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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:20 pm

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Twins Notes: Arms, Arms, Arms, and Picks


# Joe Christensen of the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that the Mets have offered Deolis Guerra, Carlos Gomez, Kevin Mulvey, and Philip Humber in exchange for Johan Santana, but notes that the Twins have asked for Fernando Martinez to be included in the deal. Martinez is the best that the Mets' farm system has to offer and the 19-year-old outfielder possesses one of the highest ceilings of any prospect in baseball, so getting him added to the proposal is a pretty major stumbling block.

Gomez is a speedy, low-power center fielder who's somewhat similar to Jacoby Ellsbury without being as MLB-ready. Guerra is a 19-year-old right-hander with big-time upside who the Mets signed out of Venezuela for $700,000, while Mulvey and Humber are MLB-ready rotation options who don't project to be stars. Monday in this space I discussed the strength of a Phil Hughes-led offer from the Yankees, but a Mets package that includes Martinez, Guerra, Gomez, and Mulvey would blow that out of the water.

Baseball America ranks Martinez as the Mets' top prospect (and likely one of the top 20 prospects in baseball), with Guerra second, Gomez third, Mulvey fourth, and Humber seventh. In the past the Mets have famously shown a willingness to mortgage the future by dealing top prospects like Scott Kazmir and Lastings Milledge for relatively modest veteran returns, but giving up a potential stud like Martinez while completely gutting a fairly strong system seems highly unlikely.

A Mets offer similar to reported proposals from the Yankees and Red Sox would be something like Martinez, Gomez, and Humber or Martinez, Guerra, and Mulvey. Both of those scenarios include more risk and less short-term value than deals built around Hughes or Ellsbury, which is why the Mets likely remain the Twins' third-best option unless Omar Minaya decides to go crazy. Interestingly, it sounds like the Mariners are close to parting with a very desirable Adam Jones-led package for Erik Bedard.

# Asked earlier this week about Santana, Yankees senior vice president Hank Steinbrenner said that the team isn't interested in going beyond five seasons for a potential post-trade contract extension. Santana has the right to veto any trade and there's little reason for him to accept a five- or six-year commitment when Barry Zito got a seven-year contract, which would seem to significantly lessen the odds of the Yankees acquiring him.

On the other hand, during his brief time in the spotlight George Steinbrenner's eldest son has shown pretty clearly that what he says to the assembled media and what the Yankees do aren't necessarily connected. Last week Steinbrenner told various New York reporters that he's "leaning towards doing" a Santana trade and this week he's saying that the Yankees are "leaning away from" a Santana deal, so it might be time to stop paying any attention whatsoever to his amazingly frequent media briefings.

# Over at The Hardball Times, John Walsh analyzed advanced defensive and base-running numbers to determine which outfielders displayed the most effective arms in 2007. Here's a brief explanation of his methodology:

Using play-by-play data, I consider five different situations when a throw from the outfield is important:

1. Single with runner on first base (second base unoccupied).
2. Double with runner on first base.
3. Single with runner on second base.
4. Fly out with runner on third base, fewer than two outs.
5. Fly out with runner on second base, fewer than two outs (third base unoccupied).

For those plays, I add up how often the runner is thrown out (kill) or how often the runner is "held," i.e. prevented from taking an extra base (hold). A comparison with league average allows me to rate the outfielder's arm.

Most people tend to simply look at assist totals when discussing an outfielder's throwing ability, but Walsh shows why that can be extremely misleading and then does a very nice job explaining how the impact of an outfielder's arm actually goes far beyond that. I'd highly suggest reading the entire article, but in the meantime there were several Twins-related notes of interest. First, Walsh gives his "gold medal for the best right-field arm of 2007" to Michael Cuddyer.

Cuddyer had 15 "kills" and was also above average simply holding runners, which means that teams didn't try to take the extra base on him very often and he still managed to rack up tons of assists. Walsh calculates that Cuddyer saved the Twins about 12 runs with his arm in 2007, which led all MLB right fielders. On offense Cuddyer was only around 10 runs above average while hitting .276/.356/.433, so a huge chunk of his value came from his arm.

Jeff Francoeur was a close second to Cuddyer among right fielders, while Delmon Young ranked third with about nine runs saved. Young now joins Cuddyer in the Twins' outfield, which figures to produce an awful lot of station-to-station baseball from opponents. Jason Kubel had one of the least effective arms among left fielders (former Twins left fielder Shannon Stewart predictably ranked dead last by costing the A's about a dozen runs), so Young represents a major upgrade.

Kubel's poor showing is surprising given his reputation for having a strong arm and it'll surely shock most fans to learn that Torii Hunter had one of the least effective arms among center fielders. Teams ran more on Hunter than the average center fielder and he managed about half as many kills as would have been expected from an average arm. Melky Cabrera had one of the most effective arms among center fielders, so trading Santana to the Yankees would give the Twins an amazing set of arms.

# While reading various non-Minnesota newspapers for my news-gathering gig over at Rotoworld, I stumbled across this scary one-liner within Tracy Ringolsby's column in the Rocky Mountain News:

Left-hander Francisco Liriano, 24, is rehabbing from the reconstructive left elbow surgery he underwent a year ago, and it appears he will not be ready until midseason.

Had the Star Tribune or St. Paul Pioneer Press printed that it would be major cause for concern, but there's little reason to believe that a Colorado-based writer has inside information on Francisco Liriano that dramatically differs from the consistently positive reports on his progress over the past several months. In fact, just last week Official Twins Beat Writer of AG.com LaVelle E. Neal III reported that "everything to this point has gone well" regarding Liriano's comeback from Tommy John surgery.

For Liriano to "not be ready until midseason" would mean that he's far behind schedule for the surgery, which tends to get a pitcher back on the mound about 12 months later. Liriano underwent surgery in November of 2006, which is why he's expected to be fully healthy in time for spring training and why suggesting that he won't be ready to pitch until 20 months after surgery would be worthy of more than a one-line note buried midway through Ringolsby's column if it was based on serious reporting.

Interestingly, unsubstantiated notes like Ringolsby's are exactly the type of thing that newspaper writers love to criticize bloggers for. In fact, if a blogger wrote what Ringolsby did about Liriano and it gained any sort of steam, one of the local beat reporters would no doubt dig further before telling readers that "an internet rumor" had no basis in reality. If Ringolsby has solid information about Liriano being behind schedule, it'd be nice to engage in a little journalism by sharing with the rest of the class.

UPDATE: Sure enough, the following note appears in Charley Walters' Pioneer Press column today:

A rumor that Twins pitcher Francisco Liriano might not be ready until midseason this year isn't true, general manager Bill Smith said Tuesday. Liriano is rehabbing after reconstructive elbow surgery in 2006, which cost him the 2007 season.

"He's healthy and strong, he's throwing bullpens, and he has not had any troubles," Smith said. "He will prepare for spring training as he normally would. He's doing fine; he hasn't had any setbacks."

Walters fact-checking someone's work is like Matthew LeCroy handing out dieting tips, which shows just how clearly off base Ringolsby's "reporting" was. If you're curious, he's a former president of the Baseball Writer's Association of America and has received the BBWAA's highest honor as a J.G. Taylor Spink Award winner, so don't expect any newspaper scribes to be as harsh on him as they would be to a lowly blogger who wrote the exact same thing.

# Jim Callis of Baseball America recently posted the order for June's draft and it has the Twins with three of the first 31 picks due to losing Hunter via free agency. Along with their own pick (No. 14 overall), the Twins get the Angels' pick (No. 27) and a supplementary first rounder (No. 31). History suggests that their unwillingness to bust the budget on bonuses will keep the Twins from taking full advantage of stockpiling the picks, but it's still a great opportunity to pump up the system with impact players


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Join date : 2007-12-24

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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:21 pm

If the Twins aren't going to spend their extra cash they have on hand, which would be quite a lot of Johan is traded, on improving the ML team, the least they could do is be willing to spend on the top talent available in the draft or sign top international talent.
SoCalTwinsfan | 01/10/08 - 1:16 am | #

Gravatar Like SoCal said, with the major league roster down in cost this year, there may be additional hope of some more willingness to spend on prospects in teh draft.
AdamOnFirst | 01/10/08 - 1:50 am | #

Gravatar PS: Here's an important something that's getting igored in the Santana hype. Long term deals, especially for Morneau. Is ANYTHING happening with that? No word anywhere...
AdamOnFirst | 01/10/08 - 1:51 am | #

Gravatar not to be hidden by his exceptional arm, is Cuddyer's weak range which was likely enough to at least reduce those runs saved by half.
Milt on Tilt | 01/10/08 - 2:08 am | #

Gravatar i am liking the mets package more and more every day.
Anonymous | 01/10/08 - 7:25 am | #

Gravatar any chance that the twins will throw in some other major leaguer to make the mets put martinez in the deal?
Anonymous | 01/10/08 - 7:27 am | #

Gravatar Agreed AdamonFirst - I hope they rap up the Santana business as soon as possible so they can start hammering out some extensions. He's not getting any cheaper . . .
Also - maybe the Mets would take Rincon along with Santana in order to get Martinez? I realize it's nowhere near fair, but with Omar Minaya you never know . . .
Christian | 01/10/08 - 8:15 am | #

Gravatar Minaya wasn't with the team when they traded Kazmir. Jim Duquette was the GM.
Adam B. | 01/10/08 - 8:31 am | #

Gravatar Wasn't Steve Phillips the Mets GM who traded Kazmir to Tampa Bay for Victor Zambrano?
CoachFSBR | 01/10/08 - 9:23 am | #

Gravatar I wasn't referring to that trade specifically . . . I think it was Phillips who made that stinker. Minaya did give 4 years/25 million to Luis Castillo, who is a solid player, but not for that long and that much. He unloaded Lastings Milledge for 50 cents on the dollar when his value was at its lowest, and I think he's also the GM who traded Brandon Phillips, Grady Sizemore and Cliff Lee (? - I'm pretty sure it was those three; I'm at work and I can't research it!) for Bartolo Colon, which made some sense at the time but in hindsight is a lot of young cheap talent to give away. The man is not exactly the world's greatest GM.
Christian | 01/10/08 - 9:43 am | #

Gravatar How bad is Cuddyer's range for RFs? By watching him, he looks a little limited, but I don't get enough looks at other RFs to use such an anecdotal assessment. but it seems like there are quite a few RFs that don't exactly tear it up out there in terms of shagging the ball, so where is his real rank?

