realilzed they needed Hank to publicly admit that he was NOT the new boss. Ultimately, Hal said “no” to Santana, and that put the kibbosh on the deal.

I guess it could be a mix of all of the above…


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:14 am

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Some signs of a Santana trade?


The well-respected Joe Christensen of the Star-Tribune in Minneapolis has an interesting story on the Johan Santana situation today.

The desperate-to-do-something Mets have included top pitching prospect Deolis Guerra to their offer. Their package appears to be:

RHP Deolis Guerra
OF Carlos Gomez
RHP Kevin Mulvey
RHP Phil Humber

The Twins also want CF Fernando Martinez. It’s uncertain whether the Mets would give him up. But Carlos Beltran isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Many people around the industry believe the Mets traded for Angel Pagan last week to give them some OF depth in advance of a trade for Santana.

The Mets always get deals done with Peter Greenberg, so signing Santana to an extention would be no problem.

It seems pretty evident that Brian Cashman and Theo Epstein don’t really want Santana and his contract, otherwise a deal would have already gotten done. If Santana ends up in Queens, the AL East Rivals would be thrilled.

Even Chairman Hank seems to understand that this trade doesn’t make sense because of the money and years it would take to sign Santana.

Side note: Exchanged some e-mails with Phil Hughes the last couple of days. He started working out in Tampa a few days ago. Phil Franchise used some of his bonus money to get a place in Florida and he’s one of the first to report to the complex.

This entry was posted on Thursday, January 10th, 2008 at 12:00 pm by Peter Abraham.
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54 Responses to “Some signs of a Santana trade?”

1. JBRO January 10th, 2008 at 12:03 pm

This would be awesome
2. Yazman January 10th, 2008 at 12:07 pm

It would certainly be a good situation for Santana.

And even if the Red Sox overpaid for Santana (even Lester+Ellsbury, never mind the weak packages proposed), it wouldn’t be good for the Yanks. I think the Yanks’ #1 goal is that Santana not go to Fenway.
3. Yazman January 10th, 2008 at 12:09 pm

Plus the Mets need Santana more desperately than anyone. If they got Joahan and Pedro’s healthy come the playoffs, they’ll be a force.
4. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 12:09 pm

Seeing Santana in a Mets uniform during the Mets-Yankees series would be…..uh…..I’d rather have him on the mound for the Yanks.
5. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Dude, that information about Phil just makes me love him even more…
6. Hello January 10th, 2008 at 12:11 pm

I think both the BoSox and the Yanks are sitting back silently rooting for Omar to pull the trigger.
7. Yazman January 10th, 2008 at 12:11 pm

Agreed, Phil.
8. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 12:12 pm

And the Mets need more than one pitcher if they have any serious plans for October.
9. raymagnetic January 10th, 2008 at 12:12 pm

Isn’t Fernando Martinez a RF?
10. SJ44 January 10th, 2008 at 12:14 pm

Agreed hello.
11. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 12:14 pm

since i had declared a moratorium on speaking about ace pitchers from northern midwest teams… i would say that the mets may be crazy to trade all thier top talent for an unmentionable ace, but it sure would change the picture in the NL East. SP is the only thing the mets are really lacking. (they will still need more of it, though)
12. Scooter January 10th, 2008 at 12:15 pm

Pete -
The morning after you asked Howard Rubenstein about the org chart, Hank admitted to the Daily News that it is an equal partnership between he and Hal:

Now if this is the rumored Mets deal… what do you think happened on the Yankees side?
1) Hank realized it would take more than Hughes, Melky and Marquez, and the baseball people advocating the deal (Stick Michael?) felt that the cost in prospects would be too high
2) The Yankees and Sox were playing keep-away, and all the Hank statements were a way to stay in the Santana mix without doing anything. With the Mets stepping forward as lead suitor, the Yankees could step back
3) After your question, and all the media questions, the Yankees realilzed they needed Hank to publicly admit that he was NOT the new boss. Ultimately, Hal said “no” to Santana, and that put the kibbosh on the deal.

I guess it could be a mix of all of the above…
13. Bring Back Tony Womack to Play Left Field January 10th, 2008 at 12:15 pm

Phil, you’re starting too early! You’re gonna hurt yourself!
14. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:16 pm

if the Mets want to give up their top 5 prospects, they can go ahead and do that.

the Yankees are not going to try to beat that (they would have to BEAT the Mets offer, not just match it, since the Twins would prefer to deal Santana out of the AL).

that would involve something like Tabata, Kennedy, Horne, and Jackson.

would anyone here make that trade?

now, i don’t like the Mets’ pitching prospects that much, i think Humber is pretty overrated, but that doesn’t mean the Twins don’t feel the same way.
15. randy l. January 10th, 2008 at 12:17 pm

“If Santana ends up in Queens, the AL East Rivals would be thrilled.”
if it were allowedl for mlb trades, theo and cashman would probably throw in a low level prospect or two into the mets package if it would help get santana to the mets and stop each of hem from overpaying to keep santana away from each other.
16. Geo Diego January 10th, 2008 at 12:17 pm

