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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:57 am

Mets In Lead For Santana?


MetsBlog's Matthew Cerrone sums up the latest buzz around the Johan Santana trade talks. It seems the Mets are in the lead for Santana, proactively trying to find a way to make it work. They are Santana's preference, they have the money for him, and they might have the players to get it done.

Cerrone says Santana would like to have this thing wrapped up before pitchers and catchers report, about five weeks from now.


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Buzz: Santana in the Driver’s Seat

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:01 am

Buzz: Santana in the Driver’s Seat


According to multiple reports, the Mets may be in the driver’s seat with regards to Twins LHP Johan Santana.

…from what i can tell, it’s not the Mets or the Twins who are in the driver’s seat, though, it’s santana who is in the driver’s seat…

…yesterday’s report in the Star-Tribune really kicked up a lot of buzz, most of which i had been writing for weeks, and some that i had been sitting on but which is now slowly being confirmed…

…in the last day or so i have talked with people who are involved in these talks and who are closely watching it from the inside, as well as people who are connected to santana, and while a lot of details may be up left to interpretation, one thing for certain is that the Mets are seriously interested, they are the only major, pro-active player who is dealing with the Twins and things between the two sides are progressing…

According to WFAN’s Mike Francesa, speaking on air yesterday afternoon, the Twins continue to ask the Mets for Jose Reyes, which is essentially holding up the trade.

…from what i can gather, having talked with people connected to the teams and to reyes and to santana, as i wrote back in December, the Mets and Twins understand who can and cannot be involved in a potential trade…and while i believe the Mets are open to trading Fernando Martinez, though they do not want to and still feel they may not have to, the Twins understand that Jose Reyes is totally off the table - despite what francesa is saying, and others are reporting from time to time…

…by the way, thanks to Peter Wade for the WFAN information…

Meanwhile, according to today’s Daily News, as well as the Bergen Record, the Twins have yet to decide if they want major league-ready pieces or prospects.

…actually, i have heard it this way as well, which may be why some people keep fixating on reyes…i wonder if people hear ‘major-league ready talent’ and logically assume it means reyes…i rarely, if ever, hear specific names mentioned - so, to me, i have always interpreted ‘major-league ready talent’ to mean Aaron Heilman, because, from what i understand, the Twins have no interest in acquiring and paying a player like reyes, who is due roughly $20 million over the next three years…

…as for the Mets competition, as long as the Yankees hold on to Phil Hughes, which they still intend to do, the Mets are the only major, pro-active player for santana, who, by the way, still prefers to be on the Mets - as i have been writing for weeks…

…additionally, as i understand it, santana wants to know who he will be pitching for before pitchers and catchers report, especially if he’ll be switching leagues like he prefers to do - which is why i believe there will be a conclusion to this story before February, i.e., two to three weeks…

…so, if santana prefers to be on the Mets, as others have started to write of late as well, my question is: just how badly does he want that to happen…because, in some ways, he can dictate where he ends up…

Remember, in late October, he told the Star-Tribune that he will waive his no-trade clause - assuming he is appropriately compensated and is traded to a team with a legitimate chance of winning a World Series.

Later that month, reports indicated that Santana would consider vetoing a trade during the season so to encourage the Twins to make a move before opening day.

…from what i can tell, the Twins best card to play is ‘time,’ i.e., being able to drag their feet while being indecisive in hopes that a team like the Mets get nervous and overpay just to get a deal done…meanwhile, the Mets best card to play is understanding that santana prefers to pitch for them…

…the thing is, to what extent will santana go to force minnesota’s hand, which would then eliminate their luxury of time and help the Mets as well…


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:04 am

January 11th, 2008 at 8:37 am

A side note on Wang. MLB/Yankee still hasn’t issue work permit to Wang yet, so he’s stuck in Taiwan and unable to go to his pre spring training workout in AZ

January 11th, 2008 at 7:00 am

Matt, I enjoyed the post, both style and substance.

I would agree that Cashman’s record is mixed, and the misses do seem to be more in the pitching arena than on position players. I think that’s the nature of the beast. Pitching in general is not all that plentiful, and when you refine the field to quality pitching, it’s almost like finding a needle in a haystack. And hindsight is 20/20 - many of the pitchers Cashman acquired who didn’t pan out were initially accepted widely by fans and media-types. There has been some bad luck involved. I would also put in there that after 2003, when both Clemens and Pettitte left, there was perhaps a hint of desperation to replace their production, not an easy task at all. And there is the undeniable burden of find a pitcher with the mindset to be able to deal with the uniqueness that is the media exposure one faces when one is added to the Yankees roster.

I would agree with mel, that perhaps Cashman’s particular fondness for Hughes has more to do with his being a symbol of the new direction, and that he will not be quite so attached to other prospects going forward. He was willing to include Kennedy in the Santana deal from the start, reluctantly made the switch (upgrade?) to Hughes, and only balked when the Twins decided they would require BOTH Hughes AND Kennedy. I would say that I’m glad he did balk.

Overall, I think Cashman is doing a fine job. He is not perfect, and I would submit that no GM is. I would also submit that it’s easy to make unfavorable comparisons with other GMS because here in NY we examine his performance on a molecular level, while looking at the performance of other GMs in a much broader light.

But I think your assessment and approach in critiquing Cashman was good and fair.

TurnTwo January 11th, 2008 at 8:19 am

Great post, and I think I agree with the general sentiment.

I think one thing people tend to forget when they say “well if the Saux dont have include Bucholtz, why do the Yankees have to include Hughes?” … and the answer being, because Joba actually projects as a pitcher pitcher than Hughes, so he’s the real “Bucholtz” of the farm system. Hughes is the second best pitching prospect in the system.

I agree that Cashman doesnt exactly have a great track record when it comes to securing young, talented pitching in the trades of recent memory. Although, at the time these deals were made, I defended just about each one of them, so i really wont judge Cashman harshly for that… these guys just didnt pan out. The other thing that I look to when you discuss the Weavers/Kevin Browns/Javy Vazquez’s of the Yankees failed pitching acquisitions, you can take solace in knowing we havent exactly given up any substantial MLB talent, either.

I think it was Rebecca who noted that of all the players who have developed, come, and gone from our system in recent memory, Soriano has had the most success, but he netted us ARod. This gets to the heart of a greater point: you should hold onto your talent and develop it, but when that special player becomes available, you cant fall too far in love with these kids to be afraid to make the move when it falls on your lap…

The Yankees could obtain arguably the best pitcher in the league over the last 5 years, and for the second best pitching prospect we have, along with a player who projects to be a fringe everyday OF, and some other moving parts…

i think we’ve all discussed this here until we’ve turned blue in the face, and we all know where each other stand on this issue… but sometimes you have to take a step back and remove your emotion from the situation to try a determine the proper solution.

now, Hughes projects to be a top of the rotation type of pitcher, but that is exactly what it is… a projection. he’s shown flashes of greatness, but also moments of mediocrity.

and Johan has been a brilliant pitcher of recent seasons, and there is no logical reason to think that, because of his age and track record, he’ll be much different for years to come…

if the Yankees dont make the move, i can live with the young arms, and i’ll be extremely excited come the start of the new season… but i kind of fear for Phil Hughes, and the expectations he’ll have to live up to. His career, to a lot of Yankees fans, will now be looked upon side-by-side with one of the best pitchers in the league, and he’ll be expected to produce quickly… and if those results are not there, you hope that the same fans who are so ademently arguing to save him wont be here in 2 years wondering what if.

as far as trading melky and signing Cameron… I’ve got no problem with it. last offseason, i argued that if Cashman and company thought that Melky was the CF of the future, than I could live with his decent production and good defense, considering the rest of the lineup that is in place… but if they didnt feel Melky was the CF of the future, they should move him for valuable parts/prospects should that moment arise.

that time has obviously come, with AJax coming onto the scene last year. If Melky can be moved for a solid bullpen piece, or packaged along with a couple minor leaguers for a bigger piece to the puzzle, then I have no problem with Cashman moving him and bringing in Cameron on a reasonable 2 year deal

January 11th, 2008 at 8:22 am

Gone are the days of George Steinbrenner craving every marquee player in sight with Giambi being the best example.
Hank has said on more than one occasion that he was never on that train of thought but working for his father left no room for questioning his tactics.
Hank is his own man now with a different approach than his father and has a lot of trust in Cashman and others before making high level decisions.
Few will argue that by now, George would have had Santana in tow and for a lot more package than Hank has offered to this point.