Speaking of range, anyone have a good feel on Melky Cabrera's? I'm increasingly leaning towards the Yankee offer as being the best one (since it looks increasingly likely that the Sox won't part with Ellsbury & Lester), assuming Cabrera is a legit CF defensively.
Josh | 01/10/08 - 10:04 am | #

Gravatar The common wisdom that sending Santana to the NL would somehow cut down on the chances of him "haunting" us in the years to come strikes me as oddly peculiar. How many times do the Twins play the Yankees/Red Sox per season? Two series for a grand total of six games per team, right? That means, at most, we'd face Santana twice during the regular season if he stays in the AL (versus an average of .33 showdowns per season if he goes to the Mets, assuming we play each NL team once every third year). I'd hardly say that's worth the MSM ink that's being spilled over it.
JS | 01/10/08 - 10:08 am | #

Gravatar Mets Trade: Maybe add in some Rincon veteranship and Fernando Martinez will sail to the Ten Thousand Lakes.
Peter S | 01/10/08 - 10:20 am | #

Gravatar To be fair, the Twins have done a good job of signing draft picks since 2004. To some extent, they have drafted for signability. So if you mean they should just take the best player available regardless of signability and sign him anyway, I'm with you. But if you mean the Twins have not signed their draft picks in the last four drafts, I couldn't disagree more.

The tough thing about evaluating whether they drafted for signability is we don't know how big of an issue it was. Take Revere. It's pretty clear signability played a part in his going in the first round. But it's also clear that he was the guy they wanted more than any other player at that slot. So which was the ulterior motive? I for one applaud drafting a four-star prospect in the first round and signing him to second-round money. Just because they saved money doesn't mean they didn't get the best player.
cmathewson | 01/10/08 - 10:34 am | #

Gravatar If you got around to reading the comments Ringolsby posted on Keith Law's personal blog (www.meadowparty.com) over the whole BBWAA exclusion thing and the controversy surrounding the stacked "16 of 18 or nobody" vote, it's clear that he's also not only ENORMOUSLY indebted to his editor (his comments are written terribly), but also something of a dick. and by something I mean one roughly the size of pakistan.
Pete | 01/10/08 - 11:33 am | #

Gravatar i think the whole thing about not trading johan the yankees or red sox is about evening out the teams. i know we don't face the red sox or yankees that often, but if johan went to the red sox, they would be damn near impossible to beat for a couple years. but if he goes to the mets, the mets will not be as close to unbeatable in a playoff series as the yankees or red sox would. the mets didn't even make the playoffs last year. plus a lot of us just hate the yankees and red sox and would rather send him to a team that we can stand to watch. still it would be nice to have in the nl just for the simple fact that if we had to face him in the playoffs, it wouldn't be until the world series.
Anonymous | 01/10/08 - 12:04 pm | #

Gravatar I also read the interview Ringolsby gave with Rich Lederer, and give him a little more credit. While a disagree with him on somethings (his Tim Raines comments, especially), he's not an idiot. And he, at least seems willing to listen to arguments opposed to his positions and change his mind when presented a compelling alternative. I give him some props for engaging on the issue.

He got some bad info on Liriano, and that's unfortunate.
Josh | 01/10/08 - 1:01 pm | #

Gravatar On sending to AL, maybee not a big deal for the regular season, but playoffs are a completley different story. Someone is going to have to go through NY or BOS, so I would prefer the NL on that reason if the package is right, unless we think we don't have a chance for playoffs anyway.
Dan | 01/10/08 - 2:15 pm | #

Gravatar As far as Cuddyer's range for a RF. The only RF worse in revised zone rating was Jermaine Dye. While his number of out of zone plays wasn't horrible, it wasn't good either.

Melky Cabrera had the 4th best Revised Zone Rating for CFs. His out of zone plays were below average for a CF though.
Miker | 01/10/08 - 2:20 pm | #

Gravatar The couple of times I've seen Cuddyer, he's taken some bad routes and has gotten turned around.

I still think they should put him at second.
Steve Johnson | 01/10/08 - 3:11 pm | #

Gravatar Having read Ringolsby's comments at Baseball Think Factory - where he and Rob Neyer went hammer and tongs - yeah, he seems like pretty much a hoser.
joemn | 01/10/08 - 4:20 pm | #


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:21 pm

Jan 10, 2008 3:17 pm - Blog: Gleeman on Mets Package


...posted by Matthew Cerrone...

At his blog, AaronGleeman.com, well-respected writer and Twins fan Aaron Gleeman has the following to say about potentially trading Johan Santana…

“Monday in this space I discussed the strength of a Phil Hughes-led offer from the Yankees, but a Mets package that includes Martinez, Guerra, Gomez, and Mulvey would blow that out of the water.”

Gleeman also writes for The Hardball Times and Rotoworld.com, among other noteworthy websites

…thanks to Peter Wade for the link…

Martinez, Guerra, Gomez, Mulvey and Humber are among the top seven prospects in the Mets farm-system, according to Baseball America, who writes…

“Minaya says Martinez is on the same track as players such as Juan Gonzalez, Ivan Rodriguez and Sammy Sosa, all of whom reached the majors by age 20…His bat ultimately will be his calling card, and the Mets see him as a future 30-homer threat…

“Guerra’s fastball had below-average velocity for most of his first season, but now it ranges from 89-94 mph and touches 96…The Mets have monitored Guerra’s workload carefully, and he has plenty of projection in his big-shouldered frame. His next goal will be to stay healthy and pass the 100-inning level…

“Mulvey throws four pitches for strikes and keeps everything down…His competitiveness makes his whole greater than the sum of his parts…He projects as a No. 3 or 4 starter…

“Humber still has the best curveball in the organization…He’s still refining his command…He now projects as a back-of-the-rotation starter.


Posts : 3654
Join date : 2007-12-24

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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:23 pm

Blog: Gleeman on Mets Package


At his blog, AaronGleeman.com, well-respected writer and Twins fan Aaron Gleeman has the following to say about potentially trading Johan Santana…

“Monday in this space I discussed the strength of a Phil Hughes-led offer from the Yankees, but a Mets package that includes Martinez, Guerra, Gomez, and Mulvey would blow that out of the water.”

Gleeman also writes for The Hardball Times and Rotoworld.com, among other noteworthy websites

…thanks to Peter Wade for the link…

Martinez, Guerra, Gomez, Mulvey and Humber are among the top seven prospects in the Mets farm-system, according to Baseball America, who writes…

“Minaya says Martinez is on the same track as players such as Juan Gonzalez, Ivan Rodriguez and Sammy Sosa, all of whom reached the majors by age 20…His bat ultimately will be his calling card, and the Mets see him as a future 30-homer threat…

“Guerra’s fastball had below-average velocity for most of his first season, but now it ranges from 89-94 mph and touches 96…The Mets have monitored Guerra’s workload carefully, and he has plenty of projection in his big-shouldered frame. His next goal will be to stay healthy and pass the 100-inning level…

“Mulvey throws four pitches for strikes and keeps everything down…His competitiveness makes his whole greater than the sum of his parts…He projects as a No. 3 or 4 starter…

“Humber still has the best curveball in the organization…He’s still refining his command…He now projects as a back-of-the-rotation starter.”

Posted in Carlos Gomez, Fernando Martinez, Kevin Mulvey, Minors, Philip Humber on January 10th, 2008
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Comment by kowalski69
2008-01-10 15:22:12

the mets throw in barack obama and its a deal
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Comment by mets227
2008-01-10 15:33:44

Only if we can then trade Hillary to Toronto…
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Comment by TilMetsDoUsPart
2008-01-10 17:04:11

Clinton for Canada!

* Obama ‘08
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Comment by dykstraw
2008-01-10 15:25:35

It’s too much. We have to keep Gomez, Guerra or F-Mart.
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Comment by napes22
2008-01-10 16:25:26

I agree. Guerra is a beast at 6′5″ 200 Lbs and he’s only get stronger. With a 96 MPH fastball he has the ability to be an impact player.

Giving up both F-Mart and Gomez is too much in my opinion. We need at least on for 2009-2010.
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Comment by TilMetsDoUsPart
2008-01-10 16:29:19

And so what is Santana?

The point is, Gomez is only huge to dumb people and the Twins. Guerra is good and all, but would he be necessary with Pelfrey, Santana, Maine, Perez, and possibly Niese, Owen, Rustich or any one of our 1st round draft picks?

The point is, there are, was and will be a buttload of top prospects. Might as well trade for a guy like Santana who will surely benefit us over the long term.

However, I completely agree with keeping Fernando Martinez. He is the only guy in our system who is really something special.
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Comment by keithc
2008-01-10 17:04:39

Insert Bret Saberhagen or Frank Viola into the above statement and tell me what you think.

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Comment by dave27
2008-01-10 15:26:18

Honestly I’m still sick to my stomach at the notion - media created as I believe it to be - that Phil Hughes and little else trumps a Mets offer that includes anything less than the entire farm.

They want F-Mart…fine, then no Gomez. And 2 our of Pelfrey, Humber, Mulvey, and Guerra. Look at the deals in recent years - who besides Haren commanded more than 3 premium prospects? And Haren’s edge is he is under control and affordable…this is for a guy who ALSO needs to be signed to a 5-6 year deal.

This is sheer lunacy on the Twins part. 3 premium prospects, and maybe 1-2 second tier prospects for a fringe ML-er (Chavez, Gotay-type), plus getting Johan out of the AL for the rest of his prime…MORE than enough.
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Comment by FBones24
2008-01-10 15:28:05

Totally agreed…I’ve been saying that all along about the overhyped Yankees deal.
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Comment by bxsci insight
2008-01-10 15:31:32

The yankees are offering one of the top young pitchers in baseball. No pitcher in the mets system comes close. Its all about young pitching
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Comment by Achilles400
2008-01-10 15:49:48

Half the kids I know that went to Bronx Science either offed themselves because of their social disfunction or dropped out and became cops. Just sayin’.

Comment by napes22
2008-01-10 16:28:07

1 Impact player vs. 3 impact players is a different story. Hughes is great, but the Yanks wouldnt part with anyone else. We are considering trading both Gomez and F-Mart and Guerra. While they don’t have the name recognition like Hughes or Ellsbury, they are top prospects and potential impact players.