Santana to the mets would be great. Yes we have to play them a few times but its much better than him in fenway. Good going Hughes.
17. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 12:18 pm

The Mets do need Santana more than the Yankees or the Red Sox as their pitching was bad before Glavine left.
18. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:20 pm

“Seeing Santana in a Mets uniform during the Mets-Yankees series would be…..uh…..I’d rather have him on the mound for the Yanks.”

i don’t get it, who cares? the Yankees play the Mets 6 games per year.

besides bragging rights, why should it matter?

a game against the Mets is less important than a game against the Devil Rays once you take the emotion out of it.

i’d love to have Johan too, but if the Mets want to trade their top 5 prospects for him, they can go for it.
19. Florida Yank January 10th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

No surprise that Phil Hughes is working out. He’s one of several Yankees including the Captain and his catcher (Jorge) that live in Tampa and go to the minor league complex across the road from Legends Field for early workouts. They’ll be joined by several others looking to get a head start.
20. Don Capone January 10th, 2008 at 12:23 pm

If the Mets get him, that’ll be great. Keep Phil Hughes!
21. Doreen January 10th, 2008 at 12:26 pm

Well, even if Santana stays with the Twins, they’d have to face him, so if they have to face him vs. the Mets, who cares? Facing Santana isn’t the issue, even if he were on the Red Sox. It’s what Santana would add to the Red Sox if they got him.
22. Wotii Chang January 10th, 2008 at 12:26 pm

‎”Phil you’re starting too early you’re gonna get hurt” Practicing and working out doesn’t get players hurt. What gets them her is overworking their arms I’m sure Hughes knows that and he’s just there to be in shape.
23. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 12:27 pm

Put this day in your calender as one of the few times that Yankee fans are actually rooting for the Mets to get better. Can someone remember the last time that happened?

If Santana goes to the Mets. I think we should try to get Nathan from them for a Melky and Marquiz or something similiar to that. Nathan and Rivera back to back. Not too shabby.Thoughts.
24. Yanksrule57 January 10th, 2008 at 12:27 pm

I smell the desparation coming from Queens on this one. The Twins look like they are going to siphon everything they can from the Met’s system. Good. Better them than us.
The Met’s have to replace Glavine and this def would be a significant upgrade.

Jeez, Santana in the NL might win 20 by August.
25. Doreen January 10th, 2008 at 12:28 pm

Pete, good news about Phil. Can’t wait for the season to start.
26. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 12:31 pm

hmmmm: Has nothing to do with the game against the Mets being more important than any other regular season game. Has to do with the fact that I have tickets to Yankees games and not Mets games at Shea. Otherwise I wouldn’t see Santana.
27. Jim PA January 10th, 2008 at 12:31 pm

God bless Omar Minaya if he can put an end to this ridiculous Santana standoff (we don’t want him, but wait, yes we do, but only if the Sox do). And Phil Franchise has a work ethic! Don’t you just love this kid already?
28. BBB January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Sounds good to me, hope they get it done! In addition to obvious reasons why the Mets getting him would be good for us, it would be cool to watch Santana hit on a regular basis, he is pretty good at it.
29. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

i think he might have been referring to a post season series against the mets.
certainly could happen given the state of the NL these days
30. Rich January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

That’s outstanding news on Phil Hughes. There’s a guy that went into ‘07 the top ranked pitching prospect in baseball and due to injury saw his reputation take a slight hit. I can’t wait to see what kind of season he puts together over a full 162. That’s also the kind of work ethic you want to see out of a future #1 starter.
31. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Im really happy to here about Jeter working out hard this year. After a banged up year, I think he will finally take the batting title and be an MVP candidate. Last year he was playing volley ball with Beil on net and him serving. Cant immagine he got manny serves over.
32. TurnTwo January 10th, 2008 at 12:33 pm

SOS, agreed. Cashman should be first in line for Nathan.

they obviously like Marquez, if they were willing to take him over other pitchers in the reported Johan deal… pair him with two other lower level prospects and you should have yourself a deal.
33. J. V. - Yonkers January 10th, 2008 at 12:35 pm

No big deal if Santana ends up in Queens. He is not the difference maker with the Mets. He winds up as 1 of 4 marquee names the Mets can boast about with Wright, Reyes, and Beltran. Nothing is carved in stone with Pedro. The NL East is weak. Let the Mets trade what little future their farm system has. Run the table. Go the gamut. Maybe they can put a few more rumps in their new ballpark in 2009. Metro NYC can handle it.
34. BBB January 10th, 2008 at 12:36 pm

S.o.S., good idea on looking into Nathan. I think a lot of the kids in our system are going to step up and become important parts of the pen this year, but maybe not immediately and/or without some growing pains, so it would make me feel a lot better to have a guaranteed arm like Nathan’s in there. The only thing is though, he’s a FA soon, so not sure how he would feel about going into free agency looking for a closer’s job and money, but just having been a setup guy. But I like the idea of adding a proven arm. If Nathan didn’t work out, I wonder if a similar deal for Bobby Jenks might be possible?
35. hmmm January 10th, 2008 at 12:37 pm

“i think he might have been referring to a post season series against the mets.
certainly could happen given the state of the NL these days”

well, i guess if the Yankees make it to the WS, i can worry about it then.