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:06 am

What If: Re-imagining the Yankee Dynasty
Posted by: Ben K. in Brian Cashman, Days of Yore

Before I begin this exercise in What If? baseball history, let’s just remember that hindsight is always 20/20. When we look back in time and try to evaluate trades that weren’t made, it’s easy to do it sitting here in 2008. The trick is to put our selves in the shoes of those involved in the decision. In this case, that means hoping in a time machine and journeying to July 31, 1998.

It is July 31, 1998, and the Yankees are on a once-in-a-lifetime roll. The Yankees are 76-27 with a 15-game lead over the Red Sox. Since a 1-3 start, the team was a blistering 75-24. That just doesn’t happen.

But despite being prohibitive World Series favorites, the Yankees were always searching for ways to get better, and leading the charge was a rookie. General Manager Brian Cashman was in his first year as Yankee GM, and a series of moves and non-moves, beginning on that fateful night in July — the trade deadline — would impact the Yankees Dynasty up through the present day.

As site commenter Phil reminded us today, the Yankees were in the hunt for Randy Johnson. I had completely forgotten about these behind-the-scenes moves. But as RAB favorite and one-time Yankee beatwriter Buster Olney relates, the Yankees didn’t pull the trigger:

The Yankees could have had Randy Johnson tonight. Yankees General Manager Brian Cashman could have called the Seattle Mariners and agreed to their demands, and Johnson, one of this generation’s best pitchers, would have joined George Steinbrenner’s juggernaut.

Instead, the Yankees decided to pass on Johnson, refusing Seattle’s request for pitcher Hideki Irabu, the minor league infielder Mike Lowell and a second Class A player, and Johnson was traded to the Houston Astros. The Yankees’ last-minute attempt to trade for Los Angeles reliever Antonio Osuna also fell apart. Cashman and the Yankees are betting they can win the World Series with the team that has won 76 of its first 103 games.

”We made a tough decision,” Cashman said, ”and we will live with it.”

“The price,” according to Cashman, “was too high.” The price of Hideki Irabu, Mike Lowell, and a single A pitcher or the price of Ramiro Mendoza and Mike Lowell. It was all too high. Ironically, when Mike Lowell was traded five months later, the returns were meager. I can only wonder what changed — other than one great Scott Brosius season — in the intervening few months.

Now, for all the Cashman haters, this trade serves as the greatest indication of what he did wrong. Imagine Randy Johnson on the Yankees from 1998 through 2004 or 2005. How much would be different? Now, we can play that What If? game.

For starters, with Randy Johnson on board, I can’t envision the Yankees trading for Roger Clemens, and from there, the picture gets murky. I’d guess that the Yankees still win the World Series in 1999 and 2000. The storylines diverge in 2001. With Randy Johnson pitching for them instead of against them, the Yanks win the 2001 World Series. Maybe they get bounced in 2002; maybe they don’t. The 2003 season is hard to imagine also. That year, RJ made only 18 starts with the Diamondbacks.

But then we arrive at the Holy Grail of the What Ifs. In 2004, with Randy Johnson around and all things being equal, it’s hard to see the Yankees going down in seven games. Kevin Brown wouldn’t have been on the team because Hideki Irabu would have been traded to the Mariners instead of the Expos. Remember: The Expos sent Ted Lilly to the Yanks who sent Lilly away for Weaver who was traded for Kevin Brown. Got it?

The storylines merge though when 2005 arrives. We saw Randy Johnson 2005-2006; there’s no need to recount that.

Now, who knows if my rosy scenario is right. Could the Yankees with Randy Johnson really have won World Series from 1998-2001 and then again in 2004? It’s quite possible, but it’s also a challenge to win five World Series in eight seasons. It’s certainly no given.

Meanwhile, as much as we want to harp on this trade as Phil did today, it’s really hard to argue with the way things turned out for Cashman and the Yankees. By not acquiring Randy Johnson in 1998, the Yankees got Clemens for 1999 and shipped off Irabu for a piece — Jake Westbrook — that would eventually land them David Justice, the key to their 2000 World Series championship.

So for these What Ifs, you have to believe what you want to believe. Does RJ mean to Clemens? Or is RJ in 1998 just as unhappy in New York as he was in 2005? Does RJ in 1998 mean to David Justice? Does RJ on the Yankees in 2000 mean they don’t need a David Justice? Does RJ in 1998 mean no Javy Vazquez, no Kevin Brown? Does it mean the Red Sox’s futility would survive to this day?

In the end, no one knows. It’s fun to hop on that Wayback Machine and check in with the Yankees circa 1998, but it’s largely futile. Considering the Yanks’ success and the way Brian Cashman went about, in the late 1990s, acquiring just the right pieces at just the right time, I can’t bemoan or criticize Cashman for not making this trade. Others will, but as I said, hindsight is always 20/20.


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:10 am

Mets take lead in Santana trade sweepstakes


For much of the winter the Mets have seemed on the periphery of the Johan Santana stakes, waiting for their chance as the Red Sox and Yankees went back and forth with the Minnesota Twins.

Now, their time may have come.

While the Red Sox and Yankees have stalled in potential deals, the Mets have resumed talks with the Twins and, according to one person involved in the talks, "Things are closer."

That seemingly innocuous statement was in itself encouraging. Since the winter meetings the talks had gone nowhere between the Mets and Twins with Minnesota GM Bill Smith insisting that Jose Reyes be included in a deal, a point that ends discussion for the Mets.

The Mets insist that Reyes will not be included under any circumstances, but the Twins appear to be relenting on their demand. A report in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune on Thursday said that if the Mets would include Fernando Martinez in a package already loaded with Carlos Gomez, Deolis Guerra, Phil Humber and Kevin Mulvey it would be a done deal.

Mets GM Omar Minaya, traveling on a charity trip in Israel, was not available for comment. But one Mets official said that Martinez has not been excluded from talks with the Twins.

The Mets held tight to Lastings Milledge – the last player to hold the torch as the pride of the farm system – for years until dealing him in exchange for Brian Schneider and Ryan Church this winter, hardly the sort of blockbuster deal he would have once commanded. So even with the memory of Scott Kazmir in their rearview mirror, the Mets are unlikely to let any minor-leaguer stand in the way of securing their present.

According to one baseball official, Smith has not decided if he wants major league-ready pieces or prospects. The Mets have hoped that their package of minor-leaguers would surpass the offers of the Yankees and Red Sox with their willingness to include any of the prospects, and possibly a greater number of them.

At the winter meetings, Minaya said: "Do we believe we have the players? Yes, we do have the players. We believe we have the players. We like our players. If you're going to get an elite player you're going to have to give up – not one – you're going to have to give two or three of those premium prospects.

"Do we have two or three? Yes, we do. We have some pretty good prospects. We're still developing internationally since I've been here. From a draft standpoint, we've continued to improve the system. We have the players."

Martinez is the prize of the Mets' farm system, ranked No. 1 in the system by Baseball America and possessing the 30-plus home run potential that earned him a $1.4 million signing bonus as a 16-year-old outfielder from the Dominican Republic.

He has been the youngest player in each step of the minor leagues and played at Class AA Binghamton last year at just 18 years old, hitting .271 with four home runs in 60 games. Jeff Wilpon, the Mets' chief operating officer, spoke last year about the possibility of Martinez and Gomez flanking Carlos Beltran in the outfield when the Mets move into Citi Field in 2009, but the possibility of having Santana on the mound for opening day of the 2008 season might be too tempting to resist.

Still, if the Yankees include Phil Hughes, the Twins could have a pitcher who has already thrilled at the major league level, as would a Red Sox offer of Jon Lester or Jacoby Ellsbury.

While the Mets, Yankees and Red Sox may be the only teams willing to put together a package of talent just for the right to negotiate a long term and very costly extension with Santana, the Mets have a greater need for Santana than either of their rivals.

Right now, the Mets head toward the 2008 season with an aging and uncertain Pedro Martinez, under contract for just one more year, 42-year-old Orlando Hernandez, John Maine and Oliver Perez. The prospect of putting Mike Pelfrey at the back end of the rotation is not nearly as enticing as putting the two-time Cy Young Award winner, Santana, on the front end.

E-mail: popper@northjersey.com


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:17 am

Mets take lead in Santana trade sweepstakes


While the Red Sox and Yankees have stalled in potential deals, the Mets have resumed talks with the Twins and, according to one person involved in the talks, "Things are closer."

According to one baseball official, Smith has not decided if he wants major league-ready pieces or prospects. The Mets have hoped that their package of minor-leaguers would surpass the offers of the Yankees and Red Sox with their willingness to include any of the prospects, and possibly a greater number of them.

"Do we have two or three? Yes, we do. We have some pretty good prospects. We're still developing internationally since I've been here. From a draft standpoint, we've continued to improve the system. We have the players."