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Comment by guierllNO MOta
2008-01-10 16:14:27

your both wrong for one simple reason…pitching prospects are worht much much much much much much much more than OF prospects, no one denies that the mets have good OF prospects but we don’t have a top 50 pitching prospect to GM’s, only to Keith Law…who of course is now an ESPN writer because he couldnt hack it as an assistnat GM

pelfrey & humber combined are worht less to a team than phil hughes, its just the way it is, we did not overrate our prospects but for some reason we feel that just cause we have pitchers in the minors that they are better than other eams pitching prospects which 29 other teams & 99% of baseball writers tell us that we are wrong
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Comment by TilMetsDoUsPart
2008-01-10 16:31:11

The Twins only said that the inclusion of Gomez seals the deal.

Gomez, Mulvey & Guerra are top prospects.
Humber is middle of the road.

The Mets may have to add a little to the deal to get it done, but the Twins are just making the Mets bid with themselves right now.
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Comment by kpgilber
2008-01-10 15:26:58

We have to win now…. get this trade done. This team also would get the boost it needs from this trade going into the season.
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Comment by Slob
2008-01-10 15:39:58

We do not have to win now. We have to build a team that is capable of winning the division for years to come.
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Comment by Gina
2008-01-10 16:05:37

Unfortunately not doing this trade won’t insure that either. It seems to me the biggest problem is the lack of investment, money or effort wise, in developing young talent. Trading for Santana or not trading for Santana isn’t going to alleviate that problem. I feel like we’re just going to be stuck in an endless cycle.
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Comment by Horseman
2008-01-10 15:33:53

So in other words, we met fans are not overvaluing our own prospects.
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Comment by stickguy
2008-01-10 15:59:43

[I never thought we were.
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Comment by keithc
2008-01-10 17:06:20

If anything, we’re undervaluing them.
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Comment by Hit The Weights Zeile
2008-01-10 15:33:59

well its nice to know we werent all crazy here typing in november saying “why is melky cabrera considered good?” and “why do we have to include reyes when others just need prospects”. total anti mets media spin nonsense. i think if you can walk out of the deal with pelfrey and 1 of the big 3 (guerra fmart gomez), you have to pull the trigger. all 3 is ridiculous, 2 is more than enough esp since they wont be alone.
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Comment by jspicyn
2008-01-10 15:39:39

I’d agree on the fact that ideally, we’re only sending away 2 of the big 3 in guerra, martinez, and gomez. (send em guerra and gomez) but I don’t think we can pass judgment on who has leverage. Obviously the Twins are scared Santana will block a mid season trade, forcing them to lose him for just a few draft picks. But I don’t think they’d be backed into a corner that would FORCE them to make a trade with the Mets they’re not happy with. The Yankees offer is not over hyped whatsoever. Phil Hughes is much, MUCH more of a sure thing than any of our top 3 and it’s not close. This kid is the real deal and could be the ace of that staff within a year or 2. Plus, Melky is a solid player with great defense and good speed. I have a strong feeling the Mets will get it done though, but gomez and martinez will have to be included. Maybe they can spare us Guerra.
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Comment by Dr. Blogstein
2008-01-10 15:45:31

Good thing we held onto Wilson, Pulsipher, and Isringhausen. It sucked that we traded David West, Preston Wilson, Alex Escobar and Terrance Long.

Get Kazmir out of your heads! To me, this is a no brainer.

Tell me that if you were on Let’s Make a Deal that you’d pass up on BIG MONEY for what could be behind door #2? BIRD IN THE HAND, BABY!
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Comment by Charlie
2008-01-10 15:46:09

After reading the comments on the Twins blog site:

Okay, well fans on both sides seem alright with the deal. We both feel we are losing something to get something. GET IT DONE!
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Comment by NeedAnAce
2008-01-10 15:47:49

If they want Martinez, Guerra, Humber and Mulvey, I would reluctantly do the deal. Johan Santana is a special player that wins us the NL East. However, after pulling the trigger on that deal, I would officially announce that we are going to try to win it all this year and offer Gomez, Heilman, Pelfrey and Gotay for Joe Blanton and Huston Street.

I love the idea of having a staff that consists of Santana, Maine, Perez, and Blanton for the next 3 years (assuming we can resign Perez). We will always be able to find corner outfielders on the market, and with the addition of Church, we are pretty comfortable at the OF positions for the forseeable future.

In fact, the only minor leaguer I would hold on to at this point is Mike Carp, who I would hope improves a great deal and is able to take over for Delgado after this season.

The Mets can legitimately dump the entire system on Santana and Blanton and come out on top because of the fact that they already have Maine and Perez, two young, solid arms.
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Comment by jspicyn
2008-01-10 15:53:31

Well, they’d be trading Gomez in the Santana deal. I don’t think the Twins would want Martinez and 3 pitching prospects - Gomez is a big part of the deal, making your hypothetical A’s trade (which Beane probably wouldn’t do, anyway) impossible. I think we should just stick to 1 dream at a time - the best pitcher in baseball is good for now. Don’t get greedy and expect another nice starter with an above average closer as our new 8th inning guy. Not happening.
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Comment by keithc
2008-01-10 17:07:58

or we let Martinez develop, and we get our very own version of Albert Pujols in 2-3 years.
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Comment by NeedAnAce
2008-01-10 15:54:31

There is no way the Twins are getting Martinez, Gomez, Humber, Mulvey, and Guerra… not happening.
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Comment by Bench5urvivor
2008-01-10 15:54:48

the description of mulvey sounds very similar to some descriptions of john maine
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Comment by starz31
2008-01-10 16:00:54

would agree to this trade for all the reasons listed above. It’s just one of those trades where risk has to be taken. We would receive THE best pitcher in MLB and most likely for 6+ years. We are giving up on very strong talent and possibly the next Juan Gonzalez. But there is no gurantee that happens. He could turn out better than Gonzalez or a Sosa, but he also could end up as a Alex Escobar. It is a risk that must be taken.

The ONE big problem with this deal is that we deplete our farm greatly for this year. Our starters and bench are great on paper, but there is NO depth. If one of our starting pitchers or outfielder or more than one, and is out for a long period of time…who do we have to fill? We might be alright filling one or two holes, but multiple holes, and we all know that does happen, and we are in big trouble.

The good outways the bad though, b/c then there is time to replenish back-ups.
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Comment by rayvalcich
2008-01-10 16:25:53

If you check out Santana’s history (thanks wikipedia), he was drafted in 99 in the Rule 5 and was still spending time in the minors by 2002. Point being - no one knows who will become a marquee player in this league. Some would argue that a non-pitcher position is easier to predict but even then, the chances of both Gomez and Martinez becoming future all-stars is slim to none. Even if one of them does blow up, there’s never a shortage of solid outfielders on the market.
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Comment by metsrbest
2008-01-10 16:31:01

I changed my mind. Make the deal Omar! F-Mart the next Juan Gone or Sammy Sosa but yet only 30 HR power? And he’s not an exceptional defender either? Make the deal Omar. Mulvey a #3 or #4? Humber in the back of the rotation still? Deolis probably not ready to contribute possibly until year 4 of Santana’s contract? MAKE THE DEAL OMAR!!!! :-)
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Comment by napes22
2008-01-10 16:31:26

There seems to be this common misconception that getting Santana will make us win hands down. We don’t know what will happen this season. Santana could get hurt this year; Gomez could crush AAA this year and be ready for MLB next season. F-Mart could progress they way they wanted and be a top 10 prospect major league ready. Getting Santana would help us this year - but once our supporting players (Delgado, Alou, El Duque, Pedro, Wagner, Castillo) get older or leave the team, without a farm system we are screwed. We also have no idea if Ollie will stay with us next season.

Getting Santana helps us this season at the expense of future seasons. Sure we could gain the best player in baseball, but we’d gain holes at key positions like LF and 1B.
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Comment by TilMetsDoUsPart
2008-01-10 16:32:12

Add Heilman. His inclusion on the team is just as short sighted as Hernandez, Martinez or Alou.
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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:24 pm

Jan 10, 2008 3:30 pm - Blog: Phillies Fan Reaction to Santana


...posted by Matthew Cerrone...

In a post to the great Phillies blog Beer Leaguer, Phillies fan Jason Weitzel writes…

“There’s no way to sugarcoat the strong possibility that Santana, the top prize, will be a Met next season, and possibly the next six. He would swing the balance of division power back over to the Mets. Head-to-head, it would be a nightmare. Maybe I’ll take up gardening this summer. Or woodworking. Have a nice day. It’s been real.”

…oh, man, that’s rich…i encourage you to read the reader comments that follow jason’s post…

…i’m getting excited, and i don’t want to be…at least not yet…


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:26 pm

Blog: Phillies Fan Reaction to Santana

In a post to the great Phillies blog Beer Leaguer, Phillies fan Jason Weitzel writes…

“There’s no way to sugarcoat the strong possibility that Santana, the top prize, will be a Met next season, and possibly the next six. He would swing the balance of division power back over to the Mets. Head-to-head, it would be a nightmare. Maybe I’ll take up gardening this summer. Or woodworking. Have a nice day. It’s been real.”

…oh, man, that’s rich…i encourage you to read the reader comments that follow jason’s post…

…i’m getting excited, and i don’t want to be…at least not yet…
Posted in Phillies on January 10th, 2008
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Comment by extrawhitemeat
2008-01-10 15:34:38

Man some of those comments are priceless.. one guy compares Johan to Victor Zambrano… I mean wow..

Someone needs to remind the phils that they didn’t win a single post season game, and were about as relevent to the baseball world as the pet rock…
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Comment by lbg713
2008-01-10 15:45:30

Some great comments by Phillies fans, like this one…

Not only is Santana an amazing pitcher, he is an amazing LEFT-HANDED pitcher. Sit down Mr. Howard, Mr. Utley, goodbye J-Roll’s power from the left side of the plate, looks like we rely on Helms instead of Dobbs against him (yikes!), thus leaving our only hope as none other then the Met killer himself, Pat Burrell!