” Has to do with the fact that I have tickets to Yankees games and not Mets games at Shea. Otherwise I wouldn’t see Santana.”


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:15 am

# January 10th, 2008 at 1:05 pm


Jim Callis at Baseball America ranks Marquez higher than Horne.
# Russell NY January 10th, 2008 at 1:06 pm

I love The Yankees
# JBRO January 10th, 2008 at 1:06 pm

I would give anything to see a Hughes victory of Santana against the Mets….
# saucy January 10th, 2008 at 1:08 pm

how hyped up will a Hughes vs Santana sunday night Yanks/Mets game be if this deal went through?
# Russell NY January 10th, 2008 at 1:10 pm

ap is reporting that the Minnesota Twins are considering trading Johan Santana to the state of Missouri for the entire major and minor league rosters of the Cardinals and Royals. sources say the sticking point is that the twins are holding out for Kaufman Stadium to be thrown in to close the deal…
stay tuned for more…”

Do you have an update on this? I heard they threw in the stadium.
# S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 1:11 pm

Another team we should be rooting for is the Mariners. Cant say i will miss Beddard pitching agianst us a handfull of games each year. Now we just need Jays to trade Halliday and the season will be set.
# Vader January 10th, 2008 at 1:11 pm

How can you not love the yankees?
# jennifer- Hip Hip Jorge January 10th, 2008 at 1:12 pm


Isn’t that the truth. I heard Burnett might be on the market. So that might be good too.
# i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 1:12 pm

russ, now they’re holding out for Busch instead of Kaufman because the fountains cost too much to maintain.
# Russell NY

# January 10th, 2008 at 1:11 pm

How can you not love the yankees?
# jennifer- Hip Hip Jorge January 10th, 2008 at 1:12 pm


Isn’t that the truth. I heard Burnett might be on the market. So that might be good too.
# i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 1:12 pm

russ, now they’re holding out for Busch instead of Kaufman because the fountains cost too much to maintain.
# Russell NY January 10th, 2008 at 1:13 pm

I ask my girlfriend that every day.
# pat January 10th, 2008 at 1:13 pm

Pete said Phil is working out, he didn’t say he was pitching. Most pitchers have to do leg, core and flexibility work before they even start throwing.


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:16 am


Nathan would be nice, but at what cost?

You don’t think Smith would demand a hefty price for Nathan? Maybe not as hefty as Santana, but I wouldn’t put it past him to demand Kennedy, Marquez, and Cabrera. Would you? Given what he has asked for for Santana?

I’d love Nathan setting up for Mariano and eventually closing. I guarantee he is made available and traded before the deadline this year…who knows where to though.

BBB January 10th, 2008 at 12:57 pm

Speaking of Damaso Marte, is Pittsburgh still being insane and asking for Kennedy in exchange for him? I don’t even think I’d deal Horne for him, Marquez sounds more palatable.

As an aside, you gotta feel pretty bad for Pirates fans if they are still any left. From what I’ve heard about what they’re asking from other teams in trades (i.e. half the Indians farm system for the over-rated Jason Bay) their new GM is even dumber, and less likely to get anything done, than Littlefield.

# yankeesmuse January 10th, 2008 at 12:58 pm

I cant see the mets agreeing to give up Martinez he is their top prospect and only 19. although the outfield is a little overcrowded now. If he turns out to be half the hitter he is projected to be. I can see him starting at 1st for the mets in 2011. The Yankees package is the better one. Seems like asking for Martinez is just a step down from asking for Reyes or Milledge.

yeah i feel terrible for the pirate fans(both of them). We built them a gorgeous new ballpark (my personal favorite) and they return the favor by barely beating thier revenue sharing check in total payroll

That looks like a similiar package that he asked for in the Santana negotiations. He can ask for the whatever he wants, it doesnt mean he would get it. You have to think Smith isnt that stupid. He cant possibly think that Nathan would net him as much as Santana. NO WAY I GIVE UP THE BIG 4. He can have some extra C rated players if hed like. Maybe even Karstens for some immediate help. Cabrera,Marquiz,Karstens.
# McLovin January 10th, 2008 at 1:02 pm

Whats up with this Jason Lane rumor?Giambi,Wilson,Duncan,Damon,Matsui, and now lane for left field and 1st base.Why han’t the Yankees at least traded some of these guys.Bullpen or prospects at least.
# jennifer- Hip Hip Jorge January 10th, 2008 at 1:04 pm

I’m sure Phil is doing this under the supervision of Yankees training staff


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:20 am

Brian Cashman is the same Gm who sign Carl Pavano to a contract and trade for Javier Vazquez, Kevin Brown. Now He's scared not make a deal and trade for Johan aka Best pitcher in baseball? That's why Yankees will not W.s anytime soon as Cashman is the Gm and his stupid decisions with starting pitching.. Trade for Johan now... I'm sick Phil Stinkin Hughes.