Still, if the Yankees include Phil Hughes, the Twins could have a pitcher who has already thrilled at the major league level, as would a Red Sox offer of Jon Lester or Jacoby Ellsbury.


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:28 am

Twins Are Fooling Nobody


It appears as if both the Mets and the Yankees have figured out (or at least suspect) what we've been saying here all along - the Twins are using the press in an attempt to create some leverage where none exists.

Quoting from a New York Times story that hit the wire earlier tonight: The Mets have been lurking in the background, waiting for such a circumstance to develop, but they don’t seem to be in any better position than the Yankees or the Red Sox, despite a report Thursday in the Minneapolis newspaper The Star Tribune.

People with the Mets and the Yankees suspect that the report, which said the Mets “might be the best fit,” was an idea generated by the Twins in an effort to induce the Yankees to move. General managers have been known to use reporters to stir another team’s interest.

The Yankees, after all, compete with the Mets as well as the Red Sox and have to guard their flank as carefully as they do their front.

Everybody welcome the Mets and Yankees to the party... Slide over and make room for Omar on the couch, and somebody get Brian Cashman a drink!

ALL of this is, of course, EXACTLY what we've been saying the Twins have been doing, and we've been saying it for more than a month now.

And this latest Santana-to-the-Mets report goes even further than the previous ones. The report said that the Mets had made an offer. According to the Times story, however, the Mets say that is simply not the case.

Quoting again from the story: "The Star Tribune report said the Mets had offered pitchers Phil Humber, Kevin Mulvey and Deolis Guerra, as well as outfielder Carlos Gómez. But a Mets official said they had made no offer, only discussed players in the context of what kinds of players the Twins were seeking — major league-ready players or minor league prospects."

I have said this before: Bill Smith better PRAY he can get the Yankees to give him that Hughes/Cabrera offer he wouldn't accept during the winter meetings. It is the best offer the Twins have received for Santana by a MILE, but the Yankees say it is "not currently on the table."

Smith and the Twins were of the opinion then that the offer would be there for them whenever they wanted it... He better be right about that. If he ends up dropping the ball on this one, it will be just a matter of time before Mr. Smith goes to Washington, or some other city looking for work.


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:36 am

an 11, 2008 9:21 am - News: Wright is Excellent & Philanthropic

...posted by Matthew Cerrone...

According to MLB.com, David Wright, Craig Biggio, Melky Cabrera, Jamal Crawford and Kristi Yamaguchi will be given the Thurman Munson Award for excellence in competition and philanthropic work within the community.

The awards will be presented at the Thurman Munson Awards Dinner at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City on Feb. 5.

Len Berman of NBC Sports will serve as the master of ceremonies.

…great, but will he be spanning the world…

Willie Randolph, Muhammad Ali, Patrick Ewing, Arthur Ashe, Mark Messier, Tom Seaver and John Franco, among many others, have all been given the same award in past years.


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:44 am

WR Brad Smith on His Offseason Workout Regimen

Brad Smith wrote on his NFLPA journal that he’s enjoyed his moving around from position to position, but likes focusing on Wide Receiver. Smith also wrote what his plans for working out will be this offseason.

I’m going to incorporate some new things to try to get an edge. I’m going to try some strength training things outside the weight room, like working with flex bands, swimming and pool workouts to try to do some things for muscles that might not be in a normal workout, and also without the wear and tear of squatting and heavy weights.

Not really knowing what that meant, I asked TJB friend Will Carroll of SI.com and BP, what this actually means. Here’s what Will writes:

It indicates that he’s wearing down and looking for stamina and less wear. The line about heavy weights makes me think he’s feeling a bit bulky, maybe a bit slow.

So he’s looking to increase his stamina and speed. Hopefully that will make him a more legit threat when running routes and bolster his ability to stay competitive on this team as a WR what with Wallace Wright creeping up the roster and Chansi Stuckey a likely backup as well


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:45 am

Comment from Are-Tee
Time: January 10, 2008, 12:13 pm

The more I watch him, the more I believe Brad Smith would be a better fit as a short-yardage running back. Especially since the Jets don’t currently have a good short-yardage back on their roster.

Comment from sjfalcon2001
Time: January 10, 2008, 1:05 pm

With his size I really don’t think he’d be able to handle the abuse he would take as a short yardage running back.

Comment from Are-Tee
Time: January 10, 2008, 1:26 pm

If he only gets five or so carries a game, I don’t think that would be an issue. His main role would continue to be a special teamer, at which he’s very good.

Comment from Bent
Time: January 10, 2008, 1:30 pm

I agree with SJF, but I’d liked to have seen them run the option in the red zone with him.

Can anyone explain what is going on in that picture? It looks like Brad Kassell is holding on a FG attempt by the Ravens #88 and Brad Smith looks like he is trying to do a “Pele”.

If you removed the ball from that picture, it would make for a good game of “spot the ball”. (Strange British soccer-based game from the eighties).

Comment from Rich
Time: January 10, 2008, 3:25 pm

Was it one of those nutty onsides kick(s)?

Comment from jetsgrumbler
Time: January 10, 2008, 3:46 pm

one positive to using b.smith as a short yardage back would be that they could run option and half-back pass sets from same personnel group. imagine 2nd and short or (3rd and short in 4 down territory) where the defense actually had to wonder what play would be called. still, i think he can be a decent possession reciever and they should keep trying to find more gimmick plays for him.

as for his workout routine, i would imagine that any NFL player feels a little worn down at the end of the season. the sport is brutal. also, in my non-expert opionion, i think it is a good idea for all pro athletes to cross-train and not overuse the same muscle groups all the time.

Comment from sjfalcon2001
Time: January 10, 2008, 5:56 pm

5 or so carries a game would be fine, but I’m not sure we need him to do it regularly. Honestly, I want to see Washington more involved in the running game. I think a 2 back set in the red zone with TJ and LW would give us greater flexibility, especially in short yardage, goal line-type situations.


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:47 am

Jets Sign Former USC Safety Darnell Bing


The Jets continue to soak up some depth players.

The Jets signed two players, Guard Stanley Daniels (who saw time with the Jets shortly last summer) but more notably Darnell Bing, a name you might remember from the BCS Championship contending USC Trojans (2003-2005) earning many honors, most notably becoming a finalist for the Jim Thorpe award. Bing wore #20, a retired uniform number at USC with the permission of Mike Garrett the former Heisman winner from USC. As a junior in 2005, Bing started 11 games and finished with 50 tackles, 2.5 TFL, 6 PDs and 4 INT’s.

A likely Mangini project, Darnell Bing’s pro career hasn’t had the luster that he experienced in college. After falling to the Raiders in the 4th round, the Raiders tried to convert Bing to a LB, which didn’t work out, and he moved back to Safety. Shortly after, Bing’s neck was injured and he was put on IR, only to be released by the Raiders a year later. San Francisco then picked him up in hopes of utlizing him, and he spent the 2007 season on the practice squad.

Darnell Bing is known for his combination of size and speed as a safety. Here’s a quick comparison between him and Eric Smith (another 2006 draftee).

Darnell Bing — 6′2″ 227 lbs. 4.58 40-Time
Eric Smith — 6′1″ 209 lbs. 4.63 40-Time

Bing’s athletic ability made this pickup an easy decision, but like Abram Elam, he might not be the most mentally aware player on the field. As a safety scouts note that he can match up in the box, in deep-middle zone and versus some bigger receivers one-on-one. He would be at a loss in coverage against smaller, quicker receivers. My thought is that Bing could contribute on Special Teams if he makes the roster initially, but he might be fighting an uphill battle against Eric Smith, Abram Elam and Erik Coleman.

Here’s a list running down who the Jets have signed and been in contact (as best I can find) with since the end of the season.