He he he.
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Comment by BillyGoat
2008-01-10 16:05:17

pretty sure the Phils had the last TWO MVP’s and a good shot at three in a row with Utley….and a division title this past season….seems relevant to me…Mets weren’t even relevant in their own town in September……but yes, the thought of the mets getting Santana scares the hell out of me
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Comment by extrawhitemeat
2008-01-10 16:08:56

Big Deal.. MVPs can come from last place clubs.. winting in October is what counts.. and the Phils did as much of that last year as the Mets did.
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Comment by Charlie
2008-01-10 17:13:24

How many MVPs did the Yankees win from 1996 to 2000? I’d like to have that success in Flushing while winning ZERO MVPs.
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Comment by ohboy
2008-01-10 15:37:03

i can really only take this roller coaster one more time…

i don’t know about Omar, but the Twins organization has depleted my will….just back the truck up and get this done
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Comment by shea_guevara
2008-01-10 15:37:52

If I were a Phillies fan, I’d be more upset about that hat.
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Comment by mikey_FF
2008-01-10 16:06:20

I was thinking the same thing!
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Comment by dk70
2008-01-10 16:19:02

it is god aweful
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Comment by keithc
2008-01-10 17:11:19

He sounds like a lot of the commenters who’ve joined on here recently, giving up before the season’s begun.
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Comment by VCarver
2008-01-10 15:38:39

Time to shoot up Chad Durbin with some B-12 and Lidocaine.

That was the reply of one Phillie fan. Laughing
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Comment by Ric
2008-01-10 15:40:14

I heard that fan was sued by Roidger Clemens.
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Comment by fyffem
2008-01-10 15:38:43

I wasn’t aware that the balance of power had shifted to the phillies. I still see 2007 as a total mental meltdown. If we played with any balls/heart, we win the east. The Phillies didn’t win the east, we lost the east…bifg difference!
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Comment by anna_benson_blows
2008-01-10 15:41:47

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Comment by kendychavez
2008-01-10 15:59:51

this is such an awful way of looking at it. the mets played under .500 for 2/3 of the season. we just weren’t that good. if the season lasted another 10 games the braves would’ve passed us too. if you view it as a bad september you’re missing the big picture of what happened last season- it was a poorly built team without enough depth. imagine maine doesn’t have that all-star first half that nobody saw coming. we’d have been in second all year.
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Comment by Gina
2008-01-10 16:55:05

Which is why I don’t understand why we’re suddenly in “win now” mode. I’m not sure we’re constructed to win now, with or without Santana.
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Comment by EastFallowfield
2008-01-10 16:37:12

“Phillies didn’t win, Mets lost”. That’s funny. Phils won almost every day in the last weeks of the season. Even if Mets didn’t lose almost every day, Phils still would have been in at least a wild card playoff.

But if you guys want to keep bragging about losing, great.
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Comment by extrawhitemeat
2008-01-10 16:51:31

Like how you guys are bragging about losing in the post season?

I guess there’s no point in arguing this point with a Phils fan.. no city in the world knows more about losing then Philadelphia..
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Comment by da burg's greatest mets fan
2008-01-10 16:51:31

thats not true, the rockies won 14 of their last 15 regular season games and would have been ahead of the phillies by like three games.
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Comment by bxsci insight
2008-01-10 15:39:48

One Philly phanatic says that the phillies should answer the santana trade by signing Joe Crede. I hope santana delivers loss 10 280
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Comment by bxsci insight
2008-01-10 15:40:26

sorry loss # 10 028, eventually loss 10 280
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Comment by Bench5urvivor
2008-01-10 15:48:27

plus, don’t they have to trade for crede? he’s under contract with chicago
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Comment by dave27
2008-01-10 15:40:56

Thanks White Meat…I mean, exactly when did the balance of power come to rest squarely in Philadephia?


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:26 pm

Two bad weeks does not a season make, and for a team that was swept out of the playoffs and lost some of their heart & soul in Rowand, I wouldn’t carve ‘favorites’ into stone, Santana or not.
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Comment by anna_benson_blows
2008-01-10 15:45:06

oooh. wordER
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Comment by kendychavez
2008-01-10 16:08:48

again with this ‘two bad weeks’ nonsense. UNDER .500 FOR FOUR MONTHS makes a bad season. we were just lucky the phils and braves stunk most of the year too.
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Comment by extrawhitemeat
2008-01-10 16:28:15

I think the genertal feel is what you said about the Phils not playing well either.. they didn’t even win 90 games… I can’t say I’m too scared of them.. even if they did add Brad Lidge.. who I can’t wait to start calling the White Armando…

I have been one of ths most vocal about the mets poor off season two years in a row.. but the fan part of me says bring in the Phils.. I am not afraid.
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Comment by fyffem
2008-01-10 15:44:18

This one is my favorite…

Posted by: lekh tizdayen | Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 01:38 PM

I’m going to cry. Tough guys don’t cry…well, Santana is awesome and he’ll make the Phils his bitch!
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Comment by krumbledkookie
2008-01-10 15:55:27

I was just logging on to say that! Good call, that was far and away the best comment from the tremblng Phillies fans.

We should probably remember though that this deal is nowhere near done yet.

But, man, I SO want it to be.
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Comment by Saltzy23
2008-01-10 16:03:10

This actually seems like real news as opposed to all the speculation and rhetoric thats been floating around. MLB.com has it on the home page….Oh man, this would really heal a lot of the hurt from last year. Just for the shot in the arm it would give the team and the fans its worth it…..its what we need…..Do it Omar…..

Man, Im actually nervous…..
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Comment by gomets6091
2008-01-10 16:27:28

haha I just went to the MLB website…how come on the Johan to the Mets headline it has a picture of him batting? The guy’s had 31 at-bats in his career. I thought that was funny.

Also, I LOVE this post. What happened to their “team to beat” attitude? What pansies….I can’t wait till the Mets leave them in their dust next year, ala ‘06.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:26 pm

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Comment by lbg713
2008-01-10 16:00:07

awesome comment
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Comment by mets17
2008-01-10 15:47:22

Some one wake me up when we make this trade
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Comment by dk70
2008-01-10 16:21:10

I got a boner
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Comment by cousinrk
2008-01-10 15:49:31

If I had to list some of my favorite things, hearing Phillies Phans cry, whine and give up would be right at the top. Ahhhhh music to my ears.
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Comment by astoriametsfan72
2008-01-10 15:58:20

for someone reason I get more satisfaction from Braves fans whining and crying.

Those poor deluded fools thinks Glavine is going to win them the division.
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Comment by thestache
2008-01-10 16:05:25

As a Mets fan living in the ATL, I can attest to this sad fact….Looking forward to seeing Johan at the Sunday game at Turner going against a washed up glavine
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Comment by jamie
2008-01-10 15:50:53

ah, those comments were good fun at the end of a hopeful day.
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Comment by bxsci insight
2008-01-10 15:50:59

Whoever was rating the farm system for mets prospects seemed to lack proffesionalism and baseball knoledge. F-mart is an A prospect
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Comment by Cactus
2008-01-10 16:13:29

John Sickels? He’s been a minor league analyst for the last 12 years or so.
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Comment by shortstop
2008-01-10 17:02:45

Why do we have to keep hearing F Mart’s name in these talks? Substitute a proven Major League outfielder-Ryan Church and see where that takes us. We’ll never miss him. (We never knew him).
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Comment by Achilles400
2008-01-10 15:57:19

What i noitced is the Phillie posters are much more civilized towards each other than we are in here…somewhat shocking. They are, however, much more pessimistic, which is always good to see!
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Comment by mikey_FF
2008-01-10 16:08:29

I think it’s because they are all pretty much on the same page. Mets fan base is very polarized.
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Comment by gomets6091
2008-01-10 16:29:34

ya….I bet if you go back and read posts from May on both sites, you’d find quite the opposite. 3/4 of the Phils fans screaming to fire Manuel, some people saying Howard was a fluke, others saying to give him time to come around, etc.

Meanwhile, this site was full of people with hope and optimism about the World Series that was surely ours in 4 months….oy vey.
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Comment by ravi3
2008-01-10 16:13:32

It could also be that they seem to be in a state of collective shock with this Johan to the Mets talk
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Comment by Saltzy23
2008-01-10 16:27:36

Not to jinx anything, but hypothetically lets say this thing goes through(oh man)…..

Whats the over/under on replies to the “Mets Aquire Sanana” posting on this site?

500? 1,000? More?
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Comment by extrawhitemeat
2008-01-10 16:29:19

Well I would owe Omar an apology and at least 20 of you guys as well..

So put me down for 30 comments by myself.. thanks.

Comment by dk70
2008-01-10 16:40:38

I vow to post every five minutes for 24 hours straight

Comment by stickguy
2008-01-10 16:44:14

I think Matt would turn off the comments section real quick.

Comment by Saltzy23
2008-01-10 16:49:58

Soooo, what you guys are saying is take the over. Gotcha….

Another question(while my heart is palpatating over this)….Since 1962, where would this rank on “All-Time Mets news stories”…..

IMO, it would be….

1.1969 WS Champs
2.1986 WS Champs
3. Trading for Piazza
4. Johan
5. 1973 WS
6. Signing Pedro
7. 07 Collapse(cant all be good)

The Kazmir and Ryan trades would be on there too, although no one knew how big the Ryan trade was when it went down….

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Comment by guierllNO MOta
2008-01-10 15:57:32

as we discussed, it took the yanks and sox (and every other team in baseball) to drop out of the santana race for us to even be considered.