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:28 am

i dont want santana on the opening day roster..we are not going to keep him so lets do it now…why have that distraction to this new squad, that would be senseless…its not that i dont like santana but he no longer is a twin…its that simple , he doesnt want to stay either or he would say so….we need to deal him now and get on with baseball after santana…..and honestly i will be surprised is he is not on the downslide of his career..i know that sounds nuts, but i really believe his best is behind and it was awesome…but now i will take hughes and the rest of our kids….hopefully they will sign a polished winning veteran to be a mentor also….any suggestions on who that may be????

Jesse says:

January 10th, 2008 at 11:58 am

1. Fernando Martinez, of
2. Deolis Guerra, rhp
3. Carlos Gomez, of
4. Kevin Mulvey, rhp
5. Eddie Kunz, rhp
6. Brant Rustich, rhp
7. Philip Humber, rhp
8. Jon Niese, lhp
9. Nathan Vineyard, lhp
10. Robert Parnell, rhp

Best Hitter for Average Fernando Martinez
Best Power Hitter Fernando Martinez
Best Strike-Zone Discipline Ruben Tejeda
Fastest Baserunner Carlos Gomez
Best Athlete Carlos Gomez
Best Fastball Brant Rustich
Best Curveball Philip Humber
Best Slider Kevin Mulvey
Best Changeup Deolis Guerra
Best Control Dylan Owen
Best Defensive Catcher Mike Nickeas
Best Defensive Infielder Jose Coronado
Best Infield Arm Wilmer Flores
Best Defensive Outfielder Carlos Gomez
Best Outfield Arm Carlos Gomez

From http://www.baseballamerica.com/today/prospects/features/265152.html

Justin says:

January 10th, 2008 at 11:59 am

I honestly think if we sent santana and nathan to the mets we’d get f-mart, gomez, and guerra plus 2 of 3 of pelfrey, humber, and mulvey

MH says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:00 pm

gives us 1,2,3,4 & 7 and take johan.

done deal

heck, take rincon keep humber and give us heilman..

Capital E says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:00 pm

Why do that Justin? There’s a chance we could get the same deal for just Santana

liondragon says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:01 pm

this is the one i would love to do…

santana for reyes guerra
more likely to happen…
santana for gomez martinez guerra pelfrey mulvey…
what mets fans want…
santana for gomez humber mulvey heilman..

i can see why you mets fans arnt gms….

reyes IS worth santana.. if anything santana is worth slightly more.. which is why you put in guerra too.. ya reyes is one of the best but as you can see in your breakdown PITCHING wins games not just hitting.. you can have the greatest hitter in the world but if your pitcher stinks you will not win.. if you have ok hitting and a TRUE number one starter.. you will win many more games… thats why the yankees lost in the first round….

Justin says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:02 pm

i think that all we are getting is 4 i dont see the mets over pricing it i see they would offer us gomez, mulvey, humber and a choice between f-mart or guerra

Justin says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:03 pm

i mean u gotta think boston and new york are playing this is all we are gonna offer and i think the mets will too

Capital E says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:05 pm

I think they’ll crack Justin, I really do. They need a splash, and they need an ace who won’t throw less than 100 innings. Liondragon, just because you deem a trade as “fair” or “equitable”, doesn’t mean you can will it to happen. If the Mets view Reyes as more valuable than Santana, than that deal is impossible. Why shouldn’t they? He’s their guy, and they aren’t obligated to make any trade to appease an opponents fan base.

Jesse says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:05 pm

1. Fernando Martinez, of
2. Deolis Guerra, rhp
3. Carlos Gomez, of
4. Kevin Mulvey, rhp

Take this or sub Humber for Mulvey if needed.

Justin says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:07 pm

why a trade with just santana for reyes wont work.
games santana will pitch-34
games reyes will play-150-162

liondragon says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:08 pm

their number 5 and 6 prospects dont look very good though… their best prospects are number 1 2 3 4.. take those and a throw in… anyone out of the top 10 list….. id take humber though cause his curveball sounds good…

MH says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:08 pm


IMHO, the really only true chance the twins had at landing reyes, was to package johan/barlett

lets face it, there are not any good SS available, and reyes is under contract at a very affordable price..

so once barlett left for tampa, there was no way that reyes would be involved in the johan deal..

just aint happening.. IMHO

liondragon says:

January 10th, 2008 at 12:09 pm

why it will work..



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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:29 am

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More from "The Mouth" himself


"We're equal partners, but at this point, to tell you the truth, I'm leaning away from it anyway, so it doesn't matter. Same thing with Brian, he's another integral part of it, obviously, being the general manager, and one day he's leaning to do it and the next day he's not sure.


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:31 am

More buzz about the Mets lately than anybody else. If he ends up a Met I'd be happy with that, the Sox being on the hook for the contract he'll want is scary, and so is Johan at the top of the MFY rotation.

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QUOTE(IpswichSox @ Jan 8 2008, 01:15 PM) *
To say that either of the known Boston or New York offers would represent "blowing up" their farm systems is simply not accurate.

Compare the proposed Santana trades with what the Tigers did in the Cabrera/Willis trade – the Cabrera/Willis trade "nearly empties the Tigers' prospect cupboard," according to Baseball America.