Signed to Future Contracts: Alvin Banks (RB), David Clowney (WR), Manny Collins (DB), Jerry Mackey (LB), Brett Ratliff (QB), Shaine Smith (WR), Marco Thomas (WR), Wayne Hunter (OT), Thomas Johnson (DL)
Extended Contract: Joe Smith (RB)
Worked out: Trev Faulk (LB), Rian Wallace (LB), Alfred Fincher (LB), Wesley Duke (TE)


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:53 am

1/2008 4:22 am
2008 NFL Mock Draft


Below is our 2008 NFL Mock Draft (Draft Board), which is updated daily. The NFL Draft is on April 26th, 2008 — Who will your favorite team take in that first-round in 2008? Also, if you’re a fantasy football owner, don’t forget to check out our 2008 NFL Draft Prospects & Rankings.
2008 NFL Mock

Previous NFL Drafts

2008 Draft Prospects

2008 Rookie Mock

FFXtreme Mock

1. Dolphins - Glenn Dorsey, DT LSU
2. Rams - Jake Long, OT Michigan
3. Falcons * - Darren McFadden, RB Arkansas
4. Raiders * - Chris Long, DE Virginia
5. Chiefs * - Brian Brohm, QB Louisville player-value-on-the-rise
6. Jets - Sedrick Ellis, DT USC
7. Patriots (49ers) - James Laurinaitis, ILB Ohio St.
8. Ravens - Matt Ryan, QB Boston College
9. Bengals - Dan Connor, OLB Penn St.
10. Saints - Mike Jenkins, CB South Florida
11. Bills - DeSean Jackson, WR California
12. Broncos - Kenny Phillips, S Miami
13. Panthers - Kentwan Balmer, DT North Carolina
14. Bears - Vernon Gholston, DE Ohio St.
15. Lions - Jonathan Stewart, RB, Oregon player-value-on-the-rise
16. Cardinals - Ryan Clady, OT Boise St.
17. Vikings - Malcolm Jenkins, CB Ohio St.
18. Texans - Kevin Smith, RB Central Florida player-value-on-the-rise
19. Eagles - Malcolm Kelly, WR Oklahoma
20. Buccaneers - Sam Baker, OT USC
21. Redskins - Lawrence Jackson, DE USC
22. Cowboys (Browns) - Antoine Cason, CB Arizona
23. Seahawks - Felix Jones, RB Arkansas player-value-on-the-rise
24. Steelers - Michael Oher, OT Mississippi
25. Titans - Rashard Mendenhall, RB Illinois player-value-on-the-rise
26. Giants - Keith Rivers, OLB, USC
27. Chargers - Frank Okam, DT Texas
28. Jaguars - Derrick Harvey, DE Florida
29. Packers - Aqib Talib, CB Kansas
30. 49ers (from Colts) - Jeff Otah, OT Pittsburgh
31. Cowboys - Adarius Bowman, WR Oklahoma St.
32. No Pick - New England loses pick

2008 Fantasy Football Commercial


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:57 am


Chris Long brings a lunchpail work ethic and an impeccable pedigree from his father, Hall of Fame end Howie Long. The Tuna opts for the safe pick here, but there is no doubt Long is a great talent who can be the cornerstone of a rebuilding defense with great pass rush skills and 2-gap experience.

NFC West
Rams War Room Discussion:

The Rams consider an OT here, but Orlando Pace isn't ready to hang it up yet so they address the defensive side of the ball. Their aging defense desperately needs playmakers and Ellis should provide one. He's a very solid run stuffer who has the skills to push the pocket as well. Adding Ellis allows Adam Carriker to move to his more natural end spot.

NFC South
Falcons War Room Discussion:

The Falcons had a disasterous season, and seek a new beginning with the top offensive prospect in the draft: the electric Darren McFadden. With elite speed and cutback skills, he resembles a bigger Reggie Bush. While QB remains a major need, the Falcons look to address their other holes with their two second round picks. Not only will he excite the fanbase, but he will make things much easier on the Falcons future QB.

AFC West
Raiders War Room Discussion:

Al Davis loves great athletes, and Dorsey definitely fits the bill. Add to that the need to replace Warren Sapp, and this pick works out great for Oakland. Glenn is the rare player that can eat up double teams in the run game yet provides a dangerous pass rushing threat as an every-down DT.

AFC West
Chiefs War Room Discussion:

Herm Edwards has drawn the ire of fans after the Chiefs once dominant offense has faded quickly into just a memory. A big cause of this however was the retirements of key offensive linemen that formed one of the best OL groups in recent years. Bringing in a stud OT like Jake Long is a dream pick for this franchise.

AFC East
Jets War Room Discussion:

The Jets lost a bundle of close games this season after last year's surprise playoff run. There were multiple problems with the team, but the most glaring weakness was a pass rush that at times was non-existant. Enter pass rusher extrordinaire Vernon Gholston. He will need time to adjust to OLB, but should be a force right away bringing the heat on opposing QB's.

AFC East
Patriots War Room Discussion:

With the expected departure of Asante Samuel, the Pats will have a glaring hole in the secondary that needs to be filled. While some might consider this a reach, the Pats front office has rarely cared about the pundits, and draft the players that fit their needs and system. CB Jenkins should grow into another fine Patriots DB in the mold of Law and Samuel.

AFC North
Ravens War Room Discussion:

Out with the old and in with the new in Baltimore. The new coaching staff is elated to find the top QB prospect still on the board and waste no time sending the card in to be announced. Matt Ryan comes into a great situation where he has a chance to start and win right away.

AFC North
Bengals War Room Discussion:

It would be hard to be much worse on defense than the Bengals were this year. While things may improve as their young secondary gains experience, the fact remains they are woefully thin at LB. A chance to get a stud LB and local talent like JL is just too good to resist.

NFC South
Saints War Room Discussion:

While many expected the Saints to go defense last year, they gambled on some suspect defensive free agents and drafted offense early on. This was a disaster as their secondary was probably the worst in the NFL and the team bumbled to a 7-9 finish. An elite man-to-man cover guy like Mike Jenkins fits their system well and provides an instant upgrade for the their lackluster defense.

AFC West
Broncos War Room Discussion:

With Matt Lepsis' recent retirement, the Broncos suddenly have a huge hole at LT. Mike Shanahan will not want his young QB spending half the game on his back, and so jumps at the chance to draft a potential franchise LT in young Ryan Clady. Ryan has rare agility and good size, and should start quickly.

NFC South
Panthers War Room Discussion:

The loss of Mike Minter turns an already weak secondary into a unit in desperate need of reinforcements. The Panthers braintrust would be overjoyed to see an elite physical specimen like Phillips fall into their slot. Sam Baker gets a look, but safeties like Kenny are few and far between. While he is raw and underacheived a bit in his junior season, he compares well athletically with other Miami studs like Ed Reed and Sean Taylor.

NFC North
Bears War Room Discussion:

Word out of the Bears War Room is the man they wanted was Ryan Clady to shore up a rapidly aging OL, but with him off the board they go with Plan B and take a chance at a potential franchise QB in Andre Woodson. While there are major concerns with his slow release, he has all the tools you look for in an elite signal caller.

NFC North
Lions War Room Discussion:

While some voices on the Lions staff argue strongly here for a prototypical Cover-2 MLB in the person of Dan Connor, the disaster in the secondary must be addressed. Cason doesnt bring elite speed, but with his superb instincts in a Cover 2 system he can be a longterm fixture of the caliber of a Ronde Barber, CB Tampa Bay.

NFC West
Cardinals War Room Discussion:

The Cardinals could go several directions here depending on how their complex offseason situation resolves itself, but its clear they could use an explosive pass rusher to take their young defense to the next level. The raw but very gifted Harvey steps into a good position, learning from veteran Bertrand Berry while being groomed as his eventual replacement.

NFC North
Vikings War Room Discussion:

While HC Brad Childress has publicly supported incumbent QB Tavaris Jackson, they are clearly one player away from being a playoff team. Brohm is a potential franchise QB. Combining a great arm with ideal size, Brian could prosper in the NFL with the Vikes strong line and powerful running attack giving him support.

AFC South
Texans War Room Discussion:

With Peyton Manning and Co at the top of the division Houston has geared up to stop the high powered attack in Indy with their recent draft picks. In this case, it's time to compliment that young, improving defense with an elite young back to grind out yards and add another dimension to that offense. Enter Jonathan Stewart who combines power, speed, good hands, all into a stocky 235 lb frame.

NFC East
Eagles War Room Discussion:

With Jevon Kearse's career derailed by age and injury, Andy Reid stays true to form and drafts in the trenches early. Here the pick is the mammoth DE Calais Campbell. His sheer size and speed may demand double teams, and he could be a force at LE stopping the run in the offense heavy NFC East.

NFC South
Buccaneers War Room Discussion:

HC Chucky Gruden has been working to rebuild the Bucs OL thru the draft for several seasons now. At LT however, they tried to patch in the injury riddled ex-Giant Luke Petitgout. This failed, so now Tampa looks to seasoned USC OT Sam Baker to fill this key spot. Sam is an experienced LT with the all the skills, but needs to build consistency.

NFC East
Redskins War Room Discussion:

The Redskins had been hoping a top DE would fall to them in this spot, but lacking that they opt for a top talent in Dan Connor. Connor represents great value at this point, and should be able to step in right away as a starter at OLB, and has the ability to move inside if London Fletcher runs out of gas in the future.

NFC East
Cowboys War Room Discussion:

The Cowboys appear poised to return to the glory years, but there remains work to be done in Dallas. Terrell Owens has done a good job filling the Michael Irvin role, but the team is old and thin at WR. In the old days, the Cowboys had the speedster Alvin Harper, and hope the explosive Jackson can reprise this role in the 21st century with his 4.3 speed and great return skills.