If this trade gets made everyone on this site has to shut up if Omar doesn’t make anotehr trade until 2011 when we have another prospect.

go re-sign freddy garcia phils.
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Comment by Giaco
2008-01-10 15:57:41

reading all those posts is a happy ending to a miserable work day

i was 50-50 on this trade earlier in the day but as of now… 65-35… i just think we would be giving up a LOT…
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Comment by JohnMilner
2008-01-10 15:58:01

Here’s the dilemma, as I see it. We trade by Gomez and Martinez. Who takes Alou’s spot in the outfield after next year? Who gets called up after next year, when Endy is in the line-up? What other outfielders do we have in the minors, that can do the job in 2 to 3 years?
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Comment by Ric
2008-01-10 16:01:41

It’s called free agency. This isn’t 1974 anymore, for the most part the minors aren’t nearly as important as they used to be.
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Comment by MetsFanInVegas
2008-01-10 16:08:21

Was Carl Crawford ever resigned? He has a 2009 option after the 08 season, sign him to play an OF position
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Comment by LUNT101
2008-01-10 16:08:28

angel pagan?
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Comment by MetsFanInVegas
2008-01-10 16:11:50

bench player written all over him
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Comment by wrightnow5
2008-01-10 16:40:50

These are all outfielders who will be free agents after next year

Bobby Abreu NYY
Moises Alou NYM
Garrett Anderson * LAA
Rocco Baldelli * TB
Willie Bloomquist SEA
Emil Brown KC
Pat Burrell PHI
Endy Chavez NYM
Carl Crawford * TB
Adam Dunn CIN
Jim Edmonds SD
Juan Encarnacion STL
Cliff Floyd CHC
Brian Giles * SD
Shawn Green NYM
Ken Griffey Jr. * CIN
Vladimir Guerrero * LAA
Raul Ibanez SEA
Jacque Jones DET
Mark Kotsay OAK
Rob Mackowiak SD
Kevin Mench MIL
Jason Michaels * CLE
Craig Monroe MIN
Jay Payton BAL
Scott Podsednik CWS
Manny Ramirez * BOS
Juan Rivera LAA
Rondell White MIN
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Comment by da burg's greatest mets fan
2008-01-10 16:56:32

what does the * mean?

Comment by wrightnow5
2008-01-10 17:01:55

Player has an option for one more year.

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Comment by HeBeGB
2008-01-10 15:59:24

“the reader comments that follow jason’s post”

maybe it would be worh including FMart…what a treat it would be to see the rest of the NL East sick to their stomach!
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Comment by Mets1313
2008-01-10 16:07:58

OFers are a dime a dozen.

#1 SP’s and true aces are not.
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Comment by Ric
2008-01-10 16:14:12

No kidding. They’re 150 million/6 years for 1.

And worth it
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Comment by Kalihan42
2008-01-10 16:08:58

IS Minaya still in the holy land? My worry is that this is a wall being built out of mud w/o straw….are they REALLY working on a deal/?????
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Comment by dk70
2008-01-10 16:43:50

Does anyone else get the sinking feeling that Fat Drunk Idiot Steinbrenner is going to swoop in at the 11th hour???
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Comment by stickguy
2008-01-10 16:45:36

which one? The old one or the younger chain smoking one?
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Comment by anditsouttahere
2008-01-10 16:22:12

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Comment by Ric
2008-01-10 16:25:21

Mets better pull the trigger on this before Hank the Clown decides to make the trade in order to deflect bad press from the upcoming steroid hearings.
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Comment by jspicyn
2008-01-10 16:36:47

Responding to whoever said that the mets ‘played under .500 ball for 2/3 of the season’ it’s just a pessimistic twist on what happened. Call me an optimist but what I saw happen last season was the Mets blowing the division with an epic collapse. It took an EPIC, HISTORIC collapse for the phillies to edge the mets for the postseason. In no way whatsoever do I consider the Phillies the ‘team to beat’ just because they happen to be the team we gift wrapped an early Xmas present to. And that’s without Santana on the Mets. You can say ‘what if John Maine didn’t have an all star caliber first half’ but I can say ‘what if Carlos Delgado didn’t have a career defying, pathetic season?’ I think his best days are behind him, but he’s certainily capable of better production than that. Reyes won’t burn himself out stealing 70 bases by July, the Mets will have the best starting pitcher in baseball, and when they win the division by 14 games next year we’ll forget about this whole ‘Phillies being the team to beat’ in the NL East, cause that’s not how it is.
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Comment by kendychavez
2008-01-10 16:58:03

‘pessimistic twist’? what am i twisting? that is what happened. you’re limiting the season to a month of bad play- i would call that putting a much bigger twist on things.

if you treat this off season as only needing to recover from a bad two weeks you’re going to face the exact same problems you had last year. the goal can’t be to win that one extra game. with the mets resources the goal should be to build a team that can win around 95 games. we have, at best, the same team that won 88 games last year. the phillies and braves are as good or better than they were last year. if the phils can avoid losing utley or hamels at all next year they’ll be even better. and i’m down on glavine too, but adding 200+ league average innings is a MAJOR upgrade for them.

we had one phenomenal year- everybody in the lineup put up great numbers and the bullpen was lights out. it’s not the same lineup and a very different bullpen. why does that one great year make us ‘the team to beat’ any more than the collapse takes it away?
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Comment by jspicyn
2008-01-10 17:12:07

Yea, that’s what happened. But see it was pretty clear they were struggling all season to really get on track. Despite their shortcomings, they still were atop the division for almost the whole season. So many things went wrong. Almost no Pedro. Half a Delgado. Reyes’ burn out. Wright’s slow start. Lo Duca’s decline. Beltran’s slight decrease in production. Endy’s injury. A LOT of things went wrong and the team still was a game away from the postseason. You’re overrating the Phils and as you can see from their postseason showing, they hardly deserved to be there. So now you hope that Pedro can give you alittle more. Delgado can give you more. That’s 2 big pieces right there. Beltran bumps up his production back up. If things go a little bit better this year, I don’t see them winning by any less than 4-6 games because the Phils simply aren’t as good. This is all without Santana.

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Comment by TilMetsDoUsPart
2008-01-10 16:38:08

Carlos Gomez
Deolis Guerra
Kevin Mulvey
Aaron Heilman

for Johan Santana.

Possible additions of Humber and Gotay.
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Comment by jspicyn
2008-01-10 16:45:19

Aside from that deal having no chance to happen, great idea.
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Comment by Me llamo Pedro
2008-01-10 16:41:35

I say make the deal. This deal makes the Mets pitching staff amazing for years to come. Any pitcher they pick up for the next 6 years will be a number 2 or higher, taking all the pressure off the staff. Not many teams have the 1-2 punch (indians, arizona).

It means the chance to walk into any playoff series and win 2 games, just by adding Santana. Imagine Santana throwing against the Marlins the last game of the season last year? I was there and it hurt.
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Comment by Ric
2008-01-10 16:44:40

Plus I doubt anyone will be thinking, “damn, I wish Kevin Mulvey was here” if Johan Santana is on the hill at Shea for a Game 7.
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Comment by Andrew
2008-01-10 16:42:27

A plea to people who post on blogs for other teams that Matt links to:

Guys, can you please not go around making moronic posts on blogs for other teams whenever Matt links to them? You just make yourself look dumb. If you’re gonna troll, at least be funny when you’re doing it.
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Comment by Slob
2008-01-10 16:53:06

Do it for the lulz.
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Comment by Andrew
2008-01-10 17:08:43

Lulz are certainly key.
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Comment by Ric
2008-01-10 17:05:07

Please! Or better yet, don’t post there at all cause all that’s gonna happen is that they are gonna come here and we all know how unfunny and unclever other teams fans are. Unless, of course, you like reading multiple “Mutts Suck, you’re not even the best team in your city, lolzzzzz!!!!111!!!!” posts.
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Comment by Me llamo Pedro
2008-01-10 16:50:05

Not that it has any real baseball value, but it would put 3 first round fantasy baseball picks on the Mets.
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Comment by Ferd C
2008-01-10 16:54:29

I’m only into fantasy football myself, but are you saying Beltran is not a first rounder?
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Comment by Me llamo Pedro
2008-01-10 16:58:51

Not really, but he is a early second rounder. I’m assuming 12 team leagues.
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Comment by Peter
2008-01-10 17:03:01

Did you guys see the Atlanta Braves “bling” fashion cap?????

OMG! What is MLB doing????????
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Comment by Ric
2008-01-10 17:08:55

Wow. Lil John wouldn’t even wear that hat.
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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:28 pm

Email from Joe Christiansen, Minneapolis Star Tribune

It's a long story but I know him slightly and he remembered me when I emailed him.

I asked him if he really meant FMart "added" in to the package of Guerro, Mulvey, Gomez and Humber.. He said that is how it was put to him so he wrote it that way. but he "suspects" that it would be a substitution.

I asked him something else, too...if there was anyone the Twins might package in on their side....I mentioned Cuddyer...if he replies I'll post it here.

(any other good questions? Smile )

For months we've been hearing how none of our prospects are good enough to land Santana, and now we're gonna get Santana in addition to Cuddyer or Nathan according to you guys?

Come on people. Sheesh.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:52 pm Post subject: Santana 6 years 150 million WILPON DOESNT WANT TO SPEND!!!! Reply with quote
apperently the mets are being cocky and telling every major league source they think they can sign him for that price

According to the Star Tribune, the Mets are confident they'll get Johan Santana signed if they can agree with the Twins on the players involved in a deal.
Joe Christensen says there there is a belief in the Mets' camp that the price for Santana won’t be quite as high as advertised. The suspicion has been that Santana would ask for something like $150 million for six years. The Mets have tried to shy away from going beyond three years (four years in Pedro Martinez's case) with starting pitchers in the past.
Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune


Last month, I wrote that the New York Mets were not to be taken seriously in the Johan Santana sweepstakes. A person with knowledge of the negotiations told me that Mets owner Fred Wilpon was against the idea of signing any pitcher to the kind of contract extension Santana is seeking.


i told you wilpon doesnt want to spend money

the only reason he "says" he might be willing to spend on santana is because he KNOWS we have NO SHOT at getting johan

he thinks people are fooled but not me!!!!!!!!!

no sir


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:31 pm

StAiNdRuLeZ wrote:
apperently the mets are being cocky and telling every major league source they think they can sign him for that price

According to the Star Tribune, the Mets are confident they'll get Johan Santana signed if they can agree with the Twins on the players involved in a deal.
Joe Christensen says there there is a belief in the Mets' camp that the price for Santana won’t be quite as high as advertised. The suspicion has been that Santana would ask for something like $150 million for six years. The Mets have tried to shy away from going beyond three years (four years in Pedro Martinez's case) with starting pitchers in the past.
Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune

Telling every major league source? lol

I think they can get him for less than that price, actually.

Someone at work is telling me that...

Now please this is just a rumor but he said he got it from mlb trader...

The Mets have offered Mulvey, Guerra, and Gomez to the Twins for Santana. The Twins came back and said Mulvey, Guerra and Fernando Martinez and supposedly Wilpon said ok. Looking into this right now, just I figured if anyone heard something about this yet they can provide a link, I will try to look for one.