What the Tigers gave up:

* Cameron Maybin is a true five-tool player and the Tigers' No. 1 overall prospect;
* Andrew Miller was the top-ranked prospect in 2006 coming out of University of North Carolina (he only fell to sixth in the first round because of his signing bonus demands) and made his MLB debut last August;
* Eulogio de la Cruz, although not finished, throws 100 mph;
* Dallas Trahern, with a plus sinker his groundout-to-flyout ratio of 2.57 last year ranked him second in AA (behind only Masterson) and sixth overall among all pitchers in AA and AAA;
* Mike Rabelo will be a backup MLB catcher with limited stick but solid defense and game-calling skills; and
* Burke Badenhop is an MLB-ready back-end of the rotation pitcher.

If the Red Sox had made the Cabrera/Willis deal, what would the equivalent have been in terms of our prospects? We can't make direct one-to-one comparisons because the positions are different, but maybe something like:

* Maybin = Buchholz
* Miller = Ellsbury
* de la Cruz = Anderson
* Trahern = Masterson
* Rabelo = Mark Wagner (?)
* Badenshop = PTBN

(This is an inexact science: Even though Anderson > de la Cruz, Maybin > Buchholz, so I was trying to even things out – I wouldn't trade Anderson straight up for de la Cruz.)

This hypothetical trade would be close to thinning the farm as much as it did to the Tigers, but I still wouldn't call that "blowing up" the minors. And any proposed Santana deal, as least those that we know about, wouldn't come close to what the Tigers sent to Florida, or the hypothetical above.

However, I do think it's best to consider a Yankee-Twins Santana trade as blowing up their farm system. Here's why I say this: 1) Melky was home grown, is solid in CF (his assist numbers last season were outstanding), a decent hitter (who will probably get better), and is a fan-favorite; 2) Hughes is supposed to be the next coming of Koufax (or maybe that's Joba); 3) Kennedy is the next coming of Hughes; and (this is the KEY to my arguement) 4) the Spanks have NO PITCHING!!!, esp. AFTER '08. Moose will be let loose next season, Andy is a year-to-year pitcher, and Joba is still pretty green... If they trade for Santana and give up 2 - 3 pitching prospects, plus their CF, they will be in dire straights (plus they are getting older) so, in essence, they are blow up their farm system...

I understand we don't like talking ultra-critically of the Spanks, but I think this point is valid to make. It reeks of "business as usual" re. the Steinbrenner's (buy all the talent...) and goes against Cashman's philosophy (eerily similar to Theo's) of building within and pitching is key. In short I agree we wouldn't be blowing up OUR system (unless you consider the cost of Santana and NOT being able to sign young players), but it would be blowing up the Yankees, which I'm happy to pull up a chair and watch... I just don't want him going to FA next year and in essence costing someone nothing but $$$...

Even if the Twins accept one of the Red Sox packages, do you really see Theo and company shelling out that much money? Or even giving him a long term deal? The trade package is one obstacle here but I think the contract is the bigger beast. Reports were that he wanted 7 years/$25 Million. I don't see Theo doing that at all. My guess is that he would get a four year contract at best. And Santana could get $25 Million a year, however I would think the salary base would be lower and performance incentives in the contract would pull the value up.

On might argue that Theo gave a bunch of money to pursue Dice K. However, that $50 Million posting fee was an investment into the Japanese market. That $50 Million should be able to pay itself off with media revenues, brand marketing and could help the Red Sox in the future when acquiring talent from there.

QUOTE(TheGoldenGreek33 @ Jan 8 2008, 10:20 PM) *
Yeah, he also said if A-Rod opted out his his contract, they would not pursue him as a FA.

And that the Yanks were "out" of the Santana race. I'd trust a Jersey hooker to be clean before I trusted anything Hankenstein ever says.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:37 am

Mirabelli to return


The Red Sox have done relatively to address their bench so far this offseason, but the team is on the verge of addressing its catching situation by bringing back Doug Mirabelli.

According to sources, Mirabelli is close to accepting a one-year deal from the team that will pay him in the range of a guaranteed $550,000 to serve as backup to Jason Varitek. The guaranteed portion of the deal is down from the $750,000 Mirabelli earned last season, but incentives allow the catcher to reach an approximate $1 million ceiling that he had last year.

The Sox were hoping to bring back Mirabelli on a non-guaranteed contract, something the player and his agents, Sam and Seth Levinson, were unwilling to do. As is often the case, there decidedly few options at catcher in the free agent market.

With Varitek entering the final year of his contract, the Sox have serious long-term catching concerns beyond this season. It is likely that the club will revisit Varitek’s contract with him during spring training in hopes of securing the player to an extension that could cost between $10-$13 million a year, the latter of which is the sum being pair to both Pudge Rodriguez and Jorge Posada.

While Rodriguez had a $13 million option picked up by the Detroit Tigers earlier this offseason, the New York Yankees signed Posada to a four-year contract worth an estimated $13 million per year


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:42 am

Odds and Ends: Phelps, Mirabelli, Varitek

Random rumors and links for your perusal...