NFC West
Seahawks War Room Discussion:

With former all-pro Shaun Alexander on the roster, this may seem like a strange pick, but Mike Holmgren already did the same thing when he drafted the young Alexander to replace the aging star RB Rickey Watters. Mendenhall is a potential franchise back with a rare combination of power, speed, and vision at his disposal. He is also a great receiver, something Alexander never was.

AFC North
Steelers War Room Discussion:

While they had problems in the secondary, the offensive line play really held back Pittsburg much of this season, with Big Ben running for his life much too often. A mammoth OT from nearby Pitt, Otah combines the size and power of a great RT with the feet of a LT, perfect for the Steelers power offense. Whether he ends up at RT or LT, he should be a major addition.

AFC South
Titans War Room Discussion:

Vince Young had a down year by any account, but jinxes and injuries aside, there is a definite lack of downfield weapons. After passing on Dwayne Bowe last year, the Titans make the move and grab Early Doucet III in the first. Early is a solid possession receiver with good hands and solid skills who could step into a starting role right away.

NFC East
Giants War Room Discussion:

Rivers serious knee injury clouds his prospects a bit, but even if he isn't back to 100% by drafttime, when healthy he was a probable top 20 pick and would fill a huge need for the LB-starved Giants team. He has tremendous speed and is a solid tackler with Pro-Bowl potential.

AFC West
Chargers War Room Discussion:

While the Chargers have solid talent at CB with Cromartie's emergence, Jammer has had problems in man coverage and seems like he might be a better fit at safety. The Chargers consider a LB here, in the end they see Thomas as a steal at this point. He has ideal size and speed, and with some technique work can be a solid starting CB.

AFC South
Jaguars War Room Discussion:

The Jags defense has been one of the best in the NFL, but an upgrade at the Mike spot would be very welcome. Rey is a top-flight talent with ideal size and good speed who can come in and play right away in the center of the Jags defense.

NFC North
Packers War Room Discussion:

The Packers put a lot of pressure on the CB's in their defensive scheme. They need to be able to lock up in single coverage against the bigger receivers in the NFL, yet be good enough tacklers to support in the run game and bring down ballcarriers in the secondary. Talib comes off a great bowl game and brings great size, speed and athletic ability to infuse the aging Packers secondary with youth.

NFC West
49ers War Room Discussion:

Since there are no #1 WRs on the board, the 49ers are forced to look elsewhere. Some might say go OT here, but there are plenty on the board and the 49ers pick again in 8 picks, with Bell maybe not lasting that long. 9ers go with what worked last year and pick the perfect complement to Pat Willis by selecting ILB Beau Bell from UNLV. Bell is big, fast, flies to the ball, forces turnovers, and is very good in coverage - a weakness in Willis' game.

NFC East
Cowboys War Room Discussion:

The Brady Quinn trade gave them the opportunity to upgrade their WR situation, here with the second first Jerry Jones looks to his alma mater for a replacement for the departing Julius Jones. Felix has world class speed, but can run between the tackles and catch the ball as well. With some work on blitz pickup, he should impact right away.

AFC East
Patriots War Room Discussion:


AFC East
Dolphins War Room Discussion:

No comment from War Room



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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:59 am


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:59 am

Santana - Page 12 Phreddraftx


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:02 am

'The Jake' no more: Tribe's home renamed Progressive Field


CLEVELAND -- Jacobs Field will be renamed Progressive Field under terms of an agreement between the Cleveland Indians and the auto insurance company.

The downtown ballpark, known as Jacobs Field since it opened in 1994, will be rebranded for the 2008 season, the Indians said Friday.

The change was first reported by The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer on its Web site Thursday night.

Indians president Paul Dolan scheduled a news conference for Friday morning to release details about the name change.

Progressive Corp., based in the Cleveland suburb of Mayfield Village, is the nation's third biggest auto insurer, ranking behind State Farm and Allstate.

Former team owner Richard E. Jacobs had held the ballpark's naming rights, but his contract expired at the end of the 2006 season, and the club hired sports marketing firm IMG to find a new naming rights partner.

Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:03 am

Adding a whole new meaning to “Cowboy Up”
By: Ben K.


Steve notes that Kevin Kennedy said that a colleague of his told Kennedy that he saw a member of the 2004 Red Sox shooting up with a needle full of performance-enhancing drugs. While that’s a lot of “he saids,” it’s also rather damning. Clearly, the Mitchell Report missed one, two or five hundred players. (0)


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:05 am

why dont dont the mets make it a 4 for 2 deal...why not add F MART and twins add NESHEK to deal...makes sense

Posted by: mrnjdevil | January 11, 2008 at 08:20 AM

actually i meant 5 to 2 deal

Posted by: mrnjdevil | January 11, 2008 at 08:21 AM

They would never give up Neshek specially if they plan on trading Nathan too. He is cheap and will probably close for the Twins this year if they do give up Nathan. You could throw in Rincon instead of Neshek.

Posted by: bgigs52 | January 11, 2008 at 08:31 AM

Twins have no interest in trading Neshek. Want Juan Rincon?

Lennon isn't very clear on why he thinks adding Martinez is wrong. If BS were to turn down Gomez, Martinez, Humber, Mulvey, and Guerra I'd be amazed. That seems to me to be comparable to the deals we were hoping for originally that the Sox and Yanks never came through with.


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:14 am

Mets could be poised to pounce on Santana
Friday, January 11, 2008


NEW YORK -- While the Yankees and the Red Sox posture, the Mets just may be in position to scoop the winter's biggest prize.

According to an official with one of the teams involved, who declined to be identified because the negotiations are still ongoing, the Mets are in discussions with the Twins about acquiring star pitcher Johan Santana.

The Mets have offered fleet-footed outfielder Carlos Gomez and right-handed pitcher Philip Humber, along with a package of pitching prospects that include right-handed pitchers Kevin Mulvey and Deolis Guerra, according to a report in yesterday's Minneapolis Star-Tribune. The Twins have reportedly responded with a demand for prized outfielder Fernando Martinez, the crown jewel of the Mets farm system.

The trade would raid the Mets of several high-quality prospects but would add the two-time Cy Young award winner to the top of their rotation.

Mets general manager Omar Minaya did not return a call or an e-mail seeking comment.

At first, the Twins had demanded that Jose Reyes or David Wright be included in any deal for the left-handed Santana. The Mets steadfastly refused to include either player, leading many to believe the club didn't have the necessary prospects to pull off a deal. But with the Yankees and Red Sox hemming over the parameters of a deal, the Mets have taken advantage of the lull and made an offer.

The official said there's a feeling that the Yankees and Red Sox are just "bluffing each other" to make sure the other team doesn't acquire Santana.

The Mets are showing "very real interest" in relocating their top-minor league team from New Orleans to Syracuse, according to Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is actively lobbying for the move.

Schumer said he spoke with Mets owner Fred Wilpon about the potential move of the baseball team's Triple-A affiliate from New Orleans to Syracuse for the 2009 season. He said Wilpon agreed it seems like a perfect fit for the Mets.

The Mets announced a series of ticket packages will go on sale today at noon. Each Mets Seven Pack features a ticket to the Mets' final opening day at Shea, a Subway Series game or the final regular season game at Shea. Tickets can be purchased online at Mets.com or by calling (718) 507-TIXX.

The Newhouse News Service contributed to this report


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:17 am

Mets could be poised to pounce on Santana
Friday, January 11, 2008


NEW YORK -- While the Yankees and the Red Sox posture, the Mets just may be in position to scoop the winter's biggest prize.

According to an official with one of the teams involved, who declined to be identified because the negotiations are still ongoing, the Mets are in discussions with the Twins about acquiring star pitcher Johan Santana.

The Mets have offered fleet-footed outfielder Carlos Gomez and right-handed pitcher Philip Humber, along with a package of pitching prospects that include right-handed pitchers Kevin Mulvey and Deolis Guerra, according to a report in yesterday's Minneapolis Star-Tribune. The Twins have reportedly responded with a demand for prized outfielder Fernando Martinez, the crown jewel of the Mets farm system.

The trade would raid the Mets of several high-quality prospects but would add the two-time Cy Young award winner to the top of their rotation.

Mets general manager Omar Minaya did not return a call or an e-mail seeking comment.

At first, the Twins had demanded that Jose Reyes or David Wright be included in any deal for the left-handed Santana. The Mets steadfastly refused to include either player, leading many to believe the club didn't have the necessary prospects to pull off a deal. But with the Yankees and Red Sox hemming over the parameters of a deal, the Mets have taken advantage of the lull and made an offer.