We need him more than they do.

Think of it this way: As currently constructed (without the Guerra/Martinez/or Gomez packaging) our deal doesn't stack up to what the Sox are offering. So if the Twins finally blink under the current terms, we'll fall short.

What real incentive is there for the Sox to go further? They have the better deal right now, and they know it.

For us to make up ground, we have to sweeten the pot. And considering we have the stronger need, I'm OK with that.

As long as we keep either Gomez or Fernando, I'm very, very cool.

RHP Deolis Guerra
OF Carlos Gomez
RHP Kevin Mulvey
RHP Phil Humber

that deal for santana has been on the table for a month now for the above 4 players , omar even will grant minny one more player from a list of 5 that donst include the KING.

MINNY IS STARTING TO LEAK INFO ON METS OFFERS FOR SANTANA this will piss omar off once he gets backs from isreal. at the same time minny is starting to see that omar will not overpay for santana. knowing everyday he a twin the price goes down

From Metsblog, taken from a Phillies blog...

Not only is Santana an amazing pitcher, he is an amazing LEFT-HANDED pitcher. Sit down Mr. Howard, Mr. Utley, goodbye J-Roll’s power from the left side of the plate, looks like we rely on Helms instead of Dobbs against him (yikes!), thus leaving our only hope as none other then the Met killer himself, Pat Burrell!

Hahah great stuff.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:32 pm

i love neshek but i had thought he was getting knocked around from overuse by the end of the year

9:50 AM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Dave said...

I love that there are 4 Red Sox players on this list and 0 Yankees. It's great to see the Sox change their approach from a offensive oriented team, to a team focused on solid pitching and good team defense. I am really excited to see how Dice K does his second season. He showed a lot of heart and a real competitive spirit during his rookie season. Not to mention 15 wins was impressive for a "rookie". With this team staying assembled, and the younger guys having another year of experience,this team is setup for a dynasty type run.

10:15 AM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...

i'm not sure how many wins dicd-k might have managed without that great offense behind him. i wouldn't be counting my chickens with him just yet.

10:27 AM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Dave said...

Dice K got less run support this season then Josh Beckett and Tim Wakefield. I think Dice K will be a dominant pitcher when stops trying to nibble the corners. He needs to set-up his offspeed stuff with some early fastballs. Plus, he won't have the distraction of playing in a new league for the first time and the constant scrutiny from the American and Japanesse media. I expect big things this season.

10:33 AM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...

part of the "distraction" of playing in a new league is that you have a substantial advantage over hitters who haven't faced you before.
that advantage is gone now. i'm sure you know what his ERA was like at the end of the season. some of that was no doubt due to fatigue, but the other part is the league adjusting to him.

10:44 AM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...

it's a shame phil hughes only pitched 72 innings. he had a .235 BAA

10:49 AM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...

oh yeah, and joba with his .145 ( only 24 innings dang! )

11:50 AM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...

not to be a pain in the ass, but manny delcarmen only pitched 44 innings this year guys.

2:06 PM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Royal Rooters said...

Michael, If I set the limits lower, Buchholz would have ranked among the relievers which I didn't think was fair.

And I really don't understand the argument that Daisuke won't be as good because pitchers will be more familiar. Hughes, Chamberlain and Kennedy were all pitching in new leagues too last year. Does that mean they won't do as good because the hitters will be more familiar with them, or do you only say that about Japanese pitchers?

4:59 PM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Royal Rooters said...

*because the hitters will be more familiar with him

5:03 PM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...

well as you know historically japanese pitchers have not done very well in the mlb.

it is another well accepted fact that pitchers do have an advantage over hitters that dissipates somewhat after hitters have seen them a few times.

comparing him to hughes joba IPK or buchholz for that matter isn't really fair because they are very young guys...new to the game of baseball whereas matzuzaka is an established player ( star even)

5:07 PM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...

i knew what you meant


5:07 PM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Michael said...


i wasn't really suggesting that you lower the limits you set. after all buchholz only pitched 7.2 innings in relief if i have my figures right.

and i just couldn't help noting the delcarmen discrepancy

all in good fun i hope you know

5:14 PM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Royal Rooters said...

"It is another well accepted fact that pitchers do have an advantage over hitters that dissipates somewhat after hitters have seen them a few times."

All I was saying is that if you believe that about Daisuke, you have to apply it to Hughes, Chamberlain and IPK.

5:25 PM, January 10, 2008
Blogger Royal Rooters said...

Oh, you're right. That should read min. 40 IP.

5:26 PM, January 10, 2008


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:34 pm

Just interested in peoples opinions...here are a few Red Sox questions I wanted to throw out there for discussion:

1. Who will be most improved this year?

I think Dice K will look much better this year like the way Beckett has turned around. He will have a whole season of MLB under his belt and I believe he has the talent that we all thought he did when they signed him.

I heard that Manny has been working out very hard this off season; perhaps he is looking to play the whole year without taking off time to rest his balky knee. Some say he is entering the down side of his career but I think he is capable of putting up his best numbers yet if he stays focused. He wants the Sox to pick up his option and his desire to stay with the Sox seems to be as strong as ever.

Lugo and Drew have to improve and I think they will. Hopefully Drew's personal problems will be behind him and he will become the player we hoped he would and we saw signs of that at the end of the season.Lugo impressed me with his speed, if he can just get on base a little more who knows how many stolen bases he may get.

I read Big Papi's book and that guy works real hard and has a huge heart. It will be interesting to see how he responds to his knee surgery. I think his power numbers will be in between what they were in 06 and 07.

2. Whose numbers will fall?

Can Okajima have the same success that he did in 07? I hope so; I don't think they would have won the division without him last year. He was the key to their great start. I just have no idea what to expect, maybe the league figures him out or maybe he gets even better.

I'm glad they resigned Lowell but can he repeat what he did last year? He doesn't have to, I'm sure he is going to help the Sox for years to come but I don't expect to see another year like 08 from him.

Shilling isn't getting any younger; he will benefit from the extra starters it appears the Sox will have. They just need to rest him when he needs it and get him to the play offs. There is no substitution for experience and guts when it comes to the post season and now the Sox are loaded with it.

I don't think Varitek is over the hill yet. He may have his best years behind him but I expect pretty much the same from him in 08 as in 07. I still wouldn't want anyone else behind the plate and I bet most Red Sox pitchers would agree. I do expect the Sox will pick up another catcher and rest Big V more often.

3. Who is most likely to win an Award?

It’s obvious that Beckett will win a Cy Young if he has a season like last year. If he gets 20 wins I don't care how many innings someone else pitches, every one now knows who the best pitcher in Baseball is.

I think Pedroia could go after a batting title as well as a Golden Glove.

If elsbury is still on the team, he is already the leading candidate for rookie of the year.

If Big Papi puts up another Monster season he could finally get an MVP. Manny is capable of it too. Maybe Lowell continues to surprise us.

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read and respond to my babbling message but Spring Training is 6 weeks away and I can't wait!!


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:35 pm

My '08 Projections


Josh Beckett
-At 27, Josh is just starting to enter his prime. Although seeing another 20 win season might seem far fetched, I will be calling one. He will only improve, hitters have already seen his stuff in year two, their is nothing new to learn on their end.
20-7 3.37

Daisuke Matsuzaka
-Second time around, could it be a Beckett year 2? Probably not, but I expect great things from this pitcher.
17-11 3.95

Jon Lester
-He proved the big game stuff in the WS, now he needs to prove a full season. Still has command issues, hopefully a full season will clear that up.
14-9 4.03

Curt Schilling
-Will he stay healthy, that is the big question mark. Personally, I think he will...why? Because hes a bastard and wants his pay day. That's fine because it works for us. I expect 28 starts from him.
14-10 3.99

Tim Wakefield
-Love the guy, but really don't want him on the team anymore. I am not a hater, but I didn't like him last year either. For the price though, hes a bargain (I will admit), plus I think his time will be numbered having Clay up by July.
8-6 5.12

Clay Buchholz
-Everyone wants to see this kid pitch, and we all know deep down we thought "why the hell are they signing Schilling and Wakefield again, I want to see Clay". However, we also know that it was the right decision to sign both of them. I have no concern that he will be with us come July, and will pitch his way into the play-offs (pending we make it)
9-4 3.92

Hideki Okajima
-Will he be as glamorous as last year? Probably not, but I love this guy. When we signed him I was happy, and I was glad it turned out great. Expect solid setup numbers, but probably not as crazy as last year

Jonathan Papelbon
-Another lights out year. Do I still wish he was in the rotation? Kind of, but I definitely see how important a solid closer is now.
2.32 37

Jacoby Ellsbury
-My projections for him are going to be a little different from a lot of others, but nothing crazy. He is born to be a lead off hitter, and proved the big stage doesn't scare him.
.311 .381 102 38 9 35

Dustin Pedroia
-We will see a bit of a drop off, but this kid is the real deal. He is so scrappy he makes things happen, plus he was playing with a broken wrist. Image his numbers without the horrendous start last year.
.306 .377 81 58 10 4

David Ortiz
-Fully rested, fully healed, I think we will see his best year ever with the Sox. He taught himself hitting last year, to a whole new level, and I think the power numbers will be back
.307 .434 111 124 42 2

Manny Ramirez
-Manny is Manny. What does that mean this year for us? Probably better production than last year considering his contract is riding on this one. He is still one of the best hitters in baseball, and although it seems like he strikes out every time in the needed 8th or 9th inning, the play-offs completely dispelled that.
.301 .411 104 112 33 0

Mike Lowell
-His numbers will probably drop, but not to what a lot of people expect. He has learned Fenway and is very happy playing here.
.299 .370 72 101 17 1

J.D. Drew
-Did he come to life last October? I hope so. I do expect $14.4m numbers, but definitely better than what he gave us last year. He is also going to be the centerpiece of the teams growth because of this.
.287 .401 80 93 21 9

Kevin Youkilis
-By now he has to know he is not a full time player (at the capacity he runs at all year (about 275%)). Maybe he will take this into account. I don't expect different numbers, but I expect it to be more steady, helping us more in the late months.
.291 .387 81 76 17 3

Jason Varitek
-Thankfully he is the best game caller in the game. If not, I don't think I could deal with him at the plate another year. I believe his numbers will fall coming up, but he is still worth his weight because of his defensive game calling.
.243 .351 51 59 13 0

Julio Lugo
-Same applies with Lugo as it did with Drew. We are not going to see another terrible offensive year from him, I just can't see it. Don't expect miracles, but expect a better line.
.271 .318 64 68 9 26

Injuries and more with plague the usual, hopefully nothing more. I expect to see Kotteras, although we just resigned Doug. I think they will give Kotteras an unfortunate 15 games to see if he can ever play for us and that it. Hopefully he shines, because I don't like the coming options. Wakefield will be off and on, again for the better allowing Clay to come up and hopefully play well again.