* The Cardinals inked Josh Phelps to a minor league deal that could be worth up to $1MM. I always liked Phelps; he's a more than capable bench guy.
* The Red Sox bit the bullet and brought Doug Mirabelli back for another round. Tony Massarotti notes that the Red Sox may sign Jason Varitek to an extension this spring worth upward of $10MM annually. I still like the idea of going after Kenji Johjima next winter.

Cards sign Phelps to minor league contract

The Cardinals, adding a right-handed hitter to their bench, have signed Josh Phelps to a minor-league contract.

Phelps, who turns 30 on May 12, will serve mainly in a pinch-hitting role if he makes the club while also serving as a backup to first baseman Albert Pujols and third catcher.

His contract includes a major-league salary of $750,000 and $250,000 in performance bonuses, according to a major-league source.

Phelps was the Opening Day first baseman for the Yankees last season, but eventually lost time to Doug Mientkiewicz and was waived on June 12.

After getting claimed by the Pirates, Phelps batted .351 in 77 at-bats with a .463 on-base percentage and .649 slugging percentage, and did not commit an error in 22 games at first base.


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:39 pm

"I can't predict the future," Smith said.

Santana, meanwhile, doesn't seem overly eager to learn where he'll be pitching this year. He hasn't called Smith to inquire about his status.

In a way, I hope it's true. I'd love to start the season with Santana.

Posted by: Lee54616 | January 10, 2008 at 08:37 AM

I'll do the deal if F-Mart replaces Gomez and Pelfrey replaces Mulvey, heck I'll toss in Heilman so ....
Guerra, F-Mart, Heilman, Humbar Pelfrey for Santana

Posted by: beezer | January 10, 2008 at 09:45 AM

Yeah, I heard Hank say that this morning that he's leaning away from the deal.

Then, he took a bite of his grapefruit and said "well,I don't know....ummm...maybe we'll do something".

Then he farted and said "Is that Bedard kid still available?....Nah, I like Santana better....where's Cash at? Tell him to call those guys in Minny again....uh oh...I have to take a dump" and raced to the men's room.

This is all so technical.

Posted by: Blutarski | January 10, 2008 at 09:52 AM

Lets go over a few names here:

1. pulsipher
2. isringhausen
3. wilson
4. alex escobar
5. mike pelfrey
6. ochoa

w/exception of pelfrey bc well he's still young we have a history of prospects busting..its JOHAN SANTANA - pull the trigger.

Posted by: joeyi | January 10, 2008 at 10:31 AM

Haha, the Yanks out. As I recall they were "out" on the A-Rod sweepstakes too...

Posted by: Andy Braves Fan | January 10, 2008 at 10:54 AM

Let us not forget about...

David West
Lastings Milledge
Billy Traber
Pat Strange

Posted by: beezer | January 10, 2008 at 10:57 AM


Milledge?? Really??

We're writing off the 22 year old as a busted prospect?

Some people don't deserve to speak... or type in this case.

Also, @brewtown

"No chance Pedro pitches 100 innings. None."

He pitched 28 good innings after coming back (plus another 18 in the minors). 46 innings pitched last year with no discomfort and no missed starts. How exactly is 100 innings out of the question? Please educate yourself before giving your (baseless) opinion.

Haha... Brewer fans kill me.

Posted by: JerseyMetFan | January 10, 2008 at 11:21 AM

thank you jersey you said it all for me !!!! i bet the mets will have a better record than the crappy brewers ....are u serious and dont even say the suewers are better than the mets neither the mets own them tooo they wone 33 out their last 50 against them thats including the brewers winning season series last yr......

Posted by: Dee Edge | January 10, 2008 at 11:35 AM

as a red sox fan, im pretty sure that if pedros arm hasnt fallen off yet then it most likely wont, unless somehow he manages to re-injure it. im sure its going to cut down alittle on his career, especially in the numbers area, but hes already done quite enough.

boy i hope the mets come up with the money to pick this guy up, red sox & mets world series would put a smile on my face. i know we have to play the season first, but i can dream...

Posted by: 04Forever | January 10, 2008 at 11:40 AM

I'm not picky, but if I had a choice, I'd take the Skanks. It would be soooo much sweeter to beat them than the Sox.

Not to mention that the Sox are a better team than the Skanks anyway...

Posted by: JerseyMetFan | January 10, 2008 at 11:44 AM

Wish the Twins would hurry up and take one of the AL East teams offers...I have no desire to see Santana pitching in the NL.

Posted by: Smoltz's Beard | January 10, 2008 at 11:50 AM

I wouldn't be shocked at all to see the Yankees back off because if he goes to the Mets, they don't have to deal with Santana in their division (with Boston) for the next 6 years, or so.

As for the supposed offer that the Mets have on the table: looks like a pretty solid deal for the Twins, especially if they can get Fernando Martinez (which I would expect to be instead of, rather than in addition to, Carlos Gomez). Also, if Santana is dealt, I would expect Joe Nathan to follow soon.. Trading Santana would be the ultimate "white flag" for this year, in my opinion, so there isn't much sense in keeping Nathan around unless you are able to sign him to an extension.. especially when you got a guy like Neshek who looks like he could slip easily into the closer role.