The official said there's a feeling that the Yankees and Red Sox are just "bluffing each other" to make sure the other team doesn't acquire Santana.

The Mets are showing "very real interest" in relocating their top-minor league team from New Orleans to Syracuse, according to Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is actively lobbying for the move.

Schumer said he spoke with Mets owner Fred Wilpon about the potential move of the baseball team's Triple-A affiliate from New Orleans to Syracuse for the 2009 season. He said Wilpon agreed it seems like a perfect fit for the Mets.

The Mets announced a series of ticket packages will go on sale today at noon. Each Mets Seven Pack features a ticket to the Mets' final opening day at Shea, a Subway Series game or the final regular season game at Shea. Tickets can be purchased online at Mets.com or by calling (718) 507-TIXX.

The Newhouse News Service contributed to this report


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:22 am

Ex-Jays defend Rocket
Teammates believe Clemens



Whom do you believe?

Roger Clemens, the former Blue Jays right-hander, who says he never took performance-enhancing drugs?

Or Brian McNamee, the ex-Jays strength coach, who told Mitchell Report investigators that he injected Clemens with steroids in 1998?

"If you had the choice to line up on one side or the other, I'd join Clemens," said former catcher Darrin Fletcher, who caught Clemens during his Cy Young award-winning season in 1988. "When Roger goes on 60 Minutes and says he didn't do it, I believe him. He's behaving like an innocent man."

Clemens has launched a civil suit against McNamee.

Jays president Paul Beeston brought free-agent Clemens to Toronto for the 1997 season. After going 21-7 with a 2.05 earned-run average in 1997, Clemens went 20-6 with a 2.65 ERA, the next season, Fletcher's first with the Jays.

"Roger is the epitome of pitching, it's in his soul," Fletcher said. "I never saw anyone as into his craft as Roger, he was so enthralled with pitching."


And what if Fletcher's gut feel is wrong?

"If it comes out 20 years from now he did something, I'd still place him on the highest pedestal, I would not think anything less of him," Fletcher said.

"We don't think anything less today of Andy Pettitte today, do we?"

Pettitte admitted taking HGH from McNamee when the left-hander was rehabbing in Tampa from an elbow injury.

And the tour of seven 1998 Jays continues, Clemens teammates one and all.

All were put through their paces by McNamee, one and all.

"Roger's seasons in Toronto were the two best I ever saw from a pitcher, I don't need to question him," Pat Hentgen said. "I was his throwing partner, I know him a little.

"It's very unfortunate it has come to this."

Former left fielder Shannon Stewart watched the Mike Wallace interview and the playing of the Clemens-McNamee tape.

"It has been wild TV, one saying 'he did something,' the other saying he 'didn't do a thing,' " Stewart said.

"I think you're innocent until you're proven guilty and Roger said he didn't take steroids.

"I don't know how they're going to prove anything, but it will be the real deal when they get before Congress."

Chuck Knoblauch, Pettitte and Clemens, have been called to testify before the House Oversight Committee Feb. 13 at a hearing on the Mitchell Report.

Paul Quantrill and Clemens were teammates for five seasons, three with the Boston Red Sox and two with the Jays.

"I know the character of both men involved," Quantrill said.

"Roger is a person I trust. I felt that way before the Mitchell Report or the press conference in Houston."

One player refused comment as his current club had a policy of not allowing players or employees to comment on the Mitchell Report.

Another did not want his name used but said: "I faced Roger when he was in Boston, I played behind Roger," the ex-Jay said. "Roger sounded believable on 60 Minutes and at his press conference. I never saw a steroid until I left Toronto.

"I'm not really sure what the Mitchell Report accomplished. Baseball had a drug plan in place. It was working. Players were being suspended for performance-enhancing drugs.

"Why throw a bunch of guys' reputations under the bus? To satisfy Congress?"

Another player said Clemens was seen more often working out either on a Stairmaster, in the weight room, or running rather than sitting in the clubhouse.

One player refused to comment or side with either.

Fletcher said he never saw steroids in the SkyDome clubhouse.

"The only thing they would have got me for was if they tested for Timbits and a double-double," Fletcher said jokingly. "I was guilty of that. I'm glad they didn't test us for that.

"Tim Hortons coffee and doughnuts were irresistible."


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:27 am

Rice was exceptional in his time


posted: Friday, January 11, 2008 | Feedback | Print Entry
filed under: MLB

During Jim Rice's incredible 1978 season, a total of two American League players had on-base percentages over .400: Rod Carew, with .411, and Ken Singleton, at .409. In 2007, eight AL players achieved an OBP of .400 or higher.

In fact, in the seven seasons played since the start of 2001, there already have been 42 AL players who have posted OBPs of .400 or better; in the entire decade, of 1970-79, there were only 36 AL players who achieved OBPs of .400 or better. It was a time of less offense and fewer runs, a time when teams didn't value walks the way they do now, a time when the strike zone was larger, a time when hitting 20 homers and driving in 80 runs was an excellent year.

So it's almost laughable to hear and read about how Rice was nothing more than a very good player in his time. Look, if you stick his statistics into offensive formulas tailored for the way the game was played in the '90s, he's not going to look as good. Giving him demerits because he failed to draw walks is like diminishing what Pedro Martinez has accomplished because he has only two 20-win seasons.

But if you look at him within the context of his time, he was exceptional, as statistics generated by Steve Hirdt and Rob Tracy of the Elias Sports Bureau bear out:

* From 1975 to 1986, Mike Schmidt accumulated 12 seasons of at least 20 homers. Rice ranks second in that time frame, with 11.

* Only two players, in that time frame, accumulated 11 seasons of 85 or more RBI: Schmidt and Rice.

* The top four in OPS from 1975-1986: Schmidt at .932, George Brett .901, Eddie Murray .876, and Rice .842.

* He's one of 11 guys to have led his league in total bases at least four times since 1900 (nine Hall of Famers, including eight top-tier Hall of Famers, A-Rod and Rice). Most seasons leading league in total bases (since 1900): Hank Aaron, 8; Rogers Hornsby, 7; Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and Stan Musial, 6; Honus Wagner, 5; Chuck Klein, Lou Gehrig, Rice and A-Rod, 4.

* Rice batted .309 in more than 2,000 at-bats with runners in scoring position over his career, 11 points higher than his overall career batting average. Among players with 2,000 RISP at-bats over that span, it was second-highest to Brett's .316.

* Rice was consistently regarded as one of the best players in the American League: He not only won the MVP Award in 1978 (beating out a pitcher who finished 25-3 and won the pennant-clinching tie-breaker game), but Rice had six top-five finishes in the MVP Award (3rd in 1975, 4th in 1977, 1st in 1978, 5th in 1979, 4th in 1983, 3rd in 1986).

If you add up the total points accumulated in MVP voting from 1937, add up the annual points each player earned (and convert each year's points total to its equivalent under the current voting format to account for differences in the number of teams and voters over the years), Rice fares well.

Not surprisingly, Barry Bonds has the most cumulative MVP points, followed by Musial, Williams, Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, Aaron, A-Rod, Frank Thomas, Schmidt and Joe DiMaggio. But here's the point on Rice: Only two HOF-eligible players who stand in the top 40 on that list of cumulative MVP points have not been elected to the Hall: Rice (who stands 22nd) and Dave Parker (23rd).

Rice had more adjusted MVP points than HOFers Harmon Killebrew, Ernie Banks, Al Kaline, Johnny Bench, Dave Winfield, Carl Yastrzemski, Cal Ripken, Kirby Puckett, Lou Boudreau, Roberto Clemente, Roy Campanella, Nellie Fox, Ryne Sandberg, Tony Gwynn, Duke Snider, Gary Carter, Robin Yount, Phil Rizzuto, Rod Carew, Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson, Willie McCovey, Lou Brock, Billy Williams, Paul Molitor, Red Schoendienst, Ralph Kiner, Carlton Fisk, Wade Boggs, Charlie Gehringer, Luis Aparicio, Larry Doby, Bobby Doerr, Tony Perez, Richie Ashburn, Enos Slaughter, Bill Mazeroski and Ozzie Smith.

Rice was a significantly better hitter at home than on the road, hitting .320, with a slugging percentage of .546 and 208 career homers in Fenway, compared with an average of .277 and 174 homers on the road. But again, consider the era, and how much less offense there was. If you were a team, you would like to have the guy considered to be most dominant home-field hitter in the game? Of course you would. Rice was taking advantage of the conditions in the games he played, much as Sandy Koufax did. From 1962-1966, Koufax had a home ERA of .1.37, in the pitcher-friendly Dodger Stadium, and a road ERA of 2.57. Does anyone say that this diminishes what Koufax accomplished, the way it is said about Rice?