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Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:36 pm

Buster Olney -on The Yankees' Mitchell mess


Some baseball executives wonder if federal investigators will uncover trainers and batboys in other cities, in Los Angeles or Kansas City or Boston or Texas or some other place. "You have to figure that there was a Kirk Radomski in just about every clubhouse," a GM said the other day. "It wasn't only in New York."

But so far, the fallout from the Mitchell report is generally confined to New York, where Radomski and Brian McNamee mostly worked. Some friends who are Yankees fans have believed all along in the conspiracy theory that New York got the most scrutiny because George Mitchell is on the board of directors of the Red Sox.

That's way too Oliver Stone-ish for me. Mitchell's investigators didn't dig up McNamee and Radomski -- it was the feds who did that -- and beyond that, I just can't see Mitchell sitting in his office plotting to make life miserable for the Yankees.

But the reality is that the Yankees are going to be knee-deep in this mess for months, and it could be an enormous distraction. Their No. 2 starter -- someone who was already on the fence about possibly retiring -- is going to spend a lot of the time usually reserved for preparation talking with lawyers. Assuming that Roger Clemens' defamation suit against McNamee goes forward, it figures that depositions will be taken from some executives and players of the Yankees, including Andy Pettitte. And as the revelations leak out from those depositions, inevitably, the Yankees will be caught in the wake of the headlines. It figures to be a long and ugly summer of steroid talk in New York, and much less so in Boston.

The stakes just keep going up for McNamee, Clemens and Pettitte, with word that the congressional hearing scheduled for Jan. 16 has been postponed so that more information can be gathered, much of it in the form of depositions. There is no turning back now.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:37 pm

actually, this was my favorite post

Posted by: GM-Carson | Thursday, January 10, 2008 at 02:09 PM

Not only is Santana an amazing pitcher, he is an amazing LEFT-HANDED pitcher. Sit down Mr. Howard, Mr. Utley, goodbye J-Roll's power from the left side of the plate, looks like we rely on Helms instead of Dobbs against him (yikes!), thus leaving our only hope as none other then the Met killer himself, Pat Burrell!


I love this one. From the same guy:

"It is a great point about the aces resigning with their current clubs recently.

For the METS it would probably leave their farm system in similar shape as the Phillies plus adding Santana.

Time to shoot up Chad Durbin with some B-12 and Lidocaine."


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:38 pm

I'm so confused. Omar is in Israel, but this deal is almost done? Honestly, I think the Twins are willing to keep him this year if we don't give them the four guys they want. That's what is holding this thing up. Their fans might not be happy with the picks, but they might think they can still trade Santana in the middle of the season, even if he said he wasn't willing. They haven't blinked yet, and this has been going on for a while.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:16 pm

Omar Minaya: "Not Much to Santana Report."

As I write this, New York Mets broadcaster Ed Coleman from WFAN in New York is doing an interview with MLB.tv online.
According to Coleman, today he spoke directly with Mets GM Omar Minaya, who is currently doing some good-will work in Isreal.

When Coleman asked about the Johan Santana-to-the-Mets report, Minaya told him, "There's really not much to it."

Coleman added that nothing has really changed in terms of Santana to the Mets.

More smoke from Minnesota... And as I mentioned in the previous blog, notice that nobody is ever actually quoted in these "reports" out of Minnesota - not even anonymously.

And consider this... What would the response be if Minny turned their nose at Hughes and Cabrera + and took this Mets offer back to their fans ?

No chance!

And by the way, most quotes I've seen from GM's lately make it clear that they feel they have another couple of weeks to get things done... That means this whole Santana thing is going to be coming to a head in the next week, 14 days tops... So I would imagine the smoke is going to get a lot thicker before something actually gets done.

Omar Minaya: ''Not much to Santana-to-Mets report.''

New York Mets broadcaster Ed Coleman from WFAN in New York just finished an interview with MLB.tv online. According to Coleman, today he spoke directly with Mets GM Omar Minaya, who is currently doing some good-will work in Isreal.

When Coleman asked about the Johan Santana-to-the-Mets report, Minaya told him, "There's really not much to it."


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:20 pm

Seems to me Hank has been doing some back tracking lately as the "supposed" boss since the disclosure about the yankees structure hit the press.

Bottom line...

The man with the checkbook (Hal) & The GM have out voted Hank image

The Yankees could be trying to get the Redsox off the scent (Cash's out of character revealing comments in Boston) and make it clearly obvious to the world that the Sox interest was never to acquire Santana but to make it hurt for the Yankees.

Let's be honest here, the Yankees can beat any offer from the Mets that doesnt include Martinez without Hughes.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:22 pm

Go get ‘em, Josh


Hey, Josh Phelps signed a minor-league deal with the St. Louis Cardinals. Guess this means Albert Pujols is about to be traded.

Yes, we’re kidding. Just a gentle jab at those Yankee fans who thought Phelps was the answer at first base last season.

Meanwhile, new Yankees Hall of Famer Goose Gossage did the Top 10 List on The Late Show with David Letterman last night. Check it out here.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:23 pm

1. Buddy Biancalana January 10th, 2008 at 5:49 pm

Pujols would solve the 1B issue, how about Hughes, Melky, etc…
2. Bronx Liaison January 10th, 2008 at 5:56 pm

Very funny Buddy.

Tex in 2009 for 1st Base!

And come on Pete, Phelps is HOF bound, didn’t you know that?

We all knew the Phelps post would come, hehe.
3. Mark L. January 10th, 2008 at 5:57 pm

Aww, you couldn’t resist could you
Phelps has a very good bat, it is just a shame that he has such poor defensive versatility.
4. Jake January 10th, 2008 at 5:57 pm


I don’t think any of us thought he was the “answer” at first base, but it was a cheap risk worth taking. Didn’t pan out and we moved on.
5. raymagnetic January 10th, 2008 at 5:59 pm

Joe Torre is notorious for not giving players a chance to play. The first base issue would have been resolved if Carlos Pena had been given a shot in 2006. Pena credits Kevin Long for helping him out with his swing as well, but oh I digress…..
6. Doreen January 10th, 2008 at 6:01 pm


Thanks for the Letterman clip. Gossage seemed to be having a great time! He looked pretty good, too.
7. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 6:04 pm

January 10th, 2008 at 4:04 pm
“Josh Phelps just signed a minor league deal with the Cards.”

Pete posts a sarcastic comment about Phelps in 3…2….1….

Man Pete, you are starting to get a little too predictable.

This just in Hank offers Melky and Nieves for Pujols, Cards have till midnight to respond. If they get back in the next half an hour, we’ll throw in Pavano.
8. Jim PA January 10th, 2008 at 6:04 pm

Hey, somebody in the last thread said Pete was going to weigh in soon with a sarcastic joke about Phelps. Good job!
9. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 6:06 pm

Okay, guys, I have to say this:

We went the entire last thread without mentioning Clemens, McNamee or Mitchell once!

Well done! I am incredibly impressed!

Now, to get back on topic:

I wish Josh Phelps all the best! I wasn’t Stateside when he was playing with the Yanks much, but I’m glad he’s landed on his feet.

Glad to see Cairo, Phelps and Clippard find a soft landing.
10. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 6:07 pm

rebecca…. and andy phillips
11. S.o.S.27 January 10th, 2008 at 6:08 pm

January 10th, 2008 at 5:59 pm
Joe Torre is notorious for not giving players a chance to play. The first base issue would have been resolved if Carlos Pena had been given a shot in 2006. Pena credits Kevin Long for helping him out with his swing as well, but oh I digress…..

I totally agree with you in Torre. If Phelps would have had more playing time,maybe he would have still been here.

As far as Pena is concerned, who would of thought he would blow up like he did? If i can recall he was batting like 250 in the minors. Cant blame the Yanks on that one.
12. GMAN January 10th, 2008 at 6:08 pm

Goose was Great with the Yanks!
He’d come in with the big Big Fu Man Chu…
Warm up…throwing hi 90’s…then the final warm-up pitch was chin high wild in the batters’ box…as the hitter looked on from the batting circle.

Rizzuto would generally pronounce the game over..in ways only the Scooter could…

It was a great time to be a Yankee Fan!
13. mel January 10th, 2008 at 6:10 pm


Don’t forget Matty DeSalvo.
14. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 6:13 pm

i miss bernie and mel:

You guys are totally right! I am such a horrible fan for forgetting, my apologies!
15. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 6:14 pm

i love torre, but i was really wishing we could bring billy back from his repose for like one week last May.
pull someone off the field for misplaying a ball, throw a few bats, pin someone up against a locker, punch out a reporter (not pete though) i just always felt like there was nobody there to shake things up, which is what i thought they needed.
16. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 6:15 pm


Sir Edmund Hillary, first guy to climb Everest, has died. RIP.
17. mel January 10th, 2008 at 6:16 pm

RIP, Sir Edmud Hillary…
18. mel January 10th, 2008 at 6:16 pm

Uhh, that would by Sir Edmund Hillary.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:55 pm

Yankees sign OF Lane


Brian Cashman said on YES tonight that the Yankees have signed Jason Lane to a minor-league deal.

A right-handed bat, Lane can play all three OF spots and a little first base. He’s 31 and coming off two hideous seasons. He did hit 26 homers in 2005.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Cashman on Hot Stove

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:59 pm

Cashman on Hot Stove

Cashman was on Hot Stove tonight. He feels that Hawkins can make a useful contribution to the bullpen. He also said that things can change as far as Santana is concerned. But, right now the Yankee organization is comfortable with going with what they already have.

Joba right now is a starter , but that could change after spring trainng. The Yankees plan on a 5 man rotation , but they mght have to use a 6 man rotation throughout the season.