The Mets would be giving up a lot of talent... but could you imagine Johan Santana in the NL East?!


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:40 pm

Please EVERYONE go back to the last santana post full of comments by me! This is EXACTLY word for word what I said would happen. There is no reason anyone should be surprised by this. The yankees as someone referenced earlier are playing a game of poker. they are trying to get everyone else to raise the stakes. I'd be surprised to see Santana go to the mets even though the twins have made it clear they would love to send him to the NL. As a red sox fan from new york who grew up going to Mets games, I would be extremely happy to see Johan in the Blue and Orange. The way I see this, it is a win win for the red sox. either they keep their prospects and dont have to really ever face santana, or they get santana and add on to already the most dominant rotation in the AL. However, I still see the Sox as the favorite for a repeat world series, and Johan said if anyone remembers way back at the start of this that he would be most likely to waive his no trade clause to the team he felt most likely would make the world series. right now that, the prospects being offered, and theo's always so quite tounge all favor the red sox. as far as managers go theo keeps his mouth shut at all times and no one ever has any idea whats going on behind closed doors. The red sox have made many surprise moves since 2001, dont be surprised to see more of them.

Yankee fans, i'm sorry i gotta be a biased ass to those of you talking smack in this post. You are beaten. I know it hurts. You have beaten us for decades, cant take anything away from you there. YOU are the underdogs now. Don't aquire hank's attitude and think your still on the front line. I would go as far as to say the Mets have a better shot in '08. (no pun mets fans just mets are a team not known for winning. much love for the mets!) If the Mets aquire Johan and have that great rotation with billy wagner to close things out and sanchez or whatever his name is in the middle relief, the mets will be a damn tough team to beat and will definitely dominate the NL as they are really the only team besides the rockies that has an AL type batting lineup.

Posted by: Santana/Beckett FTW | January 10, 2008 at 12:00 PM

The plan for the Red Sox and Yankees all along was for the Mets to acquire Santana.

I don't want it. I want to see some young players actually play for the damn Mets for once.

Posted by: John Peterson | January 10, 2008 at 12:17 PM

are u kidding me? u do this trade in A heart beat if your the mets! Santana is like what 29, 30? Pitchers who clearly arent even taking hgh like glavine maddux and moyer are pitching into there 40's these days. Dont argue with me that we dont know cuz those guys clearly look older than say roger clemens and are throwing in the mid to high 80's where as clemens was in the 90's and doesn't have a wrinkle on his face. but either way it doesn't matter my point is that if santana is clean he still has potential to pitch 10 years here. and honestly I think 4 years of vintage johan is worth 4 prospects anyway. We have the money to sign those guys back when there free agents it doesn't matter. We also have two 1st round picks in the draft this year to replenish the farm. I'd rather keep f-mart and give them those 4 mentioned plus pelfrey or replace gomez with fmart but if I had to give them all up I would. Like I said we have the money to replace them and at least hes an outfielder. to me outfielders are much more expendable cause there more abundant than pitchers and infielders. Plus this guy is the undisputed best pitcher in baseball right now, he posts an era. under 3 in the american league in an era in which the average seems to be 4.50. LETS DO THIS!!!!

Posted by: Stefano | January 10, 2008 at 12:19 PM

" how long can the Santana saga hold up the free agent pitching market?"

And what would that be? You mean to tell me teams are holding off on signing Kyle Lohse, Bartolo Colon, Kris Benson, et. al. on account of Santana? There IS NO free agent market for starting pitching this year. Carlos Silva was "the prize," if you want to call him that.

Posted by: Sunny Reiser | January 10, 2008 at 12:22 PM

Santana/Beckett FTW; are you joking?
"they are really the only team besides the rockies that has an AL type batting lineup."
sorry, no excuse for ignorance there, the Phillies (remember them, the team that had that epic surge in September while the Amazing Mets looked stunned) AND Braves have AL type lineups. That's 3 teams in just the NL East.

Posted by: Andy Braves Fan | January 10, 2008 at 12:23 PM

BTW, I agree with Smoltz's Beard, I really hope this deal doesn't happen. Though I would not be surprised that, if it does, the Braves make a big bid for Joe Blanton using Brent Lillibridge. Hmm...Smoltz, Hudson, Glavine, Blanton, Hampton/James/Jurrjens. Ahh, nice.

Posted by: Andy Braves Fan | January 10, 2008 at 12:28 PM

Hey JerseyMetFan

Don't be mad at me for the Mets trading Milledge, Omar did and now I can only HOPE he becomes one of "the list" because he sure did not bring much back.

Still, I wonder who left the note on his locker.

Posted by: beezer | January 10, 2008 at 12:35 PM

Just a few notes, Melky is a 4th OFer or a low end CFer I mean really if he played for Toronto or Arizona or some place like that no one would even know him.

Jon Lester ceiling is not as high as Hughes, however its not far behind.

Honestly I don't think the Red Sox want Santana, they would be really happy if the Mets get him, this is a purely Block the Yanks move or make the price big enough to ruin them. Amazing enough it seems like the yanks are realizing this and backing off.