• Goose Gossage will go into the Hall with a Yankee cap, but he had a nice run with the White Sox, as Bob Vanderberg writes.

• The Rangers are close to signing Jason Jennings, writes Evan Grant, but a lot of other pitchers coming off injuries and surgery remain available.

Bartolo Colon remains unsigned. Heard Thursday that Colon on the verge of signing with the Mets last week, but the Mets backed off after taking a closer look at the condition of his right arm.

Freddy Garcia has drawn interest from many teams, says agent, Chris Leible, but it figures that Garcia won't ready to pitch in the majors until June, so there is no rush, from the player's perspective, to sign. Garcia already is throwing, but, Leible says, "We don't need to speed him up. We don't want to rush him." Garcia may sign during spring training, or even later, as teams check to monitor the rehab progress of a 32-year-old pitcher who has a career record of 117-76.

• The Mets have not excluded top prospect Fernando Martinez from the Johan Santana trade talks, writes Steve Popper. Santana's agent told the Twins that the pitcher wants the situation settled by the start of spring training, according to Murray Chass.

• The Brewers have talked with Billy Hall about possibly moving to third base, writes Tom Haudricourt.

• Chris Reitsma signed with the Mariners.

• The Rangers increased their ticket prices.

• Oakland is looking for a right-handed hitting outfielder. The Athletics' talks with Atlanta over Mark Kotsay have a chance of becoming serious today, by the way; the Braves are looking for a total salary dump, while Oakland wants a middling prospect coming its way while picking up some of Kotsay's salary.

• The Yankees signed Jason Lane.

• Heard that the Phillies are still fishing around for a third baseman and someone who has the ability to play center field.

• The Marlins are talking about Luis Gonzalez.

• Within this Jeremy Cothran piece, there is word that the Mets want to relocate their Triple-A franchise to Syracuse.

• The Pirates have invested millions in their academy in the Dominican, writes Dejan Kovacevic.

• The Mariners might sign Luis Gonzalez if Adam Jones is traded to Baltimore, writes John Hickey.

• The biggest variable for the Tigers in 2008 is health, writes Lynn Henning.

• Some Pirates' starters are looking to build on solid 2007 seasons.

• The Cardinals signed Josh Phelps.

• The Red Sox have signed Doug Mirabelli, writes Michael Silverman and Tony Massarotti.

• The Rays may tell Evan Longoria whether he's going to make the Opening Day roster before spring training starts, writes Marc Lancaster. Joe Maddon envisions the Rays winning 81 games, perhaps, writes Marc Topkin.

• A House committee wants to meet with Roger Clemens as soon as next week, writes Jeff Barker.

• Brian McNamee met with federal prosecutors for about three hours on Thursday.

• A bunch of former Jays say they believe Clemens over McNamee, in this piece by Bob Elliott. Clemens's imperiled legacy fuels his rage, writes Rick Morrissey.

• John Dowd, the investigator who worked the Pete Rose case, thinks that George Mitchell made some mistakes.

• Chuck Knoblauch addressed the Mitchell report in this Thayer Evans piece, and said he hasn't been contacted by anyone from Congress about the Feb. 13 hearing.

• Officials from the players' union and Major League Baseball have been talking about PEDs and adopting some of the recommendations in the Mitchell report.

What is interesting, in talking with MLB officials, is that some of the administrative changes recommended by the Mitchell report have been in place for years.

And Other Stuff
Wide receiver Earl Bennett is leaving Vanderbilt to join the NFL, writes Maurice Patton. What the heck is he thinking? Does he realize the fame and glory that awaits him if he were to lead Vanderbilt to a winning season next year?

(Just kidding, of course …)


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:28 am

Goose loose in Chicago


By Bob Vanderberg
Tribune staff reporter

January 10, 2008, 10:15 PM CST

When the word came Tuesday of Rich "Goose" Gossage's election to the Baseball Hall of Fame, there was also the mention that Gossage likely would enter baseball's shrine wearing a Yankees cap.

Fair enough. His greatest years were in New York. But there was a time when he belonged to the White Sox, a time when he took his lumps and a time when he also gave evidence that greatness was in his future.

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It started in the summer of 1970 at Sarasota in rookie ball. Gossage, then 19, started three games, won each one and struck out 21 while walking four in 16 innings.

"I got on the phone and called the minor-league office in Chicago," Ray Berres, then the Sox's roving pitching instructor, told me years later. "I said, 'This kid is wasting his time down here. Get him up to [Class A] Appleton. I think he'll do just as well there.' "

He didn't right away (0-3, 5.91 the rest of that summer), but the next season he was 18-2 for Appleton with a 1.83 earned-run average. The next April, in Kansas City, he was making his big-league debut at 20. First batter he faced, in relief of Stan Bahnsen (a.k.a. Stanley Struggle), was Lou Piniella. He walked him to fill the bases. But he got out of the inning with only one run scoring, and he was on his way.

His first save? Wednesday afternoon, June 7, 1972, with Harry Caray broadcasting from the center-field bleachers at old Comiskey Park. Gossage entered with a man on and no outs in the seventh with the Sox up 2-1 on Boston. He closed out the game with three scoreless innings.

By mid-1974, though, he had been shipped to the minors twice, and the Sox were losing patience. And so, of course, was Caray. But one afternoon in Minnesota, Gossage got a rare start—after making a rare trip to the barber shop—and was blowing away one Twins batter after another. Along about the fourth inning, Harry finally noticed Gossage's shorn locks.

"Hey, Rich got a haircut! He looks nice," he said. "Boy, we've been rooting for this kid."

He hadn't been, of course, but not even Caray could get down on Gossage in 1975, the year he came into his own. That spring there had been some question as to whether he even would make the ballclub. I had phoned Larry Monroe, the Forest View High School pitcher who had been the Sox's No. 1 draft pick the previous June, for an update on his progress at camp. We finished the interview and, before hanging up, I asked him about Gossage.

"He just looks so determined," Monroe said. "He's really throwing well. I think he's going to have a big year."

It should come as no surprise that Monroe developed into an outstanding scout. Gossage in '75 worked in 62 games, struck out 130 batters in 142 innings, had 26 saves and posted a 1.84 ERA.

So what did the Sox do with their new relief ace in 1976? They made him a starting pitcher. New manager Paul Richards, after Gossage three-hit the Twins 4-1 in the second game of the season, said somewhat smugly:

"I don't want to criticize anybody, but how could you have a kid who can throw like that and not start him?"

Richards had been one of the game's great innovators but apparently was blind to the growing importance of the bullpen. In any event, Gossage's only year as a starter was marked by excellent performances that mattered little because the '76 Sox had an offense that was, to put it kindly, tragically comic.

He pitched the season finale and, when it was over and he had lost 3-0 at Texas, Gossage had finished with a 9-17 record and with it, as Harry Caray put it, "the ig-nuh … ig-no … igno-man … igno-moan-ious … ignominious distinction … of having the most losses on the team, 17—to 16 for Bort Johnson."

Two months later, Gossage was gone, Bill Veeck having traded him and Terry Forster to the Pirates for Richie Zisk. A return to the bullpen, and greatness, awaited him. But there was one final "contribution" to his original club.

On July 31, 1991, at the Comiskey Park that Gossage never called home, Robin Ventura lit him up in the ninth for a two-out, game-winning grand slam. At that point, he no longer had Hall of Fame stuff.

No matter. He long since had punched his ticket for Cooperstown.

Bob Vanderberg is a Tribune sports copy editor.


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Santana - Page 12 Empty Re: Santana

Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:31 am

melky just got the thurman munson award too...so c ya melk man

that said. I like Chacon in the pen. FA. His first yr, in NY he was a 2.85, his record with us is 12 and 6, he returned to the pen and check his stats out last fall....lights out. especially sept! and that is big.

i'd throw a year at him for mid relief...no doubt...better than some of the knuckle heads there now.

so, melky and matsui (said would waive ntc) owuld make a decnt outfield for someone. MARTE. Pit.

bull pen is the answer though. Albaladejo is a kid too. Cant wait to see that.

go yanks
KingofNYCEH1 Post #28: 8:41 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 2162

melky just got the thurman munson award too...so c ya melk man

that said. I like Chacon in the pen. FA. His first yr, in NY he was a 2.85, his record with us is 12 and 6, he returned to the pen and check his stats out last fall....lights out. especially sept! and that is big.

i'd throw a year at him for mid relief...no doubt...better than some of the knuckle heads there now.

so, melky and matsui (said would waive ntc) owuld make a decnt outfield for someone. MARTE. Pit.

bull pen is the answer though. Albaladejo is a kid too. Cant wait to see that.

go yanks

I think the Yanks got the better half of the Clippard/Albaladejo deal. The kid looks pretty strong, he's also doing well in the Velezuelan league this winter.