He also was asked about 1st base, He feels that right now they do not need to go outside .The Yankees are content to go with Giambi, Duncan etc, They are also looking at Juan Miranda for 1st base.

Horne , Marquee are among the young arms that will be at spring training trying for a spot on this years team

I think Hal does not want to spend money. He figures that 80 million is coming off the books in October he seems focused on that.

Cashman really said Horne/Marquez would get a shot? That would mean Horne would be an option for the bullpen sounds like to me. I like that idea

they're invited to spring training, so we will see

I really like how Cashman is trying to rebuild this team which is smart because the team needs to rebuild because the team is getting old. I would have resigned Cashman already if I was the owner

.."things might change"....."things could change"........."this might happen"......"we may or may not need to go outside the organization".......does Cashman ever say anything without qualifying it? It's inconceivable that Giambi and Duncan will handle first base......it just can't be.......where is Douggie?........or Carlos Pena.....

First base is a position where you need a guy who can make the very difficult plays...there are just so many of them at first.....Heaven help us......

"There's a hot shot to first...off Duncan's glove....rolls into right field....in comes Manny, in comes Lowell....Sox lead 4-0".......

"A bouncer to short, ARod charges....flips to Duncan....in the dirt....Duncan can't handle it....7 runs score...Yanks lose 9-8...."

Captain writes:
Cashman can only so much. He is going to say a little as possible.

What happened to the "full control Cashman"........I really wouldn't mind if he says as little as possible, but no matter how little he says, it always takes him 2 hours to say it....I don't like Cash....I used to like him....but I don't anymore....I used to like Chas...but I don't anymore because of instinctive vagueness......plus he's getting old....


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:00 pm

1. Spyder January 10th, 2008 at 8:04 pm

God what a find, two hideous seasons and we sign him while other teams sign frontline players
2. Irabu's Son January 10th, 2008 at 8:08 pm

Two hideous seasons?

Steroid testing at it’s best?
3. mike eff January 10th, 2008 at 8:10 pm

what a waste.
was there any reason given for the contract?
4. Peter Abraham January 10th, 2008 at 8:12 pm

You guys are such cranks. He was signed to a minor-league deal. What “front-line” players would you like the Yankees to sign? They have every position filled.
5. Blargh January 10th, 2008 at 8:15 pm

What’s so wasteful about a minor-league contract?
6. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:15 pm


No harm with the minor league deal but i would have rather seen them sign an infielder like Marcus Giles (he signed a minor league deal as well). But I’m certainly fine with signing a guy like Lane to a no risk deal… they used guys like Kevin Thompson… and may need a guy like Lane for short periods (though hopefully not)
7. Jennifer - Save Phil Hughes! January 10th, 2008 at 8:16 pm

All he is, is a cheap insurance policy.
8. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:17 pm

I think I even had Lane on a fantasy team for a little while a few years ago - and won my league Smile Thanks Jason!
9. Drew January 10th, 2008 at 8:18 pm

You can’t have enough Andy Phillips type players. Neutral
10. Jennifer - Save Phil Hughes! January 10th, 2008 at 8:18 pm

We should have a pete abe fantasy baseball team. I need to get out of my league, I just can’t win in it.
11. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 8:18 pm

No harm with the minor league deal. Yanks are stacked in the OF positions if everyone stays healthy.
12. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:21 pm

Jennifer -

start it up. you can count me in.
13. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 8:21 pm

hate to sound like a broken record, but every time 1B comes up i cant believe they let andy phillips go. he was the most known quantity there, steady but unspectacular, fine defense, now we have a gimp (giambi) and two guys who may really hurt them (bettamit and duncan). cant say i trust any of the 3. i hope cash has something better in the works.
14. Rebecca--Optimist Prime--Save the Three Musketeers! January 10th, 2008 at 8:21 pm

jennifer: That’s a great idea! When it comes around in March we should set one up!

I call Mo Rivera! :-D
15. J-Dawg January 10th, 2008 at 8:21 pm

Lane is a cheap option and maybe, just maybe, he can show enough in Spring Training to make the team and be a key reserve at one of the outfield positions or he could see some time at first base. The opportunity to be on the Yankee roster probably will serve as terrific motivation for Lane. Maybe it will inspire him to regain his ‘05 form. Let’s just see how everything plays out.
16. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 8:23 pm

Insurance signing to add depth to AAA.
17. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:24 pm

i miss bernie -

i could be wrong but didnt they get stuck and have to let andy go? did they need to free up space on the 40man? I thought their hand was forced somewhat
18. the todd January 10th, 2008 at 8:26 pm

its a good minor league signing, they lost alot of veterans on their AAA team, he will be good insurance. nothing more nothing less.
19. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:27 pm

FOXSports.com’s Ken Rosenthal believes Mike Cameron could soon sign with the Yankees or Brewers.

I really like a 1yr Cameron signing IF they trade Melky
20. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 8:27 pm

i understand roster spots were tight, but given the choice i would have release bruney
21. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:28 pm

Rosenthal seems to believe that Cabrera could go to Cubs, Reds, Braves, Royals or Pirates in return for prospects.
22. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:29 pm

i miss bernie -

no argument there, except that they had 1b covered and their bullpen was much more of a question mark (not that bruney made a case in the 2nd half of the season to stay - but he does throw hard)
23. Boston Dave January 10th, 2008 at 8:30 pm

Yanks looking at Cameron?

24. Alan January 10th, 2008 at 8:30 pm

Rosenthal, who might or might know that about which he’s talking, says the Yanks are after Mike Cameron. [source] He misses the first 25 games because of his drug abuse, but then Rosenthal talks about Cameron in center and Johnny in left. Melky’s then as good as gone, though I suppose we hang on to Matsui to DH when Giambi inevitably gets hurt.
25. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 8:30 pm

cameron, that could be negotiating in anticipation of moving melky (to Minn.?)
26. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 8:33 pm

i know but i saw phillips as being worth more than ‘a body’ in the bullpen, even if he throws hard. farnsworth throws hard, proctor threw hard, and together with bruney, they made up a completly unreliable bullpen last year.
27. Jim PA January 10th, 2008 at 8:36 pm

It sounded like a good cheap insurance signing, how did we get to dumping Melky and picking up Bad Boy Cameron?
28. jay destro January 10th, 2008 at 8:36 pm

a minor league contract for an extra bat and defense? sounds good to me. low cost, low risk, gives lane a chance to up his value before he hits mid 30s and sticks around in AAA for the rest of his career.

giambi cannot play half the year at 1b, shelley duncan is a question mark. never hurts to have extra help for low cost.
29. Doreen January 10th, 2008 at 8:43 pm

hearing the Melky Cabrera could be replaced by Cameron is not good news to me. I had really counted on if there was no Santana deal, then I didn’t have to think about Melky being gone. I know he’s not an all-star, but I like him. It’s nice to have happy positive energy on a team. Cameron misses time for the drugs, plus, isn’t he injury prone? I sure hope this is just another unfounded, which Yankee outfielder can we ship out this week kind of rumor.
30. Drive 4-5 January 10th, 2008 at 8:43 pm

I think the first base situation will work itself out. The bullpen, on the other hand is a real problem.

On the Yankee’s Hot Stove show tonight Cashman named Kyle Farnsworth as the first 8th inning option. Unless 3 or 4 pitchers emerge, the Yanks could have as bad a bullpen as any contending team in the American League.

As the bullpen is currently constructed,there is no one that either get lefties out on a consistent basis (or anyone else for that matter) or set up for Mariano.

Speaking of the Yanks Hot Stove Show,they need to find someone else besides George King. When you’re on television, you need to project. He was a fish out of water and was saved by Jack Curry numerous times.
31. i miss bernie January 10th, 2008 at 8:47 pm

i cant see them signing cameron unless melky is being moved as part of a larger trade, not just trading melky for prospects.
32. Jennifer - Save Phil Hughes! January 10th, 2008 at 8:47 pm

Rebecca that isn’t how it works. Smile Good try though. I always lose becuase I draft low. Even in fantasy football. Sad
33. Matt January 10th, 2008 at 8:48 pm

Drive 4-5 :

Yeah, George King is as interesting as a mashed potato sandwich. I had hoped that either he or Curry would ask Brian Cashman about the lefthander situation in the bullpen. No such luck.
34. Phil January 10th, 2008 at 8:48 pm

“When you’re on television, you need to project.”

When you are on stage, you need to project…not when you are on television.

When you’re on television, you just shouldn’t be dull. (and even that doesn’t guarantee you won’t be on TV - see Carson Daly)
35. Jennifer - Save Phil Hughes! January 10th, 2008 at 8:50 pm

How many teams should I make it? And what site? I’ve always participated in Yahoo.
36. Yankee Trader January 10th, 2008 at 8:50 pm

Sign Cameron for 2 years.
Trade Cabrera and prospects to the Pirates for Damaso Marte and Ian Snell.
Is this feasible?
Hope Santana goes to the Mets or stays with the Twins.
37. Clay Bellinger January 10th, 2008 at 8:51 pm

I would be interested in the Fantasy league if you will have me.
38. Jennifer - Save Phil Hughes! January 10th, 2008 at 8:53 pm

I just have to figure out how this will work. Do I post a link to it? I don’t know. Help anyone?!


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Rosenthal: Yankees Also Interested in Cameron

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:10 pm

Rosenthal: Yankees Also Interested in Cameron


It’s not just the Brewers that are taking a close look at Mike Cameron. Add the New York Yankees to the Cameron chase, according to Ken Rosenthal.

Rosenthal reports that the Yankees could sign Cameron even if current centerfielder Melky Cabrera is not dealt for Johan Santana. A deal would probably be for two years, to give time for top outfield prospect Austin Jackson to develop.

Rosenthal goes on to say that if Cameron is signed, the Yankees could just trade Cabrera outright for prospects. The Cubs, Reds, Braves, Royals and Pirates are named as possible trade partners for Cabrera.

Cameron, of course, will need to serve out a 25 game suspension for cheating to start the year. In New York, Damon would play centerfield during that time and then shift to left field when Cameron comes back. Hideki Matsui would spend most of his time as the team’s DH.


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Santana - Page 8 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:12 pm

January 10th, 2008 at 6:47 pm

Crisp had two back-to back good seasons (2004-2005).
That is one more than Melky and two more than anyone else the Twins have been offered.


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