I've got to say as well, I think Yankee fans are going to be the end of that team.
A year or 2 off to rebuild and stockpile some more prospects would put them in position to go on another Long run of AL divisions and playoff success. Could you imagine the uproar if they did that tho haha.

Posted by: Dev0 | January 10, 2008 at 12:40 PM

omg you should read the crap that this twins fans are talking about they think that the gotta chance to get reyes from the mets there smoking that good stuff man ....

NO way in HELL they are getting him ...

you gotta be kidding me .

and the BRaves still wont be better than the mets if they get blanton hrs over rated
andy do you really have faith in glavine that he s gonna have a decent yr after the crap that he did at the end of the season last yr cmon and you still need bullpen help the only have one soold guy in tha pen soriano and he faded last yr too .. cmon any andy ...

the phillies are better than braves and maybe mets too and i am a met fan saying that

Posted by: Dee Edge | January 10


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 12:43 pm

Regarding the article from Minnesota, if the Yanks can't get Santana, I hope the Mets gets him instead of the Red Sox. I still can't believe the Red Sox will not get him since their package is much better than the Mets. The Yanks may still come back with Hughes and Melky and two other minor prospects if the it comes down to preventing the Red Sox from getting Santana.

Besides preventing the Red Sox from getting Santana and locking up the AL East for the next 3 years, the Yanks still need a veteran pitcher to eat up innings. I don't think Moose and Pettite can handle the entire season without injuries.


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:18 pm

Moms pwns kid

‘Meanest mom’ sells car after finding liquor
Iowa woman shares teen son’s misdeed with the world via newspaper ad

DES MOINES, Iowa - Jane Hambleton has dubbed herself the "meanest mom on the planet."

After finding alcohol in her son's car, she decided to sell the car and share her 19-year-old's misdeed with everyone — by placing an ad in the local newspaper.

The ad reads: "OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet."


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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:05 pm

Last month, I wrote that the New York Mets were not to be taken seriously in the Johan Santana sweepstakes. A person with knowledge of the negotiations told me that Mets owner Fred Wilpon was against the idea of signing any pitcher to the kind of contract extension Santana is seeking.

A turning point came when Wilpon gave the green light to GM Omar Minaya. If Minaya swings the trade, as I wrote about today, Wilpon is confident he’ll get Santana signed.

Get it done Omar.. [he's spanish!]



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Santana - Page 7 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:08 pm

Report: Yanks may be out for Santana
Steinbrenner says money, prospects may kill deal for Twins ace
By Bryan Hoch / MLB.com


nEW YORK -- The Yankees have spent most of their offseason batting around a deal for Johan Santana, internally debating the merits of swapping young talent for the established Twins ace.

After two months, those arguments may finally be running out of steam.

Yankees senior vice president Hank Steinbrenner told the New York Daily News in Thursday's editions that while there is "nothing new" to report on the trade front for Santana, he is beginning to lean away from the idea, citing the intrinsic cost in terms of both player talent and dollar figures.

"What it comes down to right now is giving up a lot [in a trade] and then having to do the big contract, as well," Steinbrenner said. "If [Santana] was just a free agent, we could just go ahead and do it. There's a big difference this way. We have to sign him as if he's a free agent, plus you have to give up major talent. That's a tall order."

While Steinbrenner has openly stumped for a Santana trade, several organizational voices seem less than elated with the potential package that New York would have to surrender.

The Yankees and Twins had discussed a deal that would have swapped right-hander Phil Hughes, outfielder Melky Cabrera and two mid-level prospects for Santana, a two-time American League Cy Young Award winner who will be 29 by Opening Day and would require a lucrative contract extension in order to waive his no-trade clause.

Reports have indicated that Santana could be in the market for an extension for as much as seven years and $140 million. Steinbrenner has insisted that he would not go beyond five years in a potential contract offer to Santana, and he has not spoken to the left-hander or his agent, Peter Greenberg, regarding that topic.

The Yankees' retreat could prove to be a measure of good news across town.

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported on Thursday that the Mets may be moving forward in pursuit of Santana, wielding a package of outfielder Carlos Gomez and pitchers Deolis Guerra, Kevin Mulvey and Phil Humber. If the Mets add outfielder Fernando Martinez, the report said, a deal could be struck.

Hot Stove

The Red Sox have also been linked in discussions with the Twins through the course of the lengthy discussions. Despite Steinbrenner's self-imposed deadline to reach a deal during the Winter Meetings, a long-rumored Red Sox package, which would potentially include outfielder Coco Crisp and left-hander Jon Lester, has similarly not been enough to entice Twins general manager Bill Smith to pull the trigger.

Steinbrenner said that GM Brian Cashman has weighed the idea of parting with young talent for Santana, saying that "one day he's leaning to do it and the next day he's not sure." General partner Hal Steinbrenner, who controls the club's financial aspects, is also believed to be undecided.

The Yankees currently project to report to Spring Training with a starting rotation comprised of Hughes, Joba Chamberlain and Ian Kennedy vying for slots alongside Chien-Ming Wang, Andy Pettitte and Mike Mussina.

Bryan Hoch is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.


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