You know what, nobody has bashed Farnsworth in the past like me, but I would like to see what he does this season with Girardi and a new pitching and bullpen coach. Also this is his walking year.


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Post  RedMagma Fri Jan 11, 2008 8:33 am

Rose's DOWD BLAMES Red Sock Legal Consultant MITCHELL.
swiftyread Post #1: 12:59 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 230

no...every yankee is guilty....no one else is...especially not lowell, beckett and the 2001 RED SOX TEAM...paxton crawford
Dowd faults Mitchell on evidence decision

Associated Press

1/10/2008 8:48:05 PM

NEW YORK - The lawyer who led baseball's investigation of Pete Rose said George Mitchell's failure to release most of the evidence from his probe on doping in baseball undermined the credibility of the report.

Mitchell refused a request from The Associated Press to make public more than 50 documents referenced in footnotes. The former Senate majority leader also has not released notes from his interviews with witnesses who implicated Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Miguel Tejada and others in the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

"That's ridiculous," chief Rose investigator John Dowd said Thursday
Weihbe6 Post #2: 1:28 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 1344
From a poster as responsible as yourself, I assumed you would present a better opinion on the matter.

swiftyread Post #3: 6:50 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 230

i dont see where dowd says clemens is a liar....

some like to incite

i read this argument the other day and fell.

I know she is a crappy writer, I mean she stole the nick name for clemens right from us...Fraudger.

that is a disgrace. we will be lucky to survive this congressional as a sport. that is no joke my friends. I know some "hate" Roger...especially in BOS...becasue of his success. The actually HATE a player in a sport...whom they do not even know personally. Yet they all have cute little stories about baggage and planes and hum vs. what is the jealousy about? Tiger has a caddy too.

Depos are being taken. THis is going to blow. When do you think the next PLAYER STRIKE WILL BE??? The UNION said do not TALK TO MITCHELL..

baseball will be in trouble...until we answer WHY WAS MAC OFFERED THIS DEAL??


page 340 mitchell ?report?

And, as noted elsewhere in this report, the policy of the

Department of Justice, and of other prosecutors, is to prosecute the manufacturers, importers, and distributors of performance enhancing substances, not the athletes who use them.

_where is the bigger dealer in return for immunity?????????

_did they offer that to nab a player??????

_where is the paxton and perez investigation...go to find button, and type it in the mitchell report....

"I DISTRIBUTED ROIDS TO THE WHOLE TEAM " perez. marlins. lowell and beckett 2001

and "WE WERE LAUGHING ABOUT IT (roids)" crawford. boston. 2001. veretek. wakefield. i wont go furhter.

good luck baseball..hope you get some fans back....and hope the players dont strike again

NYScooter10 Post #4: 8:39 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 768

I agree that the Mitchell report has more gaping holes than a Thai brothel, but the absence of data against other players is not a response to the data this IS there about Clemens -- and that's the reason you're going after the report.

You're starting to lose your credibility on this board because you're not engaging in debate about the topics you start. You're simply insisting. I've read most of what you've posted, and you put together a thought pretty well. But when it comes to debating it, you resort to a very sophomoric approach. Just my opinion. The board could use more posters like you if you can work that piece out. You also put words in my mouth a few times, which I didn't appreciate.

swiftyread Post #5: 9:03 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 230

I agree that the Mitchell report has more gaping holes than a Thai brothel, but the absence of data against other players is not a response to the data this IS there about Clemens -- and that's the reason you're going after the report.

You're starting to lose your credibility on this board because you're not engaging in debate about the topics you start. You're simply insisting. I've read most of what you've posted, and you put together a thought pretty well. But when it comes to debating it, you resort to a very sophomoric approach. Just my opinion. The board could use more posters like you if you can work that piece out. You also put words in my mouth a few times, which I didn't appreciate.

show me where i did not engage ANY question...please do. Credibilty on espn??? pah-lease dont insult my intelect with such utter non-sense. who is fraud-ger? if youre challenging me with anything credible or my being credible than do so with backing it up. i am so used to blogs it makes me sick at times, and roll on the floor as well. I am insisting though...no one else is, so i apparently have to...so called yanks my foot. IS that your buzz word...sophmoric..I AM CLEARLY OUTRAGED. and when dealing with an issue like roger clemens and other "camps" deep seeded "feelings" about the ROCKET...yeah, i tend to bash em back. though as a yank it aint even fair. (chuckling)

i come here to get answers...which there are NONE. THAT IS THE POINT AND THE REASON I AM BRINGING MORE PEOPLE HERE TO DO THE SAME> right 22?


look, when we talk roids, and you bring up the bat...which has obvious implications...and is said to be "suspect" of roid rage...i stop reading and respond. Seen it too many times, and it is not just here, but i assume its the worst here....you know why too. if that makes me sophmoric...so be it. i post for all to see. and make points sometimes outside the realm of our exclusive banter. shouldnt be that big a deal.


C'MON NESPN????????

swiftyread Post #6: 9:00 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 230

by the way scooter,

i thought you might enjoy this...

guess who lives in DC and will be at the Oversight Comm. Mtg?

youll know...i'll make sure of it. I am in arlington...3 minutes away. I cant wait!

We have a few others that are traveling down too. SIGNS...any ideas for a cathy slogan...forward them or post them on my wall. hehehe

we're gonna say our peace as fans! I PROMISE YOU! that is banking my credibilty right there, "i put my butt on the line."

does that mean i am lying
(chucklle...its funny)
bostonfanatic87 Post #7: 9:43 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 9186
You kids need to cut the conspiracy theories, there isn't one. Mitchell had to work with the sources that would talk because he did not have subpoena power, the only 2 sources that would have a chat with him were New York guys, so it stands to reason that more New York players would be fingered.
NYScooter10 Post #8: 9:57 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 768

You kids need to cut the conspiracy theories, there isn't one. Mitchell had to work with the sources that would talk because he did not have subpoena power, the only 2 sources that would have a chat with him were New York guys, so it stands to reason that more New York players would be fingered.

I hope that you're not including me in this comment. I stated that the report has holes -- it is not a complete report. I did not make any statements about the report itself lacking integrity. I think the sample size is small, but I don't think there were any decisions made to focus on the Yankees. I think bringing the Yankees of the 1990's down would be worse for baseball. Even Yankee haters have acknowledged that the teams of the late 1990s' won with a better makeup than the teams they felt steinbrenner 'bought' throughout this current decade.
bostonfanatic87 Post #9: 10:21 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 9186

I hope that you're not including me in this comment. I stated that the report has holes -- it is not a complete report. I did not make any statements about the report itself lacking integrity. I think the sample size is small, but I don't think there were any decisions made to focus on the Yankees. I think bringing the Yankees of the 1990's down would be worse for baseball. Even Yankee haters have acknowledged that the teams of the late 1990s' won with a better makeup than the teams they felt steinbrenner 'bought' throughout this current decade.


Certainly not you man, cuz I agree, this report does not, and was not meant to cover everyone or be an end all report or anything of that nature, but the people that think that theres some huge conspiracy because there are more NY players on them.
DragonfromTO Post #10: 10:30 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 8686

I hope that you're not including me in this comment. I stated that the report has holes -- it is not a complete report. I did not make any statements about the report itself lacking integrity. I think the sample size is small, but I don't think there were any decisions made to focus on the Yankees. I think bringing the Yankees of the 1990's down would be worse for baseball. Even Yankee haters have acknowledged that the teams of the late 1990s' won with a better makeup than the teams they felt steinbrenner 'bought' throughout this current decade.


Certainly not you man, cuz I agree, this report does not, and was not meant to cover everyone or be an end all report or anything of that nature, but the people that think that theres some huge conspiracy because there are more NY players on them.

The other point to be made is that it's not like George Mitchell investigated, sought out and dug into these NY guys specifically... the reason Radomski and McNamee are in the report is because they were handed to Mitchell by the Feds. And that would have still been the case if George Steinbrenner himself were putting together the report.
swiftyread Post #11: 10:31 am Quote | Report Violation
Total Posts: 230

You kids need to cut the conspiracy theories, there isn't one. Mitchell had to work with the sources that would talk because he did not have subpoena power, the only 2 sources that would have a chat with him were New York guys, so it stands to reason that more New York players would be fingered.

is tha you answer...try this : a mets player was BUSTED and gave up RADOM

who in turn cooperated...gave checks up...and tada MAC

FINGER THAT...its true! not just hot gas....



answer thos questions up there ....kid